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Download Rapid Recovery 6.10 Core Web Installer


Rapid Recovery 6.9 or later requires Sandy Bridge (2011) or later CPU. Nehalem (2009), Westmere (2008) and earlier processors are not supported. Please see solution SOL4041708 in our Knowledge Base for further information.

The Rapid Recovery Core is the central component of the Rapid Recovery deployment architecture. The Core stores and manages all of the machine backups and provides core services for backup, recovery, and retention as well as replication, archival, and management.

Use this package to install directly from the web. The web installer package software and the pre-requisites required for the product install will be downloaded from the Internet during the install.

Pour vous assurer de l’intégrité de votre téléchargement, vérifiez la valeur de somme de contrôle.
SHA256: B933C2342EE67CF5553908A9FC31AC63E028CF3A8E7C60814F2EEDADCFE98033