Creating Unattend.xml file
Place the unattend.xml in the c:\windows\system32\sysprep directory. The unattend.xml file can be created in by the KACE utility called Sysprep Creator or using the walk me through process for a scripted install. Using the Microsoft tool to create the unattend file may leave sections of the file missing and not be able to use the Get/Set Computer name or Change Autologon Count tasks.
Using the Sysprep Creator will guide through the required data, be sure to go through each tab on the top even though there may be no change to the data. When ready select the Create option and have it create the unattend.xml and Executioner files. Place these onto the desktop of the system wanting to sysprep and run the Executioner file. This will perform a check on common items which cause sysprep to fail, if none are observed then selecting Sysprep will bring up the option's for sysprep (reboot vs shutdown). Once this is completed boot system into the KACE KBE and capture all partitions.
Manual Sysprep process on system
The process can also be completed manually, once the unattend.xml file is created with the sysprep creator place the file in the two locations of \windows\system32\sysprep and \windows\panther directories. If the image being built is on a virtual system, perform a snapshot or back-up to capture its state before sysprep command below is entered.
Navigate to \windows\system32\sysprep using a command prompt and run "sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:unattend.xml" (note unattend.xml switch filename should contain actual name of unattend file).
Sysprep will run and then shut down the system once it’s finished with the process.
Capture Image
Boot the system directly into KBE and capture the image with all partitions. If the machine happens to boot into Windows before capture, the sysprep process will need to be completed again as the system will no longer be in the sysprep state. On virtual systems return to the snapshot prior to initiating the sysprep process.
Additional Notes: If using the 'copy profile' option in the unattend ( then make sure to run sysprep from the account whose profile is desired to be the default.
Removing unattend.xml if desired
Unattend files can be deleted after deployment with a Postinstallation task.
del /Q /F %systemdrive%\windows\system32\sysprep\unattend.xml
del /Q /F %systemdrive%\windows\panther\unattend.xml
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