4 |
Enable the federation mode by setting the server.federation variable to TRUE, in the Federation Master’s server.config file. |
7 |
In the server.config file of each Federated Child, identify the port number allocated for communicating with the Federation Master (that is, identify the server.federation.port property). |
• |
Federated Child 1: server.federation.port = "1099"; |
• |
Federated Child 2: server.federation.port = "1099"; |
• |
Federated Child 3: server.federation.port = "1099"; |
8 |
Add the port number of each Federated Child in the federation to the federation.config file of the Federation Master. |
9 |
In the federation.config file, edit the topology auto refresh period, if required. The default provided is 300 seconds (5 minutes): |
If you are about to upgrade the Management Server to 5.9.1 from any version of 5.7.5.x, refer to Table 2: Federation configuration changes for the detailed configuration changes about Federation environment.
NOTE: Configuration of SecurityToken through the federation.config file (adopted in Foglight and before) has been removed in Foglight 5.9.1. Therefore, configuring an SSL for Federation is required when you upgrade the Federation environment to version 5.9.1, if your Federation environment configures SecurityToken before.
NOTE: By default, federation SSL is not configured on federation environment, so that operations that require authentication (such as clearing alarms on Federation Master) will not allowed. Other operations (such as topology synchronization, observation fetching and alarm fetching which are the main operations for federation) still work properly on a normal socket. If federation SSL is configured on federation environment, all operations will work on an SSL. |
1 |
Open the Foglight JMX Console on the Federation Master. Click service=FederationConfig under the com.quest.nitro.fed service. |
2 |
Open the federation.config file on the Federation Master and locate the following lines: |
4 |
Save the federation.config file. |
5 |
Copy the federation-child.keystore file of Federation Master to the <Foglight HOME>/config directory on the Federation Child. |
6 |
Open the server.config file on Federation Child and locate the following lines: |
8 |
Save the server.config file. |
The following is an example of a topology object query that limits the objects pulled by the server:
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