
Archive Manager 5.9.6 - User Guide

Getting started with Archive Manager Searching email Working with messages Standard mailboxes Custom mailboxes My Search Log report Working with hosted Exchange mailboxes

Search criteria fields

The following section describes the search criteria fields for Archive Manager.

Keyword (text-match search)

The Keyword field lets you perform text-based searches.

TIP: The Advanced search page allows you to specify whether to search in the message subject, body and attachment when you search for messages by keyword.

If you wish to perform advanced full text searches including the following, refer to the Apache Lucene documentation:

General text search guidelines

Text-string searches are subject to these rules and conventions:

Case: All text-string searches are case-insensitive.
Multiple search terms: Two or more terms separated by spaces in the Search for field are regarded as multiple separate search terms, both of which must occur in the message (or attachment). Multiple search terms may occur in any order. For example:
contract dispute will return all items that contain both words, regardless of whether the words appear adjacent to each other, and regardless of the order in which they occur.
Searching for an exact phrase: To search for an exact phrase (two or more terms separated by spaces, occurring in a particular order), enclose the phrase within quotes. For example:
"contract dispute" will return all items that contain the phrase "contract dispute," but not messages that contain just one word or the other, or that contain both words but not adjacent to each other in the quoted order.
Common short words: The Search feature ignores short common words such as:
Wildcard Searches: Archive Manager supports wildcard searches with an asterisk character or a question mark. An asterisk stands for zero or more unspecified characters, and can occur in the middle or at the end of a search string. A question mark will perform a single character wildcard search. Wildcards do not work in exact phrase queries. For example:
test*: finds such words as the following: "test"; "tests"; "testing"; and "testimonial".
te?t: finds such words as the following: "text"; "test"; and "tent".
Regular expression searches: A regular expression search allows for more flexible searching by using specific syntax to find text-based patterns. This search is conducted by prefixing the search with regex:. For example, if you want to search for a credit card number starting with 51 or 55 with an optional dash or a space, you could perform the following search:
Fuzzy Searches: To perform a fuzzy search, use the tilde "~" symbol at the end of a single word. For example, when sea
bat~: finds such words as "fat" and "bats".
Proximity Searches: To perform a proximity search, use the tilde "~" symbol at the end of a phrase. For example:
"Archive Manager"~6: finds results that contain the words "Archive" and "Manager" within six words of each other.
Boolean Operators: Boolean operators let you combine terms with logic operators to create complex, compound search expressions. Archive Manager supports Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, and the concatenations '+', and '-'. Boolean operators are case-insensitive, and will be interpreted as Boolean operators unless they occur within a quoted search string. Concatenations do not require a space:
NOTE: The NOT operator can be used only in conjunction with a positive query. For example, a search for NOT "meeting request" will return no results.
Grouping: Archive Manager supports using parenthesis to group clauses to form sub-queries. For example, to search for items that contain either "sales" or "team" in addition to the word "meeting" you could use the query: ((sales OR team) AND meeting) (see Boolean Operators above).
Special Characters: Archive Manager does not index non alpha-numeric characters, with the exception of certain common patterns including email addresses, IP addresses and URLs. It is recommended that you exclude the following special characters in search queries as they will be removed as part of the search process. However, if used, the following characters need to be escaped using the '\' character:

To or From

The To or From field lets you find messages that have been sent to or received from a particular person or persons. In this field, you may enter:

All or part of an email address (for example: fred.jones@domain.com or *@domain.com).

This field supports for multiple values. When multiple values are entered in the field, the search will return emails that contain any of the listed addresses. For example, a search for emails To or From 'john@domain.com; fred@domain.com' will return both emails to or from John and emails to or from Fred, plus any emails to both of them.

TIP: The Advanced search page provides more options for you to search by people.

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