
Archive Shuttle 11.1 - Administration Guide

Introduction Configuring Archive Shuttle Using HOTS Using the Archive Shuttle user interface Dashboards Manage Configuration Advanced configuration Monitoring Logging Reporting Journal Transformation migration PowerShell guide Troubleshooting

EV export issues

EV exports not working

If Archive Shuttle is unable to export data from Enterprise Vault, the following steps and information will help Support investigate the issue:

General information

– EV version

– Location of the EV Export Module (is it on an EV Server)

– Archive Shuttle Core version

– Archive Shuttle modules version

Steps to follow

Is it all items for all mappings?  Yes/No. If Yes, go to step 1. If no, go to step 2.

Step 1

1.Check the staging area is configured for the links which are required.

a.Some links may not have the default staging area.

b.Check the staging area is accessible from the location where the export modules are installed

c.Collect a screenshot

2.Check modules are associated with the links

a.Some links may not have had any modules configured for them

b.Collect a screenshot

3.Check the modules are enabled

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot

4.Check the modules are scheduled appropriately

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot


Step 2

Is it some items for all mappings?   Yes/No.  If Yes continue with this step. If No, go to Step 3.

1.Check the Failed Items screen for the mappings

a.Remember to select the link when entering the Failed Items screen for the first time

b.Collect a screenshot

2.Check the error that has been presented on the Failed Items Screen

a.Often the error will indicate what the problem is, or where to check

b.Collect a screenshot

3.Check that the items can be downloaded

a.Click on the ‘Download’ link. This will call download.asp for the item, from Enterprise Vault

b.Does the item download successfully? Yes/No

c.Does the item open correctly in Outlook? Yes/No

4.Try reprocessing the items from the failed items screen which will submit them to the export module again.

a.It may take a few minutes for the items to actually get reprocessed

b.Check the Failed items screen afterwards

c.Indicate whether the errors are the same and collect a screenshot. Same error? Yes/No

5.Try reprocessing the items by clicking on ‘Failed Exports’ on the Stage 1 screen

a.It may take a few minutes for the items to actually get reprocessed

b.Check the Failed Items screen afterwards

c.Indicate whether the errors are the same and collect a screenshot.  Same error? Yes/No

6.Check the license has not expired

a.Take a screenshot of the license page. Note: The license is month/day/year format.


Step 3

Did export start, and then just stop? Yes/No.  If Yes continue with this step.

1.Check that the module doesn’t have a scheduled defined

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot

2.Check the Health Dashboard and ensure that the link is not used up (ie watermarks and ‘exported but not imported’)

a.Collect a screenshot

3.Check the disk space thresholds on the Health Dashboard

a.Collect a screenshot

4.Select ‘Hanging Exports’ on the Stage 1 screen

a.Describe what happens

b.Wait 1-2 minutes, and refresh the Stage 1 screen to see if the exports start again

5.Check the ItemRoutingErrorCount in the ItemRouting table in SQL

a.If the error count is 10 or higher, the items will not be automatically reprocessed

b.They can be manually reprocessed by changing the Error Count in SQL, or from the Failed Items screen

6.Check the license has not expired

a.Take a screenshot of the license page. Note: The license is month/day/year format.


Step 4

1.Gather logs

a.Ensure that the module is configured for TRACE level logging

b.This is done on the Modules page

c.Reprocess the item(s), or click on ‘Failed Exports’, or click on ‘Hanging Exports’ on Stage1 screen

d.Wait one to five minutes

e.Generate a ‘Support Bundle’ for review by Support

EV import issues

EV Imports not working

If Archive Shuttle is unable to import data into Enterprise Vault, the following steps and information will help Support investigate the issue.

General information

·EV version

·Location of the EV Import Module (is it on an EV Server)

·Archive Shuttle Core version

·Archive Shuttle modules version

Steps to follow

Is it all items for all mappings? Yes/No. If yes, go to step 1, if no, go to step 2.


Step 1

1.Check that the retention categories are mapped.

a.Unmapped categories can be seen on the System Health page

b.This is required for intra or inter site migrations

c.Take a screenshot of the Retention Category mappings

2.Check that the EV Import modules are scheduled

a.This is on the Modules page

b.Take a screenshot of the schedule

3.Check that the EV Import module is enabled, and the Core is able to communicate with it

a.The module should not show as ‘red’ on the Modules page

b.Take a screenshot of the Modules page

4.Check that the link containing the target vault store has an Import Module which is mapped

a.This is on the Links Page

b.Take a screenshot, and highlight the link


Step 2

Is it some items for all mappings? Yes/No. If yes, continue with this step, if no, go to step 3.

1.Check the disk space is not exhausted

a.Collect a screenshot

2.Check that the exported-but-not-imported figure has not exceeded 100%

a.Take a screenshot of the System Health page

3.Review any errors on the Failed Items screen

a.Take a screenshot of the errors


Step 3

Did the import start, and then just stop? Yes/No. If yes, continue with this step, if no go to step 4.

1.Check that the module doesn’t have a scheduled defined

a.This is on the modules page

b.Take a screenshot of the schedule

2.Check the System Health page to ensure the target vault store/link is not in backup mode

a.Take a screenshot of the System Health Page

3.Check the ‘Index Incomplete’ values on the System Health page

a.Take a screenshot of the System Health Page

4.Check the disk space is not exhausted

a.Collect a screenshot

5.Check that the exported-but-not-imported figure has not exceeded 100%

a.Take a screenshot of the System Health page

6.Review any errors on the Failed Items screen

a.Take a screenshot of the errors


Step 4

1.Gather logs:

a.Ensure that the module is configured for TRACE level logging

b.This is done on the modules page

c.Reprocess the item(s) or click on ‘Failed Imports’, or click on ‘Hanging Imports’

d.Wait one to five minutes

e.Generate a ‘Support Bundle’ for review by Support.

EV collector issues

EV Collector not working

If Archive Shuttle is unable to collect data from Enterprise Vault, the following steps and information will help Support investigate the issue:

General Information

·EV version

·Location of the EV Collector Module (is it on an EV Server?)

·Archive Shuttle Core version

·Archive Shuttle modules version

·Mailbox Archive Item collection or Journal Archive Item collection

o Verifying the type of EV Collector Module


Steps to follow

Is it all items for all mappings?  Yes/No. If Yes, go to step 1, if no, go to step 2.

Step 1

1.Check modules are associated with the links

a.Some links may not have had any modules configured for them

b.Collect a screenshot

2.Check the modules are enabled

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot

3.Check the modules are scheduled appropriately

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot

4.Check the Link database is created for the Source Link

a.Source Link should have a Link database created

b.Collect a screenshot

5.Check the EV vaults stores are collected

a.All vault stores should be showed on EV Environments screen

b.Collect a screenshot


Step 2

Is it some items for all mappings?   Yes/No.  If Yes continue with this step, if No go to Step 3.

1.Check if all Mappings are showing on Stage 1 and Existing Mapping screens

a.Include the source and target link name column

b.Collect a screenshot

2.Try re-collecting the items

a.Trigger the item collection from Existing mapping screen

b.Check the log files for the collection

c.Are there any errors? Yes/No

3.Check the license has not expired

a.Take a screenshot of the license page. Note: The license is month/day/year format.


Step 3

Did Collection start, and then just stop? Yes/No.  If Yes, continue with this step.

1.Check that the module doesn’t have a scheduled defined

a.This is on the ‘Modules’ page

b.Collect a screenshot


Step 4

1.Gather logs

a.Ensure that the module is configured for TRACE level logging

b.This is done on the Modules page

c.Reprocess the item(s), or click on ‘Failed Exports’, or click on ‘Hanging Exports’

d.Wait one to five minutes

e.Generate a ‘Support Bundle‘ for review by Support (Ensure each Collector Module is selected in the Bundle)

Disk space reducing unexpectedly

Administrators may notice that free disk space reduces unexpectedly on closed Enterprise Vault partitions containing Collection (.CAB) files.

The Enterprise Vault Export module may log the following error:

2017-02-10 08:43:18Z|5240| 53|ERROR| Process|Error occured. ArchiveID: [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_vault] | ItemID: [694xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx28] Void Get(Int32)
An internal failure occurred. Internal Error: 'Failed to extract CAB file. [0xc0041b0f]'.
at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Interop.IItem.Get(Int32 DetailLevel)
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVExportModule.ItemContentRetrievers.ContentRetrieverBase.FetchItem(IItem item, Int32 detailLevel)
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVExportModule.ItemContentRetrievers.StandardContentRetriever.FetchItem(IItem item)
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVExportModule.ItemContentRetrievers.ContentRetrieverBase.ProcessAsFile(StagingArea stagingArea, EVExportResult item, String fileName)
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVExportModule.ItemContentRetrievers.ContentRetrieverBase.Process(EVArchive archive, Int32 commandId, Int32 mappingId, EVExportResult item, StagingArea stagingArea)


On NTFS partitions where Collections have been enabled, archived data are collected into. CAB files after a period defined by the administrator.  Once this data is collected, subsequent requests to retrieve or restore it, result in this data being extracted from its corresponding CAB file to the closed partition. This data is restored in the form of temporary files with the extensions .archdvs, .archdvssp and .archdvscc.

These temporary files should then be deleted from the partition by Enterprise Vault the next time the Collection process runs if these files have not been accessed in the last 24 hours.  The collection process schedule is defined on the Collections tab in the properties of each partition.

When performing a migration with Archive Shuttle it will, of course, need to retrieve the items inside the CAB files, and it does this by using the Enterprise Vault API. The Enterprise Vault API extracts the items from the CAB files, as described in the previous section. These temporary files may then remain on the partition disk.

If it is determined that there is a significant number of .archdvs, .archdvssp and .archdvscc files on the closed partition’s disk location (one way to determine this is by running the command dir *.archdvs, *.archdvscc, *.archdvssp /S > extractedfiles.txt from the root of the partition’s disk location), then follow these steps:

1.Verify that the Vault Store Database that hosts this partition is not in Backup Mode:

a.On the Enterprise Vault console, click the Vault Store Group that contains the Vault Store

b.Check the Backup Mode column in the right-hand pane of the Vault Administration Console

c.If Backup Mode is set for the Vault Store containing the affected partition and there is no backup currently in progress, clear the Backup Mode by right-clicking on the Vault Store and selecting Clear Backup Mode

2.Once Backup Mode is not set, manually run Collections:

a.Open the properties of the affected partition and select the Collections tab

b.Verify that the daily file collection schedule is set correctly and then click the Run Now button.  An event should then be logged in the Enterprise Vault event log indicating that a Collection run has started.  When this run completes an event will also be logged confirming that the Collection run has completed

c.See the Veritas KB article ‘Free disk space reduces unexpectedly on closed NTFS partitions‘


It is also possible to delete the *.archdvs files manually. There are few commands that can be used to clean the *.archdvs files:

1.CMD – needs to be run on the folder:

del *.archdvs* /s

2.PowerShell – path need to change. Below is just an example:

Remove-Item -path C:\FolderXY\Folder2XY\*.archdvs*

3.Quadrotech Archive Shuttle has also produced a tool to handle ARCHDVS files to assist in this situation:

See ‘Handling ARCHDVS files whilst migrating’ for more details.


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