Use the following registry setting to allow an upgrade to proceed even if it detects a different collation between the two databases.
When this is set to 0 (default), you will receive an error indicating that the server collation is different and the upgrade process will stop. When set to 1 the collation switch will be changed to match the new server collation.
Registry setting: Allow collation switch
Location Registry
Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quest\ChangeAuditor\Coordinator
Value Name AllowCollationSwitch
Value Type DWORD
Default 0 - Upon coordinator start, do not allow the detection of a collation switch to proceed.
Value 0 - Upon coordinator start, do not allow the detection of a collation switch to proceed.
1 - Upon coordinator start, allow the detection of a collation switch to proceed.
When the ChangeAuditor database collation is changed via the registry key, tables are updated and indexes must be rebuilt. This process may take several hours and is important not to interrupt the process. The upgrade may appear hung at 30% but in fact the collation script is time consuming and will eventually complete. Time required may differ depending on the size of the database. A 40 GB database has been observed to take up to 9 hours for the collation switch to complete. The larger the database, the more time will be required.
Please note: If you have a Change Auditor version prior to 6.9.5, any folder/registry paths referenced may contain a non-Quest branded path.