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Foglight 5.9.7 - User Guide

Drilling down into a service

When you drill down into a service by clicking in the Explore column for a particular service. The view that appears depends on whether or not your Administrator configured a custom view using the Service Builder. If your Administrator did not configure a custom drill-down, you see a Service Summary dialog box listing the outstanding alarms and links to a default service breakdown. In addition, it provides a link to edit the service using the Service Builder dashboard. If your Administrator chose a custom view, it appears in the drill-down dialog box.

Viewing the state of and drilling down into a tier

Use the tier icons to get an at-a-glance overview of each tier’s state. A tier’s state is the aggregate of its components’ state; it is a rollup of all alarms fired for components in that tier.

If one of your services’ tiers is in a warning, critical, or fatal state, hover the mouse over the icon to view information about the state and health of the components in that tier, alarms for that tier, and other tier-specific information.

Click an icon to view the same information in a popup that also allows you to drill down further to related views and dashboards. For example, you can investigate specific alarms or see metrics relevant to a particular component (such as CPU, memory, disk, and network metrics for a host).

With the exception of the Host and Agent tiers, the default tiers in the Service Operations Console dashboard are similar to the domains you monitor. These tiers are described below.

The User tier icon displays the worst state of all components monitored by agents included in the EU (End User) cartridges.

If your Administrator assigns a service to the Web tier using the Service Builder dashboard, Quest Foglight categorizes components as part of this tier. The Web tier icon displays the worst state of all components in the service.

The App tier icon displays the worst state of all components monitored by agents included in the cartridges for .NET, Siebel, SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle eBusiness, and Java EE technologies.

The Database tier icon displays the worst state of all components monitored by agents included in the cartridges for Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase and DB2.

Permanent Tiers

The Host and Agent tiers are always displayed in the Service Operations Console dashboard.

The Host tier icon displays the worst state of all hosts that are part of that service. This set of hosts includes:

The Agent tier icon displays the worst state of all the agents that are part of that service. This set of agents includes:

Viewing more details about your services

View more details about your services by selecting one of the tabs at the bottom of the dashboard and then scroll through the list in the service table


A list of alarms fired for components included in the selected service. The alarm count includes all filtered alarms fired on hosts that are part of the service. See Viewing, Acknowledging, and Clearing Alarms for information about working with alarms.

Service Level Agreement(s)

A summary of the service level compliance, alarms, and availability. This summary also appears in the Service Levels dashboard. For more information, see Investigating service level compliance and availability or the online help for the Service Levels dashboard.

Service(s) Impacted

The list of services that are impacted by the state of the current service. For more information, see Understanding what services are impacted .

Service Contents

The contents of a service without having to drill down into it. A service’s contents include all components added to the selected service and its child services, no matter how many levels deep they are nested.

Service Dependencies

The list of services on which the selected service depends. That is, the list of services added to the selected service.

This diagram shows the composition of your service and the state of each component it contains. Use it to quickly scan for the root cause of a problem reported on the service. For details, see Visualizing the dependencies among services .

Advanced Service Visualization

Advanced Service Visualization allows you to define relationships among services. A relationship can be visualized as a flow from one tier to another. This functionality is for advanced users. Consult your Administrator if it is not configured.

Each of your services can have an impact on other services to which it is related. Use the Services Impacted view to see details about the services that are impacted by the state of one particular service.

For example, you are responsible for monitoring a service called Application Servers, which represents the application servers for your Banking Application. You subscribe to this service and notice that Quest Foglight has fired has three critical alarms for it. This means that Application Servers is now in a critical state.

To find out if Application Servers’ state impacts other services, you select Application Servers and click the Service(s) Impacted tab.

Your Banking Application service is listed and its health is critical. The Banking Application service depends on and contains the service Application Servers. Quest Foglight has not fired alarms for any of the other services that the Banking Application service contains, so Banking Application’s state is critical, just like Application Servers’.

Click the Services Impacted tab.
See Viewing, Acknowledging, and Clearing Alarms for information about working with alarms and To investigate the health history: for information about drilling down into a health history bar.

Service Level Agreement(s)

A summary of the service level compliance, alarms, and availability. See Service Level Agreement(s) for more information.

Monitored Component(s)

The Service Breakdown view for that service.

Default Service Breakdown


Drilldown: <View Name>

If your Administrator did not configure a drilldown view, the link is Default Service Breakdown. and clicking the link takes you to a view that lists all components added to the service and their status. If your Administrator configured a view, the link is Drilldown: <View Name> and clicking the link takes you to that view.

Edit Service

The Service Builder for the selected service. You can only follow this link if you have the Administrator role. For details about the Service Builder, see Building a service.

Click the Service Dependencies tab to display a graphic representation of the hierarchy of services that the selected service comprises. Use the components state icons to trace the critical path of performance issues across a domain.

Use the depth control, in the upper right corner, to set the number of levels (1-3) in the diagram. The default setting is two levels.

The dots above the depth control determine the scale of the diagram.

By default, Quest Foglight arranges the components in a tree diagram. You can also manually change the components’ layout to position them as you wish. When you move a component, Quest Foglight clears the Auto Arrange check box. Select the Auto Arrange check box to return to the original layout.



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