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Active Roles Notification sur les produits

Alertes critiques
During an upgrade to Active Roles 8.1.4 the import of custom script modules may fail in certain scenarios. 
How does this affect me?
A product defect has been discovered where custom script modules may not be available in the Active Roles console post-upgrade to 8.1.4 This issue may occur when upgrading from any previous version of Active Roles. This failure does not present an error but will appear in the logging.
We recommend any customers who have downloaded Active Roles 8.1.4 please discard the download and refrain from upgrading. 
If you have upgraded to Active Roles 8.1.4 and have experienced this issue, please see KB 4375287 and contact Support for assistance with a workaround. 
This issue should be immediately noticeable following the upgrade. If you have upgraded and have not experienced this issue, there is no immediate action required. 
We are presently working to issue a new version of Active Roles to address this issue. 
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused. We are working quickly to correct it.