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Security Guardian protection templates not created in a multi-forest Change Auditor installation
Multi-forest Change Auditor installations are installations that have two or more coordinators installed in separate Active Directory forests that share a database. Each coordinator is used to manage the Change Auditor agents in their respective forests. In order for Security Guardian protection templates to be applied to multi-forest Change Auditor installation, credentials for each forest must be configured in "Foreign Forest Credentials" ("Deployment tab | Foreign Forest" ). However, when the credentials are configured, Security Guardian protection templates still may not be created/updated and the following error is recorded in the Change Auditor Coordinator log:
ID: 1441 Time: 24-01-01 00:00:00.000 Level: INFO Thread: 7 Logger: Quest.Data.ExceptionSql File: Function: Quest.Data.ExceptionSql.OnExceptionSqlEvent Line: 0 Message: SQL error(-2146232060): Error: 2627, Procedure: usp_ProtectDirectory_Load, Message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_ProtectDirectoryObject'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Protect.DirectoryObject'. The duplicate key value is (<guid>, <guid>).;
command: usp_ProtectDirectory_Load
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Data di creazione: 9/18/2024 Ultimo aggiornamento: 9/18/2024
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