You must have administrative access to an account on Azure.
NOTE: The Microsoft Azure interface is subject to change. For more information, see Azure interface disclaimer. |
To perform certain functions (including virtual export from Rapid Recovery Core to an Azure account), you must first create a storage account on Azure.
NOTE: When creating a storage account, many of the options have additional information available by clicking the |
Complete the steps in this procedure to create an Azure storage account.
- Open the Microsoft Azure dashboard.
- From the left navigation area, click
All resources.
- From the All resources pane, click + Add.
- In the New blade, click
Storage Account.
- On the Create storage account page, enter the parameters for your Azure storage account as described in the following table:
Option Description Subscription
Required. Select the subscription into which you want this storage account to be created.
Resource group
Required. Select the resource group in which you want this storage account to be created.
NOTE: For successful virtual export, this owning resource group must be created using Azure Resource Manager.
Storage account name
Required. Provide a clear unique description for your storage account, using between 3 and 24 characters consisting only of lower-case letters and numbers.
For example, companyabcstorage1.
Required. Choose the appropriate Azure region.
Select Standard or Premium.
Account kind
Select an account kind. The default, StorageV2 (general purpose v2), is recommended for most scenarios.
Choose a replication strategy for your storage account. The default is Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS).
Access tier (default)
Choose from Cool or Hot, based on frequency of access.
- Optionally, to change the requirement for secure transfer or to associate with a virtual network, click Next: Advanced. Otherwise, skip to step 10.
- On the Advanced page, in the Security area, to disable or enable secure transfer, click the appropriate selection. Secure transfer is enabled by default.
- Optionally, on the Advanced page, in the Virtual Networks area, to select an existing virtual network associated with your subscription, location, and resource group, from the Virtual network drop-down menu, select a network and skip to step 9. To create a new virtual network associated with this subscription, location, and resource group, do the following:
- Under the Virtual network option, click Create new.
- On the Create virtual network page, in the Name text field, enter a name for your new virtual network.
NOTE: Restrict the name to letters, numbers, underscores, periods, or hyphens. See additional name restrictions in the Azure UI.
- In the Address Space area, select the default address range to restrict access to IP addresses between and To restrict to a narrower set
- In the Subnets area, select a subnet name contained by the address range specified in the previous step. For example, select default.
- When satisfied with your virtual network settings, click Create.
The Advanced page closes and the virtual network you created is selected.
- On the Advanced page, in the Virtual Networks area, if you selected an existing virtual network, from the Subnets drop-down menu, select an appropriate subnet for your virtual network.
- When satisfied with your storage account details, click Review + create to validate the settings.
- If validation errors are found, visit the page with the error, update the parameters you defined, and review again.
- When satisfied, click Create.
You see a message indicating that the deployment of your storage account has started. If toast alerts are active, you see another message when the deployment is completed.