
SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.4 - Installation Notes

General | Session


Option Description

Allow multi Code Editor windows per Session

Related To: Code Editor.

Selected Allow multiple Code Editor windows per Session.
Not Selected Show multiple instances of the Code Editor in the same window as tabs.

Show Logon Dialog startup

Select to show the Oracle Logon Dialog when you launch SQL Navigator.

Show code editor after connection

Selected Show the Code Editor after a connection is made.
Not Selected Show the DB Navigator after a connection is made.

Default date format

Select the default date format, for example, MM/DD/YYYY.

Used when a date-to-string conversion request is explicitly made; for example, in SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE) FROM DUAL.

Otherwise a binary format is used for date/time handling. On screen date/time representation is made using the client machine’s Regional Settings (set in the Windows Control Panel).

Note: <Same as Displayed Date Format Setting> refers to View | Preferences |General | User Interface | Date Displayed Format.

DBMS Output On by default

Related To: Server Output.

Selected Server Output is switched on, on connecting to the database.
Not Selected Server Output is switched off, on connecting to the database.

DBMS Output buffer (bytes)

Change the buffer size for server output. Set the desired upper limit for the DBMS Output Buffer (Bytes).

Related To: Output Window.

Cache Capacity

The number of database objects that can be placed in the cache before the cache refreshes itself and accesses the database.

Optimizer Goal/Mode

The approach the Oracle optimizer uses to optimize a SQL statement. For more information, see the ORACLE 7 SERVER Concepts Manual.

Immediate load in Open Object Dialog

Related To: Select DB Object Dialog.


SQL Navigator automatically builds a pick-list of all available database objects.

Not Selected

Specify selection parameters before loading the pick list of database objects.

This saves time and resources.

Close when last session window closes


SQL Navigator terminates a session when all session windows are closed.

SQL Navigator prompts you before terminating the session, unless you have disabled the prompt previously.

Not Selected

A session can still be active when all its windows are closed.

Show Users in Schema Lists

Related To:

  • The All Schemas node in DB Navigator.
  • The Current Schema drop-down list in the Object toolbar (Toolbars).
  • The drop-down lists in the editing windows.

The lists of schemas will be populated with Users—regardless of whether those users own any objects.

Not Selected

The schema lists will include only users with objects.

Retrieve large numbers as strings

Selected Numeric fields from the database with a precision exceeding 15 digits will be converted to strings on the server.
Not Selected These numbers will be represented in scientific notation.

The advantage of converting large numbers to strings rather than displaying them in scientific notation is to avoid loss of precision in screen displays and reports. However, note that converting numbers to strings means that they:

  • Will be left-aligned in windows and dialogs
  • Will be sorted alphabetically rather than numerically in sorted lists
  • Cannot be used with SQL Navigator calendar functions

Note: The related View | Preferences |Code Editor | SQL Scripts | Retrieve all result fields as strings overrides this preference.

Show All Constraints

Related To: DB Navigator

Selected Show system-defined constraint names for NOT NULL attributes.
Not Selected Exclude system-defined constraint names.

Bytes per character

The number of bytes to allocate per character. If you select Autodetect then SQL Navigator attempts to determine the actual number of bytes per character while establishing connection.

Note: You can override this preference for specific connections from the Oracle Logon Dialog. If you receive ORA-01026 errors (or similar) when working with the database, we recommend setting this preference to the minimum possible value (2, 3 or 4) that eliminates the errors.

Retrieve tablespace usage info

Select to add the following columns to the tablespace details pane:

  • size_mb – the allocated size of the tablespace in megabytes
  • used_mb – the number of megabytes currently used by the tablespace
  • used_percent – the percentage of the tablespace currently used.

Note: Available only for users with access to DBA views. For more information, see DBA Dictionary Views.

National Language Support (To make this option changes effective right away, shut down SQL Navigator then restart)

No Support NLS is not supported by default.
Display and Edit multi-byte data Display and enter data in the Code Editor Data Grid (SQL Query Results Data Grid) in any language supported by Windows. This option is not applicable with the column or object names. However, multiple languages can be displayed without making any changes to the system environment.

Read Buffer Size

The number of records SQL Navigator reads per database request.

Use user's dictionary views

This preference is specific to background queries to list objects and to get object details for the logged in user’s schema

Selected SQL Navigator uses USER views to query the Oracle Data Dictionary.
Not Selected SQL Navigator uses ALL or DBA views to query the Oracle Data Dictionary, dependent on the value of Enable DBA Views in the Oracle Logon Dialog.

Keep existing sessions alive

Option Description
Issuing 'select * from dual' every interval (minutes)  

Auto run script at connect

Option Description
Auto run script at connect Run the named script on connecting to the database.
Close script on successful execution Select for the named script to close automatically when it has finished running.


Option Description
Enable Select to log all transactions with the database to a file. This is useful for debugging purposes.
Level Select the type of messages the trace file will record.

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