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Coexistence Manager for Notes 3.9 - User Guide

About the CMN Documentation Suite Introduction CMN Directory Connector
Directory Connector overview Installation and configuration DC Management Console Connector Creation Wizard Connector Advanced Settings Starting and stopping the Directory Connector service
CMN Mail Connector
Mail Connector features overview Coexistence mail routing basics Deployment of CMN Mail Connector Installation Configuration Mail Connector Management Console
CMN Free/Busy Connector The Log Viewer Appendix A: Known limitations Appendix B: Troubleshooting Appendix C: CMN Logs

Directory Connector

Verify that all system requirements have been met (see System requirements in the RTM Release Notes).

Verify that you have a valid Quest License Key installed. For more information, see About Quest license keys in User Guide chapter 1.

A Connector definition—the information that creates and characterizes a Connector—is part of the configuration.xml file that governs the operation of the overall Directory Connector component. The Directory Connector configuration file may contain one, two or more Connector definitions. The Connector Creation Wizard does not save Connector definitions to disk; it only adds or edits them in the open Directory Connector configuration file, which then must be explicitly saved to disk in the CMN Management Console. If you do not save the overall DC configuration file, any new Connector definitions or changes to existing Connector definitions will be lost when you exit the Management Console.

For more information see, in User Guide chapter 2: Step 4: Run the DC Management Console and Connector Creation Wizard to create connector(s).

The account usernames required for access to the Domino Directory and Active Directory can take different forms in different environmental contexts (including where the Directory Connector’s host computer resides within the network, relative to the server that a DC Connector is trying to reach. It is therefore possible (but uncommon) that access will fail even if you enter the correct credentials into the Connector Creation Wizard. In this case, you can usually resolve the problem by expressing the username in some other form, such as:

For Domino

For Exchange




Edit the Username field in either the Source or Target Server Information screen—whichever server is denying access—and then run the Connector again.

CMN's Connector Creation Wizard is designed to scan the source and target OUs to generate lists of valid options for the source and target OUs. Ordinarily, the Wizard requires source and target OUs be selected for a connector definition based on the results of these scans. However, in the rare event the Wizard encountered a corrupt OU structure, it may be impossible to select an OU and complete the Connector configuration.

A CMN configuration parameter provides an option to bypass these OU scans and disregard the OU verifications. With this feature configured to ignore the OU scans, the Wizard can advance to the next screen whether or not the OU selection can be confirmed—so you can continue the connector definition.

To enable this feature (to disable the verifications), set this boolean parameter setting in CMN's Configuration.xml file from false to true:

NOTE: CMN automatically adds this parameter to Configuration.xml when installing the Directory Connector. The parameter is set to false by default (which leaves the Wizard's verifications intact). To enable this feature, change the value to true, as shown above. Quest recommends maintaining the false setting for this feature unless the Wizard encounters a corrupt OU structure.

Then, use the Custom Configurations tab of the connector’s Advanced Settings to configure the Directory Connector for the OU(s) you want to appear in CMN’s selectable list. You must define separate lists of available OU(s) for the Notes environment as the source and as the target.

The table in the Custom Configurations tab shows parameter names (the Key column) and their corresponding Values, as they now occur in the connector’s config.txt file. You can change the value of an existing parameter, or add a new one. Click Add to add a new parameter. A dialog box opens with two fields: Key and Value.

For Notes as the source, define this parameter and value:

Key: sourcecontext
Value: [the desired OU(s) – e.g., ou=org1,o=contoso]

For the source parameter (only), you can enter a Value with multiple containers by using vertical bars (|) to separate the containers.

Then define another parameter and its value for Notes as the target:

Key: destsubtree
Value: [the destination OU for synched data – e.g. o=contoso]
Exchange-to-Notes connector generates Empty Recipient List error

The name of the source container for an Exchange-to-Notes connector cannot begin with the letters CMN. If the source container name begins with CMN the connector will generate an Empty Recipient List error.

If resources are not extracted from Notes during a connector’s initial run, verify:

Each resource in the Notes source must have a mail address: the address as seen in LDAP, which is the Internet address of the resource.
If any Notes resources are defined but not associated with an Organization, then the DC's search for resources must begin at the ROOT container, not O=NotesDomain, unless your intent is to specifically limit the scope by Organization. For example, "Room A" with no associated organization would be found in the ROOT, and "Room A/Domain" would be found in O=Domain. For this case the DC Connector could be configured for a Source OU of O=Domain.

CMN’s Directory Connector may produce a duplicate object record (sharing the same SMTP address) in Active Directory if an existing AD object had previously been added to the Domino Directory—either manually, or by some other directory tool such as Microsoft’s Transporter. In this case, the first run of a Notes-to-Exchange Connector will copy the Domino object back to Active Directory as a contact, where it may generate a duplicate record. And then the first run of an Exchange-to-Notes Connector will copy it back to Domino.

To resolve this issue, check the Domino Directory for such objects before the first CMN Directory Connector run, and:

The most likely solution is to turn off the LDAP document schema enforcement. In Domino, set Enforce schema to No for the LDAP document.

Other Directory Connector Issues

Look through your CMN Directory Connector log files for clues to help diagnose and resolve the problem.

Mail Connector

Verify that all system requirements have been met (see System requirements in the RTM Release Notes).

Verify that you have a valid Quest License Key installed. For more information, see About Quest license keys in chapter 1.

CMN processing may marginally increase or decrease the size of a message, which may rarely push a message over a receiving server’s size limit even though the original message was smaller than the server’s configured limit.

A subdomain routing method may introduce a risk that the assigned subdomain names will escape your organization’s internal communications, which in turn can cause bounce-backs on replies to those addresses. To prevent this problem, set the Notes forwarding address attribute to user@subdomain@notesdomain, which causes Domino to set the reply address for external email to the user's primary SMTP address (internet address field value).

This may be caused by a shadow redundancy feature built into Exchange 2010 SP1 RU4. Shadow redundancy keeps a copy of a message on the previous hop until the server verifies that it has successfully delivered it to all the next hops—which isn't possible when receiving a message from a mail server (like CMN) that doesn't support shadow redundancy. In that case, Exchange delays its acknowledgement to the sending server until it verifies that the message has been successfully delivered, or until a specified timeout interval expires (without verification), whichever comes first. The timeout interval is specified by the MaxAcknowledgementDelay attribute of each Receive connector. The default value is 30 seconds.

If this seems likely to be the cause of the problem, try disabling the MaxAcknowledgementDelay feature.

The Domino server is likely misconfigured (in the Outbound servers screen of CMN’s Management Console) for the wrong version.

Notes implements some features differently in different client versions, and CMN can process messages differently to accommodate those differences. Each Domino server is designated (in the Management Console) to a particular version, so CMN will know how to process messages bound for that server.

The .nsf attachment file is designed to open into a Lotus Notes client, so a Notes client must be installed on the Outlook recipient’s computer, and must be connected to a Domino server. If the recipient has no Notes client installed, the attachment will not open.

Assuming a Notes client is installed on the Outlook recipient’s computer, the NSF file type must be associated (in Windows) with the Notes client application. If the Outlook user has not defined that association, Windows will prompt the user to designate an application to use to open the file.

When a Notes user sends a message with Active Mail content to an Outlook user, who then forwards the message back to a Notes user, the Notes recipient is unable to open the .nsf attachment, and an error message reports that the database cannot be found. If the Notes recipient can save the attachment locally first, however, the attachment should open normally.

Active Mail content that references shared resources not included in the CMN.ntf file will appear to an Outlook recipient as a database with empty cells or other missing parts. To correct this, verify any shared resources that will be referenced by Active Mail content are included in the CMN.ntf template file.

This is an issue only in some environments, and the most likely solution is to change the message delivery restriction settings. Note that an Exchange group must be of the universal distribution type to be mail-enabled. For an admin to change the settings, beginning in the Exchange Management Console:

Select the group under Recipient Configuration | Distribution Group, then double-click the group you want to edit.
Click the Mail Flow Settings tab, and highlight Message Delivery Restrictions, then click Properties above.
De-select (unmark) the check box for Require that all senders are authenticated.
Save, and then restart the MS Exchange transport service.

Meeting requests originating in Notes and sent to Exchange users may be off by one hour for meetings scheduled in the period between the second Sunday in March (when daylight savings time begins) and the first Sunday in April (when DST used to begin). This is not a CMN defect, but rather an apparent issue in the way Windows processes time zone data.

Microsoft offers a free time-zone update utility (downloadable from that will likely correct this problem. Apply the update to the Windows OS on both the Domino server and the CMN admin server hosting the Mail Connector software.

PermanentFailure” in CMN logs; EHLO command rejected or returned as unrecognized

A PermanentFailure appears in the CMN logs, and the SMTP logs show that the EHLO command was being rejected or returned as unrecognized:

And about the same time:

You may have a firewall that is inspecting message traffic and making changes, causing CMN to fail to send a message. Investigate the environment to make sure there is no firewall manipulating traffic. “XXXX hostname unrecognized” is the target server explaining why it rejected the message and why CMN failed to send it: it received “XXXX” when it was expecting “EHLO.”

Look through your CMN Mail Connector log files for clues to help diagnose and resolve the problem. If necessary, see Appendix C: CMN Logs for instructions to configure the feature to suit your needs.

Free/Busy Connector

Troubleshooting tips for the F/B Connector are documented in an Appendix of the FBC Scenarios Guide.


Appendix C: CMN Logs


By default, CMN is installed with the log4net utility to generate log files of CMN components’ system activity. This information is critical to diagnosing any problems that may arise. CMN log entries look like this:

2011-02-18 16:20:43,851 INFO CMN.logging - Connection from
2011-02-18 16:20:43,866 INFO CMN.logging - [1] Established channel from Notes( to Exchange( Total Channels: 2
2011-02-18 16:20:48,804 INFO CMN.logging - [1] Message Sent From: , To: , Message Number: (1) Message ID: () Size: (5) Proc Time: (188)msec Routed From Notes( to Exchange(
2011-02-18 16:20:49,788 INFO CMN.logging - [1] Router closed. Open Sockets: 0
2011-02-18 16:24:54,446 ERROR CMN.logging - [2] Message Failed 552 CMN was unable to process the message. ICal Error: The recurring series spans over 1000 days, and Exchange can not display it. From:, To:, Message Number: (2) Message ID: () Size: (244159) Proc Time: (2828)msec Routed From Notes( to Exchange(

CMN logs are configured and saved separately, by component, in files that reside in or under each component’s subtree root folder. CMN logging is enabled by default, for all CMN components, and the default configurations will be suitable for almost all organizations and circumstances. The parameters that are most often edited are listed in the procedure notes below.

CMN actually generates multiple log files for each component, so you can track different types and levels of program activity. All CMN logging-configuration files are xml-format files, which you can edit with any XML editor.

NOTE: The Open Log File button in the Management Console’s Health screen is enabled only when the UdpAppender is defined in the log42net.config file of at least one module. During a new installation, the Log Viewer installer installs a file with the required UdpAppender. During an upgrade, however, the installer does not overwrite the log42net.config file, so the UdpAppender is not present, and this makes the Open Log File button invisible. To correct this, see Adding the UdpAppender to an existing log file at the end of this Appendix.
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