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The following error is seen when attempting to create GPO backups:
Critical Error: An error occurred while attempting to Backup GPO [NAME].
Unable to find ldifde.exe, which is a required file. ldifde.exe can be installed by adding the "AD DS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools" feature or by running the following PowerShell command from an elevated console: Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.LdifdeFinder.GetLdifdePath() at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.GroupPolicyProviderBase.RunLdifdeCommand(ICollection`1 arguments) at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.BackupGPOProvider.ExportDE(String domainName, String dcName, String cn, Uri backupFolder, String backupFolderName, String distinguishedName) at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.BackupGPOProvider.Backup(String domainName, Guid gpoId, BackupGpoBehavior behavior, Uri backupFolder, String gpoContainerPath) at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.GpoHistoryWatcher.ProcessGroupPolicy(Uri gpoHistoryPath, Guid gpoId, Int32 versionNumber, String domainName) at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.GpoHistoryWatcher.ProcessGroupPolicy(Guid gpoId, Int32 versionNumber, String domainName) at Quest.AA.AFS.ASM.GroupPolicy.GpoHistoryWatcher.CheckForGPOChanges()
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Data di creazione: 3/22/2024 Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/16/2024
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