What is the description for below Foglight roles.
This role is for anyone who will be making changes to the operating characteristics of Foglight. An Administrator can manipulate agents, rules, derived metrics, registry variables, cartridges, types, scripts, credentials, credential alarms and so on. The only limitation for Administrators is that they cannot access or edit the Users and Security dashboard, or access the Dashboard Development dashboard.
Advanced Operator
This role builds on the Operator role by adding the ability to access build-oriented dashboards like the Service Builder, Application Builder and Report Builder. An Advanced Operator is someone who is likely to create new services, application, reports, and other entities inside Foglight. Only Advanced Operators have the ability to Acknowledge and Clear alarms.
Alarm Access
Enables visibility of the Alarms Dashboard.
Alarm Management Administrator
Provides a flexible option for non administrator users to have access to the "Alarm Template" and "Notifications Management" dashboards.
API Access
Restricts the access to the REST API.
Cartridge Developer
This role extends the Dashboard Designer role by allowing the user to modify core dashboards and system modules. It also grants access to the Dashboard Development dashboard.
Command Line Access
Restricts the access to Foglight Command Line.
Console User
This role only has permission to login to the console. It does not have permission to do anything else, including seeing any of the dashboards. The Console User will be hidden from WCF so it cannot be directly assigned dashboards. This way it can be used as a base to create a locked-down user group.
A new role can be created and it can be applied to a group along with Console User to create a locked-down user group. This would mean users in the group would only have access to the dashboards specifically made available to the new role, and be able to log in.
Core Reports
This role is assigned to all report templates included with the Management Server. This role is required by vFoglight to limit access to the reports provided by Core.
Dashboard Designer
This role builds on the Dashboard User role by adding the ability to access all dashboard tools such as Definitions and Data Sources. This role is for users who design dashboards using these advanced dashboard tools.
Dashboard User
This role is the same as Console User, only with the addition of permissions that allow creation of dashboards and manipulation of the dashboard environment. This role should be used as the base for any directed user set, where a directed use is one who has access to a small set of dashboards but can also create new dashboards.
Foglight Database Alarm Manager
A new non-administrator role has been added in the and higher database cartridges to give users access to Administer database agent alarms. This role filters out all of the other options in each database agent’s Database Administration panel. Members the Foglight Database Alarm Manager role can configure and save any changes only under the alarm section but cannot see or change any other Administration area.
General Access
This role is for pre-5.2 cartridges installed on a version 5.2 or later Management Server. The role will be added to the appropriate views so that dashboards from the cartridge will appear in the Foglight interface.
Monitoring Administrator
Allows users to alter the configuration of the Foglight application related to monitoring, but not deployment of the application; for example it does not provide access to the Cartridge Inventory dashboard to install, uninstall, disable or enable cartridges.
This is the base level role for monitoring in Foglight. Users assigned this role have access to the core dashboard set such as Hosts, Alarms, Services, and Reports, with the ability to create new dashboards. Users with this role can only access the report templates with operator-level roles. This is the recommended default for new users.
Report Manager
This role allows users to generate and schedule the reports to which they have role access. It is different from the Operator role in that the users granted the Operator role can generate reports but not schedule them. The Report Manager role does not allow the user to create report templates with either the Definitions editor or custom report builder.
Users with this role are able to edit users, groups and role settings in the Administration UI. Basically provides access to all dashboards under "Users & Security" in the Administration Module.
Users with this role have access to the Manage Support Bundles dashboard and the report artifacts necessary to generate the Diagnostic report contained in the support bundle.
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