
Archive Manager for Exchange 8.9 - ArchiveWeb Guide

ArchiveWeb Interface and conventions

After browsing the ArchiveWeb URL (http://<ArchiveWebServerName>/archiveweb), the Login window gets displayed. Users are asked to enter their name (or “domain name\username” or “email address”) and password. Email address should be:

·Office365 email address

·Active Directory Domain email address in format <name>@domain.com.

Please note: johnSmith@ateam.com is equivalent to ateam\johnSmith.

Default language depends on the Windows local setting of the Archive Manager server.

NOTE: When Integrated Windows authentication is turned on, the login page is skipped and the logged-in user’s credentials are used. This is set in C:\Program Files\ Common Files\ PAM \ Web \ ArchiveWeb \ Web.config where <authentication mode = "windows">.


After logging in correctly, the ArchiveWeb application opens. The top-page main bar contains search box (keyword searching in e-mail body, attachments, file content) and tabs – archive, search, report – representing the activated features of Archive Manager. Once you click one, the grey sub-bar under the main pane displays additional options.

Further, in the right upper corner you may see the logged on user. Click it to unfold the dropdown menu offering the following options:

·Manage settings option provides access to further settings based on user permissions:

·Log out option is to be used when logging off

After clicking Manage Settings, the following menu options appear on the displayed menu bar:

The Roles option is available if the user has necessary permissions. Under this option you can manage user/ArchiveWeb roles assignment based on roles (see the “Roles” section).

The Permissions option is available if the user has necessary permissions. Under this option you can manage user/ArchiveWeb roles assignment based on users (see the “Permissions” section).

The Profile option allows you to adjust ArchiveWeb layout to your liking (see the “Profile Settings” section).

The Shared Mailboxes option is available only when Archive Manager for Exchange is installed and configured for ArchiveWeb.

When shared mailboxes are set for a currently logged user in Archive Manager for Exchange -> Tools -> Mailbox Rights Manager the grid will be populated and a user can select which mailbox(es) the user likes to be listed in Archive’s mailboxes tree and in searchable mailboxes.

Under the Tags option one can create tags for archive or auditing items (see the “Tags” section).

The File Management option is available if the user has necessary permissions. Under this option you can manage file servers and scheduled jobs (see the "File Management" section).

The Keyword search box in the upper part of the window was designed for fast and easy searching in archives - Archive Manager for Exchange archive as well as Archive Manager for Files archive. Enter the expression and click Enter.

NOTE: Email attachments, email bodies and file contents are searched through only if Keyword search is installed.


List view conventions

With advanced list view functionality provided with every ArchiveWeb list view you can easily search even in huge lists of items and adjust the list to your specific needs. List view functions are the same as for all ArchiveWeb lists. In the main pane you can switch between these types of items by clicking on the respective filter:

·archived - all folder archived items except items marked for deletion

·shortcut - archive items with shortcut in mailbox

·lost - archived items with no reference in mailbox/file system

·tagged - archived items with tag(s)

·locked - locked archived items

·for deletion - archived items that are marked for deletion, i.e. they will be deleted when their retention period expires (and delete job runs)

Preview (if available) of any item you click on appears below the list view. To open More actions menu for the item click the More actions link (MENU) on the right bottom below the list.

Pop-up preview feature is also available for Exchange, Files, Auditing and Search results items. When a user double-clicks anywhere in the item's line, the item opens in pop/up window full screen mode with all functionality as in normal view, such as multi/action menu (MENU), and comments area.


checkboxes are designed for multi-select. If MORE THAN ONE item is selected, More actions menu appears automatically below the list.




Batch selection/unselection of items is done by clicking the Select all rows (Select all items in folder)/Clear selection action links just above the list. When Select all rows/Select all items in folder action links are selected, operations are performed over all items in the given folder.

It is also possible to change the column order by simple drag-and-drop action. Individual columns can be shown or hidden - these settings are managed in user profile after clicking <UserName> / Manage Settings / Profile in Columns section.

Further, lists can be:


Change the column sorting order by selecting the given column header and clicking its down/up arrow on the right (in case the arrow is not visible adjust the width of the column by dragging the line)


Group table data by any column. To do so, drag the column header to the bar right above the table. Generated groups can be expanded by clicking the arrows next to them. As usual, the sorting order can be changed by clicking the little arrow in the dragged column header


Asynchronous folder operations over folder are available for Simple Grid. Click the Select all items in folder link to perform operation over all items in a specified folder.

NOTE: The link does not appear on filter tabs such as “shortcut”, “lost”, “tagged”, “locked” and “for deletion”.


When a user clicks on the Select all items in folder link, the Total rows selected label will show the same number as Result count label shows. No item will be selected (see picture below).


Additionally, the preview pane displays the folder operations menu (according to user permissions) except Restore functions. Restore operations are not allowed as folder operations.


NOTE: Only one task can be performed at a time.









By selecting any operation from FOLDER OPERATIONS action menu, a confirmation dialog appears:




Only when a user confirms this dialog the operation will be added to the Task list queue. The Task list is regularly checked for new tasks. When task arrives and no other is running, the given task will be run. Otherwise the task will wait in a queue.


This tab is displayed in ArchiveWeb navigation pane if Archive Manager for Exchange is installed in the environment. Under this tab you can handle emails archived by Archive Manager for Exchange. The Archive Manager archive is accessible even if the Exchange server is down. User can browse through emails, search in them, restore lost items etc. After clicking the Archive from the main bar and then Exchange form the grey sub-bar the Exchange Archive menu is unfolded on the left. It offers access to


oPublic Folders

In our example we have logged in as an Administrator. Therefore, under the Mailboxes node you may see the Administrator folder. Providing that the administrator has rights to view other users’ mailboxes; these mailboxes can be listed under the Mailboxes node.

Unfolding the Administrator node displays all directories where emails have been archived (i.e. emails residing in these directories have been archived with Archive Manager for Exchange and are now placed in the archive).


NOTE: Not all Exchange tab functions may be available for the logged-on user. The functions must be allowed for the user. For more information see the Roles and Permissions sections.


Mailboxes node

The Mailboxes node can be expanded to view your mailbox sub-nodes. You can also see mailboxes of other users if you have been has been granted access rights in the Archive Manager Administration Center .

You can expand each mailbox to access the folders in the mailbox that contain archived emails. The content of the folder selected in the left pane is displayed in the main pane of the window. The list can be filtered by categories as listed above the list view:

·archived – all folder archived items except items marked for deletion

·shortcut – archived items with shortcuts in the mailbox are visible

·lost – items that were archived but later deleted from the Exchange server are visible; these LOST ITEMS are not accessible in the user mailbox any more

·tagged – items marked with any tag are visible

·locked – items that were locked are visible

·for deletion – items that were marked for deletion are visible because they are still in the archive and may be also visible in the mailbox as usual. When their retention period elapses, they will be deleted (see “Mark for deletion” option in the More actions topic)


Filtering the Mailboxes node

1.When you have access rights to see a large number of mailboxes, you can use the mailbox filter to search for a subset of mailboxes as described below:

2.Click ico-110-filter next to the Mailboxes node.


3.Enter the mailbox name or use the asterisk wildcard with a partial name to filter the mailboxes (for example, enter D* to filter all mailboxes that start with "D"). The search is case sensitive and the server name enclosed in square brackets is not included in the search.

4.Click Enter on you keyboard to get the filtered subset of mailboxes.


5.Click X to clear the filter.

For more list filtering options see the next section.



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