To display this view, enable the Store Database Group in the Information Store Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Mailbox views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Log Bytes Writes/sec. This graph charts the rate at which bytes are written to the log. | |
To display this view, enable the Store Public Load Group in the Information Store Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Mailbox views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Replication Receive Queue Size. This counter displays the number of replication messages waiting to be processed. | |
To display this view, enable the Store Resource Booking Group in the Information Store Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Mailbox views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Average Resource Booking Processing Time. This graph charts the average time it is taking to process an event in the Resource Booking Attendant. | |
Resource Booking Requests Failed. This graph charts the total number of failures that occurred while the Resource Booking Attendant was processing events. | |
To display this view, enable the Store RPC Client Throttling Group in the Information Store Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Mailbox views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Client RPCs Failed (Server Too Busy). This graph charts the client-reported rate at which RPCs failed due to the ‘Server Too Busy’ ROC error. | |
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