Instructions for upgrading and moving the MessageStats product from a Complete install to a Distributed install.
Please confirm the following:
1. On the new Console/Reports Server the following is required:
- .NET Framework v1.1.4322
- Active Server Pages
- MessageStats v5x - Outlook 2003 Sp2 or greater with all patches available. Also an Exchange Profile needs to be created and log on to at least once with Outlook.
- MessageStats v6x - Exchange System Manager installed with latest service pack applied.
2. On the new Database Server the following is required:
- SQL 2000 Sp3 or greater
3. On the old Console/Reports Server the following is required to be done before upgrade:
- Under Program Files | Quest Software | MessageStats directory backup the License.bin for MessageStats v5.x or the asc file for MessageStats v6.x and the MessageStats.ini files (copy to a new folder called backup).
- Under C:\Inetpub\WWWRoot\MessageStatsReports\Reports directory back up the _Users folder (copy to a new folder called backup)
- Remove the Exchange Servers from both the Interactive and Automated tabs, save and close out of the console.
4. On the old Database Server the following is required:
- Backup the MessageStats Database
How to upgrade and move the MessageStats Distributed install to 2 new Windows 2003 Servers:
1. Download MessageStats v5.x or MessageStats v6.x from SupportLink at and upgrade the original installation on the Windows 2000/2003 Server.
2. Install the MessageStats Database Component on the Windows 2003 Server that will host the MessageStats Database.
3. Now there should be two instances the database: the original upgrade on a Windows 2000/2003 Server and the newly installed on a Windows 2003 Server.
4. Launch The SQL Server Client Tools. The SQL Server's Client Tools are required to move the upgraded MessageStats Database from Windows 2000 Server to the Windows 2003 Server.
5. Select Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager.
6. Using Enterprise Manager running on the Windows 2003 Server, expand Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server Group | (local) (Windows NT). Now expand the Database Folder and there should be a MessageStats Database. Right-click the MessageStats Database, select All Tasks | Detach Database and click OK. This will detach the newly created empty database.
7. Keep Enterprise Manager open, right-click on SQL Server Group, select New SQL Server Registration, and click Next. Now find the original MessageStats Windows 2000/2003 Server Name in the list, highlight it, click Add, click Next 3 times to use default settings and then Finish. This should add the upgraded MessageStats Windows 2000 Server.
8. Now expand Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server Group | 'ServerName' (Windows NT). Now expand the Database Folder and there should be a MessageStats Database. Right-click the upgraded MessageStats Database, select Properties, select the Data Files tab, note the Location and name of the .mdf file and do the same under the Transaction Log Tab. This way the .mdf and .ldf files can be copied to the Windows 2003 Server for reattachment.
9. Right Click the MessageStats Database, select All Tasks | Detach Database and click OK. This will detach the original database so .mdf and .ldf files can be copied over from the noted location to the Windows 2003 Server.
10. Open Enterprise Manager to reattach and expand Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server Group | (local) (Windows NT). Right-click the Database Folder, select All Tasks | Attach Database, click the Ellipses Button (...) and now locate the copied upgraded MessageStats Database .mdf and .ldf files and select only the .mdf file and click OK.
11. Both .mdf and .ldf files are listed in the window, so click OK to attach the upgraded MessageStats Database.
12. Install the MessageStats Console/Reports Components on the Windows 2003 Server that will host the Console and Reports.
13. Using the Run command on the Windows 2003 Server, connect to the Windows 2000/2003 Server drive that has the upgraded MessageStats Console/Reports.
14. Copy the Program Files\Quest Software\MessageStats\License.bin file (MessageStats v5x) or asc file (MessageStats v6.x) on the Windows 2000/2003 Server, select to copy the License.bin file or asc file to the Windows 2003 Server under Program Files\Quest Software\MessageStats directory.
15. Under C:\Inetpub\WWWRoot\MessageStatsReports\Reports directory on the Windows 2000/2003 Server copy the _Users folder and paste it in the same location on the Windows 2003 Server.
16. You will now want to open the MessageStats.ini file under Program Files\Quest Software\MessageStats directory on the Windows 2000/2003 Server and compare it to the MessageStats.ini file on the Windows 2003 Server. Make changes where necessary.
17. Launch the MessageStats Console on the Windows 2003 Server to confirm connection to the MessageStats Database.
18. Launch the MessageStats Reports and confirm the connection to the Database successfully.
Where you have separated the IIS Server from the SQL Server, you might run into the following issue:
Solution 3553 - "Errors when launching Messagestats Reports":