Pre-purchase Steps:
1. Determine if the user environment is compatible with RemoteScan User Edition. The best way to do this is to install RemoteScan User Edtion for a pool of test users in the customer environment. When the RemoteScan User Edition evaluation account is created, a temporary evaluation license key is separately emailed to the customer from Quest licensing. The temporary evaluation license key allows up to 10 test users. The evaluation version of RemoteScan User Edition is functionally the same as the licensed version (the only difference is the license key is temporary). Customers can create an evaluation account of RemoteScan User Edition using one of the following links:
RemoteScan Enterprise User Edition evaluation download:
RemoteScan Universal User Edition evaluation download:
2. The next step in migrating from RemoteScan Enterprise or RemoteScan Universal to RemoteScan Enterprise User Edition or RemoteScan Universal User Edition is to contact the Quest sales team to determine if the existing RemoteScan client-based licenses are eligible for swap to User Edition licenses. In the case that existing client-based RemoteScan licenses cannot be swapped to User Edition licenses, new RemoteScan User Edition licenses may need to be purchased.
Post-purchase Steps:
3. Once the licensed RemoteScan User Edition account is created, the customer will be emailed a new license key from Quest licensing. If the customer has already installed the evaluation version of RemoteScan User Edition onto their environment, they don't necessarily need to upgrade the RemoteScan User Edition software to the licensed version. The customer only needs to remove the evaluation license key in the RemoteScan license server and replace that key with the permanent RemoteScan User Edition license key emailed by Quest licensing.
4. In order to download the RemoteScan User Edition installer after purchase, the customer can access the RemoteScan User Edition download link by logging into the following page:
Note: When accessing the RemoteScan User Edition portal page for the first time, the customer will need to provide their RemoteScan User Edition license number, as well as provide their company name and an administrator email address.
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