Configuring the Synchronization Profile
Configuring the Synchronization Profile
A Synchronization profile must be created in Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory. Refer to the Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory documentation for AD Migration/Synchronization and Exchange Migration for detailed information on creating a Synchronization profile.
Using the Active Directory Pro Console
Refreshing Data
Using the Active Directory Pro Console > Refreshing Data
Use the Refresh View option to refresh the data currently displayed in the table. The refreshed data will display all previous changes to the database and the currently available Action menu options. All selected filter options will not be affected by refreshing.
To refresh the data displayed in the table:
- Click
Migration Waves
Using the Active Directory Pro Console > Migration Waves
Objects in the table can be grouped into Migration Waves for migration process management. Migration Waves allow for filtering to be able to sync smaller groups of objects. An item can be part of a single Migration Wave only.
To set Migration Wave for objects:
- Select one or more objects in the list.
- Select Set Migration Wave in the Actions menu and click the Apply Action button.
Select an existing Migration Wave from the drop-down list or click New to create a new Migration Wave for the selected objects. To remove a previously selected Migration Wave, select <None> from the drop-down list.
- If creating a new Migration Wave, enter a Migration Wave name.
- Click Save. The Migration Wave column is populated for the selected objects.
Import Migration Wave
The Import Migration Wave feature assigns objects to migration waves based on object name & Migration Wave name pairs listed in a CSV file.
- Object names can be the sAMAccountName (for Users, Rooms, Groups, and Computers) or the Distinguished Name (for Users, Rooms, Contacts, Groups, and Computers).
- Duplicate objects in the CSV file will not be assigned to a Migration Wave.
To import Migration Wave values:
- Click the Import Wave button.
- Click the Choose File... button.
Select a CSV file containing the object names and Migration Wave names and click Next.
The CSV file should have two columns. The first column contains Object names and the second column contains Migration Wave names. An example file is below:
jsmith,Windows 7 Group
mjones,Windows 7 Group
jtaylor,Windows 8 Group
An example file entry for Contacts is below:
CN=John Smith,DC=domain,DC=dom,Windows 7 Contacts