
vRanger 7.8.3 - Integration Guide for DR Series Disk Backup Appliance


Installing and configuring your Quest DR Series

•    Installing the DR Series hardware

•    Initializing the DR Series

•    Registering and configuring your DR Series

Installing the DR Series hardware

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is a summary of that found in the Quest DR Series documentation. Procedures in this topic are abbreviated to provide a high-level overview of the installation process. Before installing your Quest DR Series system, review the full set of documentation, including:

•    Setting Up Your Quest DR Series System

•    Quest DR Series Systems Getting Started Guide

•    Quest DR Series Owner’s Manual

•    Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide


Before installing the DR Series appliance, ensure that the following requirements have been met:

•    You must use a supported version of vRanger and the DR Series system. For more information, see Product requirements for integration.

•    An active network with available Ethernet cables and connections.

•    If the system has a 1 GbE network interface card (NIC), connect all NIC ports on the NIC daughter card. If the system has a 10 GbE NIC, connect both the 10 GbE ports on the NIC daughter card. Do not connect to 1 GbE ports if there is a 10 GbE NIC available on the system.

•    Network values required are IP addressing, network mask, default gateway, DNS suffix, primary (and optional) DNS server, and host name. If DHCP is selected, these values are populated based on your DHCP configuration. If DHCP is not selected, the values must be manually configured.

•    Defaults for the DR Series are:

▪    Default Static System IP:

NOTE: Default static system IP is used only when there is no DHCP server. The default IP can be used to configure the system using a point-to-point NIC connection.

▪    Subnet mask IP:

▪    Default iDRAC IP:

NOTE: For iDRAC connection, the login name is root and password is calvin.

•    On the first boot, you must set up the network and the host name for the Quest DR Series system.

•    Connect the Quest DR Series system to a keyboard and monitor when you set up the system for the first time. After the operating system and network are configured, the system can be managed using a remote browser interface.

•    To set up the Quest DR Series system, use an account with administrator privileges.

Installing the DR Series

To install the DR Series appliance:

1    Unpack your rack system and identify each part.

2    Assemble the rails, and install the system in the rack following the safety instructions and the rack installation instructions provided with your system.

3    [Optional] Connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

The connectors on the back of your system have icons indicating which cable to plug into each connector. Be sure to tighten any screws on the monitor’s cable connector.

4    Connect the system’s power cable or cables to the system, and, if a monitor is used, connect the monitor’s power cable to the monitor.

5    Bend the system power cable or cables, as shown in the Quest DR Series Getting Started Guide, and attach to the cable strap.

6    Plug the other end of the power cable or cables into a grounded electrical outlet or a separate power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power distribution unit (PDU).

7    Press the power button on the system.

The power indicator should light.

8    [Optional] Install the bezel.

Initializing the DR Series

Before you can start using the DR Series system GUI for the first time, you must properly initialize the system. To initialize the DR Series system, complete the following:

1    Log in to the DR Series system CLI by using a local console KVM connection or an iDRAC connection.

2    Configure your system network settings using the Initial System Configuration Wizard.

This wizard lets you configure the following network settings to complete a first-time initialization of your system:

▪    IP addressing mode

▪    Subnet mask address

▪    Default gateway address

▪    DNS suffix address

▪    Primary DNS server IP address

▪    [Optional] Secondary DNS server IP address

▪    Host name for system

Configuring local console connections

To configure a local console connection, you must make the following two back chassis cable connections:

•    VGA port and your video monitor

•    USB port and your keyboard

IMPORTANT: For more information, including port diagrams, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

To make local console cable connections for the DR Series appliances:

1    Locate the VGA monitor port and the USB ports on the back of your system.

1    Connect the video monitor to the VGA port on the back of your system.

2    Connect the USB keyboard to one of the two USB ports on the back of your system.

You are now ready to perform initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Configuring the iDRAC connection

The iDRAC connection requires a network connection between the integrated Quest Remote Access Control (iDRAC) management port on the DR Series system and another computer running the iDRAC remote console session in a supported browser. The iDRAC provides remote console redirection, power control, and the out-of-band (OOB) system management functions for the DR Series system. iDRAC connections are configured using console redirection and the iDRAC6/7 web interface. The login values you can use for making iDRAC connections are:

•    Default username: root

•    Default password: calvin

•    Default static IP address:

NOTE: For information on how to configure the iDRAC, see the Dell RACADM Command Line Reference Guide at http://www.dell.com/support/home.

When the Quest DR Series System splash screen is displayed, you are ready to begin initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Logging in and initializing the DR Series

Use the DR Series system CLI and the Initial System Configuration Wizard to log in to and initialize the system. After completing a local console or iDRAC connection, log in to the DR Series system CLI:

1    Launch a terminal emulator application, such as PuTTY, and type the default IP address,, for the DR Series system, if you are not using iDRAC or a local console.

2    At the login as: prompt, type administrator, and press Enter.

3    At the administrator@<system_name> password: prompt, type the default administrator password, St0r@ge!, and press Enter.

4    To configure the network settings, type y (for yes), and press Enter.

When completed, a successful initialization message is displayed.

NOTE: For complete information on configuring networking, see “Logging in and Initializing the DR Series System” in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

5    At the prompt, type exit, and press Enter to end the DR Series system CLI session.

You are now ready to log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI.

NOTE: Before you log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI, make sure to register it in the local Domain Name System (DNS) for your network so that it is a DNS-resolvable entry.

Registering and configuring your DR Series

To log in to and register the DR Series system using a browser-based connection, complete the following topics.

NOTE: This procedure describes the login process from a first-time perspective, starting with the Customer Registration and Notification page, the completion of the Initial System Configuration Wizard process, and the Initial Software Upgrade page. For more information, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Logging in to the web interface

1    In a supported web browser, type the IP address or host name of the system in the browser Address bar, and press Enter.

NOTE: If you want to reset your login password, click Reset Password on the DR Series System Login page. The Reset Password dialog box is displayed. The reset options displayed depend on the password reset option you configured earlier. By default, the service tag option is displayed. In Service Tag, enter the service tag number ID for the system, and click Reset Password to reset the system password back to its default — or click Cancel to return to the DR Series System Login page.

2    In Password, type St0r@ge!, and click Log in or press Enter.

The Customer Registration and Notification page is displayed.

Registering your DR Series

Before you can begin using the DR Series system GUI, you need to register the system with Quest. In addition, this page also allows you to sign up for notifications about appliance alerts and system software updates.

1    In the Settings pane of the Customer Registration and Notification page, complete the following:

▪    In Contact Name, enter a system contact name.

▪    In Relay Host, enter a host name or IP address for the relay host.

▪    In Email Address, enter an email address for the contact.

▪    To be notified about system appliance alerts, select Notify me of DR Series appliance alerts.

▪    To be notified about system software updates, select Notify me of DR Series software updates.

▪    To be notified about container statistics daily, select Notify me of <DR Series> daily container stats reports.

▪    To prevent display of the Customer Registration and Notification page again, select Don’t show me this again.

2    Click Confirm to have the DR Series system accept your settings — or click Skip without configuring any settings — to proceed with initialization.

The Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

Changing your password

1    To start the initial system configuration process, click Yes.

NOTE: If you click No, you bypass the initial system configuration process, and the DR Series System Dashboard page is displayed. However, when you next log in to the DR Series system, you are prompted to perform the initial system configuration process again with the Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

2    In the Settings pane of the Initial Configuration — Change Administrator Password page, complete the following:

▪    In Current Password, enter the current administrator password.

▪    In New Password, enter the new administrator password.

▪    In Retype New Password, enter the new administrator password again to confirm it.

3    Click Next to continue with the initial configuration process.

The Initial Configuration — Networking page is displayed.

Configuring your DR Series system

For detailed configuration information, see the “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide. The “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic addresses topics such as:

•    Configuring network settings.

•    Managing the DR Series system password.

•    Configuring Active Directory settings.

•    Configuring date and time settings.

The information presented in Managing storage containers is specific to the integration with vRanger. For more information on integrating vRanger with a Quest DR Series system Rapid Data Access (RDA) repository, see the Quest vRanger User’s Guide.

Managing storage containers

After initialization, the DR Series system contains a single default container named backup. Containers function like a shared file system, which can be assigned a connection type of None (to be defined later), NFS/CIFS, or RDA (includes RDS clients). Containers can then be accessed using NFS, CIFS, or RDA.

IMPORTANT: For the most beneficial integration with vRanger, an RDA connection should be used.

Creating a storage container

By default, the DR Series system provides a container named backup for your use after you complete the basic system configuration and initialization process. You can create additional containers to store your data as needed.

NOTE: NOTE: The DR Series system does not support creating container names that begin with a 0 (zero). In addition, many of the DR Series system GUI and CLI operations do not work when a container name begins with a 0.

Containers function like a shared file system that can be accessed using the following connection types:


•    NFS

•    CIFS

•    RDA

•    RDS

•    None (an unassigned connection type)

Choosing the None or unassigned connection type lets you create containers that can be configured later as needed. To modify a container configured with a None connection type, select the container, click Edit, and start configuring it as applicable.

Creating an RDS connection type container

To create an RDS connection type container:

1    Select Storage > Containers.

The Containers page displays all existing containers.

2    Click Create.

3    In Container Name on the Create New Container dialog box, type the name of the container.

Container names cannot exceed 32 characters in length, and can be composed of any combination of the following characters:

▪    A to Z (uppercase letters)

▪    a to z (lowercase letters)

▪    0 to 9 (numbers)

▪    Dash (-) or underscore (_) special characters

NOTE: The DR Series system does not support the use of the following special characters in container names: /, #, or @. In addition, the first container name cannot be a number.

4    In Marker Type, select Auto.

Selecting Auto marker type enables all marker types to be detected. As a best practice, if you have only one type of DMA with traffic directed to a container, it is best to select the corresponding marker type. As a best practice, if you have traffic from a DMA that is not one of the supported marker types, it is best to disable marker detection for the container by selecting the None marker type.

5    In Connection Type, select RDA.

6    In RDA type on the RDA pane, select RDS.

7    In Capacity, select one of the following options allowed per container:

NOTE: When RDS is selected, by default, Unlimited is selected. Under Capacity, the Size field is inactive.

▪    Unlimited: This option defines the allowed amount of incoming raw data per container — based on the physical capacity of the container.

▪    Size: This option defines a set limit in Gigabytes (GiB) for incoming raw data allowed per container.

8    Click Create a New Container, or click Cancel to display the Containers page.

After creating the container, the Containers page is displayed and includes a Successfully Added dialog box. The list of containers in the Containers summary table is updated with your new container — and its new status is reflected as N/A in the Replication column of this table.

NOTE: There are many more configurations that may be required for proper operation of the DR Series appliance in your environment. For complete information on configuring your DR Series, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Installing the DR Series

Installing and configuring your Quest DR Series

•    Installing the DR Series hardware

•    Initializing the DR Series

•    Registering and configuring your DR Series

Installing the DR Series hardware

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is a summary of that found in the Quest DR Series documentation. Procedures in this topic are abbreviated to provide a high-level overview of the installation process. Before installing your Quest DR Series system, review the full set of documentation, including:

•    Setting Up Your Quest DR Series System

•    Quest DR Series Systems Getting Started Guide

•    Quest DR Series Owner’s Manual

•    Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide


Before installing the DR Series appliance, ensure that the following requirements have been met:

•    You must use a supported version of vRanger and the DR Series system. For more information, see Product requirements for integration.

•    An active network with available Ethernet cables and connections.

•    If the system has a 1 GbE network interface card (NIC), connect all NIC ports on the NIC daughter card. If the system has a 10 GbE NIC, connect both the 10 GbE ports on the NIC daughter card. Do not connect to 1 GbE ports if there is a 10 GbE NIC available on the system.

•    Network values required are IP addressing, network mask, default gateway, DNS suffix, primary (and optional) DNS server, and host name. If DHCP is selected, these values are populated based on your DHCP configuration. If DHCP is not selected, the values must be manually configured.

•    Defaults for the DR Series are:

▪    Default Static System IP:

NOTE: Default static system IP is used only when there is no DHCP server. The default IP can be used to configure the system using a point-to-point NIC connection.

▪    Subnet mask IP:

▪    Default iDRAC IP:

NOTE: For iDRAC connection, the login name is root and password is calvin.

•    On the first boot, you must set up the network and the host name for the Quest DR Series system.

•    Connect the Quest DR Series system to a keyboard and monitor when you set up the system for the first time. After the operating system and network are configured, the system can be managed using a remote browser interface.

•    To set up the Quest DR Series system, use an account with administrator privileges.

Installing the DR Series

To install the DR Series appliance:

1    Unpack your rack system and identify each part.

2    Assemble the rails, and install the system in the rack following the safety instructions and the rack installation instructions provided with your system.

3    [Optional] Connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

The connectors on the back of your system have icons indicating which cable to plug into each connector. Be sure to tighten any screws on the monitor’s cable connector.

4    Connect the system’s power cable or cables to the system, and, if a monitor is used, connect the monitor’s power cable to the monitor.

5    Bend the system power cable or cables, as shown in the Quest DR Series Getting Started Guide, and attach to the cable strap.

6    Plug the other end of the power cable or cables into a grounded electrical outlet or a separate power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power distribution unit (PDU).

7    Press the power button on the system.

The power indicator should light.

8    [Optional] Install the bezel.

Initializing the DR Series

Before you can start using the DR Series system GUI for the first time, you must properly initialize the system. To initialize the DR Series system, complete the following:

1    Log in to the DR Series system CLI by using a local console KVM connection or an iDRAC connection.

2    Configure your system network settings using the Initial System Configuration Wizard.

This wizard lets you configure the following network settings to complete a first-time initialization of your system:

▪    IP addressing mode

▪    Subnet mask address

▪    Default gateway address

▪    DNS suffix address

▪    Primary DNS server IP address

▪    [Optional] Secondary DNS server IP address

▪    Host name for system

Configuring local console connections

To configure a local console connection, you must make the following two back chassis cable connections:

•    VGA port and your video monitor

•    USB port and your keyboard

IMPORTANT: For more information, including port diagrams, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

To make local console cable connections for the DR Series appliances:

1    Locate the VGA monitor port and the USB ports on the back of your system.

1    Connect the video monitor to the VGA port on the back of your system.

2    Connect the USB keyboard to one of the two USB ports on the back of your system.

You are now ready to perform initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Configuring the iDRAC connection

The iDRAC connection requires a network connection between the integrated Quest Remote Access Control (iDRAC) management port on the DR Series system and another computer running the iDRAC remote console session in a supported browser. The iDRAC provides remote console redirection, power control, and the out-of-band (OOB) system management functions for the DR Series system. iDRAC connections are configured using console redirection and the iDRAC6/7 web interface. The login values you can use for making iDRAC connections are:

•    Default username: root

•    Default password: calvin

•    Default static IP address:

NOTE: For information on how to configure the iDRAC, see the Dell RACADM Command Line Reference Guide at http://www.dell.com/support/home.

When the Quest DR Series System splash screen is displayed, you are ready to begin initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Logging in and initializing the DR Series

Use the DR Series system CLI and the Initial System Configuration Wizard to log in to and initialize the system. After completing a local console or iDRAC connection, log in to the DR Series system CLI:

1    Launch a terminal emulator application, such as PuTTY, and type the default IP address,, for the DR Series system, if you are not using iDRAC or a local console.

2    At the login as: prompt, type administrator, and press Enter.

3    At the administrator@<system_name> password: prompt, type the default administrator password, St0r@ge!, and press Enter.

4    To configure the network settings, type y (for yes), and press Enter.

When completed, a successful initialization message is displayed.

NOTE: For complete information on configuring networking, see “Logging in and Initializing the DR Series System” in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

5    At the prompt, type exit, and press Enter to end the DR Series system CLI session.

You are now ready to log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI.

NOTE: Before you log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI, make sure to register it in the local Domain Name System (DNS) for your network so that it is a DNS-resolvable entry.

Registering and configuring your DR Series

To log in to and register the DR Series system using a browser-based connection, complete the following topics.

NOTE: This procedure describes the login process from a first-time perspective, starting with the Customer Registration and Notification page, the completion of the Initial System Configuration Wizard process, and the Initial Software Upgrade page. For more information, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Logging in to the web interface

1    In a supported web browser, type the IP address or host name of the system in the browser Address bar, and press Enter.

NOTE: If you want to reset your login password, click Reset Password on the DR Series System Login page. The Reset Password dialog box is displayed. The reset options displayed depend on the password reset option you configured earlier. By default, the service tag option is displayed. In Service Tag, enter the service tag number ID for the system, and click Reset Password to reset the system password back to its default — or click Cancel to return to the DR Series System Login page.

2    In Password, type St0r@ge!, and click Log in or press Enter.

The Customer Registration and Notification page is displayed.

Registering your DR Series

Before you can begin using the DR Series system GUI, you need to register the system with Quest. In addition, this page also allows you to sign up for notifications about appliance alerts and system software updates.

1    In the Settings pane of the Customer Registration and Notification page, complete the following:

▪    In Contact Name, enter a system contact name.

▪    In Relay Host, enter a host name or IP address for the relay host.

▪    In Email Address, enter an email address for the contact.

▪    To be notified about system appliance alerts, select Notify me of DR Series appliance alerts.

▪    To be notified about system software updates, select Notify me of DR Series software updates.

▪    To be notified about container statistics daily, select Notify me of <DR Series> daily container stats reports.

▪    To prevent display of the Customer Registration and Notification page again, select Don’t show me this again.

2    Click Confirm to have the DR Series system accept your settings — or click Skip without configuring any settings — to proceed with initialization.

The Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

Changing your password

1    To start the initial system configuration process, click Yes.

NOTE: If you click No, you bypass the initial system configuration process, and the DR Series System Dashboard page is displayed. However, when you next log in to the DR Series system, you are prompted to perform the initial system configuration process again with the Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

2    In the Settings pane of the Initial Configuration — Change Administrator Password page, complete the following:

▪    In Current Password, enter the current administrator password.

▪    In New Password, enter the new administrator password.

▪    In Retype New Password, enter the new administrator password again to confirm it.

3    Click Next to continue with the initial configuration process.

The Initial Configuration — Networking page is displayed.

Configuring your DR Series system

For detailed configuration information, see the “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide. The “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic addresses topics such as:

•    Configuring network settings.

•    Managing the DR Series system password.

•    Configuring Active Directory settings.

•    Configuring date and time settings.

The information presented in Managing storage containers is specific to the integration with vRanger. For more information on integrating vRanger with a Quest DR Series system Rapid Data Access (RDA) repository, see the Quest vRanger User’s Guide.

Managing storage containers

After initialization, the DR Series system contains a single default container named backup. Containers function like a shared file system, which can be assigned a connection type of None (to be defined later), NFS/CIFS, or RDA (includes RDS clients). Containers can then be accessed using NFS, CIFS, or RDA.

IMPORTANT: For the most beneficial integration with vRanger, an RDA connection should be used.

Creating a storage container

By default, the DR Series system provides a container named backup for your use after you complete the basic system configuration and initialization process. You can create additional containers to store your data as needed.

NOTE: NOTE: The DR Series system does not support creating container names that begin with a 0 (zero). In addition, many of the DR Series system GUI and CLI operations do not work when a container name begins with a 0.

Containers function like a shared file system that can be accessed using the following connection types:


•    NFS

•    CIFS

•    RDA

•    RDS

•    None (an unassigned connection type)

Choosing the None or unassigned connection type lets you create containers that can be configured later as needed. To modify a container configured with a None connection type, select the container, click Edit, and start configuring it as applicable.

Creating an RDS connection type container

To create an RDS connection type container:

1    Select Storage > Containers.

The Containers page displays all existing containers.

2    Click Create.

3    In Container Name on the Create New Container dialog box, type the name of the container.

Container names cannot exceed 32 characters in length, and can be composed of any combination of the following characters:

▪    A to Z (uppercase letters)

▪    a to z (lowercase letters)

▪    0 to 9 (numbers)

▪    Dash (-) or underscore (_) special characters

NOTE: The DR Series system does not support the use of the following special characters in container names: /, #, or @. In addition, the first container name cannot be a number.

4    In Marker Type, select Auto.

Selecting Auto marker type enables all marker types to be detected. As a best practice, if you have only one type of DMA with traffic directed to a container, it is best to select the corresponding marker type. As a best practice, if you have traffic from a DMA that is not one of the supported marker types, it is best to disable marker detection for the container by selecting the None marker type.

5    In Connection Type, select RDA.

6    In RDA type on the RDA pane, select RDS.

7    In Capacity, select one of the following options allowed per container:

NOTE: When RDS is selected, by default, Unlimited is selected. Under Capacity, the Size field is inactive.

▪    Unlimited: This option defines the allowed amount of incoming raw data per container — based on the physical capacity of the container.

▪    Size: This option defines a set limit in Gigabytes (GiB) for incoming raw data allowed per container.

8    Click Create a New Container, or click Cancel to display the Containers page.

After creating the container, the Containers page is displayed and includes a Successfully Added dialog box. The list of containers in the Containers summary table is updated with your new container — and its new status is reflected as N/A in the Replication column of this table.

NOTE: There are many more configurations that may be required for proper operation of the DR Series appliance in your environment. For complete information on configuring your DR Series, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Initializing the DR Series

Installing and configuring your Quest DR Series

•    Installing the DR Series hardware

•    Initializing the DR Series

•    Registering and configuring your DR Series

Installing the DR Series hardware

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is a summary of that found in the Quest DR Series documentation. Procedures in this topic are abbreviated to provide a high-level overview of the installation process. Before installing your Quest DR Series system, review the full set of documentation, including:

•    Setting Up Your Quest DR Series System

•    Quest DR Series Systems Getting Started Guide

•    Quest DR Series Owner’s Manual

•    Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide


Before installing the DR Series appliance, ensure that the following requirements have been met:

•    You must use a supported version of vRanger and the DR Series system. For more information, see Product requirements for integration.

•    An active network with available Ethernet cables and connections.

•    If the system has a 1 GbE network interface card (NIC), connect all NIC ports on the NIC daughter card. If the system has a 10 GbE NIC, connect both the 10 GbE ports on the NIC daughter card. Do not connect to 1 GbE ports if there is a 10 GbE NIC available on the system.

•    Network values required are IP addressing, network mask, default gateway, DNS suffix, primary (and optional) DNS server, and host name. If DHCP is selected, these values are populated based on your DHCP configuration. If DHCP is not selected, the values must be manually configured.

•    Defaults for the DR Series are:

▪    Default Static System IP:

NOTE: Default static system IP is used only when there is no DHCP server. The default IP can be used to configure the system using a point-to-point NIC connection.

▪    Subnet mask IP:

▪    Default iDRAC IP:

NOTE: For iDRAC connection, the login name is root and password is calvin.

•    On the first boot, you must set up the network and the host name for the Quest DR Series system.

•    Connect the Quest DR Series system to a keyboard and monitor when you set up the system for the first time. After the operating system and network are configured, the system can be managed using a remote browser interface.

•    To set up the Quest DR Series system, use an account with administrator privileges.

Installing the DR Series

To install the DR Series appliance:

1    Unpack your rack system and identify each part.

2    Assemble the rails, and install the system in the rack following the safety instructions and the rack installation instructions provided with your system.

3    [Optional] Connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

The connectors on the back of your system have icons indicating which cable to plug into each connector. Be sure to tighten any screws on the monitor’s cable connector.

4    Connect the system’s power cable or cables to the system, and, if a monitor is used, connect the monitor’s power cable to the monitor.

5    Bend the system power cable or cables, as shown in the Quest DR Series Getting Started Guide, and attach to the cable strap.

6    Plug the other end of the power cable or cables into a grounded electrical outlet or a separate power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power distribution unit (PDU).

7    Press the power button on the system.

The power indicator should light.

8    [Optional] Install the bezel.

Initializing the DR Series

Before you can start using the DR Series system GUI for the first time, you must properly initialize the system. To initialize the DR Series system, complete the following:

1    Log in to the DR Series system CLI by using a local console KVM connection or an iDRAC connection.

2    Configure your system network settings using the Initial System Configuration Wizard.

This wizard lets you configure the following network settings to complete a first-time initialization of your system:

▪    IP addressing mode

▪    Subnet mask address

▪    Default gateway address

▪    DNS suffix address

▪    Primary DNS server IP address

▪    [Optional] Secondary DNS server IP address

▪    Host name for system

Configuring local console connections

To configure a local console connection, you must make the following two back chassis cable connections:

•    VGA port and your video monitor

•    USB port and your keyboard

IMPORTANT: For more information, including port diagrams, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

To make local console cable connections for the DR Series appliances:

1    Locate the VGA monitor port and the USB ports on the back of your system.

1    Connect the video monitor to the VGA port on the back of your system.

2    Connect the USB keyboard to one of the two USB ports on the back of your system.

You are now ready to perform initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Configuring the iDRAC connection

The iDRAC connection requires a network connection between the integrated Quest Remote Access Control (iDRAC) management port on the DR Series system and another computer running the iDRAC remote console session in a supported browser. The iDRAC provides remote console redirection, power control, and the out-of-band (OOB) system management functions for the DR Series system. iDRAC connections are configured using console redirection and the iDRAC6/7 web interface. The login values you can use for making iDRAC connections are:

•    Default username: root

•    Default password: calvin

•    Default static IP address:

NOTE: For information on how to configure the iDRAC, see the Dell RACADM Command Line Reference Guide at http://www.dell.com/support/home.

When the Quest DR Series System splash screen is displayed, you are ready to begin initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Logging in and initializing the DR Series

Use the DR Series system CLI and the Initial System Configuration Wizard to log in to and initialize the system. After completing a local console or iDRAC connection, log in to the DR Series system CLI:

1    Launch a terminal emulator application, such as PuTTY, and type the default IP address,, for the DR Series system, if you are not using iDRAC or a local console.

2    At the login as: prompt, type administrator, and press Enter.

3    At the administrator@<system_name> password: prompt, type the default administrator password, St0r@ge!, and press Enter.

4    To configure the network settings, type y (for yes), and press Enter.

When completed, a successful initialization message is displayed.

NOTE: For complete information on configuring networking, see “Logging in and Initializing the DR Series System” in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

5    At the prompt, type exit, and press Enter to end the DR Series system CLI session.

You are now ready to log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI.

NOTE: Before you log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI, make sure to register it in the local Domain Name System (DNS) for your network so that it is a DNS-resolvable entry.

Registering and configuring your DR Series

To log in to and register the DR Series system using a browser-based connection, complete the following topics.

NOTE: This procedure describes the login process from a first-time perspective, starting with the Customer Registration and Notification page, the completion of the Initial System Configuration Wizard process, and the Initial Software Upgrade page. For more information, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Logging in to the web interface

1    In a supported web browser, type the IP address or host name of the system in the browser Address bar, and press Enter.

NOTE: If you want to reset your login password, click Reset Password on the DR Series System Login page. The Reset Password dialog box is displayed. The reset options displayed depend on the password reset option you configured earlier. By default, the service tag option is displayed. In Service Tag, enter the service tag number ID for the system, and click Reset Password to reset the system password back to its default — or click Cancel to return to the DR Series System Login page.

2    In Password, type St0r@ge!, and click Log in or press Enter.

The Customer Registration and Notification page is displayed.

Registering your DR Series

Before you can begin using the DR Series system GUI, you need to register the system with Quest. In addition, this page also allows you to sign up for notifications about appliance alerts and system software updates.

1    In the Settings pane of the Customer Registration and Notification page, complete the following:

▪    In Contact Name, enter a system contact name.

▪    In Relay Host, enter a host name or IP address for the relay host.

▪    In Email Address, enter an email address for the contact.

▪    To be notified about system appliance alerts, select Notify me of DR Series appliance alerts.

▪    To be notified about system software updates, select Notify me of DR Series software updates.

▪    To be notified about container statistics daily, select Notify me of <DR Series> daily container stats reports.

▪    To prevent display of the Customer Registration and Notification page again, select Don’t show me this again.

2    Click Confirm to have the DR Series system accept your settings — or click Skip without configuring any settings — to proceed with initialization.

The Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

Changing your password

1    To start the initial system configuration process, click Yes.

NOTE: If you click No, you bypass the initial system configuration process, and the DR Series System Dashboard page is displayed. However, when you next log in to the DR Series system, you are prompted to perform the initial system configuration process again with the Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

2    In the Settings pane of the Initial Configuration — Change Administrator Password page, complete the following:

▪    In Current Password, enter the current administrator password.

▪    In New Password, enter the new administrator password.

▪    In Retype New Password, enter the new administrator password again to confirm it.

3    Click Next to continue with the initial configuration process.

The Initial Configuration — Networking page is displayed.

Configuring your DR Series system

For detailed configuration information, see the “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide. The “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic addresses topics such as:

•    Configuring network settings.

•    Managing the DR Series system password.

•    Configuring Active Directory settings.

•    Configuring date and time settings.

The information presented in Managing storage containers is specific to the integration with vRanger. For more information on integrating vRanger with a Quest DR Series system Rapid Data Access (RDA) repository, see the Quest vRanger User’s Guide.

Managing storage containers

After initialization, the DR Series system contains a single default container named backup. Containers function like a shared file system, which can be assigned a connection type of None (to be defined later), NFS/CIFS, or RDA (includes RDS clients). Containers can then be accessed using NFS, CIFS, or RDA.

IMPORTANT: For the most beneficial integration with vRanger, an RDA connection should be used.

Creating a storage container

By default, the DR Series system provides a container named backup for your use after you complete the basic system configuration and initialization process. You can create additional containers to store your data as needed.

NOTE: NOTE: The DR Series system does not support creating container names that begin with a 0 (zero). In addition, many of the DR Series system GUI and CLI operations do not work when a container name begins with a 0.

Containers function like a shared file system that can be accessed using the following connection types:


•    NFS

•    CIFS

•    RDA

•    RDS

•    None (an unassigned connection type)

Choosing the None or unassigned connection type lets you create containers that can be configured later as needed. To modify a container configured with a None connection type, select the container, click Edit, and start configuring it as applicable.

Creating an RDS connection type container

To create an RDS connection type container:

1    Select Storage > Containers.

The Containers page displays all existing containers.

2    Click Create.

3    In Container Name on the Create New Container dialog box, type the name of the container.

Container names cannot exceed 32 characters in length, and can be composed of any combination of the following characters:

▪    A to Z (uppercase letters)

▪    a to z (lowercase letters)

▪    0 to 9 (numbers)

▪    Dash (-) or underscore (_) special characters

NOTE: The DR Series system does not support the use of the following special characters in container names: /, #, or @. In addition, the first container name cannot be a number.

4    In Marker Type, select Auto.

Selecting Auto marker type enables all marker types to be detected. As a best practice, if you have only one type of DMA with traffic directed to a container, it is best to select the corresponding marker type. As a best practice, if you have traffic from a DMA that is not one of the supported marker types, it is best to disable marker detection for the container by selecting the None marker type.

5    In Connection Type, select RDA.

6    In RDA type on the RDA pane, select RDS.

7    In Capacity, select one of the following options allowed per container:

NOTE: When RDS is selected, by default, Unlimited is selected. Under Capacity, the Size field is inactive.

▪    Unlimited: This option defines the allowed amount of incoming raw data per container — based on the physical capacity of the container.

▪    Size: This option defines a set limit in Gigabytes (GiB) for incoming raw data allowed per container.

8    Click Create a New Container, or click Cancel to display the Containers page.

After creating the container, the Containers page is displayed and includes a Successfully Added dialog box. The list of containers in the Containers summary table is updated with your new container — and its new status is reflected as N/A in the Replication column of this table.

NOTE: There are many more configurations that may be required for proper operation of the DR Series appliance in your environment. For complete information on configuring your DR Series, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Configuring local console connections

Installing and configuring your Quest DR Series

•    Installing the DR Series hardware

•    Initializing the DR Series

•    Registering and configuring your DR Series

Installing the DR Series hardware

IMPORTANT: The information in this topic is a summary of that found in the Quest DR Series documentation. Procedures in this topic are abbreviated to provide a high-level overview of the installation process. Before installing your Quest DR Series system, review the full set of documentation, including:

•    Setting Up Your Quest DR Series System

•    Quest DR Series Systems Getting Started Guide

•    Quest DR Series Owner’s Manual

•    Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide


Before installing the DR Series appliance, ensure that the following requirements have been met:

•    You must use a supported version of vRanger and the DR Series system. For more information, see Product requirements for integration.

•    An active network with available Ethernet cables and connections.

•    If the system has a 1 GbE network interface card (NIC), connect all NIC ports on the NIC daughter card. If the system has a 10 GbE NIC, connect both the 10 GbE ports on the NIC daughter card. Do not connect to 1 GbE ports if there is a 10 GbE NIC available on the system.

•    Network values required are IP addressing, network mask, default gateway, DNS suffix, primary (and optional) DNS server, and host name. If DHCP is selected, these values are populated based on your DHCP configuration. If DHCP is not selected, the values must be manually configured.

•    Defaults for the DR Series are:

▪    Default Static System IP:

NOTE: Default static system IP is used only when there is no DHCP server. The default IP can be used to configure the system using a point-to-point NIC connection.

▪    Subnet mask IP:

▪    Default iDRAC IP:

NOTE: For iDRAC connection, the login name is root and password is calvin.

•    On the first boot, you must set up the network and the host name for the Quest DR Series system.

•    Connect the Quest DR Series system to a keyboard and monitor when you set up the system for the first time. After the operating system and network are configured, the system can be managed using a remote browser interface.

•    To set up the Quest DR Series system, use an account with administrator privileges.

Installing the DR Series

To install the DR Series appliance:

1    Unpack your rack system and identify each part.

2    Assemble the rails, and install the system in the rack following the safety instructions and the rack installation instructions provided with your system.

3    [Optional] Connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

The connectors on the back of your system have icons indicating which cable to plug into each connector. Be sure to tighten any screws on the monitor’s cable connector.

4    Connect the system’s power cable or cables to the system, and, if a monitor is used, connect the monitor’s power cable to the monitor.

5    Bend the system power cable or cables, as shown in the Quest DR Series Getting Started Guide, and attach to the cable strap.

6    Plug the other end of the power cable or cables into a grounded electrical outlet or a separate power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power distribution unit (PDU).

7    Press the power button on the system.

The power indicator should light.

8    [Optional] Install the bezel.

Initializing the DR Series

Before you can start using the DR Series system GUI for the first time, you must properly initialize the system. To initialize the DR Series system, complete the following:

1    Log in to the DR Series system CLI by using a local console KVM connection or an iDRAC connection.

2    Configure your system network settings using the Initial System Configuration Wizard.

This wizard lets you configure the following network settings to complete a first-time initialization of your system:

▪    IP addressing mode

▪    Subnet mask address

▪    Default gateway address

▪    DNS suffix address

▪    Primary DNS server IP address

▪    [Optional] Secondary DNS server IP address

▪    Host name for system

Configuring local console connections

To configure a local console connection, you must make the following two back chassis cable connections:

•    VGA port and your video monitor

•    USB port and your keyboard

IMPORTANT: For more information, including port diagrams, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

To make local console cable connections for the DR Series appliances:

1    Locate the VGA monitor port and the USB ports on the back of your system.

1    Connect the video monitor to the VGA port on the back of your system.

2    Connect the USB keyboard to one of the two USB ports on the back of your system.

You are now ready to perform initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Configuring the iDRAC connection

The iDRAC connection requires a network connection between the integrated Quest Remote Access Control (iDRAC) management port on the DR Series system and another computer running the iDRAC remote console session in a supported browser. The iDRAC provides remote console redirection, power control, and the out-of-band (OOB) system management functions for the DR Series system. iDRAC connections are configured using console redirection and the iDRAC6/7 web interface. The login values you can use for making iDRAC connections are:

•    Default username: root

•    Default password: calvin

•    Default static IP address:

NOTE: For information on how to configure the iDRAC, see the Dell RACADM Command Line Reference Guide at http://www.dell.com/support/home.

When the Quest DR Series System splash screen is displayed, you are ready to begin initialization using the DR Series system CLI login process.

Logging in and initializing the DR Series

Use the DR Series system CLI and the Initial System Configuration Wizard to log in to and initialize the system. After completing a local console or iDRAC connection, log in to the DR Series system CLI:

1    Launch a terminal emulator application, such as PuTTY, and type the default IP address,, for the DR Series system, if you are not using iDRAC or a local console.

2    At the login as: prompt, type administrator, and press Enter.

3    At the administrator@<system_name> password: prompt, type the default administrator password, St0r@ge!, and press Enter.

4    To configure the network settings, type y (for yes), and press Enter.

When completed, a successful initialization message is displayed.

NOTE: For complete information on configuring networking, see “Logging in and Initializing the DR Series System” in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

5    At the prompt, type exit, and press Enter to end the DR Series system CLI session.

You are now ready to log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI.

NOTE: Before you log in to the system using the DR Series system GUI, make sure to register it in the local Domain Name System (DNS) for your network so that it is a DNS-resolvable entry.

Registering and configuring your DR Series

To log in to and register the DR Series system using a browser-based connection, complete the following topics.

NOTE: This procedure describes the login process from a first-time perspective, starting with the Customer Registration and Notification page, the completion of the Initial System Configuration Wizard process, and the Initial Software Upgrade page. For more information, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.

Logging in to the web interface

1    In a supported web browser, type the IP address or host name of the system in the browser Address bar, and press Enter.

NOTE: If you want to reset your login password, click Reset Password on the DR Series System Login page. The Reset Password dialog box is displayed. The reset options displayed depend on the password reset option you configured earlier. By default, the service tag option is displayed. In Service Tag, enter the service tag number ID for the system, and click Reset Password to reset the system password back to its default — or click Cancel to return to the DR Series System Login page.

2    In Password, type St0r@ge!, and click Log in or press Enter.

The Customer Registration and Notification page is displayed.

Registering your DR Series

Before you can begin using the DR Series system GUI, you need to register the system with Quest. In addition, this page also allows you to sign up for notifications about appliance alerts and system software updates.

1    In the Settings pane of the Customer Registration and Notification page, complete the following:

▪    In Contact Name, enter a system contact name.

▪    In Relay Host, enter a host name or IP address for the relay host.

▪    In Email Address, enter an email address for the contact.

▪    To be notified about system appliance alerts, select Notify me of DR Series appliance alerts.

▪    To be notified about system software updates, select Notify me of DR Series software updates.

▪    To be notified about container statistics daily, select Notify me of <DR Series> daily container stats reports.

▪    To prevent display of the Customer Registration and Notification page again, select Don’t show me this again.

2    Click Confirm to have the DR Series system accept your settings — or click Skip without configuring any settings — to proceed with initialization.

The Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

Changing your password

1    To start the initial system configuration process, click Yes.

NOTE: If you click No, you bypass the initial system configuration process, and the DR Series System Dashboard page is displayed. However, when you next log in to the DR Series system, you are prompted to perform the initial system configuration process again with the Initial System Configuration Wizard page is displayed.

2    In the Settings pane of the Initial Configuration — Change Administrator Password page, complete the following:

▪    In Current Password, enter the current administrator password.

▪    In New Password, enter the new administrator password.

▪    In Retype New Password, enter the new administrator password again to confirm it.

3    Click Next to continue with the initial configuration process.

The Initial Configuration — Networking page is displayed.

Configuring your DR Series system

For detailed configuration information, see the “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic in the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide. The “Configuring the DR Series System Settings” topic addresses topics such as:

•    Configuring network settings.

•    Managing the DR Series system password.

•    Configuring Active Directory settings.

•    Configuring date and time settings.

The information presented in Managing storage containers is specific to the integration with vRanger. For more information on integrating vRanger with a Quest DR Series system Rapid Data Access (RDA) repository, see the Quest vRanger User’s Guide.

Managing storage containers

After initialization, the DR Series system contains a single default container named backup. Containers function like a shared file system, which can be assigned a connection type of None (to be defined later), NFS/CIFS, or RDA (includes RDS clients). Containers can then be accessed using NFS, CIFS, or RDA.

IMPORTANT: For the most beneficial integration with vRanger, an RDA connection should be used.

Creating a storage container

By default, the DR Series system provides a container named backup for your use after you complete the basic system configuration and initialization process. You can create additional containers to store your data as needed.

NOTE: NOTE: The DR Series system does not support creating container names that begin with a 0 (zero). In addition, many of the DR Series system GUI and CLI operations do not work when a container name begins with a 0.

Containers function like a shared file system that can be accessed using the following connection types:


•    NFS

•    CIFS

•    RDA

•    RDS

•    None (an unassigned connection type)

Choosing the None or unassigned connection type lets you create containers that can be configured later as needed. To modify a container configured with a None connection type, select the container, click Edit, and start configuring it as applicable.

Creating an RDS connection type container

To create an RDS connection type container:

1    Select Storage > Containers.

The Containers page displays all existing containers.

2    Click Create.

3    In Container Name on the Create New Container dialog box, type the name of the container.

Container names cannot exceed 32 characters in length, and can be composed of any combination of the following characters:

▪    A to Z (uppercase letters)

▪    a to z (lowercase letters)

▪    0 to 9 (numbers)

▪    Dash (-) or underscore (_) special characters

NOTE: The DR Series system does not support the use of the following special characters in container names: /, #, or @. In addition, the first container name cannot be a number.

4    In Marker Type, select Auto.

Selecting Auto marker type enables all marker types to be detected. As a best practice, if you have only one type of DMA with traffic directed to a container, it is best to select the corresponding marker type. As a best practice, if you have traffic from a DMA that is not one of the supported marker types, it is best to disable marker detection for the container by selecting the None marker type.

5    In Connection Type, select RDA.

6    In RDA type on the RDA pane, select RDS.

7    In Capacity, select one of the following options allowed per container:

NOTE: When RDS is selected, by default, Unlimited is selected. Under Capacity, the Size field is inactive.

▪    Unlimited: This option defines the allowed amount of incoming raw data per container — based on the physical capacity of the container.

▪    Size: This option defines a set limit in Gigabytes (GiB) for incoming raw data allowed per container.

8    Click Create a New Container, or click Cancel to display the Containers page.

After creating the container, the Containers page is displayed and includes a Successfully Added dialog box. The list of containers in the Containers summary table is updated with your new container — and its new status is reflected as N/A in the Replication column of this table.

NOTE: There are many more configurations that may be required for proper operation of the DR Series appliance in your environment. For complete information on configuring your DR Series, see the Quest DR Series System Administrator Guide.


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