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Preparing Migration 8.15 - Release Notes

Release Notes

Quest® Migration Manager 8.15

These release notes provide information about the Quest®Migration Manager 8.15 release.


About Migration Manager

Migration Manager is a comprehensive solution for seamless simple or extensive Active Directory restructuring and transparent inter-org Exchange migration.

New Features

The following features and enhancements have been introduced in this release of Migration Manager:

Migration Manager for Active Directory

The following is now supported:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 permissions using SQL Processing Wizard
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 permissions using SharePoint Permissions Processing Wizard

The following is no longer supported:

  • Migration Manager no longer supports SharePoint Services 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 permission processing

The following new features are introduced:

  • Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2
  • FIPS 140-2 compliant algorithms for all security related purposes in new projects
  • Preinstalled Service feature for environments with Microsoft Local Security Authority (LSA) Protection to ensure the least privilege principle for migrating passwords and SID History
  • Active Directory groups processing for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and higher

Migration Manager for Exchange

The following is now supported:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 can now be used as agent host for legacy public folder agents.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 is now supported as an agent host operating system for Migration Agent for Exchange.
  • Quest Migration Manager Console can now work with Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
  • Quest Migration Manager Console can now work with Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
  • The Microsoft Exchange 2019 organization is now supported for migration to Microsoft Exchange 2019 or to Microsoft Office 365.
    • For migration scenarios from Microsoft Exchange 2019 organization to Microsoft Exchange 2019 the following migration tasks are now supported:
      • Mail synchronization
      • Calendar synchronization
      • Mailbox migration using native mailbox move
      • Public folder synchronization by MAgE
    • For migration scenarios from Microsoft Exchange 2019 organization to Microsoft Office 365 the following migration tasks are now supported:
      • Mail synchronization
      • Calendar synchronization
      • Public folder synchronization by MAgE

For more information, refer to Source 2019 Environment Preparation and Target 2019 Environment preparation documents.

The following new features are introduced:

  • Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2. Migration Manager for Exchange components are modified to work with Microsoft Exchange Servers or with Microsoft Office 365 where TLS version 1.2 is enabled. Migration Manager for Exchange now fully supports environments where the version 1.2 is the only enabled version of TLS protocol.

IMPORTANT: Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server, version 17, on all computers running Migration Manager console and on Statistics Collection Agent host. Required version of ODBC Driver for SQL Server can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center.

Refer to updated System Requirements and Access Rights document for details.

SQL Servers where TLS protocol version 1.0 or 1.1 is enabled are supported without this additional software. For these environments no action is required..

  • FIPS 140-2 compliant algorithms for all security related purposes in new projects
  • Public folder synchronization by MAgE feature is now supported. Refer to Public Folder Synchronization (MAgE) document for details.

Table 1: Migration Manager for Exchange enhancements

Enhancement Issue ID
The Migration Manager for Exchange PowerShell Module can now be accesses from Start menu. MMEX-2077
Now specific message classes can be skipped on collection level during migration using PowerShell. This release introduces the New-MMExMessageFilter cmdlet to create message filters for mail, calendar, and public folder collections and new MessageFilter parameter for Set-MMExCollection cmdlet. For more information about MessageFilter parameter for Set-MMExCollection cmdlet, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell MMEX-5698

MAgE can now automatically handle public folder hierarchy changes related to deleted (both soft or hard deleted) public folders during one-way and two-way synchronization. Refer to Public Folder Synchronization (MAgE) document for details. Public folders matched with deleted (soft or hard deleted) public folders by default are moved to source or target Migration Manager Recycle Bin public folders or permanently deleted depending on UsePublicFolderRecycleBin parameter value.

New migration project parameter UsePublicFolderRecycleBin is introduced in this release. This parameter is intended for public folder synchronization using MAgE / MMExPowerShell module. It specifies whether public folders matched with deleted (soft or hard ) public folders will be stored in Migration Manager Recycle Bin public folder. Migration Manager Recycle Bin public folders are now created automatically, if necessary. For more information on migration project parameters, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell.

MMEX-8005, MMEX-8382, MMEX-8082, MMEX-8383, MMEX-8657, MMEX-8006

Now specified mailboxes can be temporarily excluded from the migration process using Powershell cmdlet. This release introduces the Suspend-MMExMailboxMigration and Resume-MMExMailboxMigration cmdlets to perform suspend and resume mailbox migration.

NOTE: These cmdlets could be useful for troubleshooting purposes. These operations complement the functionality of the Disable collection option implemented in the user interface. Suspended mailbox will not be processed even if corresponding collection is Enabled.

For more information, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell.

Now migration can be restarted for specified mailbox using Powershell. This release introduces the Restart-MMExMailboxMigration cmdlet to perform this operation.
NOTE: This operation is also known as Resync in user interface. For more information, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell.

The following Exchange versions have been verified and confirmed as completely supported migration sources and targets:

  1. Microsoft Exchange 2010 including the recently released Update Rollup 30
  2. Microsoft Exchange 2013 including the recently released Cumulative Update 23
  3. Microsoft Exchange 2016 including the recently released Cumulative Update 20
  4. Microsoft Exchange 2019 including the recently released Cumulative Update 9



Overall migration processing is optimized to avoid PowerShell throttling limits in Office 365. Now Remote Windows PowerShell is no longer used by MAgE to verify every mailbox during every session, and multiple remote PowerShell sessions are not created every time. All required checks are performed through the use of Exchange Web Services (EWS).

MAgE uses only the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant to assign subscription plan for new mailbox.

Due to this enhancement the administrative account used for mail and calendar synchronization processing is not more affected with the Exchange Online PowerShell throttling in Office 365. It is no longer necessary to create multiple administrative accounts for calendar synchronization and mailbox migration collections to avoid PowerShell throttling issues.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365


Get-MMExCollection, Get-MMExCollectionStatistics, Get-MMExMailboxStatistics cmdlet usage is now enhanced to increase usability. Get-MMExCollectionStatistics and Get-MMExMailboxStatistics can take input submitted through the pipeline from Get-MMExCollection. Type and Name parameters now become optional for these cmdlets.

Refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell for details and examples.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE


Remote Windows PowerShell usage is now optimized. MAgE now calls required cmdlets directly with Invoke-Command instead of importing a remote PowerShell session with all Exchange Online cmdlets.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365


Project database design is enhanced to significantly drop the CPU utilization in some specific cases.

Scope: All migration scenarios in case a considerable part of messages should not be migrated according to filter configuration.

IMPORTANT: This enhancement affects only new databases that will be created after this product release is installed.


The set of granular permissions is defined for Service Accounts that are used for data migration to Microsoft Office 365. You do not need to perform any permission changes for existing projects. You can create new accounts as previously, or use only the granular permission set. For more information, refer to Creating office 365 administrative accounts.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365


Synchronization of Calendar folder permissions from target to source is now supported for all migration scenarios including Microsoft Office 365 in case EWS is used for connecting to the source.

NOTE: Backward synchronization of Calendar folder permissions is always disabled for Microsoft Exchange 2007 and earlier and for Microsoft Exchange 2010 in case UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to False

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE, in case UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to True


Now the mailbox processing is improved to ensure up-to-date mailbox folder permissions on target after the switch completion. By default, all permissions are reapplied right after mailbox switch (ReapplyPermissionsAfterSwitch parameter is set to True). For more information, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell.

Scope: All migration scenarios to Microsoft Office 365


Logging has been improved to display some events that were marked as warnings but have no impact on migration process using Info status.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE in case MAPI is used for migration source


Considering the latest changes incorporated by Microsoft, possible issues related to the endpoint ConnectionUri used for connecting to the Microsoft Office 365 tenant using PowerShell have been prevented. The recommended ConnectionUri value is used instead of obsolete

Scope: Microsoft Office 365 migration scenarios


Mailbox processing is now enhanced to avoid multiple errors related to cmdlet failure in Event Log of the Microsoft Exchange server. Below you can see example of the error:

Log Name: MSExchange Management

Source: MSExchange CmdletLogs

Event ID: 6

Task Category: General

Level: Error

Keywords: Classic

User: N/A

Description: Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Get-ExchangeServer, parameters -Identity "YourDatabaseAvailabilityGroup" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue".

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE in case SupportADSyncThroughThirdPartyTools is set to True


To improve supportability for very slow Public Folder synchronization processes (considerably less than 1 GB per hour), new functionality has been introduced. Now, for working with Exchange 2013, you can manually set the Public Folder synchronization agents to use local XML file settings to connect to Public Folder Administrator mailbox. For more information see the following KB article:

Scope: Public Folder synchronization to or from Microsoft Exchange 2013

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is now completely supported as a Migration Manager for Exchange Database Server. MMEX-3554

Folder-level permission processing performance is now improved by using cached information about matched users for setting permissions on mailbox folders.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE.


Manual and automatic mailbox switch procedures are now improved by means of using cached URL, if any, for connecting to target mailbox via EWS instead of using Exchange Autodiscover service.

Scope: All on-premises migration scenarios supported by MAgE

In order to deal with security concerns all the downloadable package executables are now signed with SHA2 certificates and can be downloaded as the signed self-extracted archive. MMEX-3179

Now users can see the detailed information of migrated Contact Group members using OWA access in case these members are matched and were added to Contact group from Outlook Contacts.

Scope: Migration scenarios supported by MAgE from Exchange 2010 at source to Exchange 2013 or Exchange 2016 at target and SupportADSyncThroughThirdPartyTools is set to True

User setting handling for Public folder synchronization agents (Exchange 2016 or later) is now improved. Public folder synchronization agent now uses user settings from pre-configured Outlook profile instead of using Exchange Autodiscover service. This approach allows for getting round time-consuming Autodiscover calls and related connectivity issues, ensuring faster and more reliable synchronization. PT134132925
Load Balancer support for NativeMove scenarios is now improved. Now you can add a remote host to the project database using new Add-ExchangeRemoteHost cmdlet. The host should be added if it is not included in project database and / or in case of this host is not an Exchange Server, e.g., in case of specified FQDN is used as Load Balancer solution in Exchange organization. The added remote host can be later specified as SourceRemoteHostName or TargetRemoteHostName for NativeMove collection. PT142692877

Resolved Issues

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release, including ones that have been resolved in updates to the version 8.14.

Table 2: Migration Manager for Active Directory resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
Not FIPS 140-2 compliant algorithms are used in new projects for migration to Office 365. MMAD-108
Password synchronization and SIDHistory migration do not work with 32-bit DCs after installing the Update 20180619. MMAD-80
In unknown very rare conditions, some changes in group membership are not synchronized to Microsoft Office 365. MMAD-68
One of items in Select Objects in Source Domain step of Migration Wizard may be hidden when there are more than 15 objects selected for migration or imported using Import option. MMAD-65
Cached Credentials Utility moves a computer to the target domain without processing if the file share specified for downloading of vmover.exe is unavailable. Now the computer resource processing procedure is improved to avoid the issue. MMAD-63
Resource processing task could not be executed due to memory allocation issues in case the number of all objects migrated by the time the task is created or of all objects selected for processing in custom map is above critical value (more than a million of objects). Log of Resource Updating Manager controller contains the following error: Save export map: Unknown error occurred. Task status in Migration Manager console may be shown as succeeded with the specified above error reported. Now memory allocation has been improved to avoid the issue. MMAD-54
Migration Manager RUM stores not encrypted password for target domain access in INI file for processing with match accounts by analyzing the SID history in the target domain option selected. The password is stored in INI files in either case of starting or exporting the processing task. MMAD-53
File type or protocol associations with programs are reset to the Microsoft recommended defaults for source users on Windows 10 Version 1607 (Anniversary Update) or later if they are signed in during processing of local profiles. (For target users the file type or protocol associations with programs are not affected and are kept the same as they were for corresponding source users before processing of local profiles.) MMAD-50
SQL Processing Wizard fails to process impersonation granted on a SQL database user. MMAD-43
The user interface of Resource Updating Manager wizard gets broken on certain localized environments. Access to some options becomes limited. MMAD-42


Table 3: Migration Manager for Exchange resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID

The migration process may become abnormally slow with high SQL server CPU load. This situation is typical for migration projects with large amounts of data in ITEM_MATCH table.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: MAgE performs SQL queries without using the proper indexes.

Fix: MAgE now uses proper indexes in SQL queries.


MAgE may fail to get user settings for some email addresses. The following error message is reported: Error Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: X-AnchorMailbox header was not included in request when connecting to Autodiscover to retrieve mailbox settings for synchronization initiation.

Fix: MAgE now includes the X-AnchorMailbox header in the request when it connects to Autodiscover to avoid the issue for all mailboxes.


The mailbox that has been already switched may be set to unswitched state unexpectedly.

Scope: Calendar synchronization by MAgE to Office 365

Root-cause: If any exception occurs, the mailbox can be considered as not existing, and then Migration Agent for Exchange will initiate provisioning of the mailbox that results in changing mailbox status.

Fix: The mailbox detection algorithm is now improved. MAgE considers the mailbox state and autodiscover response to avoid the issue.


MAgE may be unable to switсh a mailbox, and the following error message is reported: Error System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The account does not have permission to impersonate the requested user.

Scope: Manual and automatic mailbox switch to Office 365 by MAgE

Root-cause: Changes in Microsoft Office 365 processing procedures.

Fix: Now MAgE is enhanced to avoid the issue in switch procedure.


Native Move job may fail, and the the following error message is reported Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.

Scope: Mailbox migration using the Native Move job

Root-cause: Due to target mailbox database switchovers or failovers during Native Move job processing Mage may connect to wrong server.

Fix: Now the mechanism of server selection for move request after switchover or failover of target mailbox database is enhanced to avoid the issue.


Public folder synchronization using Initialize-MMExPublicFolderMigration cmdlet with correct parameters fails, and the following error message is reported: The operation couldn’t be performed because object <domain>\<user> couldn’t be found on <DC FQDN>.

Scope: Public folder synchronization from Exchange 2010 to Microsoft Office 365 by MAgE

Root-cause: Initialize-MMExPublicFolderMigration cmdlet fails to initiate Public folder synchronization in case service account and source Microsoft Exchange 2010 server are located in different domains.

Fix: Now MAgE is enhanced to process entire forest structure.


MAgE is unable to switсh a mailbox.

Scope: Mailbox switch/unswitch from Exchange 2010-2016 to Office 365 by MAgE, in case External EWS URL is unavailable

Root-cause: Migration Manager for Exchange will always choose external EWS URL at first even it is unavailable.

Fix: Now the EWS URL selection algorithm is enhanced and IsExternal flag is used to define the EWS URL to connect.


Ready to switch status for migrated mailbox cannot be achieved if there are any folders of IPM.ApplicationData class on the source.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: MAgE considers migration of folders of IPM.ApplicationData class as required to achieve the Ready to switch status for migrated mailbox.

Fix: New parameter FolderClassesToSkip is introduced in this release for cmdlet Set-MMExProjectOptions. Now folders with class "IPF.Files" and "IPM.ApplicationData" are skipped by default and this cannot be overridden by the FolderClassesToSkip parameter. For more information, refer to Configuring Migration Using PowerShell.


MAgE fails to create New-MoveRequest or to perform automatic switch of the mailbox with the following error message: Error 0xe1000005. Internal DSA error.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE, in case standalone server is acting as agent host, and neither Console nor Directory Synchronization Agent (Directory Migration Agent) is installed.

Root-cause: After public update 20181130EX was installed, MBRedir.dll and QsCore.dll were not updated automatically.

Fix: Now these components are updated automatically.


Specific Search Folders created outside of the well-known location for user-created Search Folders may not be synchronized by Migration Manager for Exchange correctly.

Scope: Migration from Exchange 2010 or later in case UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to True

Root-cause: Unlike the user-created Search Folders that are processed by Client Profile Updating Utility, necessary information about the search folders created by some third-party applications cannot be retrieved due to Microsoft limitations and hangs the processing.

Fix: Processing of folders with Search Folder Type will be skipped under migration process to avoid the issue.


In case of specific proxy server configuration the migration session may fail with the following error message: Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. | at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover.AutodiscoverRequest.InternalExecute...

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE.

Root-cause: MAgE cannot connect to some instances of Exchange servers in case of specific proxy server configuration.

Fix: Now agent has been enhanced to avoid the issue.


PFTA fails to restore some messages during backward synchronization. PFTA log file contains the following error message:
CopyFromPST Error -2147221246 The client operation failed. - MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT (Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store) File: 'aeCopyProp.cpp' Line: '95' (Subject: 'D9B98D6E3C1210428DC3C95F2D6FCF78000000F28A25', SourceKey: 'D9B98D6E3C1210428DC3C95F2D6FCF78000000F28A25').

Scope: Public folder synchronization to Microsoft Office 365 Root-cause: The values of some properties, for example PR_CREATOR_ENTRYID, can be incorrectly determined by PFTA for some messages and, as result, these messages cannot be restored.

Fix: Now message handling has been enhanced to avoid the issue.


MAgE may fail to process the folder with description containing restricted characters and the migration cannot be completed.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE, in case UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to True

Root-cause: Target Exchange server cannot accept EWS request containing characters restricted in XML 1.1 specification.

Fix: Now the restricted symbols in folder description are detected by MAgE and are replaced with “?” to ensure successful folder processing.


Mailbox included in any collection may not be resynced after re-enabling the collection.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: Pending mailbox resync may be cancelled in case the collection containing the mailbox was disabled and then enabled again.

Fix: Now pending resync is handled properly in this case.


PFTA may fail to assign public folder client permissions during synchronization. PFTA log file contains the following error message: CFolder::CopyFromPST Error -2147467259 The client operation failed. - MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (Microsoft Exchange Information Store) File: 'aeMAPIFolder.cpp' Line: '2554' (Folder: 'TestPublicFolder', SourceKey: '9D9547CA873429449B988E70C779926E00002F9E9998').

Scope: Public folder synchronization to Microsoft Office 365

Fix: Now public folder client permissions assignment has been enhanced to avoid the issue.


Mailbox status In Progress or Switched (Sync Pending) remains unchanged. Mailbox Statistics pane contains the following error message in Most recent error column: FolderInfo is not found in database.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE Root-cause: MAgE cannot correctly process mailbox in case the folder hierarchy is changed in some unusual ways after the folders have been synchronized. For example, one of well known folders might have been deleted from source mailbox for unknown reason.

Fix: Now these well-known folder changes are processed to ensure successful mailbox synchronization.


Mailbox status In Progress or Switched (Sync Pending) remains unchanged. Mailbox Statistics pane contains the following error message in Most recent error column: The folder 'Contacts' was not processed. Messages in folder: '2'. Probably the given folder does not exist in target mailbox. If the problem is persistent, please resync mailbox with ClearAllSyncDataOnResync.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: MAgE cannot correctly process folders in case the folder hierarchy is broken in some unexpected ways after the folders have been synchronized. For example, one of well known folders may not exist in target mailbox for unknown reason.

Fix: Now the missing folders will be created in target to ensure successful mailbox processing.


Clicking Show Associated Collections option after the host or agent is selected in the Agent Management tree view generates the following error message: The method or operation is not implemented.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365

Fix: Now selecting the Show Associated Collections displays the list of associated collections.


Some messages can be filtered improperly under migration.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: Message class handling procedure is not case insensitive. The message class names were specified on Filters page in collection properties using incorrect letter case.

Fix: The message class handling procedure has been enhanced to avoid the issue. Now, for example, IPM.Note class is handled on the same manner as ipm.note class.


The primary SMTP address may be changed unexpectedly in some environments after switch.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365

Root-cause: TargetAddress property of source object is stamped with primary SMTP instead of secondary SMTP after switch.

Fix: Now the TargetAddress property processing is enhanced and does not affect user experience.



Mailbox status In Progress or Switched (Sync Pending) remains unchanged. Mailbox Statistics pane contains the following error message in Most recent error column: Folder 'Different Messages' containing 1 messages has not been processed completely. 0 messages have not been processed yet and for 1 messages whose processing failed there are pending retry attempts.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: MAgE cannot correctly process message that should be skipped in current synchronization session according to filter settings in case this message processing has been failed during previous synchronization sessions.

Fix: Now the successful mailbox processing cannot be affected by messages that should be skipped according to filter settings.


Mailbox content cannot be fully synced. Mailbox Statistics pane contains the following error message in Most recent error column: TRG(Ews) Display name:<FolderName>… Mailbox status In Progress or Switched (Sync Pending) remains unchanged.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: Target mailbox folder hierarchy created by MAgE does not match source mailbox hierarchy. MAgE cannot find match for folder specified in error message.

Fix: Now the mailbox content processing is not stopped for the folders that can be matched. In case of the folder mismatch detection, the error message appears in Mailbox Statistics pane and the content is not processed for this folder only.

Workaround: Resync with ClearAllSyncDataOnResync set to True is recommended to resolve the issue.


During Public Folder synchronization Public Folder rules may be duplicated.

Scope: Public Folder migration scenarios in case of two-way sync for Microsoft Exchange 2013 and higher

Root-cause: Public Folders message rules are migrated during Public Folder sync from Microsoft Exchange 2013 or higher instead of skipping them.

Fix: Now agents skips Public Folder rules in such scenarios.



Mailbox remains in the In Progress status with unchanging percentage value in progress column with the following message in the MAgE log: The property has an invalid value.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: This error may be received from Exchange in case MAgE is retrieving large property set.

Fix: Now property set retrieving procedure has been optimized to avoid the issue.


Migration process can be stopped. The following error is displayed: System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : [<Server data>] Access Denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

Scope: Migration to Microsoft Office 365

Root-cause: If Configure Office 365 setting page in collection property has been reviewed, it is possible that the previously provided password information stored in the project database may be corrupted. As a result, the Access Denied error can appear.

Fix: Password processing for custom Microsoft Online Services ID account has been improved to avoid the issue.


Public Folder Target Agent fails to synchronize some specific client permissions and messages to O365 with the following error in log: CAddrBook::Resolve Error -2147220477 Too many names have been found in the directory service or the server has exceeded its time limit for searching. Type more letters of the name and try again. - MAPI_E_TABLE_TOO_BIG (Microsoft Exchange Address Book) Low level error: 0x0 File: 'aeaddrbook.cpp' Line: '512'

Scope: Public folder synchronization to Microsoft Office 365

Root-cause: Permissions and messages for source users that have not matched target users, added to AD migration project.

Fix: Now the permissions and messages are processed correctly for all users.


Migration process is not started for new mailboxes with the following message: Error Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AutodiscoverLocalException: The Autodiscover service couldn't be located. Exchange 2010 SP1 is displayed in the log file instead of correct Exchange 2003 version.

Scope: Migration from Exchange 2003 after installing the following Migration Manager for Exchange updates:

  • 20170630EX
  • 20170913EX

Root-cause: Soft fault of exchange server version identification algorithm.

Fix: Exchange server version identification algorithm is now fixed. After installing this update all mailboxes will be processed correctly.


In case target service account has been changed the custom Notification Message may be reset to default.

Scope: All migrations to on-premises Exchange organizations supported by MAgE

Root-cause: Migration Manager console can rewrite Notification Message to default text in case any Mailbox synchronization job properties has been changed.

Fix: Now Migration Manager console does not reset custom Notification Message in case the job property changing.


MAgE may sync mailbox to wrong target mailbox if several mailboxes in target have the same X500 address (set by mistake) with Source LEDN.

Scope: All supported migration scenarios when a third-party tool is used for directory synchronization (SupportADSyncThroughThirdPartyTools is set to True)

Root-cause: MAgE use for synchronization the first discovered target mailbox that matches the X500 address with source LEDN.

Fix: Now in case several mailboxes have the same X500 address the migration process will be stopped with error message Several mailboxes in target have the same X500 address, correct X500 addresses for matching source and target mailboxes.


Mail-enabled root public folder became hidden from the Global Address List.

Scope: Two-way public folder synchronization of root public folders in case of HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled attribute is set to False

Root-cause: Public Folder Source Agent incorrectly processes HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled attribute. As a result root public folder became hidden from the Global Address List after backward sync.

Fix: Now the HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled attribute of mail-enabled public folders is processed correctly for all folders, including root public folders (as specified in public folder synchronization collections). IMPORTANT: Mail settings for Public Folders are synchronized according to Advanced Agent Management option selected.


The Error during check connect to database or update version database message can appear when you try to run Migration Manager Console after installing of 20170630EX product update.

Scope: Mailbox migration using the Native Move job. Projects where the EXCH_SERVER_PROPERTY table of SQL database was improperly edited by user (e.g. under Running Native Move with MMEX when Load Balancers are used in source or target Exchange organizations)

Root-cause: Previous version of UpdateDB.sql cannot process such EXCH_SERVER_PROPERTY table entries.

Fix: Now the SQL database updating procedure was improved to process such entries correctly.


Under new legacy agent installation to the Agent Host, console does not automatically install updates for legacy agents, if any.

Scope: All supported migration scenarios with legacy agents, including public folder synchronization Root-cause: Incorrect update verification procedure for automatic agent installation.

Fix: Now automatic agent installation means legacy agent will be installed with the latest update. Additionally the latest update can be installed manually.


The Object reference not set to an instance of an object message can appear in case restarting of Migration Manager Console after agent host deleting.

Scope: All supported migration scenarios

Root-cause: Agent host can be deleted from Agent Management in specific case of agent instance installed on it is assigned as the Default agent for any synchronization job.

Fix: Now the agent host deletion processing have been modified to avoid the issue. Agent host cannot be deleted from Agent Management in the case of agent instance installed on it is involved in some job. To remove the agent host from database using Agent Manager, you need to delete all associations with this server in mailbox and calendar synchronization collections, and replace it in the Default Collection Options | Default agent settings of each affected mailbox/calendar synchronization job.


Mailbox migration process may hang for the specific mailbox (other mailboxes in the collection are correctly processed.) The following error is displayed: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

Scope: All migration scenarios supported by MAgE

Root-cause: The problematic mailbox contains the message that is very close to the maximum size allowed by Migration Manager for Exchange settings (specified in SizeLimitInMbPerBatchUploadToO365, SizeLimitInMbPerBatchUploadToExchange.) In some cases, it may result in producing MAgE batch that exceeds the maximum allowed size.

Fix: MAgE now try to upload messages with critical size to target mailbox. In case this attempt will be unsuccessful due to target Exchange settings, the error returned with target Exchange will be logged.


Migration from partly supported Exchange Server versions (Exchange 2010 prior to SP2 and from Exchange 2013 prior to SP1) is not allowed.

Scope: Migration from Exchange 2010 prior to SP2 and from Exchange 2013 prior to SP1

Root-cause: Exchange Server version detection procedure cannot handle Exchange 2010 prior to SP2 and Exchange 2013 prior to SP1 correctly.

Fix: Now migration from partly supported Exchange Server versions (Exchange 2010 prior to SP2 and from Exchange 2013 prior to SP1) is allowed.


Mailbox cannot be switched in case of target Office 365 or Exchange 2013 (or later) does not have Public Folder mailbox.

Scope: Migration scenarios supported by MAgE to Microsoft Office 365 or Exchange 2013 (or later) without Public Folder mailbox in target

Root-cause: Mailbox cannot be switched successfully in case the TargetPublicFolderEMailAddress property is empty.

Fix: Now mailbox switch does not depend on Public Folder mailbox presence in target.


Display Name is not shown in migrated contacts at target only for users who access them using Outlook Web Access.

Scope: Migration scenarios supported by MAgE from Exchange 2010 at source to Exchange 2013 or higher at target, in case of UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to True (default value)

Root-cause: Issue is caused by property set differencies between Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 or higher only in case of Outlook Web Access is used.

Fix: Display Name is now generated and displayed correctly for Outlook Web Access.


Manual mailbox switch may be unsuccessful for particular cases of load balancer solutions at target.

Scope: Mailbox migration in case of load balancer solutions in target Exchange environment, in case of SupportADSyncThroughThirdPartyTools is set to True

Root-cause: By default, PowerShell session is created with the Exchange server that has been used to add the target Exchange organization. In case of load balancer solutions the FQDN of the target Exchange server cannot be found and need to be specified manually for successful completion of manual mailbox switch.

Fix:PSConnectionServer now also specifies FQDN of the target Exchange server or load balancer to find target mailbox information for manual switch.


PFTA restarting in case of exceeding the default system handles limit of 1500 can slow down migration process.

Scope: Public folder synchronization using Outlook 2016 to Exchange 2016 or Microsoft Office 365

Root-cause: PFTA restarts automatically upon reaching or exceeding the maximum default value of 1500 system handles.

Fix: Now the default value of system handles is increased up to 3000 for all legacy agents to avoid the situation.


PFTA stops processing when it tries to compact PST file in case of content cannot be fully synchronized. The last log message is the following: MailContainer::Compact TraceMsg 1702 Starting to compact PST file.

Scope: Public Folders migration to Exchange 2016

Fix: Now the PST file compacting and archiving completes successfully and does not stop migration process.


Ready to switch status for migrated mailbox cannot be achieved if there are any folders of IPF.Files class at source.

Scope: Mailbox migration from Exchange 2016

Root-cause: MAgE consider the migration of folders of IPF.Files class as required to achieve the Ready to switch status for migrated mailbox.

Fix: Any folder of IPF.Files class including subfolders will be skipped under migration process to avoid the situation.



Migration Manager for Exchange is configured to assign a license of subscription A, but MAgE fails to assign that license to a Microsoft Office 365 user who already has a license of subscription B.

Scope: All migrations to Office 365 Root-cause: MAgE was not configured to assign selected license in case of Microsoft Office 365 user had multiple licenses from different subscription plans, and by default the license that is already registered in project is used.

Fix: To use improved license assigning mechanism of MAgE for multiple license usage is recommended to reconfigure subscription settings through Migration Manager console UI.



If JunkEmail is specified in the list of WellKnownFoldersToSkip (see details at Configuring Migration Using PowerShell) mailbox processing might hang at migration stage "In Progress" and so can’t be switched automatically. A message The folder 'Junk-E-Mail' was not processed. Messages in folder: '2'. Probably the given folder does not exist in target mailbox. If the problem is persistent, please resync mailbox with ClearAllSyncDataOnResync. is displayed.

Scope: Mail synchronization jobs at the following scenarios:

  • Migration scenarios from Exchange 2003 or from Exchange 2007
  • Some migration scenarios supported by MAgE, started in obsolete versions of the product before 8.14
  • All migration scenarios supported by MAgE, in case of UseEwsProtocolForSourceIfAvailable is set to False

Root-cause: MAgE mechanism to detect JunkEmail folder might fail under the certain circumstances.

Fix: To avoid the issue MAgE mechanism for detecting JunkEmail was improved.


Known Issues

The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of Migration Manager release.


Table 4: General known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Migration Manager console, Migration Agent for Exchange and all legacy migration agents cannot expand groups within an organizational unit (OU) if the OU is added to a collection as a member. TF305584
Migration Manager cannot be installed on a computer where Resource Updating Manager is already installed. Uninstall Resource Updating Manager, then install both applications at once; no project data will be lost. ST78379
The Migration Manager Console cannot be installed on a computer that is in a workgroup. ST70924
The Migration Manager for Active Directory Resource Kit cannot be uninstalled through the main setup suite. ST74509
When you specify a new license instead of the old one, you may get the You are now using N% of your license message, where N is larger than 100. You will stop getting these messages in a certain time, or you can resolve the issue by restarting the Quest Directory Synchronization Agent Configurator Service on the computer where DSA is installed. ST47876
Express setup and Open Project Wizard may report the Failed to configure project error if you are running setup on localized (non-English) version of Microsoft Windows. Despite the error text, only Statistics Portal will not be configured. ST36090
Directory Synchronization Agent is not recommended to be installed remotely (from Agent Manager) on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and later as problems may occur. Consider running DSA installation package locally. ST78786
If you install Migration Manager Statistics on a computer running localized (non-English) version of Microsoft Windows, you will not be able to configure Statistics Portal from the Open project wizard for a project. To workaround the issue, create a local user Everyone on the computer where Migration Manager Statistics is installed before you start configuring Statistics Portal. ST45547
The Migration Manager installation folder path must contain ASCII symbols only. ST63937
If both the Directory Synchronization Agent and the Migration Agent for Exchange are installed on a computer, then uninstalling the Directory Synchronization Agent may cause the Migration Agent for Exchange to work incorrectly. If this happens, reinstall the Migration Agent for Exchange. ST83437
A Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) connection from a MAPI client to a Windows Server 2008-based domain controller may fail with the following error code that is returned from the server: MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED. This behavior occurs because Windows Server 2008 only allows for a default maximum of 50 concurrent NSPI connections per user to any domain controller. Additional NSPI connections are rejected with the MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED error code. TF236096

The RC4 encryption (Rivest Cipher 4 or RC4-HMAC) is an element of Microsoft Kerberos authentication that Quest migration products require to sync Active Directory passwords between Source and Target environments. Disabling the use of the RC4 protocol enabled makes password syncing between environments impossible.

Beginning on November 8, 2022 Microsoft recommended an out of band (OOB) patch be employed to set AES as the default encryption type. The enabling and disabling use of the RC4 encryption protocol has potential impact beyond the function of password syncing of Quest migration tooling and should be considered carefully.


Directory Migration and Synchronization

Table 5: General directory migration and synchronization known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

Time-bound group membership from the Windows Server 2016 Active Directory is transformed to an ordinary group membership at the pier domain during synchronization.

CAUTION: The object becomes a permanent group member at the resulting domain, even after its TTL expiry.


msDS-ShadowPrincipal objects are not migrated and their group membership is not synchronized.

NOTE: msDS-ShadowPrincipal class represents a principal from an external forest in Windows Server 2016 Active Directory domains.

You may get "Error 0xe1000005. Internal DSA error." in the Directory Synchronization Agent log if the mailNickname attribute is specified for a source user and the user is not mail-enabled. To resolve this issue, set the user as mail-enabled or remove the mailNickname attribute value. PT78109032
Do not sync computer objects with Directory Synchronization Agents if you later plan to process and move these computers with Resource Updating Manager. Otherwise, Directory Synchronization Agent will delete the target computer object, once it is moved. ST77233
Directory Synchronization Agent does not sync the msExchShadow* attributes. ST77138
Undo cannot be performed for target objects, if migration failed because of the invalid header in import file, but the objects have been created on target. ST77858
Directory Synchronization Agent may stop working if it encounters an object with corrupted required attributes. ST78788
Some complicated intra-forest migration scenarios may require an additional full resync to update group membership after migration. ST78033
If you select a user account and then use the Select by Group Membership functionality to select all groups where the object is a member of, the primary group for that user account will not be selected. ST78225
The Directory Synchronization Agent services stop if the agent cannot access ADAM/ADLDS. ST68969
The Directory Synchronization Agent does not synchronize the Manager can update group membership permission to the target group. The source manager account is granted this permission instead of the target one. ST70542
The Directory Synchronization Agent may need a larger message queuing size limit value than the default value (1GB) on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. ST74745
DSA cannot add mail-enabled/mailbox-enabled objects to Hierarchical Address Books in Exchange 2007/2010 organizations that use the Hierarchical Address Book feature. This behavior can be changed by a custom add-in. ST65124
Undo does not restore deleted objects from tombstone if the target domain controller is running Windows 2008 Server and later. ST64991
Conflicts that are related to msExchMasterAccountSID disappear from statistics even if the conflicts still exist. ST56589
In case of Windows Server 2003 or later as source and target: Dynamic objects are migrated as static. This is by design. This behavior can be changed by a custom add-in. ST65141
Undo does not work for migrated accounts that have service attributes of a type other than Unicode String. ST56845
DSA may select Windows Server 2008 or later read-only domain controllers to work with, and fails with the LDAP error 0xa. Referral error displayed. To avoid the issue, specify the writable preferred domain controller in the DSA properties. ST51245
Conflict resolution rules with scope equal to forest are verified using the Global Catalog. As a result, this scope type can be used only for attributes published in the Global Catalog. ST19140
You cannot delete a target object using the Synchronize object deletion option, if the object has unsynchronized objects under it. ST64922
Directory Synchronization Agent only supports the SMTP proxy generation in accordance with Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013 email policy. ST56318
DSA sets invalid HomeMTA attribute, when a new mailbox created on a second or successive clustered mailbox Exchange 2007 server. ST35734
During the two-way synchronization, source alias may be replaced with the target alias changed by DSA. ST44532
Denied objects within synchronization scope are not placed to Failed objects queue. ST44136
Antivirus and antispyware software may identify Migration Manager agents and services as malicious software. You may ignore these warnings. ST45069, ST45347
It is recommended to configure recipient policy to convert non-Latin symbols to Latin. Otherwise the non-Latin symbols will be lost. ST46825
The Directory Synchronization Agent cannot synchronize object deletion for the group that is set as the primary group for any domain user account, computer account or inetOrgPerson. ST15618
A migrated (synchronized) account's primary group might be set to a source group that has not been migrated yet. If so, when target-to-source domain sync is performed by two-way synchronization job, any modification of account’s primary group will not be synchronized until corresponding source group is migrated (synchronized) within the same migration project. This helps to prevent from losses of primary group values in source domain during initial sync. N/A
An issue may arise if the Directory Synchronization Agent and Domain Migration Wizard simultaneously process passwords and SIDHistory on the same DC. CR165675, CR165732

Although several issues related to the value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirement of the domain error were resolved, you may still get this error message in the following situations:

  • If the source password is empty, while the minimum password length on the target is set to more than 0 characters.
  • If the source password was previously migrated to the target and is stored in password history of the target account.
If you merge migrated user accounts with existing target ones and later undo the action, the original passwords of target accounts are not restored. Restoration of all other attributes is not affected. N/A
When merging accounts, the migration sessions compare source and target password ages even if the Set password to option is selected. To avoid possible inconsistencies in setting passwords during the migration, you can turn off modification time check. To do this, you need to run Registry Editor, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AeActivation_[COMPUTER_NAME]\Config\PwdSwitch, create the CheckConflicts string value, and set it to 0. N/A
During the Undo operation, the proxyAddresses and userPrincipalName attribute values are not checked for uniqueness on the source and target. N/A
If objects that have already been migrated are included in another synchronization job, the migration admin who migrated these objects will no longer be able to undo their migration. N/A
Intra-forest migration: If after migration with the Reconnect Exchange Mailbox option selected, a new mailbox was created for the source user, then an undo operation for the migrated user will merge proxyAddresses. N/A
Undo will not be performed for a migrated object if that object was created on target during migration and has child-objects that are not undone yet. N/A
In some cases the OUs created during migration in the target domain may not be deleted during undo. N/A
In case of Windows 2003 as a target: Undo cannot restore a deleted security domain local group from its tombstone. N/A
If a new user is created using an existing user as a template, its extensionAttribute15, which contains information about matching, is copied from the template as well. If the directory synchronization is running, this will result in incorrect object matching. The workaround is to clean the extensionAttribute15 for the incorrectly matched user. N/A
Intra-forest migration: If the target domain is running in mixed mode and the option “Add source membership to corresponding target account” is enabled during migration, target security global groups lose links to source contact objects. N/A
During migration: The Directory Synchronization Agent cannot migrate OUs with the property ShowInAdvancedViewOnly set to TRUE and if these OUs are migrated with hierarchy. The following errors may appear in migration log: Error 0xe30000a4. Object: [object_name] was not created on target. Its parent has probably been deleted after migration. N/A
If an object has been moved out of synchronization scope and then some its properties are modified, these changes will not be synchronized by the Directory Synchronization Agent after that object is returned to the synchronization scope. Full resynchronization is needed for these changes to be applied. N/A
Links are not resolved if a session is run in Test mode. This is by design. Links will be resolved after a session is run in normal mode and they will disappear from Statistics. N/A
Even if the creator of a domain pair or task has been revoked the Full Admin role in Delegation Wizard, he or she is still Full Admin for that domain pair or task. The workaround is to delete the domain pair or task to revoke Full Admin rights. N/A
If the second installation of the Directory Synchronization Agent is started from Agent Manager until the previous installation is completed, the Unspecified error occurs. Migration Manager does not support parallel Directory Synchronization Agent installations. N/A
If during migration there were not enough permissions to modify some attributes of the target object, but the object was successfully created, the undo operation will not be available for such objects. The workaround is to skip the attributes to which you do not have enough rights during migration. N/A
If the Directory Synchronization Agent was uninstalled, you cannot undo the migration sessions performed by that agent. The following error occurs: Undo session failed. Cannot find file C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Migration Manager\DSA\CONFIGS\UndoStorage\[GUID].stg. For more information, refer to Quest Knowledge Base article available at N/A
Intra-forest migration: If during a mailbox reconnection operation (enabled using the Reconnect Exchange mailbox option) or when undoing that operation a user logs on to the mailbox with source account, he or she may not be able to logon to the mailbox with target account after the operation is completed. The workaround is to wait until Exchange replication is completed or try to refresh Exchange cache (for example, by restarting the information store). N/A
If at least one object in source domain is modified often (for example, twice a minute), the Directory Synchronization status will not be switched from the Initial synchronization to the Delta synchronization. In this case, the agent will never be switched to the sleeping mode as well. N/A
The following attributes should not be skipped from directory synchronization: DSA service attributes (extensionAttribute15, extensionAttribute14, adminDescription, AdminDisplayName), objectClass, objectGUID, userAccountControl, objectCategory, objectSID, msExchMasterAccountSid, msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor. Otherwise, you may experience problems during directory synchronization. N/A
Attribute 'name' should be used to skip instead of skipping the following attributes: distinguishedName, cn, ou. N/A
If name attribute is skipped, the objects will not be created on target. N/A
If the Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) of the source user mailbox contains only one Access Control Entry (ACE) with the Associated External Account permission, the Everyone Full Control permission will be set for the target user mailbox during the Reconnect Exchange mailbox operation if the account is enabled during migration. N/A
If the value of the source object's attribute selected to store matching information is not empty, during migration, if no object can be found in target directory according to information written in the matching attribute, such object will not be migrated. The following error occurs: Source object X that should be matched by the following high priority rule: objectGUID=Y is matched by the following low priority rule: objectClass=user with the target object Z. The workaround is to clean the matching attribute of the source object. N/A
If the contacts - members of the source group are migrated to target domain A and the group is migrated to target domain B, the target group will not have migrated contacts as members. N/A
If after starting the synchronization job, before the start operation progress has reached 100% you press Start again, the job status will not be changed to Started and Stop will not be available. The workaround is to wait until the start operation progress has reached 100% and press Start again. This will re-start the synchronization job normally. N/A
When migrating a small number of objects the links may not be resolved due to the replication latency if the target domain controller is not a Global Catalog. The workaround is to re-migrate the objects. N/A
When you make not critical changes to a stopped synchronization job that do not require full resynchronization, such as modifying the Exclude list, these changes may be accepted as critical. The following message may appear: The changes you have made require full resynchronization of the directories. If you keep the settings delta syncs will not be available. The Start option after that becomes unavailable. N/A
After critical changes were made to a stopped synchronization job that requires full re-synchronization, such as adding a conflict resolution rule, the following message appears: The changes you have made require full resynchronization of the directories. If you keep the settings delta syncs will not be available, but the Start option may still be available. N/A
Migration and synchronization: if the object has unresolved links from several linked attributes, unresolved links from only one of these attributes will be displayed in the Unresolved links/ Unresolved objects report. Additionally, if this attribute is multivalue, not more than 100 unresolved links will be displayed. ST46638
When migrating hierarchy if there is an OU in the target domain with the same name as the source OU selected for migration, the attempt to create the OU with such name in the target domain will fail. The error will appear in both the Failed and Conflicts queue. N/A
When undoing a session that was made with the Merge option, the undo completes successfully. However the following errors may appear in the log: Target object CN=... modification failed. LDAP error 0x41. Object Class Violation (00002014: UpdErr: DSID-031A0F8A, problem 6002 (OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATION), data 0). Cannot modify attributes. You can ignore these errors. N/A
When creating a report for the migration session the following error may appear: UnknownError: 'name' is a duplicate attribute name. Line x, position y.; :. The empty xml files may be generated. N/A
If after a migration a two-way synchronization was set, the service attribute values may not be applied to the source objects. The following messages appear in the log: Target JobID:1 <- FeedBack Handler gave preference to the Target on attribute: extensionAttribute15 ", Target JobID:1 <- FeedBack Handler gave preference to the Target on attribute: extensionAttribute14. N/A
If the suite launcher was used to install Migration Manager and the first Directory Synchronization Agent, when you install the other Directory Synchronization Agents manually, the ADAM port number and other information is requested but not detected automatically. N/A
The Add prefix/Add suffix fields in the New Conflict Resolution Rule dialog show values for the previously set rules (not cleared). The workaround is to clear them manually when creating a new conflict resolution rule. N/A
If an object in the source domain is moved into the synchronization scope and a matching object is found in the target domain, then only service attribute values of the object will be applied in the target domain. The values of other attributes will be applied only if they are changed for the source object after synchronization. N/A
If target domain controller running Windows Server 2008 or later is configured with default firewall settings, you cannot migrate passwords and SIDHistory, and Undo Wizard behaves incorrectly. ST51469
If domain controller is running Windows Server 2008 or later, and you need to restart the Active Directory service, you should first stop all synchronization jobs and migration jobs working with this DC. ST49498
When the Undo Wizard tries to remove delete-protected objects, the objects are not deleted, but no error messages are displayed ST49503
During one-way synchronization target primary SMTP address is copied to source. ST62878

During two-way directory synchronization, Directory Synchronization Agent cannot synchronize proxy addresses from target mail-enabled user to source mailbox-enabled user if the "Mail-enabled users" scenario is selected.

Password and SID history agents may not be removed automatically from DC after migration session completes or directory synchronization stops if the SCMApiConnectionParam=0x80000000 value does not exist in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control key of the DSA server's registry.
The protocolSettings attribute values are not copied from source when the Directory Synchronization Agent creates a mailbox at target. N/A
The protocolSettings attribute cannot be skipped in the synchronization job settings. N/A
The proxyAddresses attribute may not be synced from target to source in case of two-way directory synchronization, if either Mail-enabled users or Mail-enabled users for Native Move option is selected on the Specify Exchange Options step of the synchronization job settings. N/A
If source and target domain controllers are Windows Server 2012 R2, the two-way synchronization job may never become Sleeping. This happens due to implementation specifics of how Windows Server 2012 R2 treats single character attributes. To workaround this issue, use domain controller different from Windows Server 2012 R2 at source or target. N/A
Migration to Microsoft Office 365
During Active Directory to Office 365 migration, Directory Migration Agent (DMA) may generate "Error 0x80131700. Error code: 0x80131700. Type: 0x1". Check all perquisites for DMA in according with the Migration Manager System Requirements document. The possible cause of the problem: Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant is not installed. PT78140646
During a second migration or any subsequent migration of groups, members deleted from the source groups are not deleted from the target groups. This is because group membership and other linked attributes (attributes that contain links to objects) are always merged with the target values during migration with "Resolve" rules. If you want to overwrite the values instead of merging them, you should first perform a migration with a "Clear" rule and then another migration with a "Resolve" rule. ST81332, ST83209, ST83265
When installing the Directory Migration Agent, Migration Manager does not check that the computer meets the agent system requirements. If the computer does not meet them, the agent is installed anyway and will not work afterwards. ST81875
Active Directory to Office 365 migration does not support Active Directory dynamic groups. ST82034
During Active Directory to Office 365 migration, room and equipment mailboxes are treated as regular user mailboxes, and the resulting target mailboxes do not have the full set of features they had in the source environment. Such mailboxes need to be reconfigured manually after the migration, as described in the Migrating to Office 365 document. ST82123
If you uninstall an instance of Directory Migration Agent that you used for a collection, then configuration actions such as creating tasks or initiating coexistence may produce cryptic "Unspecified error" messages in the Migration Manager for Active Directory (Microsoft Office 365) console. If this happens, change the agent for the affected collections or reinstall the agent on the same computer. ST82152
If you restart an instance of Directory Migration Agent while the Migration Manager for Active Directory (Microsoft Office 365) console is open, then automatic object status updates will stop, and you will need to click Refresh every time you want to update the status. If this happens, restart the console. ST82568
When you migrate groups from Active Directory to Office 365, the group naming policy is ignored during email address assignment. For example, a group may be supposed to get the email address starting with DL_<group_name> according to the policy, but instead it gets the address starting with <group name>. ST82845
If you migrate a contact that had no email address in the source environment, then its migration fails with the following error: "Migration of contact failed. Error 0x80131500". Migration Manager can migrate contacts only if they have email addresses. ST82538
If you migrate an object and then perform the Break Matching action on the pair that the object is in, you will not be able to roll back the migration for that pair any more. ST81472
If you migrate an object from Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later) Active Directory and then delete the matching source object, the object is moved to the recycle bin, and attempts to roll back the migration of this object will fail. ST81768
Rollback does not restore some attributes (for example, ntSecurityDescriptor) of source objects to their precise original state. ST82177
Rollback does not restore the membership of source or target groups if any source or target group members were removed after the migration but before the rollback. ST82498, ST81614
Rollback does not restore the old name of the source object if the matching target object was renamed (that is, had its name attribute changed) after the migration but before the rollback. ST82462
If an object is supposed to restore its old display name during rollback, the name is changed successfully, but the Migration Manager for Active Directory (Microsoft Office 365) console keeps showing the previous name. During subsequent migration, the information in the console becomes up to date. ST83148
Rollback does not restore group membership for those group members that are in a different domain. ST82036
Rollback may fail if the source object's msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor attribute was changed after the migration but before the rollback. ST82177
If you delete (either manually or through a rollback task) accounts that have been created in a federated domain, you need to additionally clear them from the Deleted Users section in Microsoft Office 365. For that, use the Remove-MsolUser PowerShell cmdlet with the RemoveFromRecycleBin parameter. Otherwise, you will not be able to create the same accounts later. N/A
Rollback tasks that move accounts from a federated domain to a non-federated domain (or the other way around) complete with errors. To avoid this issue, perform an explicit migration to a non-federated (or federated, respectively) domain first, and then perform the rollback task. N/A
When processing linked attributes (except for group members) for an object during its migration to Microsoft Office 365, if a linked attribute value migration fails for any reason the whole batch of 100 links including this link will not be migrated. However, all subsequent linked attribute values will be migrated as expected. N/A

Resource Processing

Table 6: Resource Processing known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

Active Directory Processing Wizard does not process msDS-ShadowPrincipal objects and their group membership.

NOTE: msDS-ShadowPrincipal class represents a principal from an external forest in Windows Server 2016 Active Directory domains.


Active Directory Processing Wizard processes time-bound group membership from the Windows Server 2016 Active Directory as an ordinary group membership.

CAUTION: The object becomes a permanent group member at the resulting domain, even after its TTL expiry.

A Rename task will report successful execution if you specify to rename a computer that is not in the target collection. In fact, nothing will be done with that computer. ST78383
Resource Updating Manager cannot move computers from workgroups to domains. ST78882
Processing progress dialog includes installed drivers into the Services counter, so the total number of services will be different from the number displayed by the Services snap-in on target computer. ST78668
A single computer can be added to a collection in Resource Updating Manager under different names (for example, FQDN and NetBIOS). For such computers, tasks can be applied incorrectly. ST78863
When you add computers to a collection in Resource Updating Manager, IPv6 addresses are not supported. ST75293
Target users' Write permissions on files and Registry may be replaced by the source users' Read permissions when the Leave source accounts' permissions option is selected during resource processing. ST68671
When a RUM Controller installed on Microsoft Windows 7 processes dozens of computers simultaneously, you may get the following error for some of the processed computers: No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. ST74465
A source computer account cannot be deleted during a move operation by using the target administrative account with administrative permissions in the source domain. ST68261
You may get a license expiration warning while installing Active Directory Processing Wizard on a computer running Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 2008, or Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 with User Account Control (UAC) enabled. ST72725
Only one instance of the Resource Updating Manager console can run on a computer at a time. ST71965
After a collection has been created in Resource Updating Manager, you cannot edit its description. ST71948
The Resource Updating Manager Agent crashes if the computer runs out of disk space. ST74463
Some of the RUM agents may fail to report to RUM controller about task completion when several RUM Agents are processing resources simultaneously. ST74383
When viewing a collection processed on a remote RUM console, the View Logs shortcut menu command fails to find the log files on the remote console. This happens because logs are stored on the console which processed the collection. ST74374, ST72225
Security settings of server links on SQL 2008 R2 servers cannot be updated by SQL Processing Wizard. ST74353
Resource Updating Manager does not notify users when trying to move a node of the Exchange cluster server or Exchange Virtual Server. ST63874
Resource Updating Manager cannot process permissions set for shared libraries (homegroup specific shared resources) on computers running Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. ST62993
Active Directory Processing Wizard: Other Exchange Permissions processing can reassign Exchange Full Administrator and Exchange Administrator roles to user or group incompletely. This user or group must be added to Exchange server Local Administrators group manually after processing. ST52707
When moving computers between domains, Resource Updating Manager cannot add additional accounts to local Administrators group, if no trusts are established between these accounts’ domain and domain where Migration Manager console is installed. ST62786
Stored credentials, Execute As properties, linked servers and accounts under which the SQL Server Agent jobs are started are not updated on SQL Server 2005. ST22458
The SQL Processing Wizard Undo feature does not work for SQL Server 2005 if the account were migrated using SIDHistory and the SQL server is in the target domain. ST21379
In case of migration without trusts permissions in SQL Server 2005 must be updated after the server running SQL Server 2005 is moved to the target domain. ST21382
If a user is migrated to two different target domains within one migration project the SQL Processing Wizard will update permissions only for one of the target accounts. N/A
Resource Updating Manager does not process Windows Vista and later scheduled tasks created by another user, if the Run whether user is logged on or not checkbox is selected. ST42431
Resource Updating Manager does not support processing of permissions assigned for print servers. ST62574
Active Directory Processing Wizard: in case of inter-forest migration group membership updating for universal groups may generate a warning "foreign link with SID: , GUID: cannot be applied". This message can be safely ignored. ST52837
ACE primary group field is not processed by Active Directory Processing Wizard. ST53784
Resource Updating Manager cannot execute interactive scripts. ST63923
Active Directory Processing Wizard may select read-only Windows Server 2008 or later domain controllers to work with, and fails with the LDAP error 0xa. Referral error displayed. To avoid the issue, specify writable preferred domain controller in the processing options. ST52661
You may get an error in Migration Manager Console when trying to stop a processing task that is not running at the moment. This error message should be ignored. ST78964
Exchange Processing Wizard: When SIDs that cannot be resolved are being applied, security descriptors will not be correctly updated. You will get warning messages in Exchange System Manager when you try to view the security information of an object with such a security descriptor; however, the permissions will work correctly. N/A
SMS Processing Wizard, SQL Processing Wizard, and Active Directory Processing Wizard: A Resource Admin can change the direction of processing. N/A
SMS Processing Wizard: The wizard cannot update the SMS server on the local machine if you specify credentials to connect. N/A
SMS Processing Wizard and SMS 2003: If a migrated user has the Instance security right granted to a Report or a Software metering rule in SMS, the permissions will not be processed for that user. N/A
Active Directory Processing Wizard: The msExchMasterAccountSid attribute may not be processed correctly if the DNS names of the source and target domain cannot be resolved. N/A
SQL Processing Wizard: The wizard cannot process the SQL server used to store the Migration Manager for Exchange configuration database. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: If the mailbox contains a large number of messages (more than 10000), the wizard may stop processing the mailbox due to the timeout period. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard and Microsoft Exchange Servers 2000 with SP1 and SP2: Client permissions set to subfolders (such as Calendar and Inbox) in a mailbox are not processed. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: When messages in public folders are processed, the read/unread status of the messages is lost. All messages will be marked as unread after processing. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: Messages posted using Outlook Web Access by users without mailbox are not processed. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: Cannot process a mailbox that has been moved to another store and that has not been logged on to by a user yet. The Unauthorized (401) error occurs. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: Cannot process mailbox folders whose names contain unsupported symbols (such as the following: < / > \ '). N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: The wizard may fail to process mailbox permissions if a locale other than English is installed on the Migration Manager console. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard: During processing of Exchange 2013 Exchange Processing Wizard is unable to set the message owner (creator) correctly for items in folders for users who have the "Edit Items: Own" and "Delete Items: Own" permissions applied to folders. Such permissions are common for shared mailbox folders (shared calendars) and public folders. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003: Not all messages may be processed in the additional mailbox folder, if the number of messages in the folder is big. This is due to the limitation on the number of objects that can be opened in one MAPI session. The limit can be changed by editing the key in system registry of the Exchange server. For more information, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article: N/A
If Domain Migration Wizard and Migration Manager are both installed on one computer, after the Migration Manager is uninstalled, the Exchange Processing Wizard that is part of the Domain Migration Wizard does not work any longer N/A
Resource Updating Manager is unable to process IIS remotely, if the Resource Updating Manager console and IIS Manager for Remote Administration are both installed on one computer running Windows Server 2003. In that case the "Interface not registered" error message will be written to log each time you try to process IIS remotely. ST80254
After upgrade, the service account for the Migration Manager RUM controller may be set as Local System. To resolve this issue, you can change the Migration Manager RUM Controller Service account using the Tools | Manage Controller Credentials option in the Resource Updating Manager console menu. N/A
In Microsoft Windows 8.1 some default program associations may be lost after processing a user profile by Resource Updating Manager. In case of this issue, when the user tries to open a file, the operating system prompts the user to choose the program once again from the short list. 492835
If roaming user profiles are processed by Resource Updating Manager but local user profiles are not, default program associations will not be preserved for a target user on all computers running Windows 10.
Workaround: To preserve default program associations, local user profiles should be processed on all computers with Windows 10 where the target user might log on to. Alternatively, specify the following value to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System key on all of those computers:
DefaultAssociationsConfiguration =
If the Set a default associations configuration file policy is enabled on a Windows 10 computer during local user profile processing, default program associations will not be preserved for a target user.
Workaround: Before starting local user profile processing, temporary disable that policy on the computer or change the path to configuration file in the policy to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Quest\ResourceUpdating\VmoverDefaultFileAssociations.xml.
The DefaultAssociationsConfiguration registry value related to the Set a default associations configuration file policy remains in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System key on a Windows 10 computer after processing of local user profiles. This does not cause any problems and is mentioned only for your information. Note that if you disable or modify that policy, default program associations will not be preserved for those target users who haven't log on yet. It can be manually disabled as soon as all target users whose profiles have been processed log on to the computer for the first time. N/A
After local user profile processing on a Windows 10 computer, a target user may get the Invalid value for registry error when opening files that were associated with a Windows apps (Modern UI apps) before processing. To fix this issue, the target users needs to run that Windows Store app from the Start menu. Once done, files associated with the app will start opening properly. N/A
A console window appears on screen for a moment at the first target user logon and at every logon of the source user after processing local user profiles on a computer running Windows 10. N/A

After processing local user profiles on a computer running Microsoft Windows 10, some settings for Windows apps (Modern UI apps) may be missing for a target user.


In rare cases after processing local user profiles on a computer running Microsoft Windows 10, some Windows apps (Modern UI apps) might not open from the taskbar. After opening an affected app from Start menu, it can be opened from the taskbar as expected.

In rare cases after processing local user profiles on a computer running Microsoft Windows 10, some Windows apps (Modern UI apps) might not open. In this case you need to revert affected profile by running a processing task with Revert to the original object ownership and permissions option and then process that profile again. N/A
The target user will need to re-sign in to Windows Store when she or he logs on to the computer after processing. N/A
If a source user logs on to a Windows 10 computer after local user profile processing (in this case, a new user profile is created), then shortcuts to Windows apps (Modern UI apps) will be missing in the Start Menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) will no longer work. To fix this issue, that new source user profile should be deleted from Control Panel | System | Advanced System Settings | User Profiles Settings, and then the source user needs to log on to the computer again. The corresponding target user profile will not be affected. N/A
After remote processing of a local user profile on a Windows 10 computer, Windows apps (Modern UI apps) will no longer work for a source user if she or he logs on to the computer after the target user. N/A
The target user will not be able to access the Start menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) if the corresponding source user is signed in during remote processing of local user profile on a Windows 10 computer or if the source user logs on before the target user after such processing. N/A
The target user will not be able to access the Start menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) if the corresponding source user is signed in during or after the Cleanup of a Windows 10 computer (removing of RUM Agent) made via Resource Updating Manager. N/A
Start menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) may not be accessible for up to several minutes after the first logon of the target user after processing of local user profiles is complete on a Windows 10 computer. During this time period, you may observe higher CPU and disk load. N/A
The target user cannot access Windows apps (Modern UI apps) after processing of local user profiles on a computer running Windows 8.1. N/A
Exchange Processing Wizard (EPW) does not process messages even if the corresponding option is selected. N/A
Active Directory Processing Wizard (ADPW) stops processing if during link resolving it encounters an empty DN in the DN-Binary attribute. PT126255607
If the Change last logged-in domain to the target domain option is selected in Move Computers to Domain settings, a deleted user may be specified in the logon window if the last logged-in user has been migrated, migration has been undone and then the user has been migrated again. N/A
SharePoint Processing
SharePoint Permissions Processing Wizard will not operate correctly when installed on a SharePoint server with previously installed Migration Manager or Resource Updating Manager. ST78984
SharePoint permissions cannot be merged. If a target account already has permissions on a SharePoint server before you run the wizard, the source account’s permissions may be overwritten by the target permissions. ST43164
Accounts listed on the Shared Services Administration page are not processed. ST42976
The SharePoint Administrator Group Account in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2003 is not processed. ST47968
Active Directory groups in Microsoft SharePoint Server versions earlier than 2010 are not processed. ST42464
SharePoint Permissions Processing Wizard does not support claims-based authentication for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. N/A
Cached Credentials Utility
Repairing CCU installation from Control Panel | Programs and Features may fail with the "There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package" error message. N/A
In several cases CCU automatic uninstall may not be completed properly and utility files may be left in place. However, even in that case the CCU service is removed from the list of Windows services and no longer works. The utility uninstall can be completed from Control Panel | Programs and Features. Note that the local Administrator rights are required. N/A
When installing, repairing or removing CCU on Windows XP or 2003 computer a prompt for credentials may appear. In this case user should ensure that the default option is selected, the check box under the selected option is cleared and then click OK. N/A
Custom notification message about the second restart may be displayed in English regardless of the selected user interface language. N/A
Resource Updating Toolkit for PowerShell (PowerRUM)  
Invoking the Get-RumComputer cmdlet before the previous invocation of that cmdlet completes in the same PowerShell session may crash PowerShell. PT126253371

Exchange Data Migration

Table 7: Exchange data migration known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

After legacy exchange agent upgrade the following error is displayed in the agent log: CConfig::LoadINI Error 1207 Cannot load configuration information from the file 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard\PF Source Agent\Config.ini'. The file is corrupted or missing (RetCode=1207)

Scope: Upgrade of Quest Migration Manager 8.14 to 8.15

Root cause: Config.ini file is not updated during upgrade.

Workaround:Open Migration Manager console. In Agent Management open Agent Host properties and press Ok button. Config.ini file will be recreated for all legacy agents installed on this host.


Synchronization of a mailbox might stuck at 'In Progress' in the following case:

  1. A source mailbox has a user folder with the same name as the one of the well-known folders in a target mailbox. This also means there is a duplicate folder acting as well-known folder at source.
  2. The source well-known folder is listed as a well-known folder to skip using the WellKnownFoldersToSkip parameter.

For instance, the issue occurs if source user folder and target well-known folder are both named 'RecipientCache' and also there is a duplicate folder 'RecipientCache1' at source which acts as a well-known folder and is specified in the WellKnownFoldersToSkip parameter.

Scope: Migration to Exchange 2013, 2016 or Office 365

Root-cause: In the described case when MAgE attempts to clarify whether the current source well-known folder is matched to the corresponding target well-known folder, the mailbox processing might be halted. It stucks at 'In Progress' state and therefore cannot be switched.

During public folder synchronization in Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 target, Public Folder Target Agent cannot mail enable a public folder if a name of this public folder contains the '\' character TF358477
In case of two-way calendar synchronization,when you create a new appointment in the Office 365 target and a time change point for daylight saving time occurs between Start time and End time of this appointment, the End time of the corresponding appointment on the source will be shifted by an hour after synchronization. TF366372
The Start Time of an appointment may be incorrect after synchronization if you change the time zone for the MAgE agent host without restart of the agent. TF364207
To perform correct migration, the Quest Migration Attendant for Exchange service must be started on each Agent Host associated with the Exchange Server 2010 computers. Otherwise, Mailbox and Calendar Synchronization agents cannot create mailboxes on the Exchange 2010. ST65155
If the mailbox message body contains links to corrupted attachments, the mapi_e_corrupt_data error is written to the log file and this mailbox may not be switched. N/A
Single-instance messages are migrated as normal messages. N/A
All Exchange 20xx servers must support all languages that are used in the source or target mailboxes or public folders. N/A
Migration Manager agents may not work correctly if mailbox messages, folders, or properties are modified by the user while the agent is processing the mailbox. N/A
If the account used to install Migration Manager agents does not have administrative rights on the remote server, the agent components may not be correctly registered. This will cause agent processes to hang on the server. N/A
If the legacyExchangeDN attribute contains both the '@' character and the decimal point, Migration Manager may fail to process or switch such mailboxes. Customers experiencing the issue should contact Quest Support. N/A
The appropriate password length for any service account is limited to 57 characters. Avoid using service accounts with passwords longer than that value. TF215458
If the Migration Manager console and the Migration Manager for Exchange Resource Kit are installed in different locations, the Resource Kit node in the console management tree will be empty. TF213341
The Job Installation Wizard will not install the Shared Components hotfix, if the Shared Components were installed before and the synchronization job has been set up. Use the Hotfix Installation Wizard instead. N/A
The agents cannot process mailboxes if Virtual Exchange that holds the public folder store is down. N/A
Migration Manager for Exchange Console
The Mailbox Properties dialog is not displayed, if Associated Domain Controller of the user’s Home Exchange server is not in the same domain, as the user. ST36077
If an object’s distinguished name is longer than 450 characters, the object will not be displayed in Migration Manager and an error message will be displayed when adding or refreshing a server that hosts the object. This is because the SQL Server allows no more than 450 symbols for an indexed field. N/A
There might be resource leaks if Migration Manager is started on a remote server via terminal session. N/A
A mailbox with a Display Name value of more than 100 symbols cannot be specified as the Administrator Mailbox. N/A
If the mailbox switch was done and undone several times manually, both source and target mailboxes may contain some duplicated messages. N/A
Migration Manager supports Unicode character sets (for example, the Japanese character set) if the language locale that contains the corresponding character set is installed on the console and set as default. N/A
If you change the password for an account used by Migration Manager agents, Migration Manager will not generate an error as expected but will continuously try to start the agents. N/A
For the entire Exchange organization, you can set up only one public folder job having the ‘All Public Folders’ folder as a synchronization root. N/A
The public folders with a backslash (\) character in the folder name are not displayed in the console. You cannot select such folders as synchronization roots and exclude from synchronization. N/A
After a hotfix installation, the agents installed on a cluster server are not started automatically and should be started manually. N/A
The path to Aelita Shared folder is saved in the agent's configuration file. When a Virtual Exchange Server is moved to another cluster node and shared components on that node are installed on a different drive, the path to Aelita Shared folder will be invalid and the agent will not work. N/A
If the server hosting the Calendar or Free/Busy Synchronization Agent cannot be found in the configuration database while applying the default settings to the agents, no settings will be applied to any agent. Do not select the options to apply settings to Calendar and Free/Busy agents if the servers hosting these agents are not present in the database. N/A
Avoid configuring several Migration Manager consoles to work with the same SQL database simultaneously because it may cause serious issues. TF263673
If you change a license server, the Used Licenses field in Help | About | Details may mistakenly show that 0 licenses are used. The actual number of licenses will be shown as soon as at least one of the agents will process a mailbox on each agent host. N/A
Statistics Collection Agent
The Statistics Collection Agent cleans up statistics SQL tables only for the Migration Manager agents enabled for statistics collection. ST35950
The Migration Manager console displays statistics with a slight delay. N/A
Migration Manager Statistics supports only SQL authentication. It does not support Windows authentication. N/A
An object already synchronized within one synchronization collection and then processed within another collection will be displayed twice in the Migration Manager Statistics reports. N/A
If the target administrative group is selected for free/busy synchronization, but the ‘Search for new free/busy messages in the target organization’ check box is not selected (that is, the existing target free/busy messages will be synchronized, but the new target free/busy messages will not be created in the source administrative group), then the ‘Matched’ field value for this administrative group will be displayed as “0” in the Migration Manager Statistics reports. N/A
The Statistics Collection Agent does not collect statistics data from the agent hosts where it is installed. Therefore, you should install the Statistics Collection Agent only on those agent hosts that you do not need statistics data from. N/A
If Windows authentication is used by the Migration Manager console computer, the account under which the Statistics Collection Agent is running should have appropriate permissions for SQL server. N/A
If a mailbox was processed within a Remote Users collection, the Migration Manager Statistics reports will show its LegacyExchangeDN instead of its Display Name in the ‘Display Name’ field. N/A
If a mailbox was processed within a regular collection, the Migration Manager Statistics reports may show its LegacyExchangeDN instead of its Display Name in the ‘Display Name’ field. N/A
Any public folders once processed within the public folder collection and then excluded from synchronization will not be excluded from the Migration Manager Statistics reports. N/A
When the synchronization is in progress the target server counter values may exceed the source server counter values. N/A
If the total size of the folder messages is less than 1 KB, in the Migration Manager Statistics reports the total size of the folder will be displayed as 0. N/A
If the ‘Copy only messages not older than’ check box is selected in the Mail Source Agent Properties and the Public Folder Source Agent Properties, Migration Manager Statistics will calculate the percentage of synchronized messages as the relation of number of copied messages to the total number of messages. It may seem that not all messages were synchronized. However, actually only messages not older than the specified number of days were synchronized and the task has been completed correctly. N/A
If the Statistics Collection Agent and any Migration Manager agent are working simultaneously in the same folder, the Statistics Collection Agent will log the following error: Error -2147217900 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_STATProcessedWorkflow3_STATProcessedSession3'. As a result, the Statistics Collection Agent will not collect statistics data during the session in which the error is logged. The statistics data will be collected during the next session. N/A
For mailboxes added to a mailbox collection implicitly (for example, via a distribution list), the Refresh Switch Status operation from the console will not update information about the switch status in the statistics database. Therefore, information about the switch status displayed in Project Manager and Statistics portal may differ until the Statistics Collection Agent updates the statistics database. N/A
Changing agent host account in properties of an agent host does not affect Statistics Collection Agent (SCA). To change agent host account for SCA, use properties of the Statistics node in the management tree. TF216441
Mailbox, Calendar and Public Folder Synchronization
If you change the value of the Copy message not older than option in the properties of any type of synchronization agent, the new value is applied only after the agent is restarted. In addition, if the new value is greater than the old value, you need to perform full resynchronization. If the new value is less, then resynchronization is not needed. ST79413
If the Mail Target Agent process PST files for a certain mailbox within the lost collection, the status of the corresponding Move Mailbox request will be checked at every migration session in spite of other settings. ST68326
If the Move Mailbox operation is failed, the Mail Target Agent (MTA) will process the corresponding PST files at every migration session. ST68272
The Mail Target Agent does not support move mailbox operation from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 within the target organization. ST68425
An agent is unable to resolve the mailboxes if the locale on the Alt Host and on the Exchange server are different. ST68213
Shortcuts in attached messages may not work after the migration. ST47705
The agents do not write statistics, if the Do not clear the agent's statistics option is enabled. Also, you may get the CAgentStat::ReleaseSessionEx InternalError 91 Object variable or With block variable not set error in any agent log. To workaround the issue, specify a long period of time (a year, for example) in the Keep statistics for the last: ... days option. ST47850
If the recipient table of a message contains contacts with double-byte characters, Aliases of these contacts will be shown instead of display names. ST41020
Migration Manager does not support Exchange servers where Microsoft Outlook is installed. For more information, see the Microsoft KB article available at N/A
If the Administrator mailbox specified for the public folder synchronization job is changed during the course of synchronization, the public folder synchronization agents will not work properly. N/A
The Administrator mailboxes specified for the public folder synchronization jobs should not be added to the collection processed by the mail synchronization agents. N/A
Localized symbols in the folder names created via Outlook Web Access will not be correctly copied to the target servers. N/A
Migration Manager agents will fail to work with a PST file if the full path to the file is longer than 255 symbols (including the file name). For example, the source agents might fail to create these files, and the target agents might fail to extract data from the PST files. N/A
Exchange migration can be started only after the mailbox-enabled target users have been created on the target server. That is, the target Global Address List should contain the valid objects by the time Exchange migration is started. N/A
Exchange 2003 Query-Based Distribution Groups and Exchange 2007/2010 Dynamic Distribution Groups cannot be processed within mailbox and calendar collections. N/A
If a Windows NT account has been migrated to the target domain with SIDHistory preserved, and this user logs on to the source mailbox using SIDHistory and creates a message in the source mailbox, the user’s rights for this message will be lost in both the source mailbox (before switch) and the target mailbox (after switch). N/A
If some messages became conflicting as a result of simultaneous message modification in the same public information store by two users, these conflicting messages may be not copied to the target server, the Public Folder Source Agent, or the Mail Source Agent logging the MAPI_E_CORRUPT_DATA error. N/A
Message and folder deletions will always prevail over other modifications. For example, even if the messages or folders corresponding to the deleted source messages or folders have been modified, they will be deleted by the agents. N/A
If during the time interval after the target mailbox recreation (performed with the mailboxes of the Remote Users Collections) and before the source mailbox content copying the MAPI logon occurs, the default mailbox folders will be duplicated. N/A
If the Hide membership Exchange task was performed on a group and that group is added to a mailbox or calendar collection, none of these group members will be synchronized within the collection. The members of groups having the ’Hide group from Exchange Address Lists' check box selected will not be processed either. N/A
Migration Manager Switch Notification does not support Unicode format in the From and Subject fields. N/A
Mailboxes having a LegacyExchangeDN that exceeds 255 symbols cannot be processed. N/A
If a message attachment is corrupted the message may be not copied to the target server or a message may be copied without attachment. If one of several attachments is corrupted, the mail agent will log an error, though the message will be copied along with all valid attachments. N/A
If nesting of folders exceeds 49 levels, the permissions for the 50th and later nested folders will not be synchronized. N/A

The following properties of the target mailbox will contain the source mailbox Display Name:


The following properties will not be synchronized by the agents:

  • The 'Any form' selected in the 'Allow these forms in this folder' group of public folder Properties dialog box
  • The 'Drag/Drop posting is a' property specified in the Administration tab of the public folder Properties dialog box.
  • The 'Initial view on folder' property specified in the Administration tab of the public folder Properties dialog box
  • The 'Save sent message to' property specified in the Delivery options group of the message Options dialog box
If a synchronization root folder is specified as a ‘Folder’ in the ‘Folder groups’ of the Activities tab of the folder properties it will not appear in the target folder Properties dialog box. N/A
The agents working on Exchange 20xx server may hang up if the DC associated with this server becomes unavailable. N/A
If a mailbox is hidden from the Global Address List, the Migration Manager agents will not synchronize this mailbox (including Calendar folder and free/busy message) and permissions granted to this mailbox. N/A
The Mail and Calendar Agents cannot log on to a mailbox if the name of the information store that homes the mailbox contains any of the following characters: # + < > ". N/A
If Access Control List of a source folder is full, you get the MAPI_E_TOO_BIG error and the subfolders are not migrated. The issue applies to Mail Target Agent and Public Folder Target Agent. ST32485
PST files with size exceeding the PST file contents size limit value may still be migrated, since Migration Manager checks the currently processed file size only after each 500 items. ST36497
Calendar Synchronization Agent, Mail Source Agent and Free/Busy Synchronization Agent may fail to logon the mailbox on remote server, if the LmCompatibilityLevel parameter in the remote Exchange organization is set to 5. The MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER or MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED error messages may appear in the log file. For more information about the LmCompatibilityLevel parameter, see the article available at ST51594
If the Mail Source Agent fails to expand group members when processing Exchange 2007 SCC server, then you should check whether the homeMTA attribute for Microsoft System Attendant mailbox matches the homeMTA attribute of the mailbox of this Clustered Mailbox Server. This also applies to the Calendar Synchronization Agent. ST58900
The Mail Target Agent and Public Folder Target Agent process the PRV (PUB) files in ascending order in accordance with the date modified parameter. When clocks are adjusted for autumn daylight saving change, then files created during 1 hour after adjustment may be processed the incorrect order, because files order by the date modified parameter does not match the actual order by files creation. It is not recommended to perform initial synchronization during this time period. ST63436
Sometimes a target mailbox needs to be deleted and recreated as part of the synchronization process. In such cases, the mailbox recreation may not occur during the next session, but may be delayed until the session after it. ST65107
The Mail Source Agent, Calendar Synchronization Agent and Migration Agent for Exchange are able to process only universal groups and therefore do not process global or domain local groups. TF218525
Room mailboxes synchronized by Migration Manager for Exchange agents do not accept meeting requests automatically in the target organization. Therefore, you need to configure room mailboxes manually so that they can accept meeting requests automatically. TF208203
If a global catalog (GC) is installed on a domain controller (DC) then Mail Source Agent and Calendar Synchronization Agent will connect directly to GC and therefore LDAP filter will be applied onto objects from GC. Keep it in mind when configuring LDAP search filter because not all Active Directory attributes are presented in GC. TF213806, TF208265

Mailbox synchronization may fail if Migration Agent for Exchange cannot obtain the license. Here are two possible reasons for this error:

  • There are no unused licenses available.
  • The Net use connection option is not selected in the project options for the agents that are installed remotely.

You should resynchronize this mailbox after the license issue is resolved.

When Microsoft Lync is used in the target domain, the conversation history is saved only to the target mailbox, no matter whether the user is connected to the source or target mailbox. TF228213
During mailbox or calendar synchronization with mixed target organization including Exchange 2013 servers, mailboxes can be moved only to mailbox databases that reside on Exchange 2013 servers. N/A
If you initiate resynchronization of mailboxes which are currently being processed by agent, the resynchronization may not be performed in the next agent session. To avoid this issue, initiate resynchronization only when agent does not process mailboxes for which resynchronization is required. TF268433
Migration Agent for Exchange does not process users and groups from the "Book in policy", "Request in policy" and "Request out of policy". Therefore after corresponding mailbox is migrated, you need to specify users and groups for those policies manually. TF269112
Any item skipped for a particular reason in the previous migration sessions will not be taken for processing automatically even if that reason is no longer valid for that item.
Workaround: To migrate such item, perform smart or full resynchronization for a mailbox containing the item.
Mailbox Synchronization
After a mailbox move operation or the creation of a new Exchange 2010 mailbox during the migration process, the mailbox does not immediately become available for login. The Mail Target Agent will record login errors until the mailbox is ready (this can take up to 20 minutes). In these situations, login errors can be safely ignored. ST68155
The Mail Source Agent switch may fail after encountering a corrupted message. To workaround the issue, set the Switch a mailbox if not more than <...> errors occurred during migration option value to more than 0. ST28063, ST30978
If a mailbox is processed by the agents in a job, and then you add the mailbox to another job with a different target server, Mail Target Agent may experience the following error when logging in to the mailbox: Your profile is not configured. - MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED. The issue is resolved automatically after several unsuccessful logon attempts. ST32937
The agent may fail to create the Schedule folder on the target server with the MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT error. This may be caused by excessive size of the 0x61AF0102 property value. If you encounter this issue, contact Quest Support. ST33194
Mail agents may not work correctly if the target Exchange 20xx mailbox is modified before the mailbox switch. N/A
Migration Manager agents do not update some links in copied messages, tasks, notes, and calendar and journal entries. N/A
A mailbox will be switched even if there are conflicting appointment items that were processed but not synchronized by the Calendar Synchronization Agent due to the conflicts. The mail agents will consider such appointments to be in sync. N/A
The Mail Target Agent cannot find a mailbox during a period of time right after the mailbox is moved to another mailbox store. This is how Exchange 20xx works. N/A
If the source mailbox Draft folder contains non-dated messages, the corresponding target messages will all have the same date of target message creation. N/A
During mailbox synchronization, if the size limit for the target mailbox is reached, the mailbox is incorrectly marked as switched. The workaround is to set the target mailbox size limit not less than the size limit of the source mailbox or set it after migration is completed. N/A
If the Switch mailboxes and preserve offline folder (OST) files option is enabled for a mailbox synchronization collection, then the target Exchange organization’s Transport Limits option is ignored. This means that messages are successfully moved to the target mailboxes even if the message sizes exceed the organization-wide limit. TF226679
The "Booking" and "AutoAccept" settings are not migrated for resource (room or equipment) mailboxes during migration to Exchange 2013 organization. N/A
During mailbox migration to Exchange 2013 organization after you performed Undo Switch for a mailbox, the corresponding user is not notified that user’s mailbox again resides in the source Exchange organization. TF262187
During mailbox migration to Exchange 2013 organization each time you switch a mailbox or undo switch for the mailbox, the corresponding switch notifications are sent to that mailbox. TF262188
Public Folder Synchronization
Migration of public folder moderators is not supported for Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Server. ST67605
Migration of public folder rules is not supported for Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Server. ST67591
Folder hierarchy synchronization may fail, if more than 40 rules are assigned to one of the folders and folder size exceeds 100KB. ST31421
The Internet News Groups folders may be not synchronized or synchronized with errors. N/A
The use of the ‘Aelita EMW Recycle Bin’ folder is strongly recommended in order that no public folders deleted accidentally are lost during synchronization. It is recommended that the network administrator manually create the 'Aelita EMW Recycle Bin' folder and replicate it to all the organization servers involved in the public folder synchronization. The agents automatically create this folder, but it is not replicated to other servers. N/A
The Exchange account under which the Public Folder Synchronization agents are running should be mail-enabled and have a mailbox in the same Exchange 20xx organization. N/A
The read/unread status of public folder messages will not be synchronized. N/A
A user can customize views for any public folder. The information about user-defined views is stored in the mailbox and is not synchronized by the Migration Manager agents. The user will have to configure the views for each public folder again after mailbox switch. N/A
Conflict messages may be created if the public folders synchronized by Migration Manager agents are replicated between servers. N/A
If a source public folder has a rule to forward messages to a user, the user will not be able to reply to the messages forwarded from the folder after the mailbox switch. N/A
Some of public folders directory and admin attributes, such as the folder size limit, are not synchronized. N/A
The ‘Issue warning at (KB)’ and ‘Age limit for replicas (days)’ properties specified in the Limits tab of the public folder Properties dialog box will not be synchronized. N/A
Suppose messages are deleted from a source public folder and the corresponding messages on the target folder are moved to another location. During two-way synchronization, the deleted source messages will be moved to the source folder corresponding to the target folder where the messages were moved. During one-way synchronization, only the target messages will be moved. N/A

Suppose a source public folder is modified and the source agent creates a PST file including these modifications, and then the corresponding target folder is also modified. During two-way synchronization, the modifications made on the source folder will be applied to the target folder, and the modifications made on the target folder will be applied to the source folder. During one-way synchronization, the modifications made on the source folder will be applied to the target folder, and the agent will consider the folders to be in sync.

During two-way synchronization, the simultaneous move of source and corresponding target messages in public folders will cause duplication of the messages in both the source and target. During one-way synchronization, the messages will be duplicated on the target only. N/A
During two-way synchronization, if some messages or folders have been copied to the target folder and then deleted from the target folder before the Public Folders Source Agent installed on the target server processed them, the deletion will not be synchronized back to the source folder. N/A
The agents synchronize only the folders for which they have a local replica. The root folder you specify for a public folder synchronization job and all its subfolders should be replicated to the agent's server. N/A
If a public folder being synchronized by Migration Manager agents is replicated to other Exchange servers within the same organization, folder design conflicts will be generated when the folder's properties are modified on the target server and on a server with the folder replica. N/A
The Administrator mailbox selected for the public folder synchronization job should be homed on the same server where the public information store is located. This public information store should be associated with the private information store where the Administrator mailbox resides. The setting can be verified in the properties of the Private Information Store. N/A
If the synchronization root folder is created by the public folder agents, there must be a local replica of the folder's parent folder on the agent's server. Otherwise the folder created by the agents will be invalid and may be inaccessible. N/A
If the Public Folders Target Agent performs several attempts to process the PST file (the number of attempts is specified in the agent's Properties dialog box), and during this time a new PST file has been created and received by the agent, the new data contained in the new PST file may be overwritten by the old data contained in the old PST file. N/A
If an Administrator mailbox selected for the public folder job is changed, the agents will perform full resynchronization of all collections added to the public folder job. N/A
If the ‘Keep deleted items for (days)…’ check box and/or ‘Do not permanently delete items until the store has been backup’ check box are selected for the target public information store, the messages deleted on the source server will be put to the SoftDeletes container of the target public folder and will be kept there for the time interval specified in the check box or until the store has been backed up. N/A
If a full resynchronization was performed, the new permissions applied to the public folder which is a synchronization root will not be synchronized back to the source synchronization root folder. N/A
Source and target mail-enabled public folders will have different e-mail addresses. N/A
If the ‘Hide from address book’ check box is cleared during either the first synchronization or a permissions full resynchronization of the mail-enabled public folders, the following warning will be logged by the agent: ‘Warning: 2147024891 You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object. - MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS’. Also the same warning will be displayed, if Global Catalog server does not exist in the domain in which Exchange server is located. ST62393
If a source public folder has no local replica on the server involved in synchronization but is included in the collection, its deletion will be synchronized even though the folder cannot be synchronized. That is, the corresponding target public folder will be deleted by the agent. N/A
If a public folder job was set up without excluded folders and synchronized by the agents, further exclusion of any subfolders will not prevent the agents from synchronizing the deletion of the excluded folders or their subfolders. N/A
When a new synchronization root folder is copied to the target server, the agent’s account will be added to the folder permissions. N/A
If within one parent folder the source public folder is renamed to the public folder name already existing on the target server, this folder renaming will not be synchronized. N/A
During the time interval when a public folder is being processed by the agent, public folder rules will not work. N/A
The Organizational Forms Library is not copied to the target server. N/A
If the ImportPF Error 2060 Public store was not found on the current server message appears in the Public Folder Target Agent log file, check whether the administrative mailbox specified for the public folder synchronization job is associated with public store on the same Exchange server. ST36480
If Public Folder Target Agent failed due to the "Failed to establish PowerShell session (server - '%1')." error, try to add the "PSForceUseKerberos=1" line to the agent configuration file and then restart agent. N/A
When a mail-enabled public folder hidden from address list is migrated to Exchange 2013 organization for the first time, the Hidden from address list property is not synchronized. However, that property will be migrated properly during subsequent migration sessions (for instance, during resynchronization). N/A
During two-way synchronization, if only the Hidden from address list property is changed for public folders in source Exchange 2013 organization, then those changes will not be synchronized with the target Exchange organization. N/A
During public folder synchronization, public folder directory object may remain in the target Active Directory after you remove a mail-enabled public folder from the source Exchange organization. N/A
The Address list name property of a public folder cannot be synchronized. N/A
When synchronizing public folders with Exchange 2016, content of a new target root public folder is created only during second migration session. This happens only for root public folder, content for its sub-folders is created during first migration session as expected. PT127067401

If Outlook profiles MMEX_PFSA or MMEX_PFTA created for public folder synchronization to Exchange 2016 as described in Creating Outlook Profiles for Public Folder Synchronization are corrupted or not configured properly, public folder synchronization will fail with the following (or similar) errors in log:

  • CSession::Logon Error -2147221219 Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance. - MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (Microsoft Exchange Information Store) - MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR File: 'aeWrapHelpers.h' Line: '279'
  • CSession::OpenPST Error -2147221233 File: 'aeMAPISession.cpp' Line: '1104'

In this case, ensure that logon to both profiles can be performed properly as described in Creating Outlook Profiles for Public Folder Synchronization. Otherwise, delete those profiles and create them again.

Free/Busy Synchronization
If the Public Store is dismounted, the Free/Busy Synchronization Agent will not synchronize free/busy messages. N/A
Calendar Synchronization
The Calendar Synchronization Agent (CSA) and the Mail Source Agent (MSA) skip changes of the Calendar folder type. ST65617
If you had Daylight saving time (DST) rules changed in your organization, appointments created during the extended DST period and not processed according to Microsoft recommendations may have incorrect free/busy information after synchronization. For more information, see the Microsoft KB article available at ST48000
Calendaring agent may fail when processing mailboxes synchronized by the Calendar Synchronization Agent. Error message will appear in the Event log. ST31857
Microsoft Windows Data Execution Prevention may stop Calendar Synchronization Agent. To avoid this issue, add the Migration Manager for Exchange Calendar Synchronization Agent executable (EMWCSA.exe) to the Windows Data Execution Prevention (DEP) exception list. ST46579
If the users of Exchange 20xx organizations schedule resource request appointments between the sessions of the Calendar Synchronization Agent, the Exchange 20xx resource mailboxes will accept the appointments. The Calendar Synchronization Agent will then synchronize these appointments. Thus, appointments created in different environments may result in different resource request items in the resource mailbox's schedule. If the “Automatic decline conflict message request” option is selected, Exchange Server deletes one of such items when the users try to modify these appointments. The Calendar Synchronization Agent will synchronize such a deletion and the item will be lost. N/A
Do not delete the Calendar folder copied by the Calendar Synchronization Agent. Once deleted, the folder cannot be restored due to the tombstone created by Exchange Server. N/A
If a mailbox is moved to a new information store by the Calendar Synchronization Agent, the agent may start synchronizing calendar appointments to the mailbox in the old information store. When the user logs on to the target mailbox, he or she will not see the appointments. The appointments will be later synchronized by the agent to the new mailbox. The mailbox in the old store will be marked as reconnected and assigned to both the old and the new information stores. This mailbox cannot be purged. N/A
If the 'All mailboxes' collection is enabled, calendar synchronization may not work properly for this collection. The workaround is to restart the Calendar Synchronization Agent.  
If calendar synchronization is performed from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2007, the Free/Busy time, subject, location permission level is copied as the Free/Busy time permission level. ST51152
After the calendar synchronization, some mailboxes may contain duplicate calendar folders and/or calendar items may appear as messages rather than appointments. For more information about this issue and its resolution, please refer to the SOL42312 and SOL76909 Quest SupportLink Solutions. ST79687
If a user’s Outlook profile is configured to deliver mail to an Outlook data file, then the free/busy status is not synchronized for that user during calendar synchronization. For details about the causes and possible workarounds, see Microsoft KB article 981540. TF225260
During two-way calendar synchronization, permissions with the "Free/busy time, subject, location" or "Free/busy time" permission levels cannot be synchronized back from the target Exchange 2013 organization to the source Exchange 2000-2010 organization. TF272895
Public Folder Rules Synchronization
The Forward to public folder rules are not synchronized correctly, if the corresponding target folder is not mail-enabled. ST36268, ST36272
Source public folder rules that forward mail to an address of a synchronized source object do not work after the migration. ST34325
If any link in a rule's conditions (such as 'From:' or 'Sent to:' field) is set up for a source object that cannot be matched to a target object, the source object's distinguished name or e-mail address will be displayed in the rule after synchronization. N/A
If the rule contains a non-resolved name (for example, if the 'From' field was manually populated without checking names), that name will be copied to the target mailbox as simple text. N/A
When copying public folder rules with templates, the agents may fail with a MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS error, caused by the Exchange 20xx server behavior. N/A
Migration Manager agents may fail to copy some of the rules for an Inbox or a public folder if the 32 KB "packed data" limit for those rules is exceeded. N/A
If a public folder is moderated, two rules are automatically set up for a folder. If any one of the source folder’s rules cannot be copied (for example, if the moderator’s mailbox cannot be matched to a target user), the 'Moderated folder' settings of the corresponding target folder will not be valid. N/A
In order that the "Reply with template" rule is correctly synchronized for a moderated public folder, the corresponding target folder should be mail-enabled, the rules should be synchronized, and after that the source folder rules and the associated contents should be cleaned using the Cleanup Wizard. N/A
If all rules specified for a source public folder are deleted, and full resynchronization is initiated before the public folder synchronization agents process that folder, the rules will not be deleted from the target public folder. N/A
It is not recommended to set two-way public folder rule synchronization. Instead it is recommended to select the Copy rules check box for the Public Folder Source Agent running on the source server and for the Public Folder Target Agent running on the target server. Note that this recommendation applies only if the synchronized source and target Exchange versions are not the same. N/A
Collection Processing
If a public folder synchronization collection is disabled or deleted before the Public Folder Target Agent processes all PUB files for that collection, data from these PUB files can be replicated back to the source server. N/A
Mail and Calendar agents: If a mailbox is explicitly added to a collection and the collection is disabled, the mailbox will be skipped during processing of all other collections in which this mailbox is also a member, no matter if the collection is enabled or disabled. N/A
In migrations from Exchange 2010, the membership of groups added to collections may not be resolved correctly. This is because Migration Manager looks at the homeMTA attribute of the group members, and that attribute can vary across the group in Exchange 2010 environments. To work around this issue, consider adding members to collections without using groups. TF221280
Migration Manager for Exchange does not prevent inclusion of the same users in mailbox synchronization collections and native move collections. Including the same users in both types of collections will cause both migration types to fail and is strongly discouraged. TF225747
You cannot process the same mailbox at the same time within the collections of different types such as collection for the Office 365 mailbox migration job and collection for the native move job. The mailbox will be processed only for the collection that is first added to the migration. For other collections this mailbox will be skipped. TF227876
Full Resynchronization
Deletions of permissions and messages that occur during full resynchronization may be not synchronized. N/A
If any messages or folders were deleted from the target server, full resynchronization will not restore these deleted items on the target server until Microsoft Exchange cleans the tombstone objects. For more information on full resynchronization, please refer to the appropriate Migration Manager documentation. N/A
Calendar re-synchronization cannot be performed for the switched mailboxes in two-way calendar synchronization job. N/A
Folder deletions during mailbox and public folder synchronization are not synchronized during full resynchronization. This behavior is by design. N/A
Permission Copying
If permissions are simultaneously changed for the source and target folders, the permissions may not be synchronized properly. N/A
Processing the Remote Users Collections
If a mailbox is moved in the target organization using native Exchange management tools while the mailbox is being processed in a Remote Users Collection, the Mail Source Agent will not be able to copy the contents of the source mailbox to the target mailbox. ST36322
Mail Source Agent may experience errors when trying to copy a mailbox from a Remote Users Collection. The error is resolved automatically in the next session. ST30065
If a mailbox is added both to a Remote Users Collection and a Calendar collection, it may not be processed in the Remote Users Collection. ST33232
It is strongly recommended not to stop the MSA while it is processing a mailbox within a Remote Users Collection. N/A
If you decide to stop migrating a mailbox after it has been added to a Remote Users Collection and the Mail Source Agent has started processing it, has removed it, but has not yet recreated it, you will not be able to log on to the corresponding target mailbox nor to move the mailbox. To recreate this mailbox, you will have to first remove it using Exchange Tasks and then perform a full directory resynchronization. N/A
If a mailbox was switched within a Remote Users Collection, and some of its messages were copied from the target mailbox to the source mailbox by the Calendar Synchronization Agent, and the user synchronized these messages to the OST file before the mailbox profile was updated by CPUU, then these messages may become conflict messages after CPUU updates the profile. N/A
Mailboxes that have been migrated within a Remote Users Collection should never be included in ordinary mailbox collections. Otherwise, when a full resynchronization is performed for an ordinary collection that includes such a mailbox, all messages created by the user when working offline and copied by the mail agents from the source mailbox to the target mailbox will become conflict messages after the target mailbox has been synchronized with the OST file. N/A
If a mailbox was switched within a Remote Users Collection, its profile was updated by CPUU, it was synchronized with the OST, the switch was undone for this collection, and the Remote Users Collection was synchronized by the Mail Source Agent again, then the messages modified in the target mailbox by the last copying will become conflict messages after mailbox synchronization with OST. N/A
If the corresponding target mailbox exists for a source mailbox included in a Remote Users Collection, the target mailbox will be removed with all its contents when the Mail Source Agent processes the collection. N/A
Favorites are not preserved for the target mailbox. If a remote user works offline, Favorites may still be present. However, as soon as the user synchronizes OST with his or her mailbox, the Favorites will be lost. N/A
Users will not be able to use Microsoft Outlook to log on to their mailboxes while the Mail Source Agent is processing them within a Remote Users Collection. If a user is working online, Microsoft Outlook will not operate while the mailbox is being processed. After mailbox processing has been completed, a user must log off and log back on to the mailbox. N/A
The schedule set for the Mail Source Agent will not be enforced if the agent has begun processing a mailbox within a Remote Users Collection. For example, if the agent was scheduled not to work from 1 am through 6 am and at 1 am the agent is processing a mailbox, it will not stop until the mailbox processing completes. N/A
It is recommended that the target mailbox size limit be greater than the source mailbox size limit. Otherwise, the MSA will repeatedly attempt to copy the source mailbox to the target server when migrating a mailbox within a Remote Users Collection. If the mailbox size limit has been exceeded, the mailbox will not be copied to the target server. N/A
The Offline Address Books and folder properties are not preserved in the OST file when a mailbox is migrated within a Remote Users Collection. N/A
The target Exchange server application event log will log an error when a Remote Users Collection mailbox is copied to the target server. N/A
If a mailbox was switched within a Remote Users Collection and then you need to undo the switch for that mailbox and switch it again, you can do so only using Remote Users Collection. The mailbox profile will not be updated if you switch this mailbox within a regular collection. N/A
If the Mailbox Migration Administrator Mailbox specified for particular Exchange server is located on other Exchange server, then Remote Users Collection mailboxes will be processed incorrectly: mailboxes will be switched without content copied successfully from source to target Exchange server. The following error will appear in the Mail Source Agent log file: CSession::OpenMailbox Error -2147221233 File: 'aeMAPISession.cpp' Line: '496'. To work around the issue, specify correctly Mailbox Migration Administrator Mailbox for Exchange server you work with and perform the Undo Switch operation from the Migration Manager console for affected mailboxes. ST64055
Using Agent Hosts
If two Exchange servers use the same agent host, you cannot set separate switch notification for each Exchange server. ST65216
If you set up an agent host server for an Exchange 2007 CCR Cluster server for the first time, all configuration data related to synchronization jobs will be deleted from the configuration databases located on the active cluster node only. After that the agent must be started and changes of configuration data related to synchronization jobs must be replicated successfully to the passive node as well to avoid processing of synchronization jobs using obsolete configuration data in case of unexpected failover. ST60745

If during two-way public folders synchronization either of the following changes related to agent hosts associated with the Exchange servers are made:

The same host server is configured for both source and target Exchange servers.

Source and target Exchange servers associated before with the same host server, are configured not to use this host server as common

then Public Folder Target Agent may process the PUB files with the PSTFile::Receive Error 1617 PST file 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard\Mail Transmission Agent\In\ES01\AD0B005AF9C3EB4F8A5377CC681C174B.PUB' was not found error displayed in the log file, because such files were created before configuration changes described above. To workaround the issue, delete these PUB files manually and perform resynchronization if needed.

Migration to Microsoft Office 365—General
During calendar synchronization between Exchange 2010 and Microsoft Office 365, after a user has switched to Office 365, if an item with an attachment appears in the Office 365 calendar and the attachment is a message or another Outlook item, then the calendar item is not replicated to the Exchange 2010 calendar.



If at least one Migration Agent for Exchange instance is already installed on the agent host specified while adding new Office 365 calendar synchronization or mailbox migration jobs, its installation path will be used instead of the path specified in the wizard. Also in that case a default installation path may be displayed instead of the actual one on the Set Up Migration Agent for Exchange step. TF216442
During calendar synchronization with Microsoft Office 365, the "Free/busy time, subject, location" and "Free/busy time" permissions are not synchronized for default calendars. This is because modifying those permissions is not permitted by Microsoft policy for all tools except Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010. TF225099
In Microsoft Windows 2008, the Migration Agent for Exchange cannot connect to Microsoft Office 365 if your web browser automatically detects proxy settings. In this case, the following error arises: "The Proxy Auto-configuration URL was not found. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic." To resolve this problem, you should log on under the agent account and explicitly specify the proxy settings for your browser. TF229450
Migration to Microsoft Office 365—Public folder synchronization
Migration of public folder rules is not supported for Microsoft Office 365. 450684
Migration of public folder moderators is not supported for Microsoft Office 365. 450685
During two-way synchronization with Office 365, the Public Folder Source agent may perform unnecessary extra synchronization of the Read/Unread statuses of public folder messages. This slightly affects performance. 479208

The Revoke Role operation for Public Folder Syncronization Agents completes with errors, and the files listed below are not deleted from the Public Folder Source Agent folder (by default, %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard\PF Source Agent). They can be safely deleted manually.

  • atl100.dll
  • msvcp100.dll
  • msvcr100.dll
  • QsCore.dll
  • QsDirectoryMigrationEngine.dll
  • QsEngine.dll
  • QsOnlineServices.dll
  • QsProject.dll
When synchronizing public folders with Office 365, content of a new target root public folder is created only during second migration session. This happens only for root public folder, content for its sub-folders is created during first migration session as expected. 127067401

If Outlook profiles MMEX_PFSA or MMEX_PFTA created for public folder synchronization to Office 365 as described in Creating Outlook Profiles for Public Folder Synchronization are corrupted or not configured properly, public folder synchronization will fail with the following (or similar) errors in log:

  • CSession::Logon Error -2147221219 Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance. - MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (Microsoft Exchange Information Store) - MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR File: 'aeWrapHelpers.h' Line: '279'
  • CSession::OpenPST Error -2147221233 File: 'aeMAPISession.cpp' Line: '1104'

In this case, ensure that logon to both profiles can be performed properly as described in Creating Outlook Profiles for Public Folder Synchronization. Otherwise, delete those profiles and create them again.

Native New-MoveRequest Migration
You cannot manually suspend a mailbox move request created by the Migration Agent for Exchange. In this case, the agent resumes the move request. To stop this erroneous behavior, you should disable the collection that includes this mailbox and then repeat the suspend operation. TF230889
When you perform a native mailbox move operation, you may get the "MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80004005, ec=2423)" error message. In this case, the move operation shows the "Queued" status but it is completed successfully. To check the actual status of the move request, you should retry the operation. TF229842
If you use more than one instance of Migration Agent for Exchange per agent host for performing a native move, you may get the following error: "Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WS-Management service cannot process the request. This user is allowed a maximum number of 5 concurrent shells, which has been exceeded. Close existing shells or raise the quota for this user." To resolve this problem, you should increase the maximum number of concurrent PowerShell connections to a single Exchange server. TF231503
During a migration session in which a mailbox is moved from one target database to another the Most recent error field may display an obsolete error that occurred with this mailbox in the past but has been resolved since then. PT113610037

Statistics Portal

Table 8: Statistics Portal known issues

Known Issue Defect ID
When you upgrade to the latest version, all previously created configurations will be lost, and you will have to create them anew. ST60577
Exchange data migration statistics
If statistics information is stored in the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database, column sorting does not work. N/A
A server will appear on the Statistics report even if it is no longer included in statistics collection. N/A
Mailbox synchronization statistics may sometimes show that the target mailbox has more items then the source although the mailboxes are in sync. N/A
Two-way public folder synchronization: If the public folder synchronization root within a collection is changed, public folder synchronization statistics will be incorrect for public folders that were already processed in that collection. N/A
Two-way public folder synchronization: Warnings and errors counters for public folder synchronization roots that were added before upgrade from version 7.0 to 7.1 are incorrect. The workaround is to re-add such public folder synchronization roots to the public folder collection. N/A
After upgrade from version 7.0 to 7.1, all mailboxes will be displayed with a switch status of 'not defined' and the number of switched mailboxes will be displayed as 0 until the Mail Synchronization Agent process all mailboxes in its subsequent sessions. N/A
If a synchronization root public folder configuration changes from two-way synchronization to one-way, statistics diagrams will still display historical data. N/A

Instead of displaying statistical information about Exchange migration performed by legacy agents, the Statistics node in the navigation tree of Migration Manager for Exchange console gets stuck on ‘Please wait’ message.

Workaround: In this case, to view statistics for a legacy migration, select a corresponding job or collection in the navigation tree and then click the Statistics button on the toolbar. Alternatively, open Statistics Portal in Internet Explorer to view the necessary information.

Resource processing statistics
Progress for an Active Directory processing task may not be displayed correctly. N/A
The Resource Updating History report displays incorrect start time and task duration. N/A
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