Rapid Recovery version 6.10 and newer allows the migration of recovery points from one repository to another on the same core, To do this you need to follow these steps:
- Click on Repositories from the more menu or go to the following address: https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:8006/apprecovery/admin/Repository where XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the core hostname
- Click on the 3 dots menu on the source repository and select Migrate Protected Machine
- The Migrate Machine Wizard window will open
- Select the agent(s) you want to migrate, click Next
- Select the target repository and click Finish, this will start the migration process.
The migration process will then perform the following steps:
- Copy the recovery points of the selected agents to the target repository
- Perform an integrity check of the recovery points once they are in the target repository.
- If the integrity check finishes successfully, the recovery points from the old repository will be deleted.
- It will set the target repository as the default repository for backups for the selected agent(s).
On older versions it can be done manually by following these steps:
- Pause protection for the Agent or Agents that will be moved.
- Navigate to the Core Console UI and click the Machines tab.
- Select the agent or agents that will be moved.
- Click Actions and then select Protection.
- Click Pause Protection.
- Cancel all current operations for the Agent or Agents that will be moved.
- Navigate to the Core Console UI and click the Machines tab.
- Select the Agent or Agents that will be moved.
- Click Actions, select Cancel and then click All Operations.
- Archive The Agent Data.
- Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and then click the Tools tab.
- From the Archive option, click Create.
- The Create Archive dialog box displays.
- In the Create Archive dialog box, enter the details for the archive.
- Click Archive.
- Create the new Repository
- Navigate to the Core Console UI and click the Configuration Tab.
- Select Repositories.
- Select Actions.
- Select add New Repository.
- Fill in the appropriate information.
- Delete the Data from the original Repository once the Archive is complete
- Select the Agent from the left side Pane
- Select the Recovery Points Tab
- Select Actions Delete All.
- Change the Repository for the agent
- Navigate to the Core Console UI.
- Select the Agent from the left side pane and open Configuration Tab
- Click Change and specify New Repository name to the Repository field.
- Click OK.
- Resume protection for the paused Agent or Agents that were moved.
- Navigate to the Core Console UI and click the Machines tab.
- Select the Agent or Agents that were moved.
- Click Actions and then select Protection.
- Click Resume Protection.
- Import the Archived Data
- Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and then click the Tools tab.
- From the Archive option, click Import
- Put in the location that you entered in when creating the archive
- Click Check File or Import
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