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Toad for Oracle 16.2.1 - Release Notes

Resolved Issues

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release of Toad for Oracle.

Toad for Oracle 16.2

The following list of resolved issues includes issues received from the Toad for Oracle forum, Toad Beta users, and exception data collected from the Toad Improvement Program.

Issue ID Link to Forum Post Resolved Issue
TOR-5226 link Data Grid: Copied data doesn't paste nicely into Word or Teams.
TOR-6028 Execute Script: SQL keywords are not accepted as script arguments.
TOR-6086 Schema Browser: Object type dropdown is non-functional using some themes, e.g. Golden Age, when Toad is maximized.
TOR-6222 Query Builder: Excessive spacing between columns in the model area.
TOR-6292 Generate Table Data: ORA-06550 is raised when generating data for multiple tables related via referential integrity when the "Enforce Referential Integrity" option is selected.
TOR-6293 Login Window: Duplicate entries created for the same user@database when LDAP server returns the database name in lower or mixed case.
TOR-6294 Connections: Connection colors disappear when windows are unmaximized and a popup dialog is shown.
TOR-6301 Editor: Variable prompt dialog stays on top of other apps.
TOR-6306 Compare Files: Access Violation is thrown when clicking the Save button in some cases.
TOR-6308 Export Dataset: Exporting to Excel Instance does not bring Excel to the foreground when complete.
TOR-6313 Execute Script: Memory leak when executing any script.
TOR-6314 link Options: Decimal and Thousands separator values are not loading or saving in some cases.
TOR-6318 link Schema Browser: Filter/Sort Dialog adds unnecessary parenthesis in some cases.
TOR-6319 Schema Browser: Several issues with object types when connected to a database which has Team Coding enabled, e.g. attributes/methods are unavailable, wrong font color is used, and body is unavailable in the Script tab for types with bodies.
TOR-6322 Export Dataset: The "Enclose string fields in" option does not allow an empty value when using the SQL Loader format.
TOR-6327 link Team Coding: Project Global Filter merges multiple exclusions into a single line when saved.
TOR-6329 Import Table Data: Timestamp format error when importing from file in some cases.
TOR-6330 link Schema Browser: Team Coding images are not shown for sequences.
TOR-6332 link Schema Browser: Context menu is corrupt when multiselecting types when the selection contains both object and collection types.
TOR-6335 Schema Browser: Materialized view Info and Script tabs always report NOLOGGING even when the view was created with the LOGGING clause.
TOR-6336 Export Dataset: SQL Loader format wraps NULL values for numeric columns in double quotes leading to errors when using the export with SQL Loader.
TOR-6337 Login Window: Database dropdown mnemonic key doesn't work.
TOR-6338 Toolbars/Menus: The Window menu does not include Describe windows.
TOR-6348 Schema Browser: Refreshing the left side (object list) is nonfunctional for functions, procedures, packages, and types when using the Dropdown or Tabbed browser style.
TOR-6359 Automation Designer: Performance and resource issues when a lot of apps exist.
TOR-6361 link Schema Browser: The object type incremental search feature can be a little bit clumsy making it difficult to type multiple characters.
TOR-6362 link Login Window: Deleting a previously used connection when the grid is grouped by a column may move focus to a row within a different group.
TOR-6364 link Describe: Describing (F4) a package constant declared in the spec loads the package body instead of the spec.
TOR-6365 link Unit Test Manager: Context menu opens and closes erratically when invoked while a test is running.
TOR-6366 link Describe: The Describe window always remembers the size and position, i.e. there is no option to disable this as with other windows.
TOR-6371 Compare Multiple Tables/Compare Table Data: Script output uses incorrect decimal and thousands separators in some cases.
TOR-6372 Auto Update: The QuestDBTAutoUpdate Windows service does not use double quoted executable path.
TOR-6373 Session Browser: Various errors when the session lacks the privileges required to use it.
TOR-6374 link Editor: Execute Snippet replaces PL/SQL references with bind variables and uses variable names that are not intuitive.
TOR-6377 Execute Script: Memory leak when executing any script.
TOR-6378 link Schema Browser: Revoking an object grant from a schema having a name requiring double quotes fails.
TOR-6407 link Alter Table: Clicking NOT NULL on a column after scrolling down in the grid results in the setting being applied to the wrong column.
TOR-6413 link Schema Browser: Object quick filter selects the wrong item from history in some cases.
TOR-6424 link Automation Designer: Execute Script action gives the wrong error message when the script file has been deleted from disk.
TOR-6430 link Create/Alter Tablespace: Several issues with encryption algorithm and temporary tablespaces, e.g. algorithm dropdown is enabled when altering, algorithm is excluded from the script tab, only the AES128 algorithm is present in the Create Tablespace window.
TOR-6432 link Single Object Compare: An object in the target session having the same name as the source object should be selected by default.
TOR-6438 link Session Browser: "Engine is currently busy" error message.
TOR-6447 link Data Grids: Up|Down arrow navigation does not work when editing VARCHAR2 fields.
TOR-6448 Create/Alter Scheduler Job: ORA-27453 is thrown when altering a scheduler job that has unnamed parameters.
TOR-6512 link Export Dataset: Excel Instance format changes the file/clipboard setting unnecessarily.

Toad for Oracle 16.1

The following list of resolved issues includes issues received from the Toad for Oracle forum, Toad Beta users, and exception data collected from the Toad Improvement Program.

Issue ID Link to Forum Post Resolved Issue
TOR-1051 link Code Insight: Limited support for common table expressions.
TOR-4773 Connections: Connection colors are not observed when passing in connection string as command line argument.
TOR-5672 link Editor: Find Unused Variables false positives in some cases.
TOR-5742 SQL Tracker: Does not work with Toad for Oracle Subscription.
TOR-6087 link Alter Table: Cannot modify the DELETE RULE of a constraint.
TOR-6118 link Login Window: The Color column does not display all color names.
TOR-6129 link Editor: A modified script that references other scripts using relative paths fails to execute.
TOR-6132 Oracle Tuning Advisor: Unclear error message if SQL ID is invalid.
TOR-6134 Connection Bar: Database name is not shown for clientless, direct connections.
TOR-6141 link Automation Designer: Actions copied from another computer will not run if the Oracle client path is not the same on both computers.
TOR-6142 link Editor: Dock layout splitters are accessible even when no panels are visible.
TOR-6143 link Schema Browser: An extra scrollbar may appear on the right side when a theme is used.
TOR-6148 link Schema Browser: The table, detail data grid does not use all available space to maximize the number of displayed rows.
TOR-6149 link Schema Browser: Java Source DDL is incorrect when the "Schema name" script option is used.
TOR-6155 link Editor: Scroll position is lost when changing tabs.
TOR-6161 link FTP: Secure FTP is unable to connect when using a private key file.
TOR-6167 SQL Recall: Access Violation occurs when opening SQL Recall when the Toad application style is set to SDI.
TOR-6172 link Editor: Executing a script having SET AUTOTRACE ON results in "Unable to retrieve autotrace statistics" and other errors.
TOR-6173 link Editor: The active tab is not distinguishable when using dark mode.
TOR-6184 Schema Browser: Collection types of the current schema are not shown in some cases when using treeview browser style.
TOR-6188 link Compare Table Data: A matching object in the target database should be selected by default.
TOR-6208 link Schema Browser: Expanding a package and then compiling it results in a List Index Out of Bounds error when using the treeview browser style.
TOR-6215 link Import Table Data: Date format error occurs when importing from an Excel spreadsheet in some cases.
TOR-6218 link Queues: The QUEUE_TO_QUEUE and DELIVERY_MODE parameters are unsupported and result in incorrect DDL generation and queue comparison results.
TOR-6276 Copy Table Data: Unicode characters in XMLTYPE fields are corrupt.
TOR-6290 link Data Grid: Blob edit window causes Toad to hang in some cases

Toad for Oracle 16.0

The following list of resolved issues includes issues received from the Toad for Oracle forum, Toad Beta users, and exception data collected from the Toad Improvement Program.

Issue ID Link to Forum Post Resolved Issue

Editor: Unable to run unit tests created with Code Tester for Oracle

Schema Browser: Unable to view results of unit tests created with Code Tester for Oracle


Ping: Unable to use Ping tool when Toad's Internet access has been disable

TOR-5904 link

Export DDL: Trigger scripts omit DISABLE in some cases


Alter Job: ORA-01858 encountered when changing the next execution time when locale settings are set to Korean


Desktop: Dock panels set to auto-hide are not restored when restarting Toad


Dark Mode: Windows lack borders and shadows when connection colors are used

TOR-5920 link

Window Bar: Button order is incorrect when the Connection Bar option "Save positions" is enabled

TOR-5930 link

Schema Browser: The right side display when viewing a trigger is too small

TOR-5931 link

Dark Mode: Cursor output colors are not good


Administer Tablespaces: Access Violation occurs when refreshing the Objects tab quickly

TOR-5946 link

Log Miner: The final step in the wizard is missing its toolbar


Editor: Auto Replace may apply within strings and comments incorrectly when typing quickly

TOR-5958 link

Schema Browser: Out of Memory exception occurs when filtering synonyms to include both Private and Public


Editor: "Field not found" error occurs during execution with a cursor output variable in some cases

TOR-5967 link

Editor: Describe (F4) fails in the Navigator panel when the text is set to lowercase


Session Browser: Changing Current Statement subtabs cause a refresh when the "Refresh" option is unchecked

TOR-5972 link

Editor: Access Violation occurs when dragging files from Windows Explorer in some cases


Describe: Size and position are not remembered

TOR-6030 link

Editor: Applying Auto Debugger generates code that will not compile in some cases


Editor: Data Grid commits when it should not if the cached edits option is enabled (View | Options | Data Grids | Data)

TOR-6048 link

Alter Scheduler Job: Changes made to notifications are not committed

TOR-6049 link

Schema Browser: Caption changes made to scheduler object tabs are not remembered

TOR-6050 link

Schema Browser: Splitter between the left and right sides does not work when dark mode is in use

TOR-6052 link

Rebuild Table: Script excludes the backup table name when the source table name is longer than 30 characters

TOR-6053 link

Schema Browser: ORA-29275 is raised when selecting a scheduler job if data in the GLOBAL_UID column of DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS is corrupt

TOR-6060 link

Explain Plan: Plan table is created in the login schema when selecting a schema other than TOAD or the login schema


Editor: The code section becomes inaccessible if the bottom splitter is positioned near the top and the Editor is resized smaller

TOR-6066 link

Alter Table: Cannot add a primary key constraint

TOR-6070 link

Editor: Save dialog uses .SQL extension instead of .sql


Compare Table Data: Error occurs when comparing external tables


Session Browser: Splitter position is lost after minimizing Toad when the form layout is oriented with the detail tabs at the bottom


Compare Multiple Tables: Unable to compare LOBs in different databases by LOB length

TOR-6080 link

Schema Browser: Quick filter does not allow selecting the only item in the dropdown

TOR-6082 link

Editor: Active tab text is lost when using the windows "pop out" feature


Schema Browser: Table columns tab does not allow adding a virtual column

TOR-6084 link

Data Grids: Popup Editor is slow to appear when using Dark Mode

TOR-6088 link

Schema Browser: Adding a constraint to the selected table causes the table to become deselected on the left side

TOR-6091 link

Data Grids: Save dialog in popup editor opens in the background

TOR-6097 link

Data Grids: Posting edits to CLOB data visualizes the data as corrupt despite it being sent to the database properly


Editor: Automatic backups of tab text do not stay up to date as the text is modified

TOR-6104 link

Explain Plan: Error image is used incorrectly for some plan steps


Schema Browser: Expanding indexes in multiple schemas leads to Access Violation when the browser style is set to treeview

TOR-6116 link

Editor: "Operation aborted" error message is shown in cases where an ORA-06503 is the error returned by the database

TOR-6123 link

Login: The Database dropdown of the TNS tab is slow to load if the tnsnames.ora file contains thousands of entries

TOR-6128 link

Schema Browser: ORA-00904 is raised when editing data using the Foreign Key lookup feature if the column name requires double quotes


Generate Database Script: Including two databases produces incorrect script output for the second database.

Known Issues

The following is a list of issues, including those attributed to third-party products, known to exist in this release line at the time of the current release.

General known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Toad's help cannot be opened from an installation path that contains Unicode characters. 72966

If you check "Indexes" on the Scripts tab for snapshots, then the primary key for the snapshot will be included in the script, even though the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement implicitly creates this primary key.

Toad currently does not differentiate between indexes created explicitly on the snapshot and indexes created automatically when the snapshot is created.

Workaround: If you are running the generated script to recreate the snapshot, then you can simply ignore the error that occurs when the script tries to recreate the primary key index for the snapshot. If you do not normally create indexes on snapshots, then you can uncheck "Indexes" when generating the snapshot script.


If you use 11g Oracle ODP.NET client or any other client that does not have the oci.dll in the BIN directory, Toad has the following problems:

  1. Client shows as invalid
  2. Client version is not detected
  3. As a result of #2, columns of the following datatypes are not shown in the Schema Browser table data: CLOB, BLOB, NCLOB, XMLTYPE, TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL, BINARY_DOUBLE, and BINARY_FLOAT


If there is an exception during debugging on a 10Gr2 or greater database, REFCURSOR output and DBMS output will not be available when debugging is completed. This is due to the target session not being available.

Workaround: To see REFCURSOR output and DBMS output, execute the procedure without the debugger.



While Toad supports LDAP connectivity, some features of Toad depend on tnsnames.ora file to operate correctly, such as Toad Script Runner (TSR).


Schema Browser

Sometimes after pressing "Compile invalid objects", you may get ORA-20000, ORA-06512, or ORA-06512 errors. This could mean that you do not have the privileges to compile the object, but it also happens when the schema contains a package body that does not have an associated spec.

Workaround: Look in the schema that you are trying to compile to see whether there are any orphan package bodies. If it is your own schema, then do:select * from user_objects o1 where object_type = ''PACKAGE BODY'' and not exists (select ''x'' from user_objects o2 where o2.object_name = o1.object_name and o2.object_type = ''PACKAGE'') Then drop any orphan package bodies that are found.



An access violation error may display when you close Toad in a Citrix XenApp environment.



Constraint scripts from Export DDL do not contain the "using index" or "tablespace" clause.


Data Modeler:

  • Generation of HTML reports of large diagrams may fail during generation of an image of the ER Diagram.
  • Comparison of large models may consume too much memory.

Oracle client known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

In some cases, connecting to an 11g database using a 19c or 21c client may result in a hang when cancelling a query or when using Code Insight.

Workaround: Use an 18c or older client when connecting to an affected database.


All versions of Oracle client 19c leak memory when working with LOB types. This includes simple SELECT statements against a table containing LOB types.


Proxy server known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

Toad does not support Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) scripts; however, Toad does allow you to specify Quest-specific proxy settings to work around this limitation. By default Toad will use non-PAC proxy settings configured within Windows automatically.

Apply settings system-wide:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Quest Software\Internet Settings:

  • ProxyEnable (DWORD): 1 = enable proxy override at this level, 0 = don't enable proxy override at this level
  • ProxyServer (string): semicolon-delimited "<protocol>=<server>:<port>" entries
    • For a shared proxy server across multiple protocols:
      • a single "<server>:<port>" entry is all that's needed (ex: "")
    • For individual proxy servers by protocol, specify multiple entries:
      • ex: "https=;http=;ftp="

For 32-bit applications on a 64-bit machine:

  • Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Quest Software\Internet Settings:

Apply settings to your own account:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Quest Software\Internet Settings:

  • Same keys as above

Notes for use:

  1. Override proxy settings will only be included if the corresponding ProxyEnable value is set to "1". Otherwise, it's ignored.
  2. HKLM (system-wide) server settings will override Windows settings.
  3. HKCU (local) server settings will override HKLM and Windows settings.
  4. Users can also edit both the system proxy settings (existing in Toad 14.0) and now their user-specific proxy settings (from HKCU) within Toad's Proxy Settings dialog (View | Options | Online); however, system-wide settings (from HKLM) will not be editable inside of Toad since they're more for administrators in silent installs or system-wide configs.

Data Grids known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

You may receive an "ORA-00902 invalid datatype" error when editing an object, nested table, or varray data if you have redefined the data type for that data during the current session.

Workaround: If you redefine an object type, nested table, or varray and then need to edit data in a table based on that type, end your current connection and begin a new one.


Full table data is not displaying in the live data grid (results from F9) if the data contains "zero" characers (ACII 0). In this case, all data after the zero character will not show in the grid.

Workaround: Double click on the data cell in the data grid to view full contents of data in a popup editor.


Code Analysis known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Saving results to a database: When dealing with nested procedures, Code Analysis can only insert run data from procs one level deep. N/A

Saving PL/SQL results to a database may fail or save invalid data to the database for invalid PL/SQL objects.

Workaround: To ensure PL/SQL results are saved to the database correctly, verify the validity of all objects before running Code Analysis.


Editor known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

Toad errors when you query on a field of Oracle collection types.

Workaround: Execute using SQL*Plus.


When spooling to an unpinned output window, the window becomes unresponsive and errors are given when Toad is closed ("Canvas does not allow drawing").

Workaround: Keep the output window pinned.


If you use a non fixed-width font, the results are misaligned in the of Script Output tab in Editor after executing a SQL script.

Workaround: Go to Options | Scripts and select a fixed-width font for script output.


Session Browser known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
The Program name in the Session Browser may be blank or may be the full path to the executable instead of just the executable name. This depends on the Oracle client, not on Toad. N/A

In RAC databases, version (and possibly other 10.1 versions), the query used to populate the "Current Statement" in the Session Browser fails with the following error: Runtime error occurred: 12801 (ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server PZ99, instance <instance name> ORA-01008: not all variables bound) This problem does not occur in Non-RAC environments.

Workaround: Clear the "Use RAC Views" checkbox, and log into the appropriate instance of the database, if necessary.


Team Coding known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

Creating a new revision or attempting to force a check-in to Visual Studio Team Services may result in a "404: Not Found" error. The current version of Team Foundation Server used by Visual Studio Team Services compares the source being uploaded with the source already in the repository. If the source has not changed, it may incorrectly return an error rather than allowing the forced revision. This appears to be a Microsoft issue. As a result, these two commands may fail.


When using the Team Foundation Server internal client and Team Foundation Server 2012 or 2013 alternate Team Project Collections, workspaces created outside of Toad are not visible from within Toad. A workspace may be created from Toad by clicking the ‘New’ button during the Team Foundation Server log in.

This is not an issue when using the Team Foundation Server external client.

Team Coding is disabled for mixed-case object names. N/A

With CVS, Toad may fail to retrieve the list of projects for you to select from in the CVS browser or in the Code Control Groups configuration.

Workaround: See "Missing CVS\Entries File Error" in the online help.

Team Coding and Clearcase: Dynamic Views are not supported via SCC interface. Snapshot Views must be used instead. (Rational case ID v0830629, Rational Defect # CMBU00053934) N/A

Unicode known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

The following features in Toad do not support Unicode:

  • ASM Manager
  • Export File Browser
  • Hex Editor

In addition, Java itself does not allow Unicode class names or file names. This is relevant to the Java Manager, Editor, and Schema Browser.


Editor options to highlight object names may not work for object names that contain Unicode characters.

Script Execution in Editor: Error offset can be incorrect when running scripts with multi-byte object names. N/A
XML (Plain) format creates bad XML if Unicode string values and Unicode column names are exported through Export Dataset. N/A

Import mapping for Unicode characters is incorrect if the characters are not a fixed width (such as Korean).

In Team Coding, objects with Unicode contents are supported, objects with Unicode names are not. Supported Version Control Providers do not support Unicode names. N/A

The OCI option ORA_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE affects the NCHAR String Literal Replacement behavior when connected to non-Unicode databases. The option can be enabled or disabled. See the "Enable ORA_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE" option (View | Options | Oracle | General). The option has adverse behavior regardless of its value.

  • Enabled - ORA-01756 error when executing SQL using the Q-quote operator where the end delimiter appears within the string literal and is followed by a single quote that is also part of the string literal. The single quote does not have to immediately follow the delimiter.
  • Disabled - NCHAR string literal corruption when connected to non-Unicode database.


High DPI known issues

Known Issue Issue ID


(Affects Windows Server 2019 only)

Toolbar button images may disappear when you mouse over them if the "High DPI scaling override" option is set to "System (Enhanced)" in the Windows file properties dialog for Toad.exe


Third-party known issues

Known Issue Issue ID


(Affects the 64-bit version of Toad only)

If IE9 is installed, clicking a link in the Help file may crash Toad 64-bit, even if IE9 is not the default browser.

Workaround: Users who have IE9 installed can open Help from outside of Toad.


System Requirements

This section contains the hardware, software, and privileges required to run Toad for Oracle, as well as the database and virtual environments that Toad for Oracle supports.

Hardware requirements




1 GHz processor


  • 1 GB RAM - Toad for Oracle 32 bit
  • 2 GB RAM - Toad for Oracle 64 bit

Note: The memory required may vary based on the following: 

  • Applications that are running on your system
  • Size and complexity of the database
  • Amount of database activity
  • Number of concurrent users accessing the database

Hard disk space

  • 120 MB - Toad for Oracle 32 bit
  • 150 MB - Toad for Oracle 64 bit

Operating system

  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 - 2 CPU required
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

Database requirements



Database client

An Oracle client must be installed and configured on the system where you are running Toad. The following are supported:

  • Oracle Client or Instant Client
  • Oracle Client or Instant Client
  • Oracle Client or Instant Client 12c Release 1 and 2
  • Oracle Client or Instant Client 18c
  • Oracle Client or Instant Client 19c
  • Oracle Client or Instant Client 21c

Note: You must use the 32-bit version of Toad with the 32-bit Oracle client, and the 64-bit version of Toad with the 64-bit Oracle client.

Database server

Oracle versions:

  • 10g Release 2
  • 11g Release 1 and 2
  • 12c Release 1 and 2
  • 18c
  • 19c
  • 21c

Important: It is recommended that your client version be of the same release (or later) as your database server. This is an Oracle recommendation to prevent performance issues.

Cloud database service

Oracle Database as a Service on Amazon EC2 and Oracle Cloud


  • Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is being adopted by the US Federal Government and industries around the world. In its most basic format, the new protocol uses 128-bit addresses instead of 32-bit addresses, which are used by the current IPv4 to route packets over the Internet. Toad for Oracle features, such as FTP, access the Internet through third-party vendors that are IPv6 compliant, such as /nSoftware's IP*Works. For access to Web sites by way of the Toad Online window, Toad simply invokes the user-defined or default Web browser.
  • Toad for Oracle Subscription editions require the user to sign in when using the product. This enables the product to verify the user's identity and to check that they are entitled to use the subscription. To complete this entitlement check internet access is required to connect to Quest Software's Licensing Servers.

  • Toad for Oracle Subscription edition is bundled with Quest Auto Update, a service to periodically check for and deliver product updates. Quest Auto Update requires internet access and must be able to reach the cloud service at

Additional requirements



Additional Software

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later (to view video from the Jump list within Toad, and to view the product documentation in HTML format).
  • Microsoft Office 2016 and recent earlier releases are supported for Word and Excel output.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or later (to view the product documentation in PDF format).
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to support the Toad for Oracle Editions Installer.

Virtualization support



Application virtualization

Citrix® XenApp

Desktop virtualization (VDI)

vWorkspace™ 7.0 has been tested.

Server virtualization

Oracle VM 3.1 has been tested.

VMware ESX Server 3.5, 4.0, and 5.5 have been tested.

Note: Toad may work in virtualization environments other than the ones listed.

Windows Privileges

In order to install and run Toad, make a connection, and do basic operations, you must have the following privileges.

Operating System


Windows 8.1 and 10

Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, and 2022

  • Read access to the Oracle client folder
  • Read/write privileges on the Oracle Home directories that you use for your connections

Note: Toad for Oracle Subscription edition is bundled with Quest Auto Update, a service to periodically check for and deliver product updates. Installation requires administrator privileges on all supported operating systems.

Note: Other functionality in Toad may require additional privileges.

Product Licensing

Legacy Toad for Oracle with offline license keys

To activate a trial

  1. Go to the trial download web page:, accessed through the product page.
  2. Select the Toad for Oracle Edition that you want to try.
  3. Log in to your account or register.
  4. Accept the license terms.
  5. Download the trial file.

To activate a purchased commercial license

  1. Go to the Quest Support website:
  2. Type the name of the product that you want to activate in the Enter your product to find support field.
  3. Select Download New Releases.
  4. Download the installer file.


  • License keys compatible with Toad for Oracle 9.7 and earlier versions are no longer supported.
  • Only the newer 48-character license keys are supported.
  • If you have an older license type, the Editions installer points you to the license web page where you can update it.
  • Toad supports cumulative licensing. You can add multiple licenses, including those for add-ons like Sensitive Data Protection, to Toad. Toad will use the licenses providing the highest degree of features.

Toad for Oracle Subscription with online licensing (including Editions)

Toad for Oracle Subscription requires you to sign in with your account. Licenses are tied to your account giving you the flexibility to use Toad from multiple computers without having to move your license.

Sign in with existing account

  1. Enter your account email address and password when prompted
  2. If you already have a Toad for Oracle Subscription license, no further action is needed
  3. If you do not have a Toad for Oracle Subscription license, see Activating a new license below

Create a new account

  1. Select Sign up for a new account
  2. Enter your account details and select Sign Up
  3. A confirmation email is sent containing a verification code
  4. Enter the code from the email and select Verify


    • It may take a few minutes for the verification email to arrive

    • Check your spam/junk folders for the email sent from if you do not receive it

    • For additional assistance, please contact Quest support

Activating a new license

  1. Toad for Oracle Subscription automatically provides a fully functioning, 30-day Trial license
  2. To purchase a new license, click Buy Now from Toad's title bar
  3. After completing your transaction, restart Toad and your license is automatically detected
  4. To manage licenses, select Account Settings beneath your account shown at the top-right of Toad

    NOTE: You can view your licenses from within Toad by selecting Help | Licensing

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