Welcome to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows). The help topics in this book cover features available in the interface when Spotlight is connected to a version 9 database.
Spotlight is a powerful database monitoring and diagnostic tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the DB2 databases and database partitions that you choose to monitor. Graphical flows and line and fill graphs illustrate the activity on and between database components. Icons display the value of key statistics. Using the Spotlight browser, you can switch your monitoring focus between the various databases and partitions. Additionally, you can view activity at the DB2 instance level for any of these systems.
The power of Spotlight lies in its ability to provide visual and audible warnings if the performance metrics exceed acceptable thresholds. The components and dataflows on the home page change color to show you the source of the problem.
A range of reports and graphs provide you with detailed information about a DB2 database, database partition, or the instance to which the database belongs. This information can be viewed on the screen or be printed.
You can set Spotlight options to warn you when a threshold is reached. You can define a number of thresholds so that warning messages are displayed well before the traffic levels into or out of databases become critical.
Spotlight uses a number of different techniques to warn you when your DB2 instance or a database is exceeding a threshold. For example, to issue a warning, you can configure Spotlight to change a color on the home page or drilldown, provide an audible signal, or perform an action, such as send an email message.
The Diagnostic Log drilldown captures diagnostic log, event, and notification messages (also called records) generated for the current database or for databases within the current DB2 instance. Because a database can generate a large volume of records, you can define filters that limit the number of records that Spotlight retrieves. Once Spotlight retrieves the records, you can manage the scope of the record list by defining filters on column values.
The Diagnostic Log drilldown is based on the PD_GET_DIAG_HIST table function.
Click one of these links for more information about this drilldown:
Open the Diagnostic Log drilldown
Use the Diagnostic Log drilldown
Limit the number of records retrieved
Filter the information displayed on the drilldown
Diagnostic information available on the drilldown
To open the Diagnostic Log drilldown
On the home page for the selected DB2 database or on the home page for the DB2 instance, click in the Spotlight toolbar.
The steps below outline the basic workflow involved in using the Diagnostic Log drilldown.
To use the Diagnostic Log drilldown
On the Diagnostic Log tab of the drilldown, define predicates that limit the number of records that Spotlight retrieves.
Once Spotlight retrieves the records and displays them in the lower pane of the Diagnostic Log tab, use the Criteria tab to refine the list of records by defining filters based on column values.
On the Diagnostic Log tab, browse details about the diagnostic records captured on the drilldown. For a description of the information shown for each record, see Diagnostic Log information available on the drilldown.
Databases can generate a high volume of diagnostic records at a given time. To limit the number of diagnostic records that the PD_GET_DIAG_HIST table function retrieves, use the procedure below to define predicates for the function. These predicates control the type of diagnostic information retrieved and help limit the amount of time required for retrieval.
To define predicates
In the Diagnostic Log Fetching Predicates pane on the Diagnostics Log tab, complete the one or more of the following fields to define predicates that filter the diagnostic records:
Facility |
Select the option that determines the general record grouping to retrieve:
Event types |
Select one or both types of event records to retrieve:
Diagnostic types |
Select one or both types of diagnostic records to retrieve:
Minimum impact |
To retrieve records containing messages that have a degree of impact on the user, specify the minimum level of this impact. For example, select POTENTIAL to retrieve records that contain messages of POTENTIAL, IMMEDIATE, or CRITICAL value. Select NONE to retrieve all records. |
From, To |
Select the To or From fields or both to specify a finite range of time in which to capture log information. Then enter the time range in which to capture log information. All records generated after the To timestamp and before the From timestamp are captured. To change the date or time, use the arrows to move the times backward or forward; or select and type over any element in the date or time entry. |
Click Fetch to retrieve the records and display them in lower pane of the Diagnostic Log tab.
Once Spotlight retrieves the records, you can filter the list of records as needed.
To filter the list of diagnostic records
On the Criteria tab, define the filters based on the column values of the retrieved rows.
Return to the Diagnostic Log tab, and click Fetch. The list of records is refreshed, based on the current Criteria tab filters.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define or remove filters to continue to adjust the record display, depending on the information you want to browse.
The following information can display for each record on the Diagnostic Log drilldown. For a complete description of the record information, refer to the IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows documentation describing the PD_GET_DIAG_HIST table function.
Initially, by default, the drilldown shows a subset of all columns. available for this drilldown However, you can right-click in the column header area to perform a variety of column-customization activities. For example, you can display hidden columns and hide currently displayed columns as needed. Additionally, you can reorganize the displayed columns. For more information, see the Organize Columns topic.
Column |
Description |
TimeStamp |
The time that the diagnostic message was generated. |
DBName |
The database for which the diagnostic message was generated. |
Facility |
The general group of records from which Spotlight retrieved the diagnostic message:
Type |
The type of record:
Partition |
The number of the partition on which the record was generated. |
Level |
The severity level of message: C -Critical E - Error I - Information S - Severe W - Warning |
Impact |
From the user's point of view, the degree to which the condition denoted by the message affects the DB2 business process. |
The ID of the engine dispatched unit that generated the message. |
EDU Name |
The name of the engine dispatched unit that generated the message. |
ID of the operating system process that generated the message. |
Process Name |
The name of the operating system process that generated the message. |
Thread ID |
The ID of the thread that generated the message. |
Appl Name |
The name of the application that connected to the database. |
Appl ID |
The ID of the application that connected to the database. |
Appl Handle |
The agent ID assigned to the application that connected to the database. |
Auth ID |
The system authorization ID for the process. |
Product |
The name of the product that generated the record. |
Component |
The name of the component that generated the record. |
Function |
The name of the function that generated the record. |
Probe |
The number of the probe point at which the function generated the message. |
Called Prod |
The name of the product that is the error source (if the error source is not the product the generated the message). |
Called Comp |
The name of the component that is the error source (if the error source is not the component that the generated the message). |
Called Func |
The name of the function that is the error source (if the error source is not the function that the generated the message). |
OS Error |
The number identifying the operation system error. |
Ret Code |
The code returned by the product. |
Msg Num |
The number identifying the message. |
Msg Type |
The type of message associated with the message number. |
Message |
An abbreviated version of the message text. |
Obj Type |
The type of object to which the event applies. |
Obj Name |
The name of the object to which the event applies. |
Obj Qual |
Qualifying information for the object to which the event applies. |
Event Type |
The action associated with the event that caused the message. |
Event Desc |
An abbreviated list of the key fields associated with the event. |
1st Event Qual Type |
The type of the event's first qualifier. (A qualifier helps to describe what the event affects.) If Facility is OPSTATS , this value must be AT. |
1st Event Qual |
The event's first qualifier. |
2nd Event Qual Type |
The type of the event's second qualifier. (A qualifier helps to describe what the event affects.) If Facility is OPSTATS , this value must be BY. |
2nd Event Qual |
The event's second qualifier. |
3rd Event Qual Type |
The type of the event's second qualifier. (A qualifier helps to describe what the event affects.) If Facility is OPSTATS , this value must be DUE TO. |
3rd Event Qual |
The event's third qualifier. |
Event State |
The result of the event on the object or action. A percentage value shows the progress that the effect of the event has had on the object or action. |
Event Attr |
One or more attributes relating to the event. |
Event Stack |
The event stack that was current when the message was added to the log. |
Call Stack |
The operating system stack dump that was current when the thread generated the message. |
Dump File |
The full path and file name of the secondary dump file connected to the logged record. |
As you view drilldowns, you can filter them based on criteria specified in the Criteria tab. This is available for the following drilldowns: Database Analysis, Tablespace Analysis, Buffer Pool Analysis, Client Application Analysis, and Diagnostic Log.
Filtering lets you narrow the scope of the list shown in a drilldown. You can use it to focus on objects with a certain level of activity, certain attributes, or a certain current state. For example, you might filter a drilldown to see databases with the greatest I/O, tablespaces with the most direct writes, buffer pools with the lowest hit ratio, or applications that are currently connected.
Criteria for a drilldown can include multiple filters. The more filters you create, the narrower the scope of the drilldown list. Only items that meet filter criteria are shown. All others are filtered out. If no objects meet filter criteria, "No Data" is shown in the drilldown.
Filtering applies to the current database and current session. It is not saved when the session ends.
Note: When filtering is in use, an asterisk is shown beside the name of a drilldown's list tab. For example, when filtering is in use for the Tablespace Analysis drilldown, Tablespaces* is shown at the top of the Tablespaces tab.
Follow the procedure below to specify filter criteria. Before you create or modify filters, review the columns shown in the drilldown. The columns you can select for a filter are the ones currently displayed. If you want to filter on columns that are not currently displayed, select those columns in the Column Organizer. To open this window, right click any column header and select Organize Columns... from the right-click menu.
Note: The first filter you create determines which values are shown in the Value list box for the next filter. For example, if your first filter specifies "Content = Large" and you select the Extent Size column for the next filter, the Value list box shows extent sizes for tablespaces with the Large content type. If you want to use an extent size that is not listed, enter it in the Value list box.
To specify filter criteria
Click the Criteria tab for a drilldown.
If you plan to use multiple filters in criteria, select an option from the Result Set will include list box as follows:
Any |
Select this option if the result set should include items that meet criteria for one or more filters. Items are included even if they do not meet criteria for all filters. |
All |
Select this option if the result set should include items that meet criteria for all filters. Items are included only if they meet criteria for all filters. |
Specify criteria for a filter as follows:
a. |
Column |
From this list box, select a column for the filter. Objects are checked against values in this column. The list includes all columns currently displayed in the drilldown. |
b. |
Operator |
From this list box, select a comparison operator for column values. The choices are = (equal to), <> (less than and greater than), > (greater than), and < (less than). Use the = (equal to)operator for a column that shows an attribute such as status, name, or ID. |
c . |
Value |
From this list box, select the column value for the filter. In most cases, the values shown are for entire objects. Values for partitions are not listed. If a value for an entire object is not shown, you can enter it manually. Objects are checked to see if their values are equal to, less than and/or greater than this value (depending on the operator selected). |
Click Add to add the filter to the Active Filters list.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each filter you want to create.
To remove a filter from the Active Filters list, select it in the list, then click Remove. To remove all filters from the list, click Remove All.
Tip: To change the value for an active filter, remove the filter from the Active Filters list. Then create a new filter with the same column but a different value.
When you finish specifying filter criteria, click the information tab for a drilldown. The tab lists objects that meet filter criteria.
Welcome to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows). The help topics in this book cover features available in the interface when Spotlight is connected to a version 9 database.
Spotlight is a powerful database monitoring and diagnostic tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the DB2 databases and database partitions that you choose to monitor. Graphical flows and line and fill graphs illustrate the activity on and between database components. Icons display the value of key statistics. Using the Spotlight browser, you can switch your monitoring focus between the various databases and partitions. Additionally, you can view activity at the DB2 instance level for any of these systems.
The power of Spotlight lies in its ability to provide visual and audible warnings if the performance metrics exceed acceptable thresholds. The components and dataflows on the home page change color to show you the source of the problem.
A range of reports and graphs provide you with detailed information about a DB2 database, database partition, or the instance to which the database belongs. This information can be viewed on the screen or be printed.
You can set Spotlight options to warn you when a threshold is reached. You can define a number of thresholds so that warning messages are displayed well before the traffic levels into or out of databases become critical.
Spotlight uses a number of different techniques to warn you when your DB2 instance or a database is exceeding a threshold. For example, to issue a warning, you can configure Spotlight to change a color on the home page or drilldown, provide an audible signal, or perform an action, such as send an email message.
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