Displays the list of all replication-related options that can be used as a reference when using the QoreStor CLI.
replication --help
Usage: replication --show [-air] [--name <name>] [--role <source | target>] [--verbose] [--limits] replication --add --name <name> --role <source | target> --peer <ip address | hostname> [--peer_name <name>] [--peer_group_name <name>] [--replication_traffic <ip address | hostname>] [--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>] [--username <user name>] [-air] replication --update --name <name> --role <source | target> [--peer <ip address | hostname>] [--replication_traffic <ip address | hostname>] [--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>] [--username <user name>] replication --delete --name <name> --role <source | target> [--force] replication --start --name <name> --role <source | target> replication --stop --name <name> --role <source | target> replication --limit --speed <<num><KBps|MBps|GBps> | default> --target <ip address | hostname> [-air] replication --resync --name <name> --role <source | target> replication --troubleshoot --peer <ip address | hostname> replication --help replication <command> <command-arguments> <command> can be one of: --show Displays command specific information. --add Adds a replication link to a container. --update Updates a replication link to a container. --delete Deletes a replication link from a container. --start Starts replication. --stop Stops replication. --limit Delete existing bandwidth rules for all ports and set new throttling limits. --resync Initiates a replication re-sync. --troubleshoot Troubleshoots replication connection. For command-specific help, please type replication --help <command> eg: replication --help show