To display this view, enable the CAS Load Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Ping Commands Pending. This graph charts the number of Ping commands that are currently pending on the server. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||
Requests and Sync Commands/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
| |||||
Autodiscover Requests/sec. This graph charts the number of Autodiscover service requests processed each second. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||
To display this view, enable the CAS OAB Download Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Download Tasks Queued. This graph charts the number of OAB download tasks queued since the file distribution service started. | |
Download Tasks Completed. This graph charts the number of OAB download tasks completed since the file distribution service started. | |
To display this view, enable the CAS RPC Client Access Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
RPC Averaged Latency. This graph charts the latency averaged for the past 1,024 packets. | |
RPC Requests. This graph charts the number of client requests currently being processed by the RPC Client Access service. | |
RPC Operations/sec. This graph charts the rate at which RPC operations occur. | |
To display this view, enable the CAS RPC Client Access Load Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Active User Count. This graph charts the number of unique users that have shown activity in the last two minutes. | |
Connection Count. This graph charts the total number of client connections being maintained. | |
RPC Operations/sec. This graph charts the rate at which RPC operations occur. | |
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