You may experience some containers not being visible on the Bulk Mapping screen.
The Archive Shuttle Bulk Mapping screen was changed significantly in version 9.6 and 9.7.
If you have experienced the issue with some containers not being visible, update Archive Shuttle to versions:
AS 9.7 – 9.7.40079.2 and higher
AS 9.8 – 9.8.40079.1 and higher
All types of source container will be visible and, in addition, the following types of Office/Exchange target containers will be visible:
If you have access to the Archive Shuttle Directory Database, you can check your Office/Exchange target containers in the Archive shuttle database using the query below.
Office 365 containers
--Office 365 containers use [ArchiveShuttleDirectory]; select o365.ExchangeMailboxTypeId, EMT.[Name], count (o365.ExchangeMailboxTypeId) as Occurance, EMT.IsVisible from Office365Mailbox o365 inner join ExchangeMailboxType EMT on EMT.ExchangeMailboxTypeId = o365.ExchangeMailboxTypeId group by o365.ExchangeMailboxTypeId, EMT.[Name], EMT.IsVisible order by Occurance desc
Exchange containers
-- Exchange containers use [ArchiveShuttleDirectory]; select EM.ExchangeMailboxTypeId, EMT.[Name], count (EM.ExchangeMailboxTypeId) as Occurance, EMT.IsVisible from dbo.ExchangeMailbox EM inner join ExchangeMailboxType EMT on EMT.ExchangeMailboxTypeId = EM.ExchangeMailboxTypeId group by EM.ExchangeMailboxTypeId, EMT.[Name], EMT.IsVisible order by Occurance desc
If some containers are still hidden after upgrading you can update the appropriate ExchangeMailboxTypeId in the Archive Shuttle Directory Database
use [ArchiveShuttleDirectory]; UPDATE dbo.ExchangeMailboxType SET IsVisible = 1 WHERE ExchangeMailboxTypeId = ;
If you have any further issue, please let us know. Raise a support case via this link.
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