On Windows 10 clients specifically on versions 1709 or beyond when you try to access the KACE SMA Samba Share will receive a Windows cannot find \\SMAHostname\client. Error.
This occurs because guest access in SMB2 its disabled by default in this version of Windows 10 and for security purposes Microsoft recommends to keep guest access disabled.
A malicious computer that impersonates a legitimate file server could allow users to connect as guests without its knowledge. Microsoft recommends not to change this default setting. If a remote device is configured to use guest credentials, the administrator should disable guest access on the remote device and configure correct authentication and authorization.
To verify this, open the windows event viewer and navigate to: Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > SMBClient > Security and review the error log.
For more details about this please refer to Microsoft on: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4046019
Best practice for Windows agent provisioning includes both the WinRM and GPO methods. KACE does not recommend circumventing default Windows security configuration to deploy agents via traditional provisioning (which will be removed in a future release). WinRM and GPO are both more secure and reliable methods for agent deployment.
Method 1:
Map KACE SMA Samba Share on the client as a network drive using the Samba share admin credentials.
To target multiple devices create a Script in KACE SMA (Scripting) that executes the following command:
net use X: \\SMAhostname\sharedfoldername /user:admin password /persistent:yes
Method 2:
Create a GPO that edits a registry key to allow Guest Authentication.
If you are in a workstation, need to update the value of the Key: AllowInsecureGuestAuth from 0 to 1
This key located in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters
If you are in a server, the key will be located in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
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