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Space Manager with LiveReorg Notification sur les produits

Product Release

We are excited to announce a new release of Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.2.

Look what's new:

  • Features:
    • Identity Column feature on Oracle 19c for Live Reorganizations.
    • sub-partition template - After performing Live Reorganizations, sub-partition template is displayed in the DBA_SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATES view.
    • Index with Compress Advanced High option.
    • The READ_ONLY property option for partitioned tables.
    • The sub-partition count columns.
  • Operating systems support:
    • Windows 11.
    • Windows Server 2022.
  • Resolved Issues:
    • After performing a reorg, if a table has any check constraints, the Check Constraint option is automatically disabled.

See the release notes for details on enhancements, corrections and improvements.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Space Manager with LiveReorg life cycle table.

Be sure to check out the Space Manager with LiveReorg Product Support page to find solution articles, tips and tricks, tutorials, documentation, notifications, life cycle tables, training, and a product user forum.

The Quest Software Support Renewals team can assist you with questions regarding your Support Maintenance contract or upgrading to another support offering and the Benefits of Renewing Support.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact support. If you have a technical issue, please log a Service Request. If you have a licensing issue, please contact licensing.

If at any time your business demands a higher level of support, we can help you find a service that better fits your needs, such as 24x7 Support or proactive Premier Support. Visit the Quest Support Portal for more information