When monitoring an Oracle instance using sudo, commands are not found. An error similar to the following is printed in the database agent log file.
ERROR [HOSTNAME-INSTANCE-lowPriorityPool-29216-[DBO_Usability][2019/06/27 11:17:35]] com.quest.qsi.fason.oracle.core.usability.OracleUnixUsabilityOSReader - Failed to execute Usability OS script on instance : [HOSTNAME-INSTANCE] . Failed to run query of "HOSTNAME-INSTANCE" instance. Query [#
${LOCALE} ${sudo} ps -ef | ${sudo} grep -iw ora_pmon_$instance_name | ${sudo} grep -vc grep]. Params [{instance_name=INSTANCE}]
Caused by: com.quest.qsi.fason.framework.connections.common.exceptions.FrameworkQueryException: bash: line 14: ps: command not found
bash: line 14: grep: command not found
bash: line 14: grep: command not found- Profile:SSH Connection Profile {Host = HOSTNAME, Agent = HOSTNAME-INSTANCE, Port = 22, Environment = {PATH=/usr/bin/sudo}}
Running the same sudo command by logging into the host and using the Foglight monitoring id works successfully.