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Content Matrix 9.8 - Release Notes

All Editions

Connecting to SharePoint


Issue ID

In a FIPS-enabled environment, connections to SharePoint 2019 using the local or remote object model (OM/MEWS) fail.

WORKAROUND (SharePoint Edition only): Use a database connection for SharePoint 2019 in a FIPS-enabled environment.


Multi-factor Authentication


Issue ID

·If a non-MFA (Mult-factor Authentication) user who has created SharePoint  Online site-level connections is converted to an MFA user, when the connections are refreshed via the Content Matrix Console, they remain active instead of being disconnected.

WORKAROUND:  Relaunch Content Matrix and re-run the migration.




Issue ID

·Unable to see all rows in LogItems tab in Excel when there are too many rows in the exported Job Log



SharePoint Edition

Connecting to SharePoint


Issue ID

In a FIPS-enabled environment, connections to SharePoint 2019 using the local or remote object model (OM/MEWS) fail.

WORKAROUND:  Use a database connection for SharePoint 2019 in a FIPS-enabled environment.


In a FIPS-enabled environment, connections to SharePoint Server Subscription Edition using the local model (OM) fail.

WORKAROUND:  Use a database or remote object model (MEWS) connection for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition in a FIPS-enabled environment.


Migration to SharePoint Online


Issue ID

·403 error is thrown when creating Site Collection at tenant-level

WORKAROUND:  Keep the tenant open in the browser, restart the Console, and perform migration.


·Large document (50MB or greater) fail to migrate to SharePoint Online only when the Content Matrix Console is installed on client (non-SharePoint) machine using a SharePoint 2013 or 2016 database connection.


·While migrating a site from SharePoint 2016 (using an OM connection) to SharePoint Online, an Index was out of range error is logged.


·File migration fails when migration is done via the Import Pipeline  and file is already present at destination when copy list or copy folder is run.

WORKAROUND:  Delete existing items on target, and re-migrate. Or, if the existing items have not been changed, the error can be disregarded because the rest of the migration will complete successfully.


·When migrating items with versions from an Issue Tracking list the version numbers are not preserved. While all of the versions and metadata are migrated, the version numbers are slightly off.

NOTE:  This is due to a current bug in the Import Pipeline.


·Custom Content Types on "Folders" do not get applied on the target, when migrating to SharePoint Online (SPO) using the Import Pipeline. By default all folders get tagged with the "Folder" Content Type instead.


·Content Matrix is showing incorrect logs if a user is trying to migrate a list which contains corrupted attachments to a SPO site using the Import Pipeline.


·When migrating a list with checked out items using the Import Pipeline, a fatal error occurs for those items because Content Matrix is attempting to migrate them as the latest version.


·When migrating documents from SharePoint 2016 database connection using the Import Pipeline, a new version is added on target for checked out document.


·The hidden list "DO_NOT_DELETE_SPLIST_SITECOLLECTION_AGGREGATED_CONTENTTYPES" is displayed in the Content Matrix tree view.


·Mapped Users are not getting displayed on target for 'Created by' column when migrating from SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint Online.


·When migrating using the Import Pipeline, the migration may hang when trying to process large documents.


Migrations from Publishing Site to Communication Site


Issue ID

When migrating from a Publishing Site to a Communication site, custom Community content types are not migrated to the target.

WORKAROUND:  Create a Communication site collection on the target and activate SharePoint Server Standard Site Collection features before migrating the content.


Migrations from SharePoint Online to SharePoint On Premises


Issue ID

·Migrations from SharePoint Online using a CSOM connection to SharePoint On Premises failing with "Unable to obtain SharePoint Online authentication cookie" message.


Locked Site Collections


Issue ID

·A locked source site collection won’t allow a migration to complete when set to “No Access.”

NOTE:  This is by design as SharePoint will not allow access to the content.


Community Site Migration


Issue ID

·The migrating account always gets added to a Community Site Members list at SPO target when a CSOM connection is used.


·Members of a Community Site Member list are not copied on SPO using CSOM.


WORKAROUND:  Use the Import Pipeline.



·Map missing user Option is not updating metadata for Member list of Community Site when mapping multiple source users to a single target on Community Sites.

NOTE:  Should multiple source users be mapped to a single target user when migrating a Community Site, the metadata values of that user in the target Member List will not concatenate the total metadata values from the source. This will only reflect the user with the most recent migration.


·Metadata will always get copied with Member List with Community Sites.  

NOTE:  When migrating ONLY the members list from a source Community Site to the target, the metadata for the list is set (even if the relevant Discussion list is not migrated). This is a narrow scenario. The workaround is to migrate the Member List as part of a larger migration.

WORKAROUND:  migrate the Member List as part of a larger migration.


·Gifted badge values are not getting migrated properly in a community site Member list.


·Best Reply inside discussion list is not migrated on target when migrating from SharePoint 2016 Community Sites.  

WORKAROUND:  Migrate the Member List as part of a larger migration.


·When using a CSOM connection on a SPO target, duplicate replies are created inside discussion list in case of incremental migration of Community Sites.

WORKAROUND:  Use the Import Pipeline.


·When using the Import Pipeline, the 'PostedBy’ column value is not preserved when target is a Community Site.  

WORKAROUND:  Migrate using CSOM only.


Blog Site Migration


Issue ID

·Warning Mapped template '301' to 'CustomList' as '301' does not exist on the target is logged when migrating blog sites with "Clear Default features on Target" option when migrating to SharePoint Online.  

WORKAROUND: Do not change the default selected option which is "Preserve default Features on target"


Publishing Portal Migration


Issue ID

·Unable to create or paste a Public Publishing Portal template (EHS#2) as Site when migrating to SharePoint Online.

NOTE:  This template is unavailable in SharePoint Online.


MySite Migration


Issue ID

·Copying MySite Social Collaboration "Note Board" Web Part is not supported in SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2013 migrations.


·“Access is denied” error observed during the MySite Migration from SharePoint on premises to SharePoint Online when trying to update a read only content type.

NOTE: During the first 24 hours after user creation, this error will not occur. However, after that time, admins should enable the 'Allow Users to run Custom Scripts' setting in SharePoint Admin Settings.


·Theme setting are not migrated to the Tenant with ‘Paste as Site Collection’ option.



·When migrating MySites from a 2013 or 2016 source to a 2016 or 2019 target, the error Server was unable to process request. ---> The system cannot find the file specified is logged for web parts of default lists/libraries.

NOTE:  Make sure the Copy Other Root Files/Folders option is selected on the Site Options tab.  (This is expected behavior.)


·When a document is shared with a user is migrated from SP2019 to SPO, the date shared column in OneDrive shows the migrated time rather than the actual time the document was shared with user in source.


Permissions Migration


Issue ID

·The exception message You cannot customize permission levels in a web site with inherited permission level is logged.

NOTE:  Content Matrix does not currently support permission level migrations over the CSOM or SPO/Tenant connection types.


·Permission inheritance not always preserved for item level permissions on incremental copy.

WORKAROUND:  Perform a permissions-only migration (e.g. Paste Site Objects > Permissions) after the incremental migration completes.


·Permissions for items in an Access Request list are duplicated when running a Paste Site > All Site Content migration for the second time.

WORKAROUND:  When running a “Paste All Content” migration, set the “Migration Mode” tab to use the “Custom Copy” option with the “Preserve existing” checkbox selected, instead of using the “Full Copy” option.  


·Permissions will not be migrated from a SharePoint 2016 source using an OM or MEWS connection if Optimized mode is enabled.

·The User Profiles "is site searchable" property will not be migrated from a SharePoint 2016 source using an OM or MEWS connection.

NOTE:  These limitations exist because DBWriting is not supported.


Web Parts Migration


Issue ID

· Analytics HashTag web parts are not migrated.


·Closed Note Board and Tag Cloud web parts migrate as open on target.


·Closed Web Parts associated with a List Form are not been migrated to the target.


·The error A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.SearchBoxScriptWebPart, could not be found or it is not registered as safe. is logged for the search box on a SPO target after a migration using the Import Pipeline.

WORKAROUND:  Migrate using CSOM only.


Alert Migration


Issue ID

·Migration of alerts using Paste Site Objects > Alerts action are skipped when there are users mapped for other sites.

WORKAROUND:  Remove the mappings and recreate them for the target in order to migrate.


·Alerts will not be migrated from a SharePoint 2016 source using an OM or MEWS connection if Optimized mode is enabled.


Content Type Migration


Issue ID

·When copying a list, if the configuration option "Apply new content types" is selected, the content types that are not present on source get hidden on the target.


·When copying a content type resource file, resource folder, or resource folder for list to a SharePoint 2019 target that includes Nintex features, an Exception: Server was unable to process request error is logged.


Document Set Migration


Issue ID

·Document Sets are not migrated correctly when the Document Set Features is not enabled.  

WORKAROUND:  Activate the feature at the target and re-migrate.


·The migration account user is not added inside the Document Set Version History metadata when there is no user mapping for the actual user account.

NOTE:  When migrating Document Set snapshots (versions), if the user account in the snapshot metadata has not been mapped and the user account cannot be found, then Content Matrix will not default to the migrating account.
Instead Content Matrix will try to apply the user account using the “Migrate missing AD user” methods for SPO targets.


Records Center Migration


Issue ID

·When migrating a Records Center to SharePoint Online:

§For a Classic Team Site with Record Center features activated, an error for the RCConsole.aspx page may occur, preventing the the [Submit a Record] button on home page from working on the target team site.

§Content Organizer Folder partitioning settings only work for the root folder of a library/list, not for subfolders within it.

§Record Center Quick launch links are not migrated.


General List, Folder, and Item Migration


Issue ID

·Content Matrix Jobs get inconsistently stuck in the "copying document" action for migrating documents and document libraries.  

NOTE:  This is typically caused by a corruption in the document itself. If you try to manually upload the same file to the new SharePoint environment, you will also see a delay in the upload. For Content Matrix, it looks like the migration job is ‘stuck’ but the job is actually waiting for SharePoint to respond before continuing the rest of the migration.


·When trying to migrate a folder with the “Copying Folder” option, the message Unable to add folder 'This operation can only be performed on a file' error is returned.

NOTE:  This is an issue with "_files" which are special folders in SharePoint. These types of folders get created when you export an HTML page using IE. IE will save all the dependent files in a "_files" folder. If the user then uploads the HTML page to SP, IE will also automatically pick up the dependent files in the “_files” folder. These folders become hidden and you cannot access the files via the SharePoint OM calls.  


·'Copy Folder Permissions' is disabled in the List Content Options when copying/pasting a custom SharePoint 2007 list via the Paste List Action.  


§Run the migration using the Copy/Paste Site action.


§Run a separate permissions copy action after the "Paste List" action has been completed.


List item versions created before the approved version are missing after migration from 2010 using a Database connection to 2013 using a local object model (OM) or client side object model (CSOM) WORKAROUND: Use an OM or MEWS connection for the source.


·When migrating from SharePoint 2007 (using the MEWS connection) into SharePoint 2013/2016 (MEWS or CSOM connections) or SharePoint Online (SPO) there are some cases where version metadata values can be lost. This mainly seems to occur when the items/documents are using a custom content type and have versions.

WORKAROUND:  Ensure that the custom content type that is used on the exists on the target before the item/document migration has been run. (You may also need to select the 'Apply new content type during copy' option in the in the job configuration.)


·Custom List Forms created in SharePoint Designer are not being migrated on list or site copy when using a database connection.

WORKAROUND:  Use an OM or MEWS connection.


·Document versions fail to migrate when author/editor are not mapped (DB to tenant).  

NOTE:  The user accounts that populate the 'Created By' and 'Modified By' fields for document versions must be mapped to the appropriate target SPO user accounts in order to migrate these values correctly. If the user accounts are not mapped to the target, the values will not be preserved.


·Moderation status values are not preserved when migrating Video files from a SharePoint 2007 Publishing Library to SharePoint 2013 or later.


Access Request List Migration


Issue ID

·User Name value for the first message of an Access Request list's conversation history is not preserved.  

NOTE:  This is behavior is observed only for the first message in the conversation history. All the other conversations after that bear correct name which is same as that of the source.  


Access Request Items are not migrated in Subsites when running a migration using the Paste Site Content > All Subsites option.


The migration of all the large files greater than 2GB with versions with an .aby extension fail to migrate, with the error We're having trouble with SharePoint storage


Task List Migration


Issue ID

·Unable to migrate a Task list from SharePoint Online (SPO) to SP 2013 when a child Task has an earlier ID than the parent Task.

NOTE:  While not directly restricted to SPO > SP 2013 migration, the issue is that in the task list there is a Parent Task that has a higher ID then it’s child Task. This isn’t possible through the normal SharePoint UI and is the result of either a modification or a custom template change.

For example, If the parent Task has an ID value of 7 but the child Task has a ID value of 4. The parent typically needs to exist before the child, so users should never be able to create this scenario without direct modification.

When a migration of Tasks in this state occurs it returns the error message:
Exception: AddListItem - No ObjectXml [The list item could not be inserted or updated because invalid lookup values were found for the following field(s) in the list: [Parent ID].


·After migrating a SP 2010 Tasks list to SP 2013, users are unable to select the Task list in the drop down for Timeline Web Parts.

NOTE:  In SharePoint 2013 there are two types of Tasks lists, and each uses a different Template value. They are: Tasks (template = 107) and TaskWithTimelineHierarchy (Template = 171). In this case the SP 2010 Task list is migrated using the 107 template, but on the target, the users is trying to use the 171 template.

WORKAROUND:  It is possible to use a Transformer to catch and convert the template type that is being used, so the Task list is added as the TaskWithTimelineHierarchy template instead.  Refer to the Support KnowledgeBase article



Survey List Migration


Issue ID

·The “Allow multiple responses” setting value turns from “Yes” to “No” after survey migration.  

NOTE:  The “Allow Multiple Responses” setting value for Survey Lists is not currently supported.


Page Migration


Issue ID

·Migrating an out-of-the-box Master Page that has been modified to have versions from a SP2007 source to a SP2013 or later target fails with an error on fetching the version metadata.

WORKAROUND:  Copy Master Pages with versioning turned off.


·(SP 2007 OM/MEWS/ DB sources only) The first Wiki page fails to migrate for chained Wiki pages and returns the error message Cannot complete this action. Please try again.


·Wiki Pages and Web Part Pages that have been customized using SharePoint Designer (SPD) are not displaying their Page contents on the target after migration.  

NOTE:  When migrating Wiki Pages, Content Matrix use the “WikiField” sub-section to migrate content, and for Web Part Pages the “Web part zones” sub-section is used. Both of these are inside the “PlaceHolderMain” section of the page. If the “PlaceHolderMain” section, or the “WikiField”/”Web part zones” sub-section(s) are removed from the page during the customization, then Content Matrix will not be able to migrate the page contents to the target.


·Custom master page migration is not supported for 2010/2013 DB source.  

WORKAROUND:  Use an OM/MEWS connection when migrating custom master pages.


·When using a Database source connection, Page Layouts for pages that have custom page layouts are not preserved at destination.  

WORKAROUND:  Use an OM or MEWS connection.


·After migrating a Site Collection, Theme Pages like DesignGallery do not load for Site Owners from the root.

NOTE:  Starting with SharePoint 2013, the migrating account needs access to the Master Page Gallery to change the 'look' of a page.


·When migrating from SharePoint Online source to a SharePoint Online target and the ”Copy Customized Form” or “Copy List Form” option is selected,, the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object on server. The object is associated with property ModifiedBy. Is thrown.  


Settings Migration


Issue ID

·When using the CSOM adapter to migrate to SharePoint 2013 on premises, “Launch forms in dialog?” settings are not migrated.

WORKAROUND:  Use OM/MEWS as the target adapter.


·Theme setting are not migrated to the Tenant with ‘Paste as Site Collection’ option.


Managed Metadata Migration


Issue ID

·When performing Folder and Item level migrations with the "Skip Keywords term set migration" option checked, Keywords associated with .jpg files are copied to target Term Store.  


·Empty MMD Field value in versioned list migrates as non-empty value for all open xml file formats.

WORKAROUND:  This is due to property promotion behavior in SharePoint for MMD columns. This can be bypassed by checking the option “Disable SharePoint Document Parsing” under “List Content Options.”


·Migrations return different results for document migrations with the Managed Metadata and GUID Mapping options enabled, when migrating using the CSOM adapter or the Import Pipeline options on the target connection.

NOTE:  When migrating Managed Metadata (MMD) over a CSOM connection, SharePoint will return information to Content Matrix if the terms are valid or not. When migrating MMD using the Import Pipeline, SharePoint doesn’t have a way to return information on if the terms are valid or not to the container.

This means that the logging and end results of migrating MMD using the Import Pipeline or CSOM will look slightly different, and can sometimes result in the terms migrated using the Import Pipeline having a red line under them, indicating that the terms may not be valid.


Column Migration


Issue ID

·When migrating to SharePoint Online, mapped users are not getting displayed on target for 'Created by' column

·When migrating a SP 2010 list that contains a BCS column an “Error: AddListItem – No ObjectXml” message is returned.

NOTE:  This is cause by Content Matrix trying to fetch the data from a Database table, but a different column is set as the “Identifier” column.

WORKAROUND:  Refer to the Support KnowledgeBase article Null was returned to FindSpecific" error message when adding list items with BCS columns.


·When performing the operation "Custom Copy"-> Preserve Lists -> Update Fields, while migrating BDC fields, the error An error occurred. Administrators, see the server log for more information is logged.  

WORKAROUND:  Delete the target list and re-migrate it.


·When web parts are added to a page after column validation settings have been activated, the web parts conflict with the validation settings and the error is thrown.  

·Lookup column referencing the same library in which it is present does not migrate. (Work Item 182112).

NOTE:  This is only applicable for Document Libraries and is not supported in that instance.


The issue "Exception: AddList - Error [The formula refers to a column that does not exist.] occurs when special characters are present in column name used in formula for validation settings


OneNote Notebook Migration


Issue ID

·Out-of-the-box One Note Notebooks are created o the target with the source site's title.


InfoPath Migration


Issue ID

·When copying a site that has browser enabled InfoPath forms there is an exception migrating to SharePoint Online.


·Authorship Metadata is not preserved when migrating Customized Info Path forms.

Because the relevant files live at the root, they will always be created with the currently logged in user (the connecting user account in Content Matrix) and they cannot be updated.  This is a SharePoint limitation.


Nintex Forms Migration


Issue ID

·When migrating Nintex Forms to a 2019 target, the error Server was unable to process request. ---> Save Conflict is logged for the content type resource file; however the forms are on the target without issue.


·"StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: Internal Server Error" is thrown when Copying Nintex Forms while migrating with a multi-factor authentication user account using Web Browser Authentication.


Workflow Migration


Issue ID

·SPD workflows are not successfully migrated to an SPO target.


·Workflow Histories are always migrated for SharePoint 2010 and never migrated for SharePoint 2013 and later, regardless of whether workflow instances are also migrated.  This is also true of Nintex workflows, regardless of whether the option "Preserve Nintex Workflows instance history" is checked.


·Renamed list and web workflows fail to migrate when workflows are renamed with the Console open.

WORKAROUND:  Re-launch the Console after renaming the workflows.


·Out-of-box 2007 workflow association cannot be opened after migration in SP 2013.  

WORKAROUND:  Activate 2007 workflows on the target.


·When migrating a SP 2013 SPD workflow from a CSOM source connection to a Site Collection that is set to “Read Only”, the migration fails.


§Switch connection types on the source and use the Local (OM) or Remote (MEWS).


§Manually turn off the “Read Only” setting on the source.



·The Workflow status column for SPD reusable and SPD globally reusable workflows with versions and workflow instances is changed to name of first version of SPD workflow after migration.


·SPD Global Reusable workflow migration not supported with Copy Site > Paste All Site Content,

WORKAROUND:  Use the “Paste as Site Collection” action, which is encouraged for these types of migrations.


·An exception is thrown when performing copy site -> paste as subsite/all site content second time and Nintex app is present on target site.  

WORKAROUND:  Content Matrix cannot currently delete a SharePoint site while it contains any SharePoint App/Add-In.


·Nintex workflows having the Calculate a Date activity with the option “Use date when action is executed” do not migrate from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint Online.


·Nintex workflows containing custom variables in the “Pause For” activity do not have the variables migrated to SharePoint Online.

NOTE:  This is currently not supported and the variables are being tagged as comments instead.


·When Nintex workflows are migrated using a DB source connection and a MEWS target connection, the Nintex Workflow image is not displayed.


·The error 407 Proxy Authentication required is logged when you try to migrate Nintex workflows if:

§Content Matrix is using a proxy that has been imported from Internet Explorer


§the proxy server is configured as "Permit Only" with Username/Password authentication.

WORKAROUND:  Run the "Proxy Login Automator" script as described in the '407 Proxy Authentication' article located in the The remote server returned an error (407) Proxy Authentication Required (262696).  


Incremental Migration


Issue ID

·Custom folder content type Metadata is not migrated during incremental migration from SharePoint 2010 to a SharePoint Online target.


Distributed Migration


Issue ID

·If a migration is performed from SharePoint On Premises to SharePoint Online and a proxy is configured using both IP address and username/password, the message Unable to obtain SharePoint Online authentication cookie is logged.

WORKAROUND: Refer to the Quest Knowledge Base article Unable to obtain SharePoint Online Authentication cookie.  


Multilingual Migration


Issue ID

·The Home Page is duplicated in Site Pages library, one in the source language and one in with target language. However the page that is displayed is in the proper language.


·Out of box groups are duplicated at the target, one in the source language and one in with target language.


·Some links in quick launch and out of the box column name are displayed in Italian when an English user is logged in.


·Depending on the source/target language combination, navigation structure may display in the source language at the target.


·Excel Service Viewers group gets duplicated when performing migration from Italian source to English target


·English Site migrated via CM is displayed with mixed language after configuring Language Settings to display non-English language


·The title of Document Library or any OOB libraries remains in the default site language on target after migration from a different language source site.




Issue ID

·Migration of externalized files greater than the Web application limit is not supported, even when 'Large File Support' feature is activated. These files are downloaded with an .aspx file extension when the Save File to Disk option is used.



Public Folder Edition

Exchange Server - MAPI and/or Redemption Connector


Issue ID

Exception "A text field contains invalid data"  is thrown in Public Folder Edition while migrating some data using MAPI and Redemption connectors


Migration Using SPO Containers


Issue ID

After re-running Paste Exchange Folder job, Items are duplicated on target when job is configured selecting overwrite and unchecking Use SPO Container O365 Upload option.


System Requirements

The following tables describe the hardware, software, and access requirements for Metalogix Content Matrix Console. If our requirements are equivalent to, or less restrictive than a SharePoint requirement, it will not be described here.

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