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SharePlex 11.0 - SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History SharePlex pre-installation checklist Download the SharePlex installer Installation and setup for Oracle cluster Installation and setup for remote capture Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Assign SharePlex users to security groups Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Generic SharePlex demonstration-all platforms Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Advanced SharePlex Demonstrations for PostgreSQL Solve Installation Problems Database Setup Utilities General SharePlex Utilities Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root Run the installer in unattended mode SharePlex installed items

Install SharePlex on Linux/UNIX for Oracle Database

Install SharePlex on Linux/Unix for Oracle Database

Read this before you begin:

Run the installer in interactive mode

In interactive mode, you are prompted for each part of the installation information.

Perform the following steps to run the installer in an interactive mode:

  1. Log in to the system as the user that will be named as the SharePlex Administrator during this installation. This user will own the installation files and binaries.

  2. If sp_cop is running, shut it down.

    sp_ctrl> shutdown

  3. Copy the installation file to a temporary directory where you have write permissions.
  4. Grant executable permissions to the file.

    #chmod 555installation_file

  5. Run the .tpm file. If installing SharePlex in a cluster, run the installer from the primary node (the one to which the shared disk is mounted)

    # ./installation_file

  6. Verify that the information shown on the first screen corresponds to the Oracle version and platform you are upgrading.

  7. You are prompted for the following:



Installation type

Select <New Installation>.

Product directory location (path)

Enter the path to the SharePlex installation directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the installer creates it. If the directory exists, it must be empty. The installer quits if the directory contains prior SharePlex installations or other files.

In a cluster, install on the shared disk. For more information, see Installation and Setup for Oracle Cluster.

Variable data directory location

Specify an empty directory. The installer creates the specified directory if it does not exist.

Important! Do not install this directory into the SharePlex product directory.

In a cluster, install the variable-data directory on the shared disk. For more information, see Installation and Setup for Oracle Cluster.

SharePlex Admin group

Enter the DBA-privileged group to which the SharePlex Administrator user belongs, which will own the SharePlex binaries. If the default group of the SharePlex Administrator is oinstall, select any option, and make certain this user is listed under oinstall in the etc/group file. For more information, see Installer Checklist for Oracle.

TCP/IP port for SharePlex

Enter the port number to use for SharePlex TCP/IP communications.

License key (do you have?)

Press Enter to accept the default of Y (yes). If you do not have a license, enter no.

For licensing on a cluster, see Installation and Setup for Oracle Cluster

At any point before you run SharePlex you can add the license key with the splex_add_key utility. For more information, see SharePlex License Utilities.

Please specify platform for license key (select a number):

Please select the appropriate number from the following list of platforms to install the license key:

1) Oracle
2) File
3) JMS
4) Kafka
5) SQL Server
6) Postgres
7) MySQL
8) Snowflake
9) Event Hubs
10) All Platforms

NOTE: To install a trial version of SharePlex, users need to select the All Platforms option.

License key

Enter the license key you received from Quest.

The installer displays the location of the install log file and then quits.

See Next steps.

Next steps

The following setup tasks must be finished before you start up replication:

Task Description
Patch SharePlex If you downloaded patches for this version of SharePlex, apply them now.
Run sp_security

Run “sp_security –setup” to specify whether or not to enable SSL/TLS for all network traffic. When enabled, SSL/TLS is used for network communications between the SharePlex instances on the source and target systems.

Run Database Setup

Run the Database Setup utility for Oracle (ora_setup) to establish a database account and connection information for SharePlex. For more information, see Database Setup for Oracle.

(Heterogeneous replication)

Install SharePlex on the Open Target system and perform database setup operations. See:

Assign users to security groups For more information, see Assign SharePlex Users to Security Groups.
Multi-instance configurations

To install multiple instances of SharePlex on this system, such as to support consolidated replication, see the Run SharePlex section in SharePlex Administrator’s Guide.

Install SharePlex on Linux for Open Target Databases

Install SharePlex on Linux/Unix for PostgreSQL as a Source and Open Target Databases

Read this before you begin:

Run the installer in interactive mode

In interactive mode, you are prompted for each part of the installation information.

Perform the following steps to run the installer in interactive mode:

  1. Log in to the system as the user that will be named as the SharePlex Administrator during this installation. This user will own the installation files and binaries.

  2. (Reinstallations) If sp_cop is running, shut it down.
  3. Copy the installation file to a temporary directory where you have write permissions.
  4. Grant executable permissions to the file.

    # chmod 555 installation_file

  5. Run the .tpm file. If installing SharePlex in a cluster, run the installer from the primary node (the one to which the shared disk is mounted)

    # ./installation_file

  6. You are prompted for the following:

Prompt for: Input
Installation type

Select <New Installation>.

Product directory location (path)

Enter the path to the SharePlex installation directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the installer creates it. If the directory exists, it must be empty. The installer quits if the directory contains prior SharePlex installations or other files.

Variable data directory location

Specify an empty directory. The installer creates the specified directory if it does not exist.

Important! Do not install this directory into the SharePlex product directory.

SharePlex Admin group

Enter the DBA-privileged group to which the SharePlex Administrator user belongs, which will own the SharePlex binaries. If the default group of the SharePlex Administrator is oinstall, select any option, and make certain this user is listed under oinstall in the etc/group file. For more information, see Installer Checklist for Oracle.

TCP/IP port for SharePlex

Enter the port number to use for SharePlex TCP/IP communications.

License key (do you have?)

Press Enter to accept the default of Y (yes). If you do not have a license, enter no.

At any point before you run SharePlex you can add the license key with the splex_add_key utility. For more information, see SharePlex License Utilities.

Please specify platform for license key (select a number):

Please select the appropriate number from the following list of platforms to install the license key:

1) Oracle
2) File
3) JMS
4) Kafka
5) SQL Server
6) Postgres
7) MySQL
8) Snowflake
9) Event Hubs
10) All Platforms

NOTE: To install a trial version of SharePlex, users need to select the All Platforms option.

License key

Enter the license key you received from Quest.

The installer displays the location of the install log file and then quits.

See Next Steps.

Next Steps

The following setup tasks must be finished before you start up replication:

Task Description
Patch SharePlex If you downloaded patches for this version of SharePlex, apply them now.
Run sp_security

Run “sp_security –setup” to specify whether or not to enable SSL/TLS for all network traffic. When enabled, SSL/TLS is used for network communications between the SharePlex instances on the source and target systems.

Assign users to security groups For more information, see Assign SharePlex Users to Security Groups.
Perform Database Setup and other setup tasks

See: Set up Replication from a Supported Source to a Supported Target Type

Repeat Repeat all of the installation procedures for all Unix and Linux machines that will be involved in SharePlex replication.
Multi-instance configurations

To install multiple instances of SharePlex on this system, such as to support consolidated replication, see the SharePlex Administrator’s Guide for the correct setup.

Assign SharePlex users to security groups




The SharePlex security groups provide access control to the SharePlex command and control system. Without proper configuration of these groups, anyone with permissions on the system can use the commands that view, configure, and control data replication.

Overview of SharePlex security groups

About the SharePlex Security Groups

To monitor, control, or change SharePlex replication, a person must be assigned to one of the SharePlex security groups on the systems where he or she will be issuing commands. Each group corresponds to an authorization level, which determines which SharePlex commands a person can issue. To execute a command, a user must have that command’s authorization level or higher.

Use the authlevel command to determine your authorization level for issuing SharePlex commands on a system.

Description of the SharePlex security groups

Refer to the following table to determine the group and authorization level that you want to grant each SharePlex user.

User Authorization Levels and Roles
Auth level User type User group User roles
1 Administration spadmin*

You need at least one user with Administrator rights on each source and target system.

Can issue all SharePlex commands. Commands that can only be issued by a SharePlex Administrator are:

  • startup, shutdown
  • all configuration commands relating to an active configuration
  • all parameter commands except list param
  • start capture
  • stop capture
  • abort capture
  • truncate log

The SharePlex Administrator user must be in the Oracle dba group. For Oracle RAC and ASM 11gR2 and above, the user must also be in the Oracle Inventory group. For example: $ useradd –g spadmin –G dba,oinstall. The membership in Oracle Inventory group must be listed explicitly in the etc/group file.

On Unix and Linux, unless you install SharePlex as a root user, the SharePlex Administrator user and the SharePlex admin group must exist prior to installation.

2 Operator spopr Can issue all SharePlex commands except those listed above.
3 Viewer spview Can view lists, status screens, and logs to monitor replication only.

Note: The default name for the SharePlex administrator group is spadmin, but you can designate any group or specify any name for that group during installation.

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