
Foglight Evolve 7.1.0 - Upgrade Guide

Understand product versions Best practices Upgrade the Foglight Management Server Upgrade the Foglight Agent Manager Upgrade the Database cartridges Upgrading the Infrastructure Management cartridges Upgrade the Integration cartridges Upgrade the cartridges in a federated or High Availability (HA) environment Appendix: Deploying an agent package using the browser interface

Upgrade Foglight for Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp

The latest version of Foglight for Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp is 7.1.0.

Foglight for Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp 7.1.0 requires Management Server version 7.1.0 or Foglight Evolve 7.1.0.

Foglight for VMware version 7.1.0 (which includes the vUsage-Feedback-7_1_0.car, DRP-7_1_0.car, Virtual-VMware-7_1_0.car, and Virtual-VMware-Admin-7_1_0.car cartridge files)
NOTE: After installing the Virtual-VMware-7_1_0.car cartridge, existing vCenter agents (VC agents) must be updated using the Update Agent button in the VMware Environment > Administration tab.

Upgrade Foglight for Container Management

The latest version of Foglight for Container Management is 7.1.0.

Foglight for Container Management 7.1.0 requires Management Server version 7.1.0 or Foglight Evolve 7.1.0.


If you are using Foglight for Container Management on Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition with a version prior to 2.0.0, ensure to upgrade Foglight for Container Management to version 2.0.0 or later before upgrading.
On the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, install and enable the following cartridge files. Do not remove the older version of these cartridges. Install version 7.1.0 over the older version. The sequence of cartridge installation is important because of their dependencies:


On the Foglight for Container Management Administration Dashboard, locate the agent you want to migrate.
Click the Migrate icon to launch the Migrate wizard. There are two ways to migrate the Heapster metrics collector to Prometheus metrics collector.
If you already have Prometheus in your cluster, choose Yes I have. Enter the namespace and name for the Prometheus server service.
If you don't have Prometheus in your cluster yet, choose No I haven't. You can deploy a Prometheus server service to your cluster by using the template we provided.

For detailed information, refer to Administration section in Foglight for Container Management User and Administration Guide.

Upgrade Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager

The latest version of Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager is 7.1.0.

Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager 7.1.0 requires Management Server version 7.1.0 or Foglight Evolve 7.1.0.

On the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, install and enable the following cartridge files. Do not remove the older version of these cartridges. Install version 7.1.0 over the older version. The sequence of cartridge installation is important because of their dependencies:

Upgrade Foglight Capacity Director

The latest version of Foglight Capacity Director is 7.1.0.

Foglight Capacity Director 7.1.0 requires Management Server version v or Foglight Evolve v. It also requires Foglight for VMware version v (or later) and Foglight for Hyper-V version 7.1.0(or later).

Foglight for VMware version 7.1.0 (which includes the vUsage-Feedback-7_1_0.car, DRP-7_1_0.car, Virtual-VMware-7_1_0.car, and Virtual-VMware-Admin-7_1_0.car cartridge files)
Foglight Change Analyzer version 7.1.0 (which includes the CommonAnalytics-7_1_0.car and ChangeAnalyzer-7_1_0.car cartridge files)
Foglight for Hyper-V version v (which includes the vUsage-Feedback-7_1_0.car, DRP-7_1_0.car, Virtual-HyperV-Admin-7_1_0.car, and Virtual-HyperV-7_1_0.car cartridge files)
Foglight Capacity Director version 7.1.0 (which includes the Capacity-Director-7_1_0.car cartridge file)

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