
Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - Release Notes

Database Statistics

The following table lists all of the statistics available on the Statistics tab of the Databases drilldown. Clicking on an item in this list displays a short definition of the statistic. For a more complete discussion, refer to your IBM documentation.

Agents Stolen

Catalog Cache Overflows

Log Reads

Binds/Precompiles Attempted

Connect Count

Log Writes

Buffer Pool Async Data Reads

Database Files Closed

Package Cache Inserts

Buffer Pool Async Data Writes

Direct Read Requests

Package Cache Lookups

Buffer Pool Async Index Reads

Direct Reads from Database

Rows Deleted

Buffer Pool Async Index Writes

Direct Write Requests

Rows Inserted

Buffer Pool Async Read Requests

Direct Writes to Database

Rows Read

Buffer Pool Data Logical Reads

Hash Join Loops

Rows Selected

Buffer Pool Data Pages from Extended Storage

Hash Join Overflows

Rows Updated

Buffer Pool Data Pages to Extended Storage

Hash Join Small Overflows

Section Inserts

Buffer Pool Data Physical Reads

Hash Joins

Section Lookups

Buffer Pool Data Writes

Internal Automatic Rebinds

Sort Overflows

Buffer Pool Index Logical Reads

Internal Commits

Sorts, Totals

Buffer Pool Index Pages from Extended Storage

Internal Rollbacks

SQL Commit Statements Attempted

Buffer Pool Index Pages to Extended Storage

Internal Rollbacks Due to Deadlocks

SQL DDL Statements

Buffer Pool Index Physical Reads

Internal Rows Deleted

SQL Dynamic Statements Attempted

Buffer Pool Index Writes

Internal Rows Inserted

SQL Failed Statement Operations

Buffer Pool Log Space Cleaners Triggered

Internal Rows Updated

SQL Rollback Statements Attempted

Buffer Pool Threshold Cleaners triggered

Lock Deadlocks Detected

SQL Select Statements Executed

Buffer Pool Victim Page Cleaners Triggered

Lock Escalations

SQL Static Statements Executed

Catalog Cache Heap Full

Lock Escalations, Exclusive

SQL Updates, Inserts, Deletes Executed

Catalog Cache Inserts

Lock Timeouts

Unread Prefetch Pages

Catalog Cache Lookups

Lock Waits



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