Starts active directory sync.
Start-ASSyncADUsers [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-DistinguishedName] <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASSyncADUsers cmdlet starts Active Directory sync. After the command is executed, the module status can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Start-ASO365SyncMailboxes -LinkId "0d4ad6b3-263c-e611-813b-005056b84ed8" Result: Office365 sync mailboxes command queued. |
/* This command is an alternative to the UI Action "Sync Mailboxes" for O365 Link (triggers Office365CollectMailboxes + Office365CollectArchiveMailboxes commands) */ |
Starts active directory synchronization.
Start-ASADSyncSingleUser [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-SAMAccountName] <string[]> [-UPN] <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASADSyncSingleUser starts active directory synchronization. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Start-ASADSyncSingleUser -UserPrincipalName Start-ASADSyncSingleUser-SAMAccountName muser1 Start-ASADSyncSingleUser-SAMAccountName user1,maor-l2ex10-qam-1001,user2 |
/* Syncs single Active Directory User based on UPN or SAMAccountName, (can also enter multiple users per one command) */ |
Starts Office 365 synchronization.
Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-SAMAccountName] <string[]> [-UserPrincipalName] <string[]> [[-CollectMailbox]<SwitchParameter>] [[-SkipUserCheck] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser starts Active Directory synchronization. Parameter -SAMAccountName can be partial. If multiple users have a similar name, an exception will occur with the message "Too many users found with userName". You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser -SAMAccountName user1 Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser -UserPrincipalName Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser -SAMAccountName user1,user2,user3 |
/* Sync single Office 365 user based on UPN or SAMAccountName, also it's possible to enter multiple users per one command */ By default, this command queues Office365SyncSingleCloudOnlyUser command to sync single cloud-only user. |
Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser -SAMAccountName user1 -CollectMailbox |
/* In case -CollectMailbox parameter is used, Office365CollectSingleMailbox and Office365CollectSingleArchiveMailbox commands are queued to collect Office365 user mailboxes */ |
Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser -SkipUserCheck |
/* Syncs single Office 365 user based on UPN without check of existence in Archive Shuttle database */ |
Creates a new mapping for a source and target container.
Add-ASContainerMapping [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] -TargetContainerType <TargetContainerTypeEnum> -SourceContainerIds <Guid[]> [-MappingTemplateId <int>] [[-WorkflowPolicyId] <int>] [[-FilterPolicyId] <int>] [-MigrationEnabled] <SwitchParameter> [-ItemGatheringEnabled] <SwitchParameter> [-OwnerlessWorkflowPolicyId] <int> [-IsSameUser] <SwitchParameter> [-IsDifferentUser] <SwitchParameter> [-DifferentUserTargetDomainId] <int> [-DifferentUserMatchingCriteria] <ContainerMappingMatchingFlags[]> [-ContainerMappingAction] <ContainerMappingActionEnum> [-TargetLinkId] <Guid> [-Office365TargetType] <Office365TargetTypeEnum> [-MailboxType]<MailboxKindEnum> [-SecondaryMailboxUnavailableAction] <SecondaryMailboxUnavailableActionEnum> [-Priority] <int> [-PstFileNamePolicyId] <int> [-TargetContainerId] <int> [[-ItemGatheringScheduleDateTime] <DateTime>] [[-MigrationScheduleDateTime] <DateTime>] [[-UserDefinedTokenValue] <string>] [[-UseRecipientsCollectedViaEVIndexForExport] <SwitchParameter>] [[-UseAlternateMailboxes] <SwitchParameter>] [[-CollectSenderRecipientsOnExport] <SwitchParameter>] [[-TargetPathNamePolicyId] <int>] [[-PreMigrationWorkflowPolicyId] <int>] [[-EnableSecondaryMailbox] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASContainerMapping cmdlet gets SourceContainerId, WorkflowId, FilterPolicyId parameters and creates a mapping. After the command is executed, the mapping can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory except FilterPolicyId.
You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
·All TargetContainerTypes have common parameters:
oSourceContainerIds, WorkflowPolicyId, FilterPolicyId, MigrationEnabled, ItemGatheringEnabled, OwnerlessWorkflowPolicyId, Priority;
·According to TargetContainerTypes parameter value there are additional parameters.
ofor Enterprise Vault, there are two possibilities:
i.IsSameUser, ContainerMappingAction, TargetLinkId;
ii.isDifferentUser, DifferentUserTargetDomainId, DifferentUserMatchingCriteria, ContainerMappingAction, TargetLinkId;
ofor Office 365:
i.Office365TargetType, MailboxType, SecondaryMailboxUnavailableAction, TargetLinkId;
ofor Exchange, there are two possibilities:
i.MailboxType, SecondaryMailboxUnavailableAction, IsSameUser;
ii.MailboxType, SecondaryMailboxUnavailableAction, isDifferentUser, DifferentUserTargetDomainId, DifferentUserMatchingCriteria;
ofor PST:
i.TargetLinkId, PstFileNamePolicyId;
ofor ProofPoint:
ofor Manual (default):
i.TargetContainerId, SourceContainerIds, WorkflowPolicyId, FilterPolicyId, MigrationEnabled, ItemGatheringEnabled, Priority;
DateTime parameters should be specified in UTC format.
Add-ASContainerMapping -SourceContainerIds $SourceContainer1.ContainerId -TargetContainerId $TargetContainer1.ContainerId -WorkflowPolicyId 8 -FilterPolicyId 1 -MigrationEnabled -ItemGatheringEnabled |
Manual mapping: ·New parameter "-TargetContainerType Manual" can be defined ·Omit TargetContainerType parameter - command will automatically consider Manual mapping type Parameters supported for manual mapping: -SourceContainerIds -TargetContainerId -WorkflowPolicyId -FilterPolicyId -MigrationEnabled -ItemGatheringEnabled (MigrationEnabled,ItemGatheringEnabled are switch parameters - if used, migration and gathering is enabled) |
Add-ASContainerMapping -TargetContainerType Exchange -SourceContainerIds $SourceContainer.ContainerId -MailboxType OnPremisePrimary -IsSameUser -WorkflowPolicyId $wfpolicy.WorkflowPolicyId -FilterPolicyId $filterpolicy.FilterPolicyId -ItemGatheringScheduleDateTime ((GET-DATE).AddDays(1).ToUniversalTime()) -MigrationScheduleDateTime ((GET-DATE).AddDays(1).ToUniversalTime()) |
/* By specifying highlighted parameters (DateTimeUTC), it is possible to postpone item collection or migration of the mapping. */ |
Add-ASContainerMapping -TargetContainerType Office365 -SourceContainerIds $SourceContainer.ContainerId -Office365TargetType Normal -MailboxType OnlinePrimary -TargetLinkId "0d4ad6b3-263c-e611-813b-005056b84ed8" -WorkflowPolicyId 1 -OwnerlessWorkflowPolicyId 2 -FilterPolicyId 3 -MigrationEnabled -ItemGatheringEnabled -Priority 99 Command returns result with following information: SourceContainerId : 9e45f73d-1b93-47ce-bcde-6986663c7912 ContainerMappingID : 8 Status : Success ErrorMessage : Error : |
Bulk mapping: ·Parameter "-TargetContainerType" must be defined first, with desired migration target set (enum available) ·Based on the target type, most of the related parameters are dynamically provided. ·UserDefinedTokenValue can be specified only for O365 JournalExplosion mapping type |
Add-ASContainerMapping -TargetContainerType Office365 -SourceContainerIds $SourceContainer.ContainerId -Office365TargetType Normal -MailboxType OnlinePrimary -TargetLinkId "0d4ad6b3-263c-e611-813b-005056b84ed8" -WorkflowPolicyId 1 -OwnerlessWorkflowPolicyId 2 -FilterPolicyId 3 -ItemGatheringEnabled -Priority 99 -PreMigrationWorkflowPolicyId 107 |
Bulk mapping: ·Same as mapping above but with set -PremigrationWorkflowPolicy ·If MigrationEnabled switch is present, than it will be automatically set to false with warning message (WARNING: MigrationEnabled parameter was set to false because migration can't be enabled when Pre-migration policy is set) |
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