Execute SQL
To execute SQL
- Use one of the following methods to execute SQL:
- To execute all statements, in order, one at a time, click or press F5.
- To execute the current statement, click or press F9.
To execute the code within a code Region
- To execute a single code region, right-click within the region and select Select Current Region. Then press F5. Set Code Regions about Regions.
Retrieving Data
After retrieving 2500 rows, Toad saves data to disk by creating a TMP (.tmp) file. This allows Toad to retrieve as many rows as your disk's free space can accommodate. These TMP files are deleted when Toad closes.
When executing a query, if there is not sufficient free space, Toad displays an informative message and terminates execution.
- You can execute SQL against multiple connections simultaneously. Group Execution of Scripts
- You can view the progress of statements executing in the background in a progress bar located in the status bar. Click the progress bar to open the Background Processes window to cancel execution. Stop Background Processes
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About Editing SQL