Workflow approval SMTP is set up in Office365 with the Exchange API option and the approval emails are not being received or show in the "Draft" folder in the mailbox. The GPOADmin debug logs shows the following lines:
"DOMAIN\USERACCOUNT, Information, 1000, UserAction
The following error occurred attempting to retrieve the trustees email address: The input name was found, but the associated output format cannot be found. This can occur if the object does not have all the required attributes..
Attemping direct query method., DOMAIN\GPOADMINSVCACCOUNT, Warning, 2013, Debug,System.ApplicationException: The input name was found, but the associated output format cannot be found. This can occur if the object does not have all the required attributes.
at Quest.ClassLibrary.Net.AccountNameChecker.UserPrincipalNameFromNTAccount(String ntAccount)
at Quest.Avalanche.VersionControl.VersionControlManager.GetEmailFromADByTrustee(TrusteeData trustee)"