LicenseInfoCmd.exe (-? | -r | ([-s] -l <license_key> [-m <site_message>]) )
The new Syntax through the LicenseInfoCMD.exe via CLI is:
LicenseInfoCmd.exe (-? | -r | ([-s] -l <license_key>) )
The old Syntax through the xp_sqllitespeed_licenseinfo procedure was:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqllitespeed_licenseinfo [ @licensekey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-111-22222-YY' [, @sitemessage = 'Site_Message' ] [, @ShowLicenseNumber = 1 ] [, @store = 1] | @remove = 1]
The new Syntax through the xp_sqllitespeed_licenseinfo procedure is:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqllitespeed_licenseinfo [ @licensekey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-111-22222-YY' [, @ShowLicenseNumber = 1 ] [, @store = 1] | @remove = 1]
The old way through the LiteSpeed License Registration Window (GUI) was entering the license key, checking Site Message and entering the Site message (if applicable) in the field:The new way through the LiteSpeed License Registration Window (GUI) only requires to enter the new license key in the field:
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