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LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.8 - Integration with TSM Guide

Back Up Databases Using the Backup Wizard

The Backup Manager wizard guides you through the process of backing up a single database or multiple databases. For single database backups you can perform file, filegroup, or transaction log backups, and you can also mirror, stripe, compress, encrypt, and add attachments to the backup file. For multiple database backups you can create both the native SQL Server and LiteSpeed backups, mirror, compress and encrypt backups, run all backups immediately or schedule via a SQL Server job.

Tip: Database backups created with LiteSpeed Version 8.x cannot be restored using older versions of LiteSpeed.


  • Fast Compression is not supported on secondary replicas in AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Backups must be performed on the primary because differential backups are not supported on secondaries.
  • Performing full, file and filegroup backups on secondary replicas in an AlwaysOn Availability Group will always produce copy-only backups. Please refer to the SQL Server product documentation (SQL Server 2012 and above) for information about supported backup types.

To back up multiple databases

  1. In the Navigation pane, select a database to backup and click the Multi-Database Backup button. Alternately you can right-click a database and select Multi-Database Backup from the menu.
  2. Select the databases for backup. For more information, see LiteSpeed's Logic for Backing Up Multiple Databases.
  3. Complete the wizard.  For more information, see To back up databases using the Backup wizard. on backup options.

In case you select to schedule the backups to run at the specified times, the wizard creates a job with 'Multiple Databases' appended to the job name.

To back up databases using the Backup wizard

  1. Select the Backup Manager pane (CTRL+1).

  2. In the Navigation pane, select a database to backup and click the Backup button. Alternately you can right-click a database and select Backup from the menu.

  3. On the Select Backup Type page, review the following:

    Recovery model

    Indicates the recovery model for selected database. Possible values: Full, Simple, Bulk-Logged, Mixed (in Multi-Databases Wizard if databases with different recovery models are selected for backup).

    Backup type

    Select one of the following backup types:

    • Fast Compression backup. Using this option you can schedule Full and Differential and optionally Transaction log backups. Fast Compression automatically decides when to issue a Full or Differential backup based on the amount of database changes and some other conditions. For more information, see Fast Compression.
    • Regular backup (Full, Differential or Transaction Log).

    Backup component

    Select one of the following backup components:

    NOTE: This field is only available for databases with a full or bulk-logged recovery model and for a regular (not fast compression) backup.

    • Database - Select to backup the database.
    • Files and filegroups - Select to backup specific files and filegroups. When selected, the Specify Filegroups and Files window is displayed. In the window you can select the entire database, or any combination of filegroups or individual files to backup.

    Use LiteSpeed

    Select to create a LiteSpeed backup. If you clear this checkbox, LiteSpeed creates a native backup script.

    NOTE: The LiteSpeed version number is displayed.

    TIP: You can specify custom backup names and descriptions using variables. For more information, see LiteSpeed Variables.

  4. On the Backup Destination page, review the following:

    Caution: The Cloud only runs backup to new files. Appending to an existing file is not supported by the Cloud. Existing backups can only be overwritten. The option "Overwrite existing object" is available in the Backup Wizard and MP (Back Up Database task). The option is turned off by default.

    Backup to

    Select one of the following options:

    • Disk
    • Cloud
    • TSM Backup
    • TSM Archive
    • Tape

    Click to add multiple backup destinations. The Select Backup Destination window is displayed. From here you can enter file names or backup devices.


    Click to remove backup destinations.


    Click to view the contents of the backup destination including general properties of file content and backup sets properties.


    Select one of the following options:

    TIP: This option is only available for regular backups (and not fast compression backups).

    • Append to media—This option appends the backup set to existing media set; previous backups remain.
    • Overwrite existing media—This option replaces previous backups in the existing media set with the current backup.
    • Create unique media—This option generates a new media set; all previous backups are erased.

    Add Mirror

    Click to copy the entire backup file to multiple locations.

    TIP: This option is only available with the Overwrite existing media option above.

    You can create multiple mirrors by clicking this button more than once. You can add mirrors to cloud platforms and different cloud platforms at the same time.

    1. After clicking the button once, the Mirror 1 tab is displayed.
    2. Click the Add button to display the Select mirror destination window.
    3. Enter the mirror destination. Choices are Disk and Cloud.
    • If you selected Disk, click the ellipsis button to display backup locations. You can browse the network, add files, delete files, and rename files.
    • If you selected Cloud then fill in the Cloud Account Settings. Review the Cloud Account Settings information. Click Cloud Account Settings for field descriptions.


    • Mirroring is not the same as striping, which divides the backup file and stores the pieces at different destinations.
    • LiteSpeed automatically stripes the backup files if you include more than one backup destination.
    • You can mirror backups regardless of what SQL Server version you use, but you cannot mirror TSM or tape backups.

    If you selected Cloud, review the Cloud Account Settings information. click Cloud Account Settings for field descriptions.

    If you selected TSM Backup or TSM Archive, review the following for additional information:Closedclick here for field descriptions.

  5. If you selected the Fast Compression backup type, review the following:

    Fast Compression Type

    Select whether you prefer to create a unique file for each backup or you prefer to manage a single file for each backup set (a backup set is composed of one full database backup plus all associated differential backups):

    • Separate backup files—(Default) Creates a unique file for each backup in the backup set. This option provides the convenience of having to move less data to tape or across the network when copying individual backup files. Using this option means that up to two physical files may be needed to restore the database (full backup plus the associated differential for the day in question).
    • Self-contained backup sets—Provides the convenience of only having to manage a single file per backup set. Only one file needs to be saved to or pulled from tape or copied from the backup location to a secondary location. If backing up more than one database, a file for each database will be created.

    The Self-Contained Backup Sets option automatically verifies the Full backup exists. The Separate Backup Files option performs the same validation by default.

    Note: For cloud backups only "Separate backup files" type is supported.

  6. On the Options page, review the following:


    You can set the following thresholds to define when to issue a full backup:

    • Force a full backup every - The amount of time elapsed since the last full backup. The default is 14 days.
    • Data change threshold - The amount of database changes since the last full backup. The default is 35%.

    Fast Compression measures the amount of data change by either querying SQL Server or by comparing the size of the last differential to the last full backup. The default option is to query actual data pages. It provides the most accurate way to determine the amount of data change. If the query fails for any reason, Fast Compression will automatically run a size comparison to the last Differential backup.

    For example, set this parameter to 20%, and should the database change by 20% or more, Fast Compression will automatically run a Full backup. The larger the threshold, the larger the differential backups can grow before Fast Compression triggers the next Full backup.

    Regardless of how much underlying database data has changed, when exceeding the maximum interval (in days) between full backups, Fast Compression will force a full backup.


    • Before a differential Fast Compression backup is available, the last full backup must have been created in the Fast Compression backup folder.
    • When backing up the master database as part of a Fast Compression maintenance plan or job, Fast Compression always executes a full backup.
    • The copy-only full backups cannot serve as a base for differential backups.

    Select the Extension for backup files checkbox to enter or change the backup file name extension. The default is set to bkp.

    NOTE: You can select the backup file extension for Fast Compression and make the new default, bak, for new items. For an existing item that does not have an extension defined, bkp is displayed when the item is edited (maintenance plans and templates).

    Select the Enable backup escalation checkbox to maintain high recoverability. This option is enabled by default.

    This option causes LiteSpeed to issue a full backup, if one of the following problems is discovered in the current backup set:

    • The full backup is missing.
    • A differential backup is missing from the backup set (excludes backups automatically removed after the specified retention period).
    • LSN verification fails in the backup set.
    • Verify operation fails on full or differential backup.

    NOTE: If a problem is detected and a full backup is created through escalation, an error will be returned.

    Select the Optimize Object Level Recovery speed checkbox to enable speed. The default is enabled.

    Select the Perform checksum before writing to media checkbox to verify backup data checksum before writing the backup data to the media.

    Select the Continue on error checkbox to continue running the backup even if an invalid checksum is encountered.

    Optimize the Object Level Recovery speed

    Select to create an index of objects in the backup file. This option is only available for LiteSpeed backups. The default is enabled.

    NOTE: Before you can recover objects or execute a SELECT statement, you must read the backup file to create an index of restorable objects. The index is an .lsm file. During the backup process the .lsm file is created in the temp directory and attached to the backup file after the backup is completed.

    If you select this option, LiteSpeed uses the index in the backup file to read the backup file, which makes the object level recovery process much faster.

    Create Double Click Restore executable

    Select to create a Double Click Restore Loader that allows you to restore a backup on a server instance that does not have LiteSpeed installed.

    If you select to Create one Double-Click Restore executable file then note the following warning. The executable may be greater than 4GB for large databases. Windows Server is unable to run executable files larger than 4GB. However, the file will be convertible/restorable by LiteSpeed file.

    For more information, see Double Click Restore Executables.

    NOTE: A Double Click Restore can only be created for a disk file.

    Perform checksum before writing to media

    Select to verify checksums when a backup is created.

    Additionally, you can control the response to an error. If you select the Continue on error option, the backup is executed despite encountering an invalid backup checksum.

    Continue on error

    Select this option to continue running the backup even if an invalid checksum is encountered.

    Select directories to mirror the backup to (Overwrite must be selected)

    Click Disk to backup to disk. Click Cloud to backup to cloud.

    Select files/folders to attach to the backup set

    Select Add to attach files or folders to the backup set.

    NOTE: Some options are only available with certain backup types.

  7. On the Compression page, review the following:

    Adaptive Compression

    LiteSpeed automatically selects the optimal compression based on throughput and CPU usage and optimize backups either for size or for speed (default).

    NOTE: Adaptive Compression is only available with LiteSpeed 6.5 or later; Enterprise license.

    Compression level

    Select 0 for no compression or 1-8 (default 2) to compress the file. For more information, see Compression Methods.

    NOTE: Higher compression levels result in smaller backup files, but they also take longer to complete. For assistance determining the best compression options, use the Backup Analyzer. For more information, see Test Optimal Backup Settings.

    Tip: For cloud backups, set the default compression level to 7. Using a higher compression level has real savings. Reducing the number of bytes sent to the cloud makes for faster backups and reduces Internet bandwidth.


    Encrypt backup

    Select this checkbox to encrypt the backup. Then, select the encryption level and enter the encryption password. For more information, see Encryption Methods.

    Review the following additional information about the advanced options:

    Compression threads

    Determines the number of threads used for the backup. You will achieve the best results by specifying multiple threads, but the exact value depends on several factors including: processors available, affinity setting, compression level, encryption settings, IO device speed, and SQL Server responsiveness. The default is n-1 threads, where n is the number of processors.

    Max transfer size

    Enter the maximum backup file size in bytes. . The possible values are multiples of 65536 bytes (64 KB) ranging up to 4,194,304 bytes (4 MB). The default is 1048576.

    Buffer count

    Enter the number of SQL Server buffers available for a LiteSpeed operation. The default is set by SQL Server.

    CPU throttle

    Enter the maximum percentage of CPU that LiteSpeed can use for the process. The default is 100.

    Processor affinity

    Click to select which processors LiteSpeed can use. The default is 0, which allows LiteSpeed to use all available system processors.

    Processor priority

    Select the priority of the backup over other transactions or processes running on the same server. The default is Normal.


    User comment written into the backup header. Is blank by default.

    Logging level

    Select a logging level to define what events to log for the console. You can find the log events in the Application Event Log.

    Network resilience

    If LiteSpeed fails to write disk backups or reads from disk, it waits and retries the operation. You can enable and disable and control the number of times to retry and the amount of time to wait before retrying.

    • Number of times to retry any given read/write attempt—The default is 4 retries. The maximum allowed setting is 1000 retries.
    • Wait period before each retry attempt (in seconds)—The default period to wait before retry is 15 seconds The maximum allowed setting is 300 seconds.

    For more information, see Network Resilience.


    • Before you start tuning the CPU Throttle or Affinity parameters to adjust backup performance, try limiting the number of threads. If you decide to use an affinity value other than default, it is recommended that you limit the threading as well.
    • You may also want to consider using Adaptive Compression to maintain backup performance. For more information, see Adaptive Compression.

    NOTE: LiteSpeed defaults typically result in the best performance. You should only modify advanced options after careful planning and testing. For more information, see Configure LiteSpeed Defaults.

  8. On the Attached Files page, select Attach files and directories to store selected files with the backup. ClosedClick here for examples of when to use this feature.

    This feature lets you bundle items with the backup file that may be necessary to restore it. LiteSpeed appends the files to the data section of the backup file, and consequently the attached files are encrypted and compressed with the backup if those options are selected.

    Some examples of when to use this feature include the following:

    • Extended stored procedures packaged in DLLs may exist outside of the database, but you may need them to restore it. These external DLLs can be attached to the backup file.
    • If you are going to upgrade a database application, you can back up the database along with the current version of the application. If anything goes wrong during the upgrade, you can restore both the database and the related application files.
    • When sending a backup file offsite to another person (such as an auditor or consultant), you can attach schema diagrams, username and password lists, instructions, and other documentation.

    To retrieve the attachment, select Restore Attached Files and Directories on the Attach Files page of the Restore wizard. You can also use xp_restore_attachedfilesonly. For more information, see xp_restore_attachedfilesonly.

    TIP: To restore attached files only using the Restore Wizard, right-click a database in the server tree and select Restore | Attached Files...

  9. On the Backup Schedule page, select Run immediately, Run in background, or Schedule. Selecting Schedule launches a page where you can fill out the schedule name, schedule type, occurs, daily frequency, duration, and description.

    If you selected Fast Compression the backup schedule has options to configure backups to run as a SQL Agent job at a scheduled time. The options are: daily at, custom, and do not run full backup on specified days of the week. If you select custom, you can add schedule name, schedule type, occurs, weekly, daily frequency, duration, and description.

  10. On the Notification page, if you selected the Fast Compression backup type, you can configure the Fast Compression job to send notifications when any type of failure occurs. The failure might be due to a failed backup, a validation issue, like a missing Full or Differential backup, an LSN verification issue, or a failed Verify operation. Select one of the following:

    • Do not use notification - All failure notifications (including operator selections) are disabled.
    • Notify every time - Notify for all successes and failures. An operator can be selected and configured to receive notifications. Click the ellipsis button on the far right to create new or edit existing operators.
    • Failure only - Notify for failure only. An operator can be selected and configured to receive notifications. Click the ellipsis button on the far right to create new or edit existing operators.

    TIP: Variables defined in the maintenance plan can be used to format the Subject Line. There is also help information inside the task that lists the available Subject Line variables.

    NOTE: The SQL Server Agent must be configured to send email using Database Mail. Review the following for additional information:

  11. On the T-Log Schedule page, specify scheduling for the transaction log backup job execution. Select Schedule transaction log and fill out the new job schedule screen. Entries include schedule name, schedule type, occurs, daily frequency, duration and description.
  12. On the Verification/Cleanup page, specify the verification and cleanup options after each backup.

    TIP: "Cleanup" means SmartCleanup. For more information, refer to SmartCleanup.

    Make sure the backup files in the backup set have integrity. This provides an added level of insurance the backup files can be restored. Verification failures appear in the LiteSpeed UI Console and, optionally, as job failure notifications. A verification failure after a differential backup will trigger the backup escalation process, if selected.

    The Verification options include:

    • Do not verify backup (default).
    • Verify last backup.
    • Verify both the last full and latest differential backup.
    • Verify the last full and all associated differential backups.

    The Cleanup options include:

    • Clean up full/differential backups older than 28 (default) days.
    • Clean up transaction logs older than 7 (default) days.

      Note: Clean up transaction log options are available if you set up a transaction log within the wizard (or template).

    • Do not delete if archive bit is set.
  13. On the Fast Compression Job page, create the fast compression backup job script.
  14. Complete the wizard.

    NOTE: If you selected to run the backup in the background, you can view the progress in the Background Tasks pane (View | Background Tasks). If you scheduled the backup, you can view and edit it from the LiteSpeed Jobs tab for the database.


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