Prior to downloading this Software, you must review the Software Transaction Agreement located here and confirm, by clicking the I agree check box below, that your organization accepts and is bound by the terms and conditions of the Software Transaction Agreement for this Software.
If you purchased the licenses for this Software by executing an order form with Quest or if you have an agreement with Quest that states that all purchases are governed by such agreement, then the terms and conditions of that agreement supersedes and takes precedence over the Software Transaction Agreement.
The following errors are observed when running copy for a source table that resides in an encrypted tablespace:sp_ctrl>copy statusID Tablename Status Time Total Rows %Comp Total Time------ ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----------1 "OWNER"."SOURCE_TABLE" Failed - An ...
:>sp_walletwallet password:Error opening walletError in event_log:Error 2015-12-04 00:49:52.734024 14156188 1 Cop: No such file or directory Cannot open +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12 for readin g [module cop]Wallet is on ASM and is available for SharePlex user to read. :+ASM1:>asmcmd ls -l +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12Type Redund Striped Time Sys NameKEY_STORE ...
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication configurations. Note - PostgreSQL as a source is supported only on the Linux operating system.
:>sp_walletwallet password:Error opening walletError in event_log:Error 2015-12-04 00:49:52.734024 14156188 1 Cop: No such file or directory Cannot open +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12 for readin g [module cop]Wallet is on ASM and is available for SharePlex user to read. :+ASM1:>asmcmd ls -l +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12Type Redund Striped Time Sys NameKEY_STORE ...
:>sp_walletwallet password:Error opening walletError in event_log:Error 2015-12-04 00:49:52.734024 14156188 1 Cop: No such file or directory Cannot open +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12 for readin g [module cop]Wallet is on ASM and is available for SharePlex user to read. :+ASM1:>asmcmd ls -l +DATADG/ECDAPRF/WALLET/ewallet.p12Type Redund Striped Time Sys NameKEY_STORE ...
The following errors are observed when running copy for a source table that resides in an encrypted tablespace:sp_ctrl>copy statusID Tablename Status Time Total Rows %Comp Total Time------ ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----------1 "OWNER"."SOURCE_TABLE" Failed - An ...