2 Cores, cross replicating
~100 Agents
When opening up the Replication Wizard and Selecting a Core, you are met with below error. With no ability to progress to add in more Agents into protection.
This defect will be resolved in a future release of Rapid Recovery Core.
Workaround #1
On the Core server where you are attempting to setup replication from,
1. Navigate to: C:\Program Files\AppRecovery\Core\CoreService\coreadmin
2. Make a copy of the Web.config file
3. Open Web.config in notepad and go to the end of file and paste below strings between </jsEngineSwitcher> and </configuration>
* Make sure to not add any additional spaces when pasting in the strings, as this will cause the Rapid Recovery web GUI not to open. If this happens, remove any spacings or revert back to the old copy of Web.config and contact support for assistance.
4. Retry adding Agents into replication.
You should no longer run into an error stopping you from adding in Agents into replication.
Workaround #2
Add Agents into replication using PowerShell,
Edit-Replication -id TargetCore -ProtectedServer Agent1,Agent2 -ScheduleType atalltimes -add
* Replace TargetCore with the ID of your Target Core.
** Replace Agent1,Agent2 with the Display names or Host name/IPs of the protected agents to add into replication.
If it is a new replication, add it using PowerShell
New-Replication -targetserver TargetCore -user DOMAIN\User -password PASSWORD -ProtectedServer Agent1,Agent2
* Replace TargetCore with the ID of your Target Core.
** Replace DOMAIN\User and PASSWORD with your Domain, Login and Password.
*** Replace Agent1,Agent2 with the Display names or Host name/IPs of the protected agents to add into replication.
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