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Foglight 5.9.7 - Command-Line Reference Guide

About the Command-Line Interface Managing the Foglight Management Server Managing the Foglight Agent Manager Managing Agents, Cartridges, and Metrics

Managing Security Entities

Foglight manages users’ access through groups and roles. Each user belongs to one or more groups and each group can have one or more roles. The set of tasks that a user has access to depends on the roles that are assigned the groups that user belongs to.

This section contains reference information on commands that can be used to manage security settings in Foglight. For complete information about the security principles in Foglight, see the Administration and Configuration Help.


The assigngroup command adds or removes a Foglight user account from a group. A user can belong to one or more groups.

fglcmd connection_options -cmd security:assigngroup -username user_name -groupname group_name [-remove]
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:assigngroup -username Demo -groupname MyGroup
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:assigngroup -username Demo -groupname MyGroup -remove


The assignrole command adds or removes a Foglight role from a group. A group can have one or more roles.

fglcmd connection_options -cmd security:assignrole -groupname group_name -rolename role_name [-remove]
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:assignrole -groupname MyGroup -rolename Operator
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:assignrole -groupname MyGroup -rolename Operator -remove


The creategroup command creates a Foglight group. A group can have one or more users, and can be assigned one or more Foglight roles. When you create a group, that group has no roles assigned to it. Use the assignrole command to add a role to a group.

NOTE: You can run this command only if the user account you are using to log into fglcmd is granted the Security role. For information about fglcmd connection options, see Logging In and Setting the Scope . For complete information about users, roles, and groups in Foglight, see the Administration and Configuration Help.
fglcmd connection_options -cmd security:creategroup -groupname group_name
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:creategroup -groupname MyGroup

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