
Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.12 - Getting Started Guide

Instance home page

The instance home page shows performance information for the DB2 for LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows) instance that contains the database or database partition currently selected in the Spotlight browser. This home page provides a visual overview of activity across all active databases in the instance. Related statistics, graphs, and flows are grouped together on panels that Spotlight updates in real time so that you see how your system is performing. The use of visual or audible alarms on the home page helps you to spot bottlenecks quickly.

The main elements of the instance home page include the following:

  • The toolbar—The set of icons across the top of the home page that provide quick methods for navigating between the home pages, drilldowns, and help.

  • Spotlight browser—The panel that lists the databases and database partitions to which Spotlight is currently connected. The database or partition from which you launched the instance home page is highlighted. This name changes color to match the color of the component or dataflow that represents the worst severity currently existing in that database or partition (or existing at the instance-level).

  • Statistics panels—The groupings of related components in the instance being monitored, such as instance-wide I/O and SQL activity. For example, the Global SQL Request/Response panel groups the Static SQL, Dynamic SQL, and Transactions components, each of which monitors a type of SQL activity across the instance.

  • Dataflows—A flow that illustrates the rate at which data is moving through all active databases in the instance. Dataflows change their speed and color, alerting you to performance issues.

  • Connection identifier—The name of the database or partition connection currently selected in the Spotlight browser. (This database or partition resides in the DB2 instance whose home page you are now viewing.) Located in the top right corner of the home page, this identifier changes color to match the color of the component or dataflow that represents the worst severity detected in the DB2 instance (or at the database or database-partition level).

Home page elements

Click on any of the following for details about a specific home page element:

The toolbar

Spotlight browser

Instance Identification panel

Global Sort/Join panel

Switches panel

HADR panel

Global SQL Request/Response panel

Global Database I/O panel

Global Application/Agent panel

Connection Identifier

How do I...?

Navigate between database, partition, and instance home pages and drilldowns

View help for components on the home page

Open the Alarm Log

Perform an immediate refresh on statistics


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