Facts, when working with Active Directory Groups and Foglight Directory Services Configuration.
Troubleshooting import of LDAP groups when logging into Foglight with LDAP users.
Facts, when working with Active Directory Groups and Foglight Directory Services Configuration. Troubleshooting import of LDAP groups when logging into Foglight with LDAP users.
For example, if the “The scope(s) to search for groups:” is set to "OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com", Foglight searches the OU "Groups" for AD group membership and it searches all OU’s nested under "Groups".
If you wanted Foglight to search the entire AD Directory Tree, simply set the "scope to search for groups" to the highest level, the AD Domain itself.; for example, "DC=example,DC=com" – note however, this could cause a great deal of External Groups to be created in Foglight, depending on the size of your AD organization and AD group counts – its better to use the 1st, 2nd and 3rd group namespace settings in Foglight Directory Services Configuration to target exactly where your AD groups reside that you want to get created for AD users logging into Foglight.
Using AD Groups to grant Foglight login/use access:
As you will find out, when logging into Foglight as any LDAP User, you do not “get in” at the first login – you must log back in as a Foglight administrator to grant that newly imported "External" account abilities in Foglight.
A trick for getting around this is by using AD Groups already created in Foglight to grant access. HowTo:
Now, any AD User, who logs into Foglight and who is a member of that AD Group, that’s just been granted Foglight Roles, will get in the first time they login to Foglight – they should NOT be presented with the message:
"The user "username" does not have access to the application. Please contact your administrator to grant necessary permissions.". The administrator could then grant access if necessary or group matching configured for roles to be inherited automatically.
Note: The "Foglight Users" group may also be used to grant console access to as newly created LDAP as all users are members of it; see: What is the purpose of the Foglight group "Foglight Users"? (4260373).
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