Teams Migration - Request failed with BadRequest status code (Bad Request). {"errorCode":201,"message":"Client not allowed to send RichText/Media_CallRecording message"} (4239751)
Teams Migration - Request failed with BadRequest status code (Bad Request). {"errorCode":201,"message":"Client not allowed to send RichText/Media_CallRecording message"}
Teams migration - Request failed with BadRequest status code (Bad Request). {"errorCode":201,"message":"Client not allowed to send RichText/Media_CallRecording message"}
The root cause is a change in API from Microsoft which is now blocking the extension format for Call recordings. This in turn has caused a defect in the Quest On Demand Migration (ODM) that we are tracking as defect 261772.
A fix (385790) was deployed on September 22nd 2022. Please contact Support if you are experiencing this issue.