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Migrator for Notes to Exchange 4.15.2 - Program Parameters Reference Guide

About the Migrator for Notes to Exchange documentation Introduction Parameters for Admin Components Parameters for the Self-Service Desktop Migrator (SSDM)

[MsOnlineEwsUrls] section

This section contains a list of Exchange Web Service (EWS) URLs for each of the Office 365 clouds that are supported by MNE. These values are used by the Migration Console’s Exchange Server page to set the [Exchange] O365EwsUrl setting.

The values in this section should only be modified at the direction of Quest support.

[MsOnlinePSConnectionUris] section

This section contains a list of PowerShell URLs for each of the Office 365 clouds that are supported by MNE. These values are used by the Migration Console’s Exchange Server page to set the [Exchange] O365PSConnectionUri setting.

The values in this section should only be modified at the direction of Quest support.

[Notes] section



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


These parameters correspond to GUI elements in the Data Locator Wizard: each ACLIgnore<#> parameter identifies a single user in the Selected Users box of the Select Administrative Users to Ignore screen. The digit(s) appended to an ACLIgnore<#> key name differentiate one parameter from another. For example:

The Wizard writes these values to the Task Parameters from the GUI entries; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. Multiple ACLIgnore<#> parameters need not appear in numerical order, and need not form an uninterrupted numeric sequence. But the wizard will read only ACLIgnore<#> parameters whose differentiating digits are less than a value specified by an ACLIgnoreCount parameter (see below) in this same [Notes] section.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


A limit to the number of ACLIgnore<#> parameters (see above) that the Data Locator Wizard will process in this section. The Wizard will read only ACLIgnore<#> parameters whose differentiating digits are less than this ACLIgnoreCount parameter value. For example, if:

... then the wizard will read all of the parameters except ACLIgnore4 and ACLIgnore5, since ACLIgnoreCount=4, and neither 4 nor 5 is less than 4.



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Data Migr


When Active Mail Processing is enabled, this parameter determines what type of Active Mail should be processed. This parameter is implemented as a set of bit flags where each bit corresponds with a specific type of active mail to be processed. The following bit values are supported:

The default value for this parameter is 31, meaning that when Active Mail Processing is enabled, MNE will process all types of active mail except for dropdown sections.

The Migration Wizard includes a configuration dialog where the active mail types can be configured. However, it only includes check boxes for the first four types, allowing you to disable one or more of these types of active mail. To disable active mail processing of Missing Form Field messages, or to enable the processing of messages with dropdown sections, the ActiveMailTypes setting must be manually configured in the Default Global Settings.

For example, to configure MNE to process all types of active mail, add the following setting to the default global settings:



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Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Allow foreign directory synchronization checkbox in the Specify Remove Notes Forwarding Settings screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.

This parameter is used only with Manage mail routing, when removing Notes forwarding attributes. For example:

... tells the wizard to set Foreign Directory Synchronization in the Notes person document to No, while a value of 1 would set it to Yes.



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Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Overwrite existing mail forwarding address radio buttons in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. The parameter value tells the wizard whether to set, update or remove mail-forwarding rules, per the admin’s instructions in other program entries, even if the wizard detects an existing forwarding address or rule already in place for a particular user. Valid values are single-digit numeric:

0 (default): The Wizard will not set, update or remove existing forwarding unless the new forwarding domain matches the domain of the existing forwarding address—a precaution to prevent the inadvertent overwriting or removal of existing forwarding rules that have nothing to do with migration.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Always vs. Only if... radio buttons under Remove existing MailForwarding address, in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. The boolean parameter value tells the wizard whether it should refrain from removing an existing forwarding address or rule in Notes if its domain does not match a ForwardingDomain parameter value (also in this [Notes] section, and also derived from a GUI entry in the same screen):



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NMM, Dir Exp, Data Loc, NABs Disc, Doms Disc, Data Migr, PAB Replic

This value corresponds to a checkbox GUI element in the Notes Migration Manager: the Always use these values field in the Notes Server Configuration screen. The value determines whether the wizards that need this information will always use the access credentials entered into the corresponding Notes Server Configuration screen. For example, if:

... a wizard will skip the screen that requests this information, saving the admin the trouble of having to reenter the values and manually dismiss the screen. By default (AlwaysUseDefaults=0), the wizard will take the values entered in Notes Migration Manager as its defaults, but will display the screen to offer the option of accepting or changing the default credentials.



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Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for appointment forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



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keyword (single digit 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4)


Data Migr


Determines how Migrator for Notes to Exchange will fill the Location field of a migrated appointment. The parameter value tells the migrator which Notes field to copy into an appointment's Location field, depending on whether the source field is empty: AppointmentLocationSource=<#>

Valid values are these five single-digit keywords:



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Data Migr


... tells the Data Migration Wizard to recognize class2 as an additional design class (in addition to the default design class) for Archive NSF files. If the wizard finds an NSF file that does not match any of the program's default design classes for Archive, Mail or PAB files, the wizard will look at this parameter (and the comparable MailDesignClass and PABDesignClass parameters) to find an alternate design class, and thereby determine the file type. To designate more than one additional design class for Archive files, use the pipe character ( | ) to separate between class names, like this: class2|class3|class4



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Root directories box in the Specify Notes Archive Directories screen. One or more directories may be specified within the single parameter value. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair. Example:

The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Directory text box in the Specify Notes Archive Replica Directory screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Server text box in the Specify Notes Archive Replica Directory screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard's logging and statistics for unmigrated items will include or exclude items that do not appear in the FailedMessageList skipped-items folder because they were intentionally skipped. (The FailedMessageList feature is described in separate entries for the WriteFailedMessageList... parameters, also in this [Notes] section.)

For example, the program will intentionally skip PAB Replicator messages or calendar items if these items have not been selected for migration, but they will not appear in the FailedMessageList skipped-items folder since they were deliberately excluded from the migration. This CountIntentionallySkippedItems parameter lets you choose whether MNE should still count these items in its skipped-items statistics, and report them in its logs.

By default (1), the log and statistics will include items that have been skipped but do not appear in the skipped-items folder. To disable logging and counting such items, set CountIntentionallySkippedItems=0. Note also:

Any setting for this CountIntentionallySkippedItems parameter is ignored if the FailedMessageList feature is disabled.
A setting of CountIntentionallySkippedItems=0 will override [General] LogSkippedAppointment­Responses=1 (so the program will not log or count skipped appointment responses).



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Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Verify source forwarding address… text box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.

The default value of 1 corresponds to a marked checkbox, and tells the wizard to validate the email address in Active Directory before setting it as a forwarding address in Notes. But validating the AD address can cause problems when an email address does not exist in AD (for example, in a BPOS-S migration), since Migrator for Notes to Exchange then does not set the forwarding address in Notes.



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Dir Exp


Each CustomAttr<#> parameter specifies a Notes custom attribute whose values you want the Directory Export Wizard to capture and export to the SQL Server migration data tables. The Collection Wizard can then use these attributes as a basis for member selection to various collections. The CustomAttr<#> parameter(s) let you define which of Notes' custom attributes you want the Directory Export Wizard to capture. For example:

These CustomAttr<#> parameters must be defined in the Global Defaults.

You can use any defined custom attribute as a way to select members for a collection. For example, if you define CustomAttr1=SaladDressing (a Notes attribute named "SaladDressing"), the Directory Export captures all of the user values for the SaladDressing attribute. You could then create a collection by selecting only members for whom SaladDressing=Italian. In the Add Members screen, defined attributes like "SaladDressing" will appear in the Attribute drop-down list box as additional options.

The digit(s) appended to a CustomAttr<#> key name differentiate one parameter from another. You may define as many as ten attributes to capture, CustomAttr1 through CustomAttr10.



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Data Migr


Controls whether the Data Migration Wizard will use a newer processing method to improve performance when migrating with a date filter, or use the older original method. The program default (1) is to use the newer method, but DateFilterUsingFormula=0 tells the program to use the original method instead.



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Data Migr


... tells the Data Migration Wizard to clear users' Domain fields in their Notes records as the wizard sets forwarding. (The Domain fields are a feature of the Notes environment, but do not appear in the Quest application GUI.) This can be helpful in some circumstances where the Domain fields might impede mail-routing out of the Notes environment. This feature is disabled by default (0), so the fields are not cleared.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


Determines whether Migrator for Notes to Exchange will set foreign directory synchronization according to the setting for the SourceAdminDirSync parameter (also in this [Notes] section), which defaults to 0 (disable). This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set foreign directory sync checkbox in the Select Notes Administrative Operations screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


When the Manage mail routing operation is used to configure forwarding of Notes email to Exchange, the Notes AvailableForDirsync attribute in the user’s person document is updated if mail co-existence is handled using Quest Coexistence Manager for Notes. By default, the AvailableForDirsync attribute is updated by setting it to “0”, which disables Notes foreign directory sync. To allow Notes foreign directory sync to continue, set this parameter to “0” and AvailableForDirsync will be set to “1” instead.



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keyword (single digit 0, 1 or 2)


Data Migr


Determines whether the wizard will disable Notes users after migration, or not, or undo the disabling of Notes users in a prior run of the wizard. The parameter takes a single-digit keyword, which must be of these three valid options:



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Data Migr


Specifies the name of a Domino server that the Data Migration Wizard will use to compose HTTP- or Notes-style DocLink URLs if it cannot find the server by its own lookup method (as specified by the DocLinksFastLookupOnly parameter, described below). The parameter value is a string specifying the name of the server. The specified server name must be the TCP/IP server name (e.g.,, and not a Domino server name (bighat/itsfunny).

If the designated lookup method fails to find the server, Migrator for Notes to Exchange will use the server name specified by DocLinksDefaultServer or, if no DocLinksDefaultServer is specified (default is null), will migrate the item without the DocLink.



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Data Migr


Determines the method the Data Migration Wizard will use to look up the server for an HTTP- or Notes-style DocLink. By default (1), the wizard will use only a new, faster method introduced in Migrator for Notes to Exchange version 4.5.0. Or you can revert to the earlier method by setting DocLinksFastLookupOnly=0. (Quest has not observed any case where the older method was more reliable than the faster new method.)

If neither method finds the server, the wizard will use the server name specified by the DocLinksDefaultServer parameter (see above) or, if no DocLinksDefaultServer is specified, will migrate the item without the DocLink.



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Data Migr


Tells the Data Migration Wizard which port to insert into a DocLink URL upon migration of a DocLink. If unspecified, the wizard will use port 80.



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Data Migr


Determines if the Notes links uses a Domino Server CN name instead of a Domino Server NetAddress when [General] HTMLdoclinks=3, migrate DocLinks to Exchange as Notes links (the default). When DocLinksPreferCNForNotesURL is set to the default value (0), the Domino Server NetAddress is used.

For example, if the Domino server is configured as follows:
Domino Server CN name = MNE-AUTO-D901
Domino Server NetAddress =

If [General] HTMLdoclinks=3 and [Notes] DocLinkPreferCNForNotesUrl=0,
then the Migrated DocLink = notes://
If [General] HTMLdoclinks=3 and [Notes] DocLinkPreferCNForNotesUrl=1,
then the Migrated DocLink = notes://MNE-AUTO-D901/db/view/document



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Specify your Domino domain text box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen. The field specifies the root (highest-ranking) domain containing the Domino server. If, for example, the server is server/xyzcorp, then this field value should be xyzcorp. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Forwarding does not need to be removed... checkbox in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will relay a Notes attendee's name as a text string in the list of meeting attendees, but not attempt to match the name with an AD object. For example:

... tells the wizard to enable this feature and copy the text string of an attendee's name into an invitation if the value does not contain either the @ or / character, or the string CN=. By default (0), this feature is disabled, and the wizard will associate such a name with a corresponding name in AD.

This feature is useful when no SMTP address is associated with the attendee in the Notes source, because it prevents the wizard from erroneously mapping an attendee with no SMTP address to a Notes user with the same name. This eliminates the possibility of a cancellation or reschedule notice being sent to an internal employee in the GAL who was never invited to the meeting.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Remove existing MailForwarding address checkbox in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Calendar Domain checkbox in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the Set Calendar Domain checkbox in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Mail Forwarding address checkbox in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Mail Domain checkbox in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the Set Mail Domain checkbox in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set MailSystem checkbox in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the Set MailSystem checkbox in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set format preference checkbox in the Specify Remove Notes Forwarding Settings screen. Used only with Manage mail routing, when removing Notes forwarding attributes, this parameter determines whether the wizard will enable the adjacent drop-down list box, in which the admin must specify how to set the Notes Format preference for incoming mail parameter. (The selected value is then saved to the NotesFormatPreference parameter, also in this [Notes] section, and documented separately below). For example: DoSetNotesFormatPreference=1 tells the wizard to enable the drop-down list box, while the default value of 0 tells the wizard to disable the drop-down list box.

The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters depending on whether the admin marks (1) or unmarks (0) the checkbox. Quest recommends you do not enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to GUI elements in the Specify Mail Routing Options screen of the Data Migration Wizard: the Notes vs. Exchange radio buttons under All new mail ... will be delivered to. The Wizard automatically sets the values of this and three other related parameters (shown below) according to the admin’s radio-button choice, to tell the wizard which mail-routing screens to display in the current run. This DoShowRmvForwarding value in the [Notes] section determines whether the wizard will (1) or will not (0) display its Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The full set of related parameters, and how they are set:

If Notes destination is selected:

If Exchange destination is selected:

Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change these values except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to GUI elements in the Specify Mail Routing Options screen of the Data Migration Wizard: the Notes vs. Exchange radio buttons under All new mail ... will be delivered to. The Wizard automatically sets the values of this and three other related parameters (shown below) according to the admin’s radio-button choice, to tell the wizard which mail-routing screens to display in the current run. This DoShowSetForwarding value in the [Notes] section determines whether the wizard will (1) or will not (0) display its Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen. The full set of related parameters, and how they are set:

If Notes destination is selected:

If Exchange destination is selected:

Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change these parameter values except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the wizard: the Set user visibility checkbox in the Select Notes Administrative Operations screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


Determines (in conjunction with the parameter [Notes] MapDefaultAclToReviewer) how the wizard maps some Notes access levels to Exchange, for calendar and to-do items. Specifically, the No Access and the Depositor access levels are mapped as shown in the following table, for selected Read Public and Write Public Notes permissions.

Read Public

Write Public

Migrator for Notes to Exchange Parameter Settings
(defaults are shown here in red)

Calendar / ToDo
Access Rights


[ — — — — — — — — any combination — — — — — — — — ]

No Access




No Access



or 1




No Access

MapDefaultAclToReviewer=0 or 1






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Data Migr


When ElevateMailInDBEditorAclToFullAccess=1, the Data Migration Wizard elevates Notes' Manager, Designer, and Editor access levels for the Mail-In database which have "Delete documents" rights to Full Access permission in the Exchange Shared mailbox. By default (0), this feature is disabled.



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Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will migrate both encrypted and non-encrypted mail (0), or migrate encrypted mail only (1). For example: EncryptedMailOnly=1 tells the wizard to migrate only encrypted mail. This feature is also an option in the SSDM (same parameter, but in notesdtapp.ini).



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Data Migr


Specifies the value to be set for the Mail Server setting in the Notes person document. This parameter is used only with Manage mail routing, when setting Notes attributes, and only when Coexistence Manager for Notes has been selected for email and calendar coexistence (that is, MailViaConnector=3)

For example:

… tells the wizard to set the Mail Server value to "ServerName."



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Data Migr


Determines if during mail routing, the Data Migration wizard skips the SMTP proxy address that includes the Domino domain when writing the AD proxy address values. When set to 0 (default), proxy addresses are written as usual. When set to 1, SMTP proxy addresses that include the Domino domain are skipped when writing the AD proxy address fields. Only the valid SMTP versions are written.

This parameter is only used when SMTPForwardingAddress=0 and CreateFwdAddrInAD=1. For example:


Domino forwarding address:
AD proxyAddress:


Domino forwarding address:
AD proxyAddresses:



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Specify how to find archives radio-button choice in the Specify How to Find Notes Archives screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. Valid parameter values:

replica: The Wizard will look for archive replicas on the server.
scan: The Wizard will look for archives in file-system directories (to be specified later in the GUI).
admin: The Wizard will use the per-user values in the ArchivePaths column and/or SharedArchiveDirs column of the SQL Server database.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Specify how to find server mail files radio-button choice in the Specify How to Find Notes Mail Files screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change the value except at the direction of Quest Support. Valid values are:

nab: The Wizard will look for mail files on the server.
scan: The Wizard will look for mail files in file-system directories (to be specified later in the GUI).
admin: The Wizard will use the per-user values in the MailFilePath column of the SQL Server database.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Specify how to find Personal Address Books radio-button choice in the Specify How to Find Notes Personal Address Books screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. Valid parameter values are:

replica: The Wizard will look for PAB replicas on the server.
scan: The Wizard will look for PABs in file-system directories (to be specified later in the GUI).
admin: The Wizard will use the per-user values in the PABPaths column and/or SharedPABDirs column of the SQL Server database.



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0 (off)

Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will (1) or will not (0) use an alternate processing method to improve handling of certain foreign characters when migrating from Notes 7. The feature offers improved fidelity when migrating from some Notes 7 sources, but should be left disabled (default) unless you are experiencing garbled text with extraneous question marks in migrated Notes 7 messages containing foreign characters.



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Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard should use a pre-Notes 7 version of the nxrtf2.dll file, which the wizard uses to convert Notes rich text to MS RTF. The nxrtf2.dll file that accompanies Notes 7 and later provides better RTF fidelity during data extraction, but appears to be incompatible with some environments where it can cause the Notes environment to crash. This boolean parameter lets you force the migration program to use the older version of nxrtf2.dll:

The feature is off (ForceOldNxRTFdll=0) by default, but is enabled by setting the parameter value to 1, as in the example above.

Occurs in: Data Migr. This is an internal scratch parameter (see Transient “scratch” parameters).



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Forwarding mail domain text box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the Forwarding mail domain text box in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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. [period character]

Data Migr


Specifies the character used to delimit the elements of Notes-to-Exchange forwarding addresses, when the Data Migration Wizard composes forwarding addresses. For example:

... tells the wizard to use a comma to delimit the elements of the forwarding address. By default, the wizard uses a period as the delimiter.



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Data Migr


Specifies the method by which the Data Migration Wizard will compose forwarding addresses from Notes to Exchange. For example:

... specifies the SourceAddress method, as described below. By default the wizard uses the TargetAddress method, which also is the method used in pre-3.1 versions of Migrator for Notes to Exchange. The three valid parameter values are:

TargetAddress (default): The left-hand side (LHS) of the TargetAddress column in the data table becomes the LHS of the forwarding address, to which the wizard appends the Forwarding Domain specified in the user interface during the program run.
SourceAddress: The SourceAddress column in the data table becomes the left-hand side (LHS) of the forwarding address, to which the wizard appends the Forwarding Domain specified in the user interface during the program run.
ForwardingAddress: The ForwardingAddress column in the data table becomes the forwarding address.

For the TargetAddress and SourceAddress options the delimiter character is usually a "dot" (period), but is configurable by the FwdAddrDelim parameter in this same [Notes] section.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Calendar Domain text box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the New Calendar Domain text box in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Mail Domain text box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the New Mail Domain text box in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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Data Migr


Specifies one or more ACL member entries that the Data Migration Wizard should ignore. Ordinarily the wizard seeks to validate ACL entries by matching each with a corresponding ACL entry in Exchange, and if no corresponding entry is found the wizard notes a Warning in its log file:

The Warning does not affect the migration process per se, but if a particular ACL member entry triggers the Warning, and if the same entry occurs in many of the source ACLs, then the Warnings will proliferate and swell the log file, making it difficult to read and navigate. This IgnoreACLs parameter simply suppresses the Warnings for one or more ACL member entries. For example:

... tells the wizard to ignore (not generate a Warning for) ACL member entries of Administrator. You can specify two or more values by separating them with commas. There is no default value for this parameter, but the Setup program automatically enters the following values upon installation:



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Data Migr


Specifies one or more particular forms for the Data Migration Wizard to ignore (not migrate). For example:

... tells the program to not migrate H_PAGEUI forms.

This parameter can also be used to force the program to ignore forms that are ordinarily processed, by preceding the form name with an exclamation point (i.e., IgnoreForms=!FormName).



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Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for journal entry forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



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Data Migr


Determines whether each Notes JournalEntry and CleanSheet item should be migrated to Exchange as an Activity (default) or a StickyNote. For example:

… tells the wizard to migrate these items as StickyNotes. Note that the Migrator for Notes to Exchange parameter value must appear in singular (not plural) form: Activity or StickyNote.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Archives checkbox (under Data to locate) in the Select Notes Data Store Type(s) to Locate screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Mail files checkbox (under Data to locate) in the Select Notes Data Store Type(s) to Locate screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Find new data stores... radio-button option (under Operations to perform) in the Select Notes Data Store Type(s) to Locate screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Personal Address Books checkbox (under Data to locate) in the Select Notes Data Store Type(s) to Locate screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:




Data Loc, Data Migr


When the archive owner’s or a contact's full address cannot be found in the address translation table, this parameter determines if the Data Migration Wizard and the Notes Data Locator Wizard will instead try to find a corresponding object by just the display name portion of the full address.

This feature is disabled by default (LookupDisplayNames=0), because it carries some risk of an incorrect match—i.e., if more than one user shares the same name. To enable the feature, set LookupDisplayNames=1, and the wizard will try the display name lookup if its full-address lookup does not return a match.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Specifies a migration filter for mail and calendar items, in the form of a Notes query to limit the data pulled from the migrating NSFs. The <String> value must take the form of a Notes query, for example:

This example would limit the mail and calendar items extracted for migration to only those that have been modified since 09/01/2014. The default (null, or if the parameter is omitted) simply lets the migration proceed unfiltered for mail and calendar items. Another parameter in this [Notes] section, PabQueryFilter, permits migration filtering for address books, also by a Notes query.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


... tells the Data Migration Wizard to recognize class2 as an additional design class (in addition to the default design class) for Mail NSF files. If the wizard finds an NSF file that does not match any of the wizard's default design classes for Archive, Mail or PAB files, the wizard will look at this parameter (and the comparable ArchiveDesignClass and PABDesignClass parameters) to find an alternate design class, and thereby determine the file type. To designate more than one additional design class for Mail files, use the pipe character ( | ) to separate between each pair of class names, like this: MailDesignClass=class2|class3|class4



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Mail file directories box in the Specify Notes Mail File Directories screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.

One or more directories may be specified within the single parameter value. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair. Example:



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set MailSystem drop-down list box in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen, and the Set MailSystem drop-down list box in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The admin’s entry in the Specify Notes to Exchange Mail Forwarding screen sets the default display in the Remove Existing Forwarding from Notes screen. The parameter value tells the wizard whether the Notes Mail System will be set to Notes (1), Other (3), or Other Internet Mail (5). The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. Any manual manipulation of this parameter value is meaningless and will have no affect on the program or data, since any preexisting parameter values are overwritten by the program.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines (in conjunction with the parameter [Notes] ElevateCalendarAuthorACLtoEditor) how the wizard maps some Notes access levels to Exchange, for calendar and to-do items. Specifically, the No Access and the Depositor access levels are mapped as shown in the following table, for selected Read Public and Write Public Notes permissions.

Read Public

Write Public

Migrator for Notes to Exchange Parameter Settings
(defaults are shown here in red)

Calendar / ToDo
Access Rights


[ — — — — — — — — any combination — — — — — — — — ]

No Access




No Access



or 1




No Access

MapDefaultAclToReviewer=0 or 1






Occurs in:




Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will mark as “Public” a non-mail message whose Notes $PublicAccess attribute is not set. For example:

... tells the wizard to mark a non-mail-type message as “Public” if its $PublicAccess attribute is not set. By default (MapPrivateAsPublic=0), the wizard will leave such messages marked as “Private.”



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for mail forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will migrate responses to appointment/meeting requests (Accepted, Declined, etc.). For example:

... tells the wizard to migrate responses. Setting this parameter (and MigrateReservationsAlways below) to 1 may be necessary if the Domino calendar data uses a custom template, since occasionally in this scenario (mostly with recurring meetings) not all calendar reservations are migrated.

For example: Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s migration of appointments assumes invited resources are derived from the standard Notes resource-reservation template, or a customized variation of it that conforms to certain standard elements. Migrator for Notes to Exchange may not recognize resource reservations derived from more heavily customized templates, and in this case, or where no template is used at all, the migration may introduce resource reservation errors. To prevent such errors, try setting:



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Tells the Data Migration Wizard whether to migrate replication conflicts. By default (MigrateConflictDocs=0), conflict documents will not be migrated. But:

... tells the wizard to migrate conflict documents to the All Documents folder.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


When set to the default value (1), MNE migrates room bookings made directly to the resource reservation database. When set to (0), these bookings are skipped.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


... tells the Data Migration Wizard to not migrate empty folders. By default, the wizard will migrate all folders regardless of whether they contain any items.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Through Domino server(s) vs. Through the filesystem radio buttons in the Notes Mail Files screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry: MigrateMailUsingServer=0 if the filesystem option is selected, or MigrateMailUsingServer=1 for the Domino server(s) option. Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Tells the Data Migration Wizard whether to migrate "orphaned" documents that appear only in the Notes All Documents folder. Orphaned documents are migrated by default, to an All Documents folder in Exchange, but this feature can be disabled (orphaned documents will not be migrated) by setting this parameter to zero:



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will treat migrating NSFs as reservations databases regardless of the design class. For example:

... forces the wizard to treat migrating NSFs as reservations databases. The Wizard does not treat an NSF as a reservation database by default (0). Setting this parameter (and MigrateAppointmentResponses above) to 1 may be necessary if the Domino calendar data uses a custom template, since sometimes in this scenario (mostly with recurring meetings) not all calendar reservations are migrate.

For example: Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s migration of appointments assumes invited resources are derived from the standard Notes resource-reservation template, or a customized variation of it that conforms to certain standard elements. Migrator for Notes to Exchange may not recognize resource reservations derived from more heavily customized templates, and in this case, or where no template is used at all, the migration may introduce resource reservation errors. To prevent such errors, try setting:

If not all objects in the collection are classified as resources, but MigrateReservationsAlways=1, the wizard presents a popup warning explaining that the calendars of non-resource objects may not migrate correctly and suggesting that MigrateReservationsAlways be disabled (set to 0) unless the admin is certain that all objects in the collection are resources. (The popup offers the option of ignoring a MigrateReservationsAlways=1 setting.)



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will be configured to not ignore MIME data that is preceded by a boundary of whitespace and/or null characters. For example:

... tells the wizard to not ignore MIME data that is preceded by a boundary of whitespace and/or null characters. The feature is off (0) by default.



Occurs in:




NABs Disc, Data Migr


Each NAB<#> parameter specifies the full path and filename of a Personal Address Book to be migrated. One or more NAB<#> parameters may be defined to specify one or multiple NABs to migrate. For example:

The digit(s) appended to a NAB<#> key name differentiate one parameter from another. Multiple NAB<#> parameters need not appear in numerical order, and need not form an uninterrupted numeric sequence. But the wizard will read only NAB<#> parameters whose differentiating digits are less than a value specified by a NABCount parameter in the first line of the same section. See the NABCount parameter below for more information.



Occurs in:




NABs Disc, Data Migr


A limit to the number of NAB<#> parameters (see above) that the Data Migration Wizard will process in this section. The Wizard will read only NAB<#> parameters whose differentiating digits are less than the NABCount value specified here. For example, if:

... then the wizard will read all of the parameters except NAB5 and NAB6, since NABCount=5, and neither 5 nor 6 is less than 5.

If unspecified, the NABCount parameter defaults to 0. If specified, the parameter must occur as the first line of the section, as shown above.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Group used to hide... text box in the Notes User Visibility screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[derived from SQL Server database]

Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will prompt for Notes login credentials. For example: NeedLoginInfo=1 tells the wizard to display its Specify Notes Login Information screen during its run, to collect necessary Notes access credentials. The Data Migration Wizard automatically derives this value from admin entries in the Notes Server Configuration screen of Notes Migration Manager, and writes the value to the wizard’s Task Parameters; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to two GUI elements in the Data Migration Wizard, which tell the wizard how to set the Notes Format preference for incoming mail setting. (The parameter is used only when setting or removing Notes mail forwarding.) The parameter value is a single-digit integer keyword that tells the wizard which of three options to set for the Notes setting:

The Wizard writes this single-digit value to the Task Parameters according to an admin's GUI entry in either screen:

In the Specify Mail Routing Screen: The Using ActiveMail processing checkbox tells the wizard whether to set the Notes parameter to Keep senders' format (if the checkbox is marked), or Prefers MIME (unmarked). The Prefers Notes Rich Text option is not available from this screen.
In the Specify Remove Notes Forwarding Settings screen: The Set format preference drop-down list box offers a choice of any of the three settings cited above.

Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[inferred from operating environment]

Data Migr


Specifies the location of the notes.ini file. This value is inferred from the operating environment and automatically written to the Global Defaults; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Specifies the NAB used for Notes Administrative Functions, for improved control over Domino directory updates. The parameter value is a combination of the Domino server name and file name. For example:

The specific syntax can be found on the Find NABs screen within Notes Migration Manager.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for appointment notice forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



Occurs in:




Dir Exp


Determines whether the wizard will (1) or will not (0) disable Notes catalog searches when extracting data from the NAB. This parameter can be useful to avoid timeouts, "server not available" errors, and "access denied" errors while trying to open the catalogs on all the servers that host users' mail files. Offline=1 is therefore appropriate when running a Directory Export in an environment that does not have access to the other servers—for example, where a local copy of the NAB is being used on a test machine instead of using the live NAB on a production machine. Another example would be where the wizard is running with a file that has no rights to all the other servers. By default (0), catalog searches are enabled as part of the data extraction.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Sets the name of the "All Documents" folder in Exchange, which receives orphaned documents from Notes' "All Documents" folder. The folder is named "All Documents" by default, but you can assign any other valid name. For example: OrphanedDocsFolder=Orphans



Occurs in:

New in:

keyword (single digit 0,1, or 2)


Data Migr


When migrating each Personal Address Book entry, the organization’s Directory is searched for a matching user or contact. If a match is found, the personal contact’s primary email address is replaced with the primary target address (i.e., the SMTP address) of the matching entity from the directory. This is appropriate if the email address in the PAB contact has a Notes style address, but it may not be appropriate if the email address in the PAB contact has an SMTP style address.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Examine ACLs to determine owner checkbox in the Specify How to Determine Owner Using ACL screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


... tells the Data Migration Wizard to recognize class2 as an additional design class (in addition to the default design class) for PAB NSF files. If the wizard finds an NSF file that does not match any of its default design classes for Archive, Mail or PAB files, the wizard will look at this parameter (and the comparable ArchiveDesignClass and MailDesignClass parameters) to find an alternate design class, and thereby determine the file type. To designate more than one additional design class for PAB files, use the pipe character ( | ) to separate between each pair of class names, like this:



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Root directories box in the Specify Notes Personal Address Book Directories screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. One or more directories may be specified within the single parameter value. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair. For example:



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Tells the Data Migration Wizard whether and how to migrate personal address book (PAB) form types that are not of the standard Group form type. For example, to migrate PAB Group form type Business Card, you would enter: PabGroupForms=Business Card

By default (if this parameter is omitted) the wizard will not migrate PAB form types that are not of the standard form type.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Tells the Data Migration Wizard whether and how to migrate personal address book (PAB) form types that are not of the standard Person form type. For example, to migrate PAB Person form type Business Card, you would enter: PabPersonForms=Business Card

By default (if this parameter is omitted) the wizard will not migrate non-standard PAB form types.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Specifies a migration filter for address books in the form of a Notes query, to limit the data pulled from the migrating NSFs. The <String> value must take the form of a Notes query, for example:

This example would limit the PABs extracted for migration to only those that have been modified since 09/01/2014. The default (null, or if the parameter is omitted) simply lets the migration proceed unfiltered for PABs. Another parameter in this [Notes] section, MailAndCalQueryFilter, permits migration filtering for mail/calendar items, also by a Notes query.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Directory text box in the Specify Notes Personal Address Book Replica Directory screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Loc


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Server text box in the Specify Notes Personal Address Book Replica Directory screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

PAB Replic


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Send PAB Replicator Wizard: the From text box in the Replicator Information screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

PAB Replic


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Send PAB Replicator Wizard: the Subject text box in the Replicator Information screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

PAB Replic


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Send PAB Replicator Wizard: the Directory text box in the Replicator Information screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

PAB Replic


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Send PAB Replicator Wizard: the Server text box in the Replicator Information screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:




PAB Replic


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Send PAB Replicator Wizard: the Template drop-down list box in the Replicator Information screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Defines a list of address-book attributes, from which at least one must be present within a PAB for the PAB to be migrated. The <Attrib#> variables stand for the names of address-book attributes in the Notes/Domino source. Each pair of attribute names must be separated by a pipe character ( | ). For example:

... tells the wizard to migrate a PAB only if it contains at least one of the attributes ListName or LastName or CompanyName. This feature is also an option in the SSDM (same parameter, but in notesdtapp.ini).



Occurs in:



[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Migrate contacts from iNotes store checkbox (under Migrate mail data) in the Specify Data for Migration screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:



NMM, Dir Exp, Data Loc, NABs Disc, Doms Disc, Data Migr, PAB Replic

This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Notes Migration Manager: the Password text box in the Notes Server Configuration screen. Migrator for Notes to Exchange writes this value to the Task Parameters based on an admin's GUI entry. The parameter value here is obfuscated, for security, and Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:

keyword (single digit 0, 1, 2 or 3)


Data Migr


Determines what (if anything) Migrator for Notes to Exchange's Data Migration Wizard will do with the Notes user name field when Manage mail routing is selected.

When enabled, this parameter applies when the coexistence method is either Quest Coexistence Manager for Notes or SMTP.

The parameter accepts any of four valid single-digit settings:

Quest's CMN Free/Busy Connector requires the SMTP address in the user name field, either at the top of the field (PrependSmtpAddressToUserName=1) or at the bottom (2), depending on the selected mail-routing method.



Occurs in:

New in:

keyword (single digit 0, 1 or 2)


Data Migr

Determines how Migrator for Notes to Exchange will use the Internet Address value in a Notes contact — whether the Notes InternetAddress value will be used as the primary or secondary Email address, or not used at all:



Internet Address
is assigned to:

is assigned to:



nothing (is ignored)
Email2 (secondary)
Email (primary)

Email (primary)
Email (primary)
Email2 (secondary)



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will apply an additional layer of processing to embedded images, so the images appear correctly in Outlook. This new feature became the new default behavior upon its introduction in ver 4.5.1. You can disable the feature by setting ProcessWMFImages=0.



Occurs in:

keyword (never, once or always)


Data Loc

Determines whether the Data Locator Wizard will retrieve mail file quota data. This is a multiple-choice parameter with three valid values:

• never: never retrieve mail file quota data.
• once: only the first time the wizard runs.
• always: every time the wizard runs.

For example: QuotaMode=never tells the wizard to never retrieve the quota data. To retrieve quota data the wizard must open each mail file, which can dramatically slow performance.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines if MNE replaces or adds the Forward address in the User Name field.

By default, MNE replaces the Forward address in the User Name field. When ReplaceForwardAddressInUserName is set to (0), MNE adds the Forward address to the User Name field without removing the existing address.

NOTE: If you want to add the Forward address to the User Name field by setting ReplaceForwardAddressInUserName=0, the parameter [Notes] PrependSmtpAddressToUserName cannot be set to 0 (the default value).



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for appointment or resource reservation forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


When set to the default value (1), MNE scans Notes files for document links in the RTF message body and rewrites the links as HTML-style links. To disable the parameter, set the value to 0.

Setting the parameter to 0 is equivalent to setting:



Occurs in:



NMM, Dir Exp, NABs Disc, Data Migr, PAB Replic

This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Notes Migration Manager: the Server text box in the Notes Server Configuration screen. The program writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Set Person Document Attributes checkbox in the Select Notes Administrative Operations screen. The program writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines whether the wizard will skip or migrate tasks that are complete in the Notes source. For example:

… tells the wizard to skip (not migrate) Notes tasks that are marked as complete. The feature is off (SkipCompletedTasks=0) by default.



Occurs in:

New in:



Dir Exp


Determines whether the Directory Export Wizard will ignore replication conflict documents that occur within a source NAB. For example:

... tells the wizard to ignore replication conflict documents. This feature is on (1) by default, but can be disabled by SkipConflictDocs=0. Before this feature was added, the wizard exported a conflict document and its corresponding original as separate objects with the same SMTP address.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr

Determines if message internet headers are migrated. By default, message internet headers are not skipped. When internet headers are migrated, all internet header information and the header is migrated.

If SkipInternetHeaders is set to On (1), then none of the message internet headers are migrated.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Specifies one or more messages that the Data Migration Wizard should skip when migrating data, typically used to bypass the rare message that contains some problematic element, such as corrupted data, that the wizard cannot process. When a wizard run is aborted by a “bad” message, the run log reports the message ID (an arbitrary hex string generated by the wizard) near the end of the log, for example: notesID 0X00001FFA. An admin can then simply exclude that message by this parameter setting:

... so the wizard will ignore that message the next time it runs. In the event a single Wizard run should encounter two or more problematic messages, you can use this parameter to specify multiple message IDs separated by commas:



Occurs in:

New in:


1 for CMN coexistence; otherwise 0

Data Migr


Determines whether the wizard, in mail routing, will omit the second "@XXXX" element from the Domino forwarding address and AD proxyAddress values:

If SMTPForwardingAddress=0:

If SMTPForwardingAddress=1:

Even with SMTPForwardingAddress=1, the admin must still enter some value for the Domino domain on the Set Notes Forwarding screen, to enable the Next button—although the value entered will not be used in the migration.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines how the wizard will set the Foreign Directory Synchronization field of the Notes person document—used only if Notes Administrative Functions has been selected (if DoSourceAdmin=1), and Set foreign directory sync has also been selected (DisableDirsync=1). For example:

… tells the wizard to set the Notes Foreign Directory Synchronization field to Yes, while a value of 0 (the default) tells the wizard to set the field to No.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


When this option is enabled, folders and views whose names are surrounded by brackets are flagged as system objects. System views and folders (with the exception of a specific set of standard system views and folders) will not be migrated. With this option enabled, a typical migration will include the following views and folders:

Setting StandardAndUserFoldersOnly to 0 allows both system and user folders/views to be migrated. Note that this requires configuring the [Filters] section with the itemized list of folders and views that should not be included in the migration.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Specifies the name of the Notes folder that contains Notes stationery. Example:

Usually the wizard can automatically determine the source location of Notes stationery, but in some cases the folder must be specified by this parameter.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Specifies one or more custom-designed Notes stationery forms to migrate. The parameter value consists of a form filename, which may end with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may specify multiple filenames by using a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair. For example:



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for task forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Permits the designation of alternate names for task notice forms to migrate. For example:

You may enter a value ending with an asterisk (*) for simple wildcard matching. You may also specify one or more form names; the first listed name is the default. To define more than one, use a pipe character ( | ) to separate each pair:

Forms are used to classify message type. The precedence order is:
JournalEntryForms > MemoForms > AppointmentForms | NoticeForms | TaskForms | TaskNoticeForms | ReservationForms

For example, if a message matches with both MemoForms and AppointmentForms, it is classified as mail, not as an appointment.



Occurs in:

keyword (append, replaceLoc or replaceAll)

[GUI entry]

Data Loc

This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Locator Wizard: the Add/ Replace mode drop-down list box (under Operations to perform) in the Select Notes Data Store Type(s) to Locate screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from the GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support. Valid parameter values are:

append: The Wizard will add new data found at the designated locations to any previously found data from the same locations.
replaceLoc: The Wizard will replace any data previously found at the designated locations with any new data found at the same locations.
replaceAll: The Wizard will replace all data previously found at all locations with the data found in this run of the wizard.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


Determines whether the wizard will automatically replace the Microsoft generic serif, sans-serif and Courier fonts in RTF message bodies with, respectively, Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New fonts. For example:

... tells the wizard to not make those replacements. This option is on by default (UpdateRtfFonts=1).



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Determines how the Data Migration Wizard will format the MailServer attribute in the Notes Person Document when configuring Notes-to-Exchange forwarding. For example:

... tells the wizard to write the attribute in canonical format (CN=ServerName/ O=DomainName), which is suitable for mail routing via Microsoft Transport Suite or CMN, but not via SMTP. By default (UseCanonicalForwardingServerName=0) the attribute is set in flat format: ServerName/DomainName.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


... tells the wizard to check bit 0 of the $FolderRefFlags Notes attribute to determine whether messages are read or unread. The bit is set to 0 if an item is unread, or set to 1 if the item has been read.



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Data Migr


Specifies the method the Data Migration Wizard will use to process a complex recurring meeting series where the series parent is difficult to identify. For example:

... tells the wizard to apply an alternate method that is better suited to such complex series. By default (1) MNE uses the previous method, which is better suited to environments migrating no (or few) such series.



Occurs in:




Data Loc


Tells the Data Migration Wizard whether to check mail file ownership by checking either the ACL or the document profile (the method is specified during the program run). By default (UseMailFileOwner=1), the wizard will identify mail files by combining the designated server path with the corresponding (per-user) mailfile values in the SQL Server databaase, and will then check either the ACL or document profile to verify ownership. But when ...

... the wizard will not check the ownership of the NSF file.

Occurs in: Dir Exp. This is an internal scratch parameter (see Transient “scratch” parameters).



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Data Migr


Specifies the name of an Outlook folder to which all user-created Notes folders will be migrated (as subfolders). For example: UserFolderPrefix=MyFolders tells the Data Migration Wizard to create a folder named MyFolders in the Outlook root directory (at the same level as the Inbox), and then copy all user-created Notes folders to the new MyFolders folder in Outlook. The default value is Folders. See also Custom folder mapping for more information about this UserFolderPrefix parameter, and how its value affects custom-folder mapping parameters in the language sections of Migrator for Notes to Exchange parameters.



Occurs in:



NMM, Dir Exp, Data Loc, NABs Disc, Doms Disc, Data Migr, PAB Replic

This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Notes Migration Manager: the User ID file text box in the Notes Server Configuration screen. The program writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

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Data Migr


Specifies the name of an Outlook folder where all user-created Notes views are migrated to (as subfolders).

For example: UserViewPrefix=MyViews tells the Data Migration Wizard to create a folder named MyViews in the Outlook root directory (at the same level as the Inbox), and then copy all user-created Notes views to the new MyViews folder in Outlook. The default value is Views.



Occurs in:




Data Migr


Determines whether the Data Migration Wizard will verify access permissions for the NSF files in the designated collection. For example:

… tells the wizard to verify NSF permissions for the userid specified on the wizard's Notes Server screen. By default (0) the wizard will not check NSF permissions.



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Data Migr


The ViewAndFolderFlagPattern value is used to identify those Notes design elements of the VIEW class that should be classified as Views or Folders. Only the design elements whose design flags match the specified pattern are migrated. All other design elements will be ignored. This prevents the migration of design elements that belong to the VIEW class, but are not in fact views or folders. For example this pattern prevents the migration of shared columns.

The specified pattern must follow the syntax specified by the Notes API under Design Flag Patterns. The specific flags and their meanings can be obtained from the Notes API in the file stdnames.h. This header file also includes a list of patterns for identifying specific types of design elements. The default pattern used above comes from the pattern DFLAGPAT_VIEWS_AND_FOLDERS in stdnames.h.

This parameter is considered an extremely advanced setting, and should only be modified at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:


keyword (None or System)

[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the None vs. System radio-button choice in the Data Migration Wizard’s Notes User Visibility screen. Valid values are None and System. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



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string and keyword(s)


Data Migr


This pair of parameters together let you configure the Data Migration Wizard to generate a folder of items that are not migrated to the target. These items will be referenced as doclinks in a new folder in the user's Notes mailbox. The feature is enabled/disabled and configured by:

The WriteFailedMessageListToThisMbxFolder parameter specifies a name for the folder to be added to the user's mailbox, to contain the unmigrated items. WriteFailedMessageListClass specifies one or more types of unmigrated items for the feature to capture; valid keyword values are: Errored, Skipped and Filtered. To specify more than one type, separate multiple keywords by the pipe ("|") character, as in this example:

This example tells the wizard to create copies of any Errored, Skipped and/or Filtered items and save them in a new folder named Unmigrated in the user's mailbox.

The feature is enabled by entering any value for the WriteFailedMessageListToThisMbxFolder parameter. (If that parameter is omitted or its value is left empty, the feature is disabled and the WriteFailedMessageListClass parameter is ignored.) The feature is disabled by default (WriteFailedMessageListToThisMbxFolder is omitted or its value is [null]), and by default WriteFailedMessageListClass=Errored (only).

[Notify] section



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[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Sender Display Name text box in the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Sender SMTP Address text box in the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Send “You’ve been migrated” messages to Notes mailboxes checkbox in the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:



Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Send “Welcome to Exchange” messages to Exchange mailboxes checkbox in the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Subject text box in the You’ve been migrated section of the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the template file text box in the You’ve been migrated section of the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the Subject text box in the Welcome to Exchange section of the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.



Occurs in:

New in:


[GUI entry]

Data Migr


This value corresponds to a GUI element in the Data Migration Wizard: the template file text box in the Welcome to Exchange section of the Configure mail-merge messages to migrating user screen. The Wizard writes this value to the Task Parameters from an admin's GUI entry; Quest recommends you do not manually enter or change this parameter value except at the direction of Quest Support.

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