
Essentials for Office 365 2.11 - User Guide

Connecting to SharePoint Site or Site Collections Copyright Tool Overview
General Tool Configuration Profile Manager Proxy Mode Azure Turbo and CSOM Creating User Mapping Creating User and Template Reports Support and Troubleshooting Activation Modes of Migration
Home Tab Migration Analysis Tab Migrator Tab
Interface Connect to Resources Copy Sites Live Compare Hyper Mode Classic Mode Copy Alerts Orphaned Users Copy In-Place Tagging of SharePoint Items Incremental/Delta Copy Forms Migration Workflow Migration Save Site to XML
File Manager Tab Drives Tab
Interface Overview Migration Job Structure Connecting to Resources Copy Google Drive Copy File Share Copy My Sites to OneDrive for Business Copy Tenant Copy Box Copy Dropbox Nintex Deployment
Security Manager Tab Term Store Manager Tab Administrator Tab Backup Tab
Interface Overview Backup Job Structure Advanced Search Retention Policies Storage for Backup Import/Export Backup Archives Connecting to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Connecting to Cloud Storage Hyper vs Classic Backup Setup Hyper SharePoint Online Backup Hyper OneDrive Backup Hyper Office 365 Groups Backup Smart Backup Classic SharePoint Online Backup Classic OneDrive Backup Classic Office365 Groups Backup Classic Mailbox Backup Change Properties for Backup Admin Management Scheduling Backup Jobs Backup Project Conversion
Help Tab View Tab Architect Tab Public Folders for SharePoint Tab Scripts Appendix About

Copy File Share

Metalogix Essentials for Drives provides a simplified, wizard driven experience to migrating content in, out, or between various drive management systems (local or cloud based).  It can also provide additional functionality to managing some or all OneDrive for Business sites within a specific Office 365 tenant.

Copy File Share to OneDrive for Business

When licensed, Metalogix Essentials File Manager provides the ability to bulk upload user's networked file system drives into their respective OneDrive for Business Document library in your Office 365 tenant.  This operation has the following requirements for use:

·The account used to perform the upload needs to have access and at least Read permissions from this computer to all the user's networked file system drives.

·The account used to perform the upload needs to be a minimum of Site Collection Administrator in this Office 365 tenant.

·The person performing the upload will need to know the relationship (mapping) between each user's networked file system drive and their corresponding Office 365 user account.

·Each user account must have either a SharePoint or OneDrive license assigned to it in Office 365.

Once the requirements above are satisfied, you can proceed with utilizing the bulk upload functionality.

1.To access the wizard, first switch to the Drives tab in the Essentials for Office 365 application.

2.Click the "Copy File Shares" button and select Copy File Share to OneDrive. This will open the wizard.
copy fileshare to onedrive 0001

3.Give your project a name.
copy fileshare to onedrive 001

4.Enter the URL to the SharePoint Admin Center in your Office 365 tenant.  Click the Connect button and then enter the Username and Password of your Administrator to authenticate.  The SharePoint Admin Center URL will look similar to this: https://YourTenant-admin.sharepoint.com
Copy FileShare to OneDrive2

5.In the Map File System to Users section, load the CSV file that maps the relationship between the networked file system drives and the corresponding Office 365 user account.  During the upload, all the content, files, and sub-folders (if configured), will be migrated from within the root of this network path and uploaded into the user's OneDrive for Business Documents library.


NOTE: Click here to download an example mapping file.

6.After the mapping file is loaded, click the Check for Users Personal Sites button to run a validation test.  This option is designed to validate the existence of the mapped user in Office 365 and also to check for the availability of each user's OneDrive for Business.
Copy FileShare to OneDrive3
The following results can be displayed in the "OneDrive Exists" column:

·Yes - The user account has been found in this Office 365 Tenant and this user's OneDrive for Business has already been provisioned.

·No - The user account has been found in this Office 365 Tenant, but this user's OneDrive for Business has not yet been provisioned.

·Invalid User - The user account was not found in this Office 365 Tenant and therefore cannot be included with this operation as currently mapped.

7.After the validation process, select all the valid users from the list which you wish to include in this operation and click Next to continue.

8.On the following page of the wizard, you are presented with a few choices dealing with the content that is to be uploaded.  Select the options required, as described below.
fileshare to onedrive advanced options 1

Overwrite if files exist:  If a file of the same name already exists in the OneDrive's Documents library, this option will overwrite that file with the current one from the file system.

In order to run the Essentials application, you can use a regular user logged into the workstation, or you can run the program as an Administrator.
However, you must run the tool as an Administrator when changing settings in the memory management section of the Profile Manager (located on the Advanced tab of the Profile Manager), or when using the automatic updates feature.


NOTE: When running the tool as an Administrator, you may not be able to see your network drives or mapped drives in the connections section. This may occur because the connections were set up while in regular user mode, so when the tool is launched as an admin, the admin user does not have access to the connections.

To resolve the issue in the above note, do one of the following:

1.Do not start the tool as an administrator, and insure that no settings are applied by default.

a.Navigate to the Properties for the Essentials.exe
permissions requirements 7

b.Ensure that under the Compatability tab, "Run this program as administrator" isn't selected.
permission requirements 8

2.Run the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and locate the following key:



Create a new DWORD(32) with the name EnableLinkedConnections and value 1 and reboot.
permissions requirements 2


In the event that the tool only successfully launches when run as an admin, this could be occurring because the non-admin user that is launching the tool does not have permissions for the installation folder, to the run tool components, or to the workspace.

This may be caused as a result of various windows security settings and configurations. To resolve this issue, add the non-admin user, directly to the folder security settings.

1.Navigate to the folder that contains the Essentials Tool installation folder. Right click and select Properties.
permissions requirements 9

2.Navigate to the Security Tab, and select Edit group and usernames.
permissions requirements 10

3.Select Add and add the non-admin user.
permissions requirements 11

Incremental Copy:  There are multiple scenarios where an ability to re-copy changes (from the source environment to the target) rather than re-copying all the content is preferable and necessary.  This function allows user's to continue working on their networked drives or in their OneDrives while the migration is performed and then at a later date, the tool can be used to identify and migrate newly created or modified content.  Incremental Copy uses a 'Last <N> Days/Weeks/Months' method to identify and migrate this content starting at the time of execution.  Click here for additional information about Incremental Copy.

Copy Permissions: This setting copies NTFS File System folder permissions when copying file system content to SharePoint libraries or when importing files from the file system using CSV Spreadsheet for metadata.

Migrate to Folder: When this option is enabled, you can create a (or use an existing) root folder structure in the destination library where your source content will be migrated. You will need to define the path like this example:

/My Source Content/2017

In the above example, the folder "My Source Content" and subfolder "2017" will be created in the root library of your destination and all source content will be migrated to this folder location.

Apply Filter - This feature allows the inclusion or exclusion of items by user defined criteria, such as date, size, file extension, file name, or file owner.
Note: the Apply Filter functionality is only applied to selected containers (i.e. site, lists or folders). If you select specific content (documents or items) then those objects will be included with the operation regardless of the filter applied. If you want to selectively include content, please select the container that this content resides in and apply the filter or apply the filter against the container first, then select the remaining content.
For the File Extension and Exclude Folders parameters only, you can use "," to set more than 1 criteria. For example, use this format "png,docx,pptx" to include multiple file extensions.
"Size" filter should have a whole number without decimals. It  is recommended that users not use the operators "Equal" and "Not Equal" to avoid difficulties with accurate file size, if the file size is greater than 1 MB.
Use the "Save Filter" option to save filter settings to a file and load them in different wizards or the Profile Manager.
apply filter 2

Re-map Users:  If the user accounts within your local file system differ from those in Office 365, this option provides the ability to map the differences so the tool can properly retain the Created/Modified By authorship information and permissions.  Please note that source file shares account are read in the following format and this should be used when creating your user mapping file. domain\user01,user01@contoso.com.  You should also add any necessary Groups to this mapping file too. domain\ADMarketingGroup,Marketing

Enable Azure Turbo Mode: When enabled, this option utilizes Microsoft's SharePoint Online Migration API to increase the migration performance and throughput. A recommendation for optimal use of this API is larger sets of data; the more content, the better the throughput. Please review the User Manual for additional information as well as recommended configuration as this process is a resource intensive operation.

Because this API uses Azure storage as a staging area for the migration, it requires that you provide an Azure storage location. The options are to either utilize Microsoft supplied storage or to provide your own Azure storage location. If you wish to use your own Azure account, you must provide both the Azure Account Name as well as the corresponding Acces Key. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding or consider using the Microsoft Supplied Storage option. For more information please see the Azure Turbo Mode section.


NOTE: this function is optional and is only used to increase the migration performance to SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business in Office 365. It does not provide any additional functionality that is not available when this option is disabled.

·Microsoft Provided Storage: This option allows you to use Microsoft provided Azure storage instead of providing your own for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode.

·User Provided Storage: This option allows you to provide your own Azure Storage instead of using one provided by Microsoft for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode. It requires that you provide both your Azure Blob Storage Account Name as well as its corresponding Access Key by clicking the "Select" button to the right. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding. Note:


NOTE: User Provided storage will give you access to Azure logs for a longer period of time than Microsoft provided storage. It will also allow you to perform the migration faster with less throttling.

Send Notification: When selected, this feature will send emails to the listed recipients once Migrations are completed. Enter a specific user email address. For two or more, separate each email address with a comma. Set up User Notifications here in order to use this feature. 

9.Click Finish to begin the migration.

Copy File Share to SharePoint Online

This option allows Local and Office 365 administrators to migrate folders (and their subfolders and files) from within multiple local files shares or network drives to one or more document libraries in a SharePoint Online Site Collection.

This operation has the following requirements for use:

·The account used to perform the migration from the File Shares needs to have at least Read permissions to every object in the source path.

·The account used to perform the migration into SharePoint Online needs to have at minimuim Designer permissions to the destination Site Collection.  Full Control or Site Collection Administrator are recommended to avoid potential permission related issues during migration.

·The person performing the migration will need to know the relationship (user mapping) between each user's local user account and their corresponding Office 365 user account.

·The destination sites and libraries must exist in SharePoint Online prior to migration.

Once the requirements above are satisified, you can proceed with your File Share to SharePoint Online migration.

1.To access the wizard, first switch to the Drives tab in the Essentials for Office 365 application.

2.Click the "Copy File Shares" drop down and then select the Copy File Shares to SharePoint option. This will open the wizard.
copy fileshare to sharepoint 0001

3.Give your project a name.
copy fileshare to sharepoint 001

4.Enter the URL for the SharePoint Site you wish to copy your File Share to. Click the Connect button. If prompted, enter the Username and Password credentials for the SharePoint site.spsadmin.
copy fileshare to sharepoint2

5.Load the Map file share to sharepoint CSV file. This option is required in order to map which folders from your local or network drives are migrated into which specific document library in your SharePoint Online site(s).  Create and load a CSV formatted to include the following 4 headers and is specific to a single target SharePoint Online root location as defined in the SharePoint Site field above.


NOTE: When connecting to a SharePoint Online Site in this step, please be aware that you may migrate content into any library within this site or any sub-site beneath it. If you want to migrate content to a different site collection, then you will need to configure a second migration.

·Source Path - This column defines the path to the root folder (including all its child content) from the local or network drive that you wish to migrate.

·Target SharePoint Site - This column defines the site or sub-site you wish to use as your destination location.  If you want to migrate to the root site as defined in the SharePoint Site URL, then simply enter a forward slash (/) in this column.  If you wish to migrate to a sub-site of the root, then enter the relative path to your sub-site starting at the root level (i.e.  /subsite1/subsite2).  Please note that each defined target site or sub-site must already exist in SharePoint Online as this process will not create this new site.  This will then result in an error during migration.

·Target SharePoint List - This column defines the document library you wish to use as your destination list.  Please enter the library's Display Name into this column.  Please note that each defined target library must already exist in SharePoint Online as this process will not create this new library.  This will then result in an error during migration.

·Target folder path - This column defines the folder that you would like to use as your destination location.  If you want to migrate to the root of the library defined in the Target SharePoint List column, then simply enter a forward slash (/) in this column.  If you wish to migrate to a sub-folder of the root, then enter the relative path to your sub-folder starting at the root level (i.e.  /folder1/folder2).


NOTE: A sample CSV file can be downloaded from here and used as an example template.  Please do not modify the first row (headers) of the CSV file, but do modify the remaining values starting in the second row to meet your needs.

6.Once you have Loaded a CSV file, the table in the wizard will be populated. Select Validate CSV to map which folders from your local or network drives are migrated into specific document libraries on your SharePoint online site.
fileshare to sharepoint

7.you must select at least one row in the table to copy over in order to be able to select Next and move forward in the wizard.

8.On the following page of the wizard, you are presented with a few choices dealing with the content that is to be uploaded.  Select the options required, as described below.

Content Options:
fileshare to sharepoint 2

Overwrite if file exists - If the content already exists in the destination location, this option determines whether the operation will overwrite this content in the destination or to skip it.

Incremental Copy - When enabled, the migration process will identify and migrate only that content which was created or modified within the defined interval (days, weeks or months).

Copy Permissions - Enable this option to include NTFS permissions with this operation.

Apply Filter - Option allows users to select from a series of filterable parameters to include or exclude specific content during migration.
Note: the Apply Filter functionality is only applied to selected containers (i.e. site, lists or folders). If you select specific content (documents or items) then those objects will be included with the operation regardless of the filter applied. If you want to selectively include content, please select the container that this content resides in and apply the filter or apply the filter against the container first, then select the remaining content.
For the File Extension and Exclude Folders parameters only, you can use "," to set more than 1 criteria. For example, use this format "png,docx,pptx" to include multiple file extensions.
"Size" filter should have a whole number without decimals. It  is recommended that users not use the operators "Equal" and "Not Equal" to avoid difficulties with accurate file size, if the file size is greater than 1 MB.
Use the "Save Filter" option to save filter settings to a file and load them in different wizards or the Profile Manager.
apply filter 2

Re-Map Users - If necessary, create and load a user mapping file to be used for both permissions and metadata.  User accounts as well as domain groups should be included in this CSV mapping file.
Custom Metadata - this option will allow users to use custom metadata, by adding custom columns to the Collect Metadata reports.

Skip files greater than - This provides the functionality to skip all files larger than the value specified.  Unit of measure is configured for MB or GB.
Advanced Options:
fileshare to sharepoint 3

Enable Azure Turbo Mode: When enabled, this option utilizes Microsoft's SharePoint Online Migration API to increase the migration performance and throughput. A recommendation for optimal use of this API is larger sets of data; the more content, the better the throughput. Please review the User Manual for additional information as well as recommended configuration as this process is a resource intensive operation.

Because this API uses Azure storage as a staging area for the migration, it requires that you provide an Azure storage location. The options are to either utilize Microsoft supplied storage or to provide your own Azure storage location. If you wish to use your own Azure account, you must provide both the Azure Account Name as well as the corresponding Acces Key. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding or consider using the Microsoft Supplied Storage option. For more information please see the Azure Turbo Mode section.


NOTE: this function is optional and is only used to increase the migration performance to SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business in Office 365. It does not provide any additional functionality that is not available when this option is disabled.

·Microsoft Provided Storage: This option allows you to use Microsoft provided Azure storage instead of providing your own for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode.

·User Provided Storage: This option allows you to provide your own Azure Storage instead of using one provided by Microsoft for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode. It requires that you provide both your Azure Blob Storage Account Name as well as its corresponding Access Key by clicking the "Select" button to the right. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding.


NOTE: User Provided storage will give you access to Azure logs for a longer period of time than Microsoft provided storage. It will also allow you to perform the migration faster with less throttling.

Send Notification: When selected, this feature will send emails to the listed recipients once Migrations are completed. Enter a specific user email address. For two or more, separate each email address with a comma. Set up User Notifications here in order to use this feature. 

8.Click Finish to begin the migration.

Copy File Share to an Office 365 Group

This option provides the ability to bulk upload networked file system content into an Office 365 Group Site's default (Documents) library.  


NOTE: Essentials will only copy to the default (Documents) library on a site. If the Documents library does not exist, the operation will fail.

This operation has the following requirements for use:

·The account used to perform the upload needs to have access and at least Read permissions from this computer to all the networked file system drives.

·The account used to perform the upload needs to be a minimum of Site Collection Administrator in this Office 365 tenant.

·The person performing the upload will need to know the relationship (mapping) between each networked file system path and the corresponding Office 365 Group Name.

·The Office 365 Group and its Site must already exist.

Once the requirements above are satisfied, you can proceed with your File Share to Office 365 Group Site migration.

1.Switch to the Drives tab and click the Copy File Share dropdown and then the "Copy File Shares to Office 365 Group" migration button.
copy fileshare to office 0001

2.Give your project a name.
copy fileshare to office001

3.Enter the URL to the SharePoint Admin Center in your Office 365 tenant.  Click the Connect button and then enter the Username and Password of your Administrator to authenticate.  The SharePoint Admin Center URL will look similar to this: https://YourTenant-admin.sharepoint.com
copy fileshare to Office2

4.In the Map File System to Groups section, load the file that maps the relationship between the networked file system drives and the corresponding Office 365 Group Name.  During upload all the content, files, and sub-folders (if configured), will be migrated from within the root of this network path and uploaded into the Office 365 Group Site's Documents library.
Click here to download an example mapping file.
copy fileshare to microsoft teams03

5.After the mapping file is loaded, click the Check for Office 365 Groups button to run a validation test.  This option is designed to validate the existence of the mapped user in Office 365 and also to check for the availability of each Office 365 Group and its Site.


NOTE: If the Group does not exist on the target it will be created using the migration administrator as the owner.

copy fileshare to microsoft teams004

The following results can be displayed in the "Group Site Exists" column:

·Yes - The Group has been found in this Office 365 Tenant and this Group's Site has already been provisioned.

·No - The Group has been found in this Office 365 Tenant, but this Group's Site has not yet been provisioned.

·Invalid Group - The Group was not found in this Office 365 Tenant and therefore cannot be included with this operation as currently mapped.

After the validation process, select from the all the valid mappings from the list to include in this operation and click Next to continue.

6.If required, modify your Content Option settings as described below.
copy fileshare to Office3

Include sub-folders - When enabled, this option will include the root folder and all sub-folders in the defined source path.  When disabled, only the root folder will be included in the migration.

Overwrite if file exists - If the content already exists in the destination location, this option determines whether the operation will overwrite this content in the destination or to skip it.

Incremental Copy - When enabled, the migration process will identify and migrate only that content which was created or modified within the defined interval (days, weeks or months).

Remove Folder Structure - Enable this option to exclude all source folder structure.  All folder content will be migrated into the destination location without their parent folders.

Migrate to Folder - When this option is enabled, you can create a (or use an existing) root folder structure in the destination library where your source content will be migrated. You will need to define the path like this example:

/My Source Content/2017

In the above example, the folder "My Source Content" and subfolder "2017" will be created in the root library of your destination and all source content will be migrated to this folder location.

Apply Filter - Optionally, select from a series of filterable parameters to include or exclude specific content during migration.
Note: the Apply Filter functionality is only applied to selected containers (i.e. site, lists or folders). If you select specific content (documents or items) then those objects will be included with the operation regardless of the filter applied. If you want to selectively include content, please select the container that this content resides in and apply the filter or apply the filter against the container first, then select the remaining content.
For the File Extension and Exclude Folders parameters only, you can use "," to set more than 1 criteria. For example, use this format "png,docx,pptx" to include multiple file extensions.
"Size" filter should have a whole number without decimals. It  is recommended that users not use the operators "Equal" and "Not Equal" to avoid difficulties with accurate file size, if the file size is greater than 1 MB.
Use the "Save Filter" option to save filter settings to a file and load them in different wizards or the Profile Manager.
apply filter 2

Re-Map Users - If necessary, create and load a user mapping file to be used for both permissions and metadata.  User accounts as well as domain groups should be included in this CSV mapping file.

Enable Azure Turbo Mode: When enabled, this option utilizes Microsoft's SharePoint Online Migration API to increase the migration performance and throughput. A recommendation for optimal use of this API is larger sets of data; the more content, the better the throughput. Please review the User Manual for additional information as well as recommended configuration as this process is a resource intensive operation.

Because this API uses Azure storage as a staging area for the migration, it requires that you provide an Azure storage location. The options are to either utilize Microsoft supplied storage or to provide your own Azure storage location. If you wish to use your own Azure account, you must provide both the Azure Account Name as well as the corresponding Acces Key. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding or consider using the Microsoft Supplied Storage option. For more information please see the Azure Turbo Mode section.


NOTE: this function is optional and is only used to increase the migration performance to SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business in Office 365. It does not provide any additional functionality that is not available when this option is disabled.

·Microsoft Provided Storage: This option allows you to use Microsoft provided Azure storage instead of providing your own for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode.

·User Provided Storage: This option allows you to provide your own Azure Storage instead of using one provided by Microsoft for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode. It requires that you provide both your Azure Blob Storage Account Name as well as its corresponding Access Key by clicking the "Select" button to the right. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Support for additional information before proceeding.


NOTE: User Provided storage will give you access to Azure logs for a longer period of time than Microsoft provided storage. It will also allow you to perform the migration faster with less throttling.

Send Notification: When selected, this feature will send emails to the listed recipients once Migrations are completed. Enter a specific user email address. For two or more, separate each email address with a comma. Set up User Notifications here in order to use this feature. 

7.Click Finish to begin the migration.


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