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Toad Data Point 5.6 - Installation Guide

Create SAP Connections

You can create a new SAP IQ, SAP SQL Anywhere, or SAP ASE connection, or connect to an existing connection from the Create New Connection window. See Troubleshoot SAP Issues for more information about troubleshooting connection issues.

Click here to view a video about creating connections in Toad Data Point

Note: This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To create an SAP connection

  1. Click on the toolbar (ALT+F+N).

  2. Select SAP ASE, SAP IQ, or SAP SQL Anywhere from the Group list.
  3. Enter the login information. Review the following for additional information:

    Login Tab Description


    Enter the host name for the connection.

    Note: This field is only available when you select an SAP IQ or SAP SQL Anywhere connection.


    Enter the number of port.


    Enter the password to use when connecting.

    Tip: After connecting, you can set a master password to further secure your connection in Tools | Options| Environment | Security.


    Enter the client character set such as UTF-8 in this field if it differs from the default character set. This helps you avoid connection issues.


    • This field is not case sensitive.

    • This field is only available when you select an SAP ASE connection.


    Select or create a category if you want to color code Editor tabs for a specific connection. This can help differentiate between development and production databases. You can also set an option to color code the Object Explorer pane and object editor windows (Create, Alter, Drop, etc.). See Set Connection Categories for more information.  Click here to view a video of this feature.
    Options Tab Description


    (SAP ASE only) Set language for your connection to SAP ASE to override your Region | Format settings in Control Panel. If the field is left empty the default language is used.

    Default is us_english.


    Select whether you want to use Kerberos when connecting.

    Default is No.


    Select None if you do not want to use encryption during connecting. Select TLS to use the highest available encryption when connecting. Indicate the path to your certificate file if you want to use TLS encryption.
    Advanced Tab Description
    ODBC driver

    Select an ODBC driver to use for this connection when creating cross-connection queries.

    Tip: You can specify the ODBC driver to use for all connections for this database provider in Tools | Options | Database | Oracle.

  4. Click Connect to save the connection and immediately connect to the database.


    Click Save to save the connection without connecting to the database.

Tip: Connections are stored in the connections.xml file and can be found by clicking the Application Data Directory link in Help | About.


Related Topics

Understand Toad Connections

Switching Connections in Toad

Create SAP HANA Connection

To create an SAP HANA connection

  1. Click on the toolbar (ALT+F+N).
  2. Select SAP HANA from the Group list box.
  3. Specify the connection properties in the Create New Connection dialog. Review the following for additional information:

    General tab Description


    Enter IP address (or the master host name).

    Note: Enter the master host name. Host names for distributed systems are determined automatically. If the specified host is not available, the connection is established through one of the other hosts.

    Instance Number

    Enter a two-digit instance number.

    Note: The communication port number is defined by: n <instance> xy, where n is either 3 or 5, <instance> is a two-digit number representing the instance number of the SAP HANA appliance, and xy represents a consecutive number. Toad users only enter the instance number.

    Type of Authentication


    Authentication by the current operating system user - connect using your operating system authentication

    Authentication by the database user - connect using your database user authentication


    Enter the user name to use when connecting.


    Enter the password to use when connecting.

    Tip: After connecting, you can set a master password to further secure your connection in Tools | Options| Environment | Security.


    Select the database mode. SAP HANA supports numerous isolated databases in a single HANA system. Although each database in a multiple-container system is isolated, cross-queries can be performed and all databases share the same installation, resources, and administration.

    Single-container — Select for single-container systems. These can be converted to multiple-container systems.

    Multiple-container — Select for multiple-container systems. These systems always have one system database, which is used for administration, and any number of tenant databases.

    Select whether you want to connect to the System or Tenant database. Users connect to a specific tenant database within the system using its database name.

    Current Schema

    Select a database schema. Click to create a temporary connection and display available schemas in the drop-down list.


    Select or create a category if you want to color code Editor tabs for a specific connection. This can help differentiate between development and production databases. You can also set an option to color code the Object Explorer pane and object editor windows (Create, Alter, Drop, etc.). See Set Connection Categories for more information.

      Click here to view a video of this feature.

    Options tab


    Isolation Level

    (Optional) Select the default isolation level for this connection.


    (Optional) Specify a maximum value for connection lifetime by entering the length of time in seconds. The default value is 0, which specifies no maximum.
  4. Click Connect to connect immediately while saving the connection information. Optionally, click Save to save the connection without connecting.

Note: An SAP HANA ODBC driver is installed along with Toad Data Point and is required if using a HANA connection in a cross-connection query.

Tip: Connections are stored in the connections.xml file and can be found by clicking the Application Data Directory link in Help | About.


Create Snowflake Connections

Toad allows you to create a native Snowflake connection, which provides you with a full-featured Object Explorer, Query Builder and SQL Editor.

Note: You must have a Snowflake ODBC driver 2.24.2 (or later) installed before a native connection is created.

To install the Snowflake ODBC Driver

Download and install the ODBC Driver from the Snowflake Web site.

To create a Snowflake connection

  1. Click on the toolbar (ALT+F+N).
  2. Select Snowflake from the Group list box.
  3. Enter the connection information in the Create New Connection dialog. Review the following for additional information:

    General tab Description


    Enter the name of the server hosting the database to which you want to connect.


    There are four types of authentication that you can use to connect to Snowflake in Toad. The required Login fields will change according to the type of authentication you select. All the authenticators are located in a dropdown list:

    • Snowflake – User account authentication
    • SSO – Single Sign-On via external browser
    • OAuth – Token-based authentication
    • MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication
    User Enter the username for your Snowflake account
    Password Enter the password for your Snowflake account
    Token Enter your authentication token (Only visible when connecting via OAuth)

    The default port number for Snowflake is 443


    A connection can be made without providing this information

    Role Enter the User role that you would like to connect to
    Database Enter the name of the database you would like to connect to
    Warehouse Enter the name of the Warehouse you would like to connect to
  4. Click Connect to save the connection and immediately connect to the database


    Click Save to save the connection without connecting to the database.

Authentication Notes

When using SSO or MFA, there is a way to maintain continuous and secure connectivity without needing to enter login credentials for each connection attempt to Snowflake (as well as to prevent additional browser loading whenever a new module is started in Toad Data Point). To achieve this, check whether the correct parameters have been set in your account by executing the query below in your Snowflake cloud interface:


The output that will secure login credentials caching will have these values:

  • For SSO

    allow_id_token = true;

  • For MFA

    allow_client_mfa_caching = true;

If these values are set to false, then the following queries need to be executed:

  • For SSO:


    SET allow_id_token = true;

  • For MFA:


    SET allow_client_mfa_caching = true;


If a Role or Warehouse isn’t chosen, the default settings from the Snowflake User account will be applied (it is considered best practice that a user sets a default Role and a default Warehouse in their Snowflake user account).


It is strongly advised to use only the Snowflake user account authentication when creating Automation scripts to avoid unnecessary workflow interruptions.

Limitations of Snowflake Native Connections

  • Connecting to Snowflake through Programmatic SSO (Okta only) or by using key pair authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT) is not currently supported.
  • Semi-structured data types can be used for storing and analyzing purposes in Snowflake connections, but are not supported in the Data Compare/Sync Wizard because Toad will not be able to generate valid sync scripts unless they are modified before execution
  • At the moment, there is no support for Code Snippets in Snowflake connections
  • Publishing Snapshots, Views, Automation scripts, and Workbooks to Toad Intelligence Central cannot be performed when using SSO, MFA, OAuth authentication

Tip: Connections are stored in the connections.xml file and can be found by clicking the Application Data Directory link in Help | About.


Create Teradata Connections

Toad allows you to create a full-featured, native Teradata connection. This type of connection provides complete Query Builder, Query Editor, and Database Explorer functionality.


  • You must have a Teradata .NET Data Provider installed before you can create a Teradata connection.
  • To use a Teradata connection in a cross-connection query, you must have a Teradata ODBC driver installed.

To install the Teradata data provider

» Download and install the Teradata .NET Data Provider from the Teradata Web site. Use the version supported by your database version.

To create a Teradata connection

  1. Click on the Connections toolbar (ALT+F+N).
  2. Select Teradata from the Group list.
  3. Enter the connection information in the Create New Connection dialog. Review the following for additional information:


    Server name

    Enter the name of the server hosting the database to which you want to connect.

    Use Single Sign On

    Select if the user is using a single sign-on authentication system.


    Enter the password to use when connecting.

    Tip: After connecting, you can set a master password to further secure your connection in Tools | Options| Environment | Security.

    Session mode

    Displays the session mode, which is always Teradata in a Toad Teradata connection.

    Default database

    (Optional) Enter a default Teradata database for the connection.


    (Optional) Select an existing category or create a new one. See Set Connection Categories for more information.




    (Optional) Select an authentication mechanism from the list.


    (Optional) Enter the parameters required by the selected authentication mechanism. See your system administrator for these values.

    Account string

    (Optional) Enter a new account string.

    Character set

    Select a character set.

    Note: When querying or viewing data in a column defined with GRAPHIC or CHARACTER SET GRAPHIC data type, you must specify a Character set of UTF-16 for the session.

    Use data encryption

    Select if using data encryption.

    Response buffer size

    Specify a Response Buffer Size (in bytes). This allows you to govern the number of rows returned in a single response. To increase the number of rows per response, increase the response buffer size. This strategy might help to improve performance with larger data sets.

    The default value in Toad is set to the maximum, 1040000 bytes.

  4. Click Connect to connect immediately while saving the connection information. Optionally, click Save to save the connection without connecting.

Tip: Connections are stored in the connections.xml file and can be found by clicking the Application Data Directory link in Help | About.

To install a Teradata ODBC driver

» Download and install a Teradata ODBC driver from the Teradata Web site. For a list of supported Teradata ODBC drivers, please see the Release Notes for your version of Toad Data Point.


  • Toad does not support the Teradata multi-statement request.
  • You can specify which Teradata Data Directory views to use, X views or Non-X views, in Tools | Options | Database | Teradata.


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