Unable to configure distribution migration, An error occurred while copying file at path : . \Metalogix\ProductNew.lic. Error: System.IO.IOException: The network name cannot be found.
17/07/2019 3:39:18 PM: An error occurred while copying file at path : . \Metalogix\ProductNew.lic. Error: System.IO.IOException: The network name cannot be found.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
at Metalogix.Actions.Remoting.FileUtils.CreateDirectory(String targetDirectoryPath, String userName, String password)
at Metalogix.Actions.Remoting.FileUtils.CopyScript(String sourceFilePath, String targetMachineName, Boolean useTempPath, String targetFilePath, Boolean overWriteFiles, String userName, String password)
at Metalogix.Actions.Remoting.RemoteWorker.CopyFile(String sourceFilePath, String targetFilePath, Boolean overWriteFiles)
17/07/2019 3:39:18 PM: License File not copied.
Using procmon it was identified the following command being executed on the Agent PC.
"powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\AgentMachine\C$\MetalogixScripts\ProgramDataRemotePowerShell.ps1".
Running the command manually on the Agent PC prompts a request for confirmation to download. The files are being downloaded from internet in this case.
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