Remove Archive Shuttle link databases.
Remove-ASDatabase [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-LinkId] <Guid[]> [-LinkName] <string[]> [-DeleteAll] <SwitchParameter> [[-DeleteHistoryDB] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Remove-ASLinkDatabase cmdlet remove AS link databases. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Remove-ASLinkDatabase -LinkName "LinkName01" |
/* Removes link database of specified link */ |
Remove-ASLinkDatabase -LinkName "LinkName01" -DeleteHistoryDB |
/* Removes link databases of specified link (including history database if exists) */ |
Remove-ASLinkDatabase -DeleteAll |
/* Removes all link databases at related Archive Shuttle Database Instance */ |
Creates item database.
Add-ASItemDatabase [-Core] <ConnectCore> -SqlServerName] [<string> [-LinkId] [<string>] [-LinkName] [<string>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASItemDatabase cmdlet creates item database for link(s). Link names or linkIds can be used. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
$evlink = Get-ASLink -Type EnterpriseVault | Where-Object {$_.LinkName -eq "*LinkName01*"} Add-ASItemDatabase -SqlServerName "\INSTANCE1" -LinkId $evlink.LinkId |
Sets staging area.
Set-ASStagingAreaPath [-Core] <ConnectCore> -Path] <string>] [[-Default] [<SwitchParameter>-LinkId] <Guid[]>] [[-Azure] [<SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-ASStagingAreaPath cmdlet sets staging area. After the command is executed, the result can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Set-ASStagingAreaPath -LinkId "d2f8f070-263c-e611-813b-005056b84ed8" -Path "\\UNCPath" Set-ASStagingAreaPath -Path "\\UNCPath" -Default Get-ASLink -LinkName "LinkName1"| Set-ASStagingAreaPath -Path "\\UNCPath" |
$evlink = Get-ASLink -Type EnterpriseVault |Where-Object {$_.LinkName -eq "LinkName1"} Set-ASStagingAreaPath -Path "\\UNCPath" -LinkId $evlink.LinkID -Default |
Starts staging area cleanup for inserted LinkIds/ContainerMappingIds.
Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-ContainerMappingIds] <int[]> [-LinkIds] <Guid[]> [-ItemAge] <ItemAgeEnum> [-IncludeDeletedMappings] <SwitchParameter> -SkipValidation] [<SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup cmdlet starts staging area cleanup based on inserted parameters. There is option to start cleanup based on ContainerMappingIds or LinkIds. Parameter ItemAge defines items with certain age which will be taken into account for deletion. This parameter is also related to System Configuration setting ClearStagingAreaFilesOlderThan [242]. For the option ContainerMappingIds, there is additional parameter SkipValidation; items from Staging area will be deleted without core check, so also items which were not ingested yet and have NULL value stored for columns ImportStartedDateUtc and ImportedDateUtc in ItemRouting table will be deleted from Staging area.
In case LinkIds are used for cleanup there is additional parameter IncludeDeletedMappings.
Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -ContainerMappingId 1 -ItemAge OlderThanConfiguredHours Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -ContainerMappingId 1,2,3 -ItemAge All Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -ContainerMappingId 1,2,3 -ItemAge All -SkipValidation |
/* Removes legacy files of certain age from staging area of specified container mapping */ /* Removes legacy files from staging area of specified list of container mappings */ /* Removes legacy files from staging area of specified list of container mappings without core check */ |
Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -LinkId e438fb86-4574-490a-8bc4-4d3ec58c65be -ItemAge All
Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -LinkId e438fb86-4574-490a-8bc4-4d3ec58c65be -ItemAge All -IncludeDeletedMappingItems |
/* Removes all legacy files from staging area of specified link. Basically it will find all container mappings related to specified link and cleans the legacy files */ /* Removes all legacy files from staging area of specified link. and includes also data of already deleted mappings */ |
Get-ASLink -Type EnterpriseVault | ForEach-Object {Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup -LinkId $_.LinkId -ItemAge OlderThanConfiguredHours -IncludeDeletedMappingItems} |
/* Retrieves all EnterpriseVault links and then removes all legacy files from staging area (files of deleted mappings included) */ |
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